diff --git a/information.json b/information.json
index b6ce66f..d7896b4 100755
--- a/information.json
+++ b/information.json
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
"Contribute": [
+ "感谢 Bail 为此程序做出的许多贡献;",
"感谢 Bail、shenmo、Allen 反馈的图标无法正常拷贝的问题;",
"感谢 Bail Pr 修复Python主版本号判断时潜在的问题的补丁;",
"感谢 麻木法师(1312580754) 在星火应用商店QQ交流群展示的接口及其原理;",
diff --git a/uengine-apk-builder b/uengine-apk-builder
index a543fca..e867fa2 100755
--- a/uengine-apk-builder
+++ b/uengine-apk-builder
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Maintainer: {}
Depends: deepin-elf-verify, uengine (>= 1.0.1)
Section: utils
Priority: optional
-Description: {}\n'''.format(apkPackageNameNew, apkPackageVersion, apkChineseLabel, apkChineseLabel)
+Description: {}, Build By UEngine Runner Packager\n'''.format(apkPackageNameNew, apkPackageVersion, apkChineseLabel, apkChineseLabel)
debPostinst = '''#!/bin/sh
@@ -426,7 +426,8 @@ if not lang in langFile.keys():
lang = "en_US.UTF-8"
information = json.loads(readtxt(programPath + "/information.json"))
version = information["Version"]
-title = "{} {}".format(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["Title"], version)
+#title = "{} {}".format(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["Title"], version)
+title = f"UEngine 运行器应用打包器(高级) {version}"
iconPath = "{}/builer.svg".format(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0])
diff --git a/uengine-apk-builder-more b/uengine-apk-builder-more
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c26e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uengine-apk-builder-more
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# 使用系统默认的 python3 运行
+# 作者:gfdgd xi
+# 版本:1.8.1
+# 更新时间:2022年08月01日
+# 感谢:anbox、deepin 和 统信
+# 基于 Python3 的 PyQt5 构建
+# 引入所需的库
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+import shutil
+import random
+import zipfile
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+import updatekiller
+import PyQt5.QtGui as QtGui
+import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
+import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
+from getxmlimg import getsavexml
+def FindApk():
+ path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(widget, "选择 APK", json.loads(readtxt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json"))["path"], "APK 可执行文件(*.apk);;所有文件(*.*)")
+ print(path)
+ if path[0] != "" and path[1] != "":
+ try:
+ combobox1.setEditText(path[0])
+ write_txt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json", json.dumps({"path": os.path.dirname(path[0])})) # 写入配置文件
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(widget, "错误", traceback.format_exc())
+def FindIcon():
+ path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(widget, "选择 APK", json.loads(readtxt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json"))["path"], "png 文件(*.png);;svg 文件(*.svg);;所有文件(*.*)")
+ if path[0] != "" and path[1] != "":
+ try:
+ iconText.setText(path[0])
+ #write_txt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json", json.dumps({"path": os.path.dirname(path[0])})) # 写入配置文件
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(widget, "错误", traceback.format_exc())
+class QT:
+ run = None
+def BuildDeb():
+ if combobox1.currentText() == "":
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, "提示", "信息没有填写完整,无法继续打包 APK")
+ return
+ for i in textList:
+ if i.text() == "":
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, "提示", "信息没有填写完整,无法继续打包 APK")
+ return
+ # 包名小写
+ packageText.setText(packageText.text().lower())
+ if not os.path.exists(combobox1.currentText()) or not os.path.exists(iconPath):
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, "提示", "信息填写错误,无法继续打包 APK")
+ return
+ DisabledAndEnbled(True)
+ QT.run = BuildApkDeb(combobox1.currentText())
+ QT.run.signal.connect(TextboxAddText1)
+ QT.run.labelChange.connect(ChangeItems)
