
This commit is contained in:
gfdgd xi 2022-05-15 21:54:04 +08:00
parent c9a3db2f37
commit d68f42c368
6 changed files with 212 additions and 23 deletions

api-test.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import api
xxx = api.APK()

api/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# API 介绍
# 必知
1. 此 API 只支持可以运行 UEngine 的 Linux 上Windows 上无法使用
2. 部分函数需要 root 权限
3. 这是 UEngine 运行器的函数重构,所以一些 UEngine 运行器上没有的 bug 可能在这个 API 里有
## ProgramInformation
| 变量名 | 变量介绍 |
| programPath | 获取程序所在路径 |
| version | API 版本 |
| updateTime | 更新时间 |
| websize | 程序官网 |
## Check
用于检查 API 所需的东西是否完整,详细如下:
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| CheckDepend() | 检查 API 所需的依赖是否完整 |
用于检查 ROOT 方面问题,详细如下:
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| GetRoot() | 检查程序/API是否以 ROOT 权限运行 |
## APK
import api
xxx = api.APK("APK 所在路径")
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| xxx.install() | 安装这个 APK 包 |
| xxx.uninstall()| 卸载这个 APK 包 |
| xxx.information()| 获取从 aapt 获取到的 APK 信息 |
| xxx.activityName() | 获取 APK 的 Activity 信息 |
| xxx.packageName() | 获取 APK 包名 |
| xxx.chineseLabel() | 获取 APK 中文名称 |
| xxx.saveApkIcon("图标保存路径") | 保存 APK 的图标到指定路径 |
| xxx.version() | 获取 APK 版本号 |
## UEngine
用于对 UEngine 进行一点点操控,详细如下:
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| CPUCheck() | 检查 CPU 是否支持运行 UEngine |
| Services | 用于操控 UEngine 服务的类,见下 |
| InternetBridge | 用于操控 UEngine 网络桥接的类,见下 |
### Services
关于 UEngine 的服务控制:
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| Services.Open() | 打开 UEngine 服务 |
| Services.Close() | 关闭 UEngine 服务 |
| Services.Restart() | 重启 UEngine 服务 |
### InternetBridge
关于 UEngine 的网络桥接控制:
| 函数名 | 函数介绍 |
| InternetBridge.Open() | 打开 UEngine 网络桥接 |
| InternetBridge.Close() | 关闭 UEngine 网络桥接 |
| InternetBridge.Restart() | 重启 UEngine 网络桥接 |
| InternetBridge.Reload() | 重新加载 UEngine 网络桥接 |
| InternetBridge.ForceReload() | 强制加载 UEngine 网络桥接 |

api/__init__.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import os
import shutil
import zipfile
import traceback
import subprocess
from getxmlimg import getsavexml
class ProgramInformation:
programPath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # 返回 string
version = "1.6.0Alpha1"
updateTime = "2022年05月15日"
websize = ["https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/uengine-runner", "https://github.com/gfdgd-xi/uengine-runner"]
# 判断程序以正确方式运行
class Check:
def CheckDepend():
depend = ["/usr/bin/uengine", "UEngine", "/usr/bin/adb", "adb", "/usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper", "UEngine", "/usr/bin/aapt", "aapt"]
for i in range(0, len(depend), 2):
if not os.path.exists(depend[i]):
print("依赖{}不存在".format(depend[i + 1]))
class ROOT:
def GetRoot():
return os.geteuid() == 0
class APK:
def __init__(self, apkPath):
self.apkPath = apkPath
def install(self):
os.system("pkexec /usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper -- uengine install --apk='{}'".format(self.apkPath))
def uninstall(self):
os.system("pkexec /usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper -- uengine uninstall --pkg='{}'".format(self.apkPath))
def information(self):
return subprocess.getoutput("aapt dump badging '{}'".format(self.apkPath))
def activityName(self):
info = self.information()
for line in info.split('\n'):
if "launchable-activity" in line:
line = line[0: line.index("label='")]
line = line.replace("launchable-activity: ", "")
line = line.replace("'", "")
line = line.replace(" ", "")
line = line.replace("name=", "")
line = line.replace("label=", "")
line = line.replace("icon=", "")
return line
# 获取 apk 包名
def packageName(self):
info = self.information()
for line in info.split('\n'):
if "package:" in line:
line = line[0: line.index("versionCode='")]
line = line.replace("package:", "")
line = line.replace("name=", "")
line = line.replace("'", "")
line = line.replace(" ", "")
return line
# 获取软件的中文名称
def chineseLabel(self) -> "获取软件的中文名称":
info = self.information()
for line in info.split('\n'):
if "application-label:" in line:
line = line.replace("application-label:", "")
line = line.replace("'", "")
return line
# 保存apk图标
def saveApkIcon(self, iconSavePath) -> "保存 apk 文件的图标":
if os.path.exists(iconSavePath):
info = self.information()
for line in info.split('\n'):
if "application:" in line:
xmlpath = line.split(":")[-1].split()[-1].split("=")[-1].replace("'", "")
if xmlpath.endswith('.xml'):
xmlsave = getsavexml()
xmlsave.savexml(self.apkPath, xmlpath, iconSavePath)
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.apkPath)
iconData = zip.read(xmlpath)
with open(iconSavePath, 'w+b') as saveIconFile:
print("None Icon! Show defult icon")
shutil.copy(ProgramInformation.programPath + "/defult.png", iconSavePath)
print("Error, show defult icon")
shutil.copy(ProgramInformation.programPath + "/defult.png", iconSavePath)
def version(self):
info = self.information()
for line in info.split('\n'):
if "package:" in line:
if "compileSdkVersion='" in line:
line = line.replace(line[line.index("compileSdkVersion='"): -1], "")
if "platform" in line:
line = line.replace(line[line.index("platform"): -1], "")
line = line.replace(line[0: line.index("versionName='")], "")
line = line.replace("versionName='", "")
line = line.replace("'", "")
line = line.replace(" ", "")
return line
class UEngine:
def CPUCheck():
return subprocess.getoutput("uengine check-features")
class Services:
def Open():
os.system("pkexec systemctl enable uengine-container uengine-session && systemctl start uengine-container uengine-session")
def Close():
os.system("pkexec systemctl disable uengine-container uengine-session")
def Restart():
os.system("pkexec systemctl restart uengine*")
class InternetBridge:
def Open():
os.system("pkexec uengine-bridge.sh start")
def Close():
os.system("pkexec uengine-bridge.sh stop")
def Restart():
os.system("pkexec uengine-bridge.sh restart")
def Reload():
os.system("pkexec uengine-bridge.sh reload")
def ForceReload():
os.system("pkexec uengine-bridge.sh force-reload")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("本 API 不支持直接运行,请通过引入的方式使用此 API")
apki = APK("/home/gfdgd_xi/下载/com.mihoyo.cloudgames.ys_1.0.0_liqucn.com.apk")
if not ROOT.GetRoot():
print("请获取 ROOT 权限以便更好的使用该 API")

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
import os
import subprocess
import getxmlimg
# 判断程序以正确方式运行
class ROOT:
def GetRoot():
return os.geteuid() == 0
class APK:
def __init__(self, apkPath):
self.apkPath = apkPath
def install(self):
os.system("pkexec /usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper -- uengine install --apk='{}'".format(self.apkPath))
def information(self):
return subprocess.getoutput("aapt dump badging '{}'".format(self.apkPath))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("本 API 不支持直接运行,请通过引入的方式使用此 API")
if not ROOT.GetRoot():
print("请获取 ROOT 权限以便更好的使用该 API")