FindWin 0 0 589 360 610 360 MainWindow :/Resources/edit/global/notebook.png:/Resources/edit/global/notebook.png 3 2 2 0 300 0 0 find Find what : 300 0 true 512 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Backward direction Match whole word only Match case Wrap around true Qt::Vertical 20 20 Search Mode Regular expression Normal true Extend(\n,\r,\t,\0,\x...) 176 16777215 Find Next 0 0 0 34 176 16777215 Find All in Current Document 0 0 0 34 176 16777215 Find All in All Opened Documents Clear Result 0 0 176 16777215 Close Qt::Vertical 20 40 Replace Find what : 300 0 true 512 Replace with : 300 0 true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Backward direction Match whole word only Match case Wrap around true Qt::Vertical 20 20 Search Mode Normal true Regular expression Extend(\n,\r,\t,\0,\x...) 176 16777215 Find Next 0 0 176 16777215 Replace 0 0 176 16777215 Replace All 0 0 0 34 176 16777215 Replace All in All Opened Documents 0 0 176 16777215 Close Qt::Vertical 20 40 Dir Find Dest Dir : 250 0 0 20 Select Find what : 250 0 true 512 Replace with : 250 0 true File Type false 250 0 *.c:*.cpp:*.h Qt::Vertical 20 40 Match whole word only true false Match case Qt::Vertical 20 40 Search Mode Normal true Regular expression Extend(\n,\r,\t,\0,\x...) Options Skip child dirs Skip hide file true false Skip binary file true 6 Skip Big file exceed true 1 30 20 MB 158 30 160 160 Find All 158 30 Replace In File 158 30 Clear Result 158 30 Close Qt::Vertical 20 40 Mark Mark What 300 0 true 512 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Match whole word only Match case Qt::Vertical 20 40 Search Mode Regular expression Normal true Extend(\n,\r,\t,\0,\x...) 188 16777215 Mark All 188 16777215 Clear Mark 0 0 188 16777215 Close Qt::Vertical 20 40 findComboBox findTextNext findAllinCourrent findAllinAllOpen findCloseBt findBackwardBox findMatchWholeBox findMatchCaseBox findWrapBox findModeNormalBt findModeRegularBt findinfilesTab replaceTextBox replaceWithBox replaceBackwardBox replaceMatchWholeBox replaceMatchCaseBox replaceWrapBox replaceModeRegularBt replaceModeNormalBox replaceFindNextBox replaceBt replaceAllBt replaceAllinAllOpenBt replaceCloseBt destFindDir selectDir dirFindWhat dirReplaceWhat dealFileType fileType dirFindMatchWholeBox dirFindMatchCaseBox dirFindModeRegularBt dirFindModeNormalBox skipChildDirs skipHideFile skipBinary skipFileMaxSize maxFileSizeSpinBox dirFindAll dirReplaceAll dirClose markTextBox markMatchWholeBox markMatchCaseBox markModeRegularBt markModeNormalBox markAllBox markClearBox markCloseBt findTextNext clicked() FindWin slot_findNext() 457 51 422 329 findCloseBt clicked() FindWin close() 572 193 169 327 findAllinAllOpen clicked() FindWin slot_findAllInOpenDoc() 426 124 322 327 findAllinCourrent clicked() FindWin slot_findAllInCurDoc() 488 92 548 328 replaceFindNextBox clicked() FindWin slot_replaceFindNext() 572 55 602 302 replaceCloseBt clicked() FindWin close() 572 182 600 273 replaceBt clicked() FindWin slot_replace() 572 84 598 204 replaceAllBt clicked() FindWin slot_replaceAll() 572 113 597 145 replaceAllinAllOpenBt clicked() FindWin slot_replaceAllInOpenDoc() 572 153 599 115 markAllBox clicked() FindWin slot_markAll() 478 47 501 -4 markClearBox clicked() FindWin slot_clearMark() 572 84 594 -5 markCloseBt clicked() FindWin close() 572 113 404 -13 dirClose clicked() FindWin close() 572 170 564 337 selectDir clicked() FindWin slot_dirSelectDest() 393 48 502 332 dirFindAll clicked() FindWin slot_dirFindAll() 507 60 445 337 dirReplaceAll clicked() FindWin slot_dirReplaceAll() 463 85 333 337 slot_findNext() slot_findCount() slot_findAllInCurDoc() slot_findAllInOpenDoc() slot_replace() slot_replaceFindNext() slot_replaceAll() slot_replaceAllInOpenDoc() slot_markAll() slot_clearMark() slot_dirFindAll() slot_dirReplaceAll() slot_dirSelectDest() sign_clearResult()