+ QT.run.tips.connect(TipsMessagebox)
+ QT.run.start()
+class BuildApkDeb(QtCore.QThread):
+ signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
+ labelChange = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
+ tips = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
+ def __init__(self, apkPath) -> None:
+ self.apkPath = apkPath
+ super().__init__()
+ def RunCommandShow(self, command):
+ if command.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") == "":
+ return
+ self.signal.emit("$> {}".format(command))
+ res = subprocess.Popen([command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ # 实时读取程序返回
+ while res.poll() is None:
+ try:
+ texts = res.stdout.readline().decode("utf8")
+ except:
+ texts = ""
+ print(texts, end="")
+ self.signal.emit(texts)
+ # 已废弃
+ # TextboxAddText1(GetCommandReturn(command))
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ apkPath = self.apkPath
+ tempPath = "/tmp/uengine-apk-builder-{}".format(int(random.randint(0, 1024)))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '======================================New===================================='")
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '创建目录'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("mkdir -pv '{}/DEBIAN'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("mkdir -pv '{}/usr/share/applications'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("mkdir -pv '{}/usr/share/uengine/apk'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("mkdir -pv '{}/usr/share/uengine/icons'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '写入文件,因为写入过程过于复杂,不显示写入命令……'")
+ apkPackageName = GetApkPackageName(apkPath, False)
+ apkPackageNameNew = packageText.text()
+ # 高级打包器直接忽略此勾选
+ #if check.isChecked():
+ # apkPackageNameNew = GetApkPackageName(apkPath, True).lower().replace("_", "-")
+ #else:
+ # apkPackageNameNew = GetApkPackageName(apkPath, False).lower().replace("_", "-")
+ apkPackageVersion = GetApkVersion(apkPath)
+ if apkPackageVersion[0].upper() == "V":
+ package = list(apkPackageVersion)
+ package.pop(0)
+ apkPackageVersion = "".join(package)
+ apkChineseLabel = GetApkChineseLabel(apkPath)
+ apkActivityName = GetApkActivityName(apkPath)
+ if sizes.isChecked() and os.path.exists(f"/usr/share/uengine/appetc/{apkPackageName}.txt"):
+ os.makedirs(f"{tempPath}/usr/share/uengine/appetc")
+ shutil.copy(f"/usr/share/uengine/appetc/{apkPackageName}.txt", f"{tempPath}/usr/share/uengine/appetc/{apkPackageName}.txt")
+ iconSavePath = "{}/usr/share/uengine/icons/{}.png".format(tempPath, apkPackageNameNew)
+ debControl = f'''Package: {apkPackageNameNew}
+Version: {versionText.text()}
+Architecture: all
+Maintainer: {makerText.text()}
+Depends: deepin-elf-verify, uengine (>= 1.0.1)
+Section: utils
+Priority: optional
+Description: {comText.text()}\n'''
+ debPostinst = '''#!/bin/sh
+if [ -f $APK_PATH ]; then
+ echo "Installing $APK_NAME"
+ echo "ERROR: $APK_NAME does not exist."
+ exit 0
+session_manager=`ps -ef | grep "uengine session-manager" | grep -v grep`
+if test -z "$session_manager"; then
+ echo "ERROR: app install failed(session-manager is not running)."
+ sess_dir="/usr/share/uengine/session_install"
+ if [ ! -d $sess_dir ]; then
+ mkdir $sess_dir
+ chmod 777 $sess_dir
+ fi
+ apk_name=${{APK_PATH##*/}}
+ fileName="$sess_dir/$apk_name"
+ echo $DESKTOP_FILE > $fileName
+ abistr=""
+ if test -n "$abistr"; then
+ abi=`echo $abistr |awk -F \= '{{print $2}}'`
+ echo $abi >> $fileName
+ fi
+ chmod 766 $fileName
+/usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper -- uengine install --apk="$APK_PATH"
+exit 0'''.format(apkPackageNameNew + ".apk", "/usr/share/applications/{}.desktop".format(apkPackageNameNew))
+ debPrerm = '''#!/bin/sh
+session_manager=`ps -ef | grep "uengine session-manager" | grep -v grep`
+if test -z "$session_manager"; then
+ echo "ERROR: app uninstall failed(session-manager is not running)."
+ sess_dir="/usr/share/uengine/session_uninstall"
+ if [ ! -d $sess_dir ]; then
+ mkdir $sess_dir
+ chmod 777 $sess_dir
+ fi
+ fileName="$sess_dir/$APP_NAME"
+ echo $DESKTOP_FILE > $fileName
+ chmod 766 $fileName
+echo "Uninstalling $APP_NAME"
+/usr/bin/uengine-session-launch-helper -- uengine uninstall --pkg="$APP_NAME"
+exit 0'''.format(apkPackageName, "/usr/share/applications/{}.desktop".format(apkPackageNameNew))
+ desktopFile = '''[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=uengine launch --action=android.intent.action.MAIN --package={} --component={}
+ #self.RunCommandShow("echo '{}' > '{}/DEBIAN/control'".format(debControl, tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo 正在写入文件:'{}/DEBIAN/control'".format(tempPath))
+ write_txt("{}/DEBIAN/control".format(tempPath), debControl)
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo 正在写入文件:'{}/DEBIAN/postinst'".format(tempPath))
+ write_txt("{}/DEBIAN/postinst".format(tempPath), debPostinst)
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo 正在写入文件:'{}/DEBIAN/prerm'".format(tempPath))
+ write_txt("{}/DEBIAN/prerm".format(tempPath), debPrerm)
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo 正在写入文件:'/usr/share/applications/{}.desktop'".format(apkPackageNameNew))
+ #write_txt("{}/usr/share/applications/{}.desktop".format(tempPath, apkPackageNameNew), desktopFile)
+ BuildUengineDesktop(apkPackageName, apkActivityName, nameText.text(), "/usr/share/uengine/icons/{}.png".format(apkPackageNameNew),
+ "{}/usr/share/applications/{}.desktop".format(tempPath, apkPackageNameNew), typeChoose.currentText())
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '复制文件'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '写入 APK 软件图标'")
+ #SaveApkIcon(apkPath, iconSavePath)
+ self.RunCommandShow(f"cp -rv '{iconText.text()}' '{iconSavePath}'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '复制 APK 文件'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("cp -rv '{}' '{}/usr/share/uengine/apk/{}.apk'".format(apkPath, tempPath, apkPackageNameNew))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '正在设置文件权限……'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("chmod 0775 -vR '{}/DEBIAN/postinst'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("chmod 0775 -vR '{}/DEBIAN/prerm'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '打包 deb 到桌面……'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("dpkg -b '{}' '{}/{}_{}_all.deb'".format(tempPath, get_desktop_path(),apkPackageNameNew, versionText.text()))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '正在删除临时目录……'")
+ self.RunCommandShow("rm -rfv '{}'".format(tempPath))
+ self.RunCommandShow("echo '完成!'")
+ findApkHistory.append(apkPath)
+ self.labelChange.emit("")
+ write_txt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuildHistory.json", str(json.dumps(ListToDictionary(findApkHistory)))) # 将历史记录的数组转换为字典并写入
+ DisabledAndEnbled(False)
+ self.tips.emit("打包完成")
+ except:
+ DisabledAndEnbled(False)
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(widget, "错误", traceback.format_exc())
+def TipsMessagebox(tips):
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(widget, "提示", tips)
+def ChangeItems(self):
+ combobox1.clear()
+ combobox1.addItems(findApkHistory)
+ #combobox1.setEditText("")
+def DisabledAndEnbled(choose):
+ combobox1.setDisabled(choose)
+ check.setDisabled(choose)
+ button2.setDisabled(choose)
+ button3.setDisabled(choose)
+ sizes.setDisabled(choose)
+ iconBrowser.setDisabled(choose)
+ typeChoose.setDisabled(choose)
+ for i in textList:
+ i.setDisabled(choose)
+# 重启本应用程序
+def ReStartProgram():
+ python = sys.executable
+ os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
+def GetCommandReturn(command):
+ return subprocess.getoutput(command)
+# 获取用户主目录
+def get_home():
+ return os.path.expanduser('~')
+# 获取当前语言
+def get_now_lang()->"获取当前语言":
+ return os.getenv('LANG')
+# 获取用户桌面目录
+def get_desktop_path():
+ for line in open(get_home() + "/.config/user-dirs.dirs"): # 以行来读取配置文件
+ desktop_index = line.find("XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=\"") # 寻找是否有对应项,有返回 0,没有返回 -1
+ if desktop_index != -1: # 如果有对应项
+ break # 结束循环
+ if desktop_index == -1: # 如果是提前结束,值一定≠-1,如果是没有提前结束,值一定=-1
+ return -1
+ else:
+ get = line[17:-2] # 截取桌面目录路径
+ get_index = get.find("$HOME") # 寻找是否有对应的项,需要替换内容
+ if get != -1: # 如果有
+ get = get.replace("$HOME", get_home()) # 则把其替换为用户目录(~)
+ return get # 返回目录
+# 数组转字典
+def ListToDictionary(list):
+ dictionary = {}
+ for i in range(len(list)):
+ dictionary[i] = list[i]
+ return dictionary
+# 读取文本文档
+def readtxt(path):
+ f = open(path, "r") # 设置文件对象
+ str = f.read() # 获取内容
+ f.close() # 关闭文本对象
+ return str # 返回结果
+# 写入文本文档
+def write_txt(path, things):
+ file = open(path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') # 设置文件对象
+ file.write(things) # 写入文本
+ file.close() # 关闭文本对象
+def GetApkInformation(apkFilePath):
+ return GetCommandReturn("aapt dump badging '{}'".format(apkFilePath))
+def GetApkActivityName(apkFilePath):
+ info = GetApkInformation(apkFilePath)
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ if "launchable-activity" in line:
+ line = line[0: line.index("label='")]
+ line = line.replace("launchable-activity: ", "")
+ line = line.replace("'", "")
+ line = line.replace(" ", "")
+ line = line.replace("name=", "")
+ line = line.replace("label=", "")
+ line = line.replace("icon=", "")
+ return line
+ return f"{GetApkPackageName(apkFilePath, False)}.Main"
+def GetApkPackageName(apkFilePath, setting):
+ # 提示:此函数有被为此程序适配而调整,如果需要最原始(无调整的)请使用主程序(此为附属组件)里的函数
+ info = GetApkInformation(apkFilePath)
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ if "package:" in line:
+ line = line[0: line.index("versionCode='")]
+ line = line.replace("package:", "")
+ line = line.replace("name=", "")
+ line = line.replace("'", "")
+ line = line.replace(" ", "")
+ # 此较为特殊,因为需要判断用户是否要添加前缀
+ if setting:
+ return "uengine-dc-{}".format(line)
+ return line
+def GetApkVersion(apkFilePath):
+ info = GetApkInformation(apkFilePath)
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ if "package:" in line:
+ if "compileSdkVersion='" in line:
+ line = line.replace(line[line.index("compileSdkVersion='"): -1], "")
+ if "platform" in line:
+ line = line.replace(line[line.index("platform"): -1], "")
+ line = line.replace(line[0: line.index("versionName='")], "")
+ line = line.replace("versionName='", "")
+ line = line.replace("'", "")
+ line = line.replace(" ", "")
+ return line
+def BuildUengineDesktop(packageName, activityName, showName, iconPath, savePath, type):
+ if showName == "" or showName == None:
+ showName = "未知应用"
+ things = f'''
+ [Desktop Entry]
+Exec=/usr/bin/uengine launch --action=android.intent.action.MAIN --package={packageName} --component={activityName}
+ write_txt(savePath, things)
+# 获取软件的中文名称
+def GetApkChineseLabel(apkFilePath)->"获取软件的中文名称":
+ info = GetApkInformation(apkFilePath)
+ name = None
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ if "application-label-zh:" in line:
+ line = line.replace("application-label-zh:", "")
+ line = line.replace("'", "")
+ return line
+ if "application-label:" in line:
+ line = line.replace("application-label:", "")
+ line = line.replace("'", "")
+ name = line
+ return name
+def SaveApkIcon(apkFilePath, iconSavePath)->"获取 apk 文件的图标":
+ try:
+ info = GetApkInformation(apkFilePath)
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ if "application:" in line:
+ xmlpath = line.split(":")[-1].split()[-1].split("=")[-1].replace("'","")
+ if xmlpath.endswith('.xml'):
+ xmlsave = getsavexml()
+ print(xmlpath)
+ xmlsave.savexml(apkFilePath,xmlpath,iconSavePath)
+ else:
+ zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apkFilePath)
+ iconData = zip.read(xmlpath)
+ with open(iconSavePath, 'w+b') as saveIconFile:
+ saveIconFile.write(iconData)
+ return
+ print("Show defult icon")
+ shutil.copy(programPath + "/defult.svg", iconSavePath)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("Error, show defult icon")
+ shutil.copy(programPath + "/defult.svg", iconSavePath)
+def TextboxAddText1(message):
+ global textbox1
+ if message.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") == "":
+ return
+ textbox1.append(message.replace("\n", ""))
+# 获取用户桌面目录
+def get_desktop_path():
+ for line in open(get_home() + "/.config/user-dirs.dirs"): # 以行来读取配置文件
+ desktop_index = line.find("XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=\"") # 寻找是否有对应项,有返回 0,没有返回 -1
+ if desktop_index != -1: # 如果有对应项
+ break # 结束循环
+ if desktop_index == -1: # 如果是提前结束,值一定≠-1,如果是没有提前结束,值一定=-1
+ return -1
+ else:
+ get = line[17:-2] # 截取桌面目录路径
+ get_index = get.find("$HOME") # 寻找是否有对应的项,需要替换内容
+ if get != -1: # 如果有
+ get = get.replace("$HOME", get_home()) # 则把其替换为用户目录(~)
+ return get # 返回目录
+# 获取用户主目录
+def get_home():
+ return os.path.expanduser('~')
+# 程序信息
+programPath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # 返回 string
+lang = get_now_lang()
+langFile = json.loads(readtxt(programPath + "/Language.json"))
+if not lang in langFile.keys():
+ lang = "en_US.UTF-8"
+information = json.loads(readtxt(programPath + "/information.json"))
+version = information["Version"]
+title = "{} {}".format(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["Title"], version)
+iconPath = "{}/builer.svg".format(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0])
+# 加载配置
+if not os.path.exists(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner"): # 如果没有配置文件夹
+ os.makedirs(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner") # 创建配置文件夹
+if not os.path.exists(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuildHistory.json"): # 如果没有配置文件
+ write_txt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuildHistory.json", json.dumps({})) # 创建配置文件
+if not os.path.exists(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json"): # 如果没有配置文件
+ write_txt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuild.json", json.dumps({"path": "~"})) # 创建配置文件
+# 设置变量
+findApkHistory = list(json.loads(readtxt(get_home() + "/.config/uengine-runner/FindApkBuildHistory.json")).values())
+# 窗口创建
+app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
+# 权重
+size = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy()
+widgetSize = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy()
+window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
+widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
+widgetLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+combobox1 = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+packageText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+versionText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+comText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+makerText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+typeChoose = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+nameText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+iconText = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+label1 = QtWidgets.QLabel(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["label1"])
+button2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["button2"])
+button3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["button3"])
+textbox1 = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser()
+frame2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
+check = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["check"])
+sizes = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["size"])
+iconBrowser = QtWidgets.QPushButton("浏览")
+typeChoose.addItems(["Network", "Chat", "Audio", "Video", "Graphics", "Office", "Translation", "Development", "Utility"])
+widgetLayout.addWidget(label1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(combobox1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(button2, 0, 2, 1, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("包名:"), 1, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(packageText, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("版本号:"), 2, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(versionText, 2, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("说明:"), 3, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(comText, 3, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("维护者:"), 4, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(makerText, 4, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("程序分类:"), 5, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(typeChoose, 5, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("程序名称:"), 6, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(nameText, 6, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("程序图标:"), 7, 0)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(iconText, 7, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(iconBrowser, 7, 2)
+widgetLayout.addLayout(frame2, 8, 1, 1, 1)
+widgetLayout.addWidget(textbox1, 9, 0, 1, 3)
+# 菜单栏
+menu = window.menuBar()
+programmenu = menu.addMenu(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["Menu"][0]["Name"])
+exitProgram = QtWidgets.QAction(langFile[lang]["Uengine Apk Builder"]["Menu"][0]["Menu"][0])
+window.resize(int(window.frameSize().width() * 1.3), int(window.frameSize().height() * 1.1))
+ combobox1.setCurrentText(sys.argv[1])
+ print("无参数")
+textList = [
+ packageText,
+ versionText,
+ comText,
+ makerText,
+ nameText,
+ iconText
+ ]