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linuxdeployqt (commit 5fa79fa), build 36 built on 2022-08-21 12:36:03 UTC
WARNING: Not checking glibc on the host system.
The resulting AppDir or AppImage may not run on older systems.
This mode is unsupported and discouraged.
For more information, please see
Usage: linuxdeployqt <app-binary|desktop file> [options]
-always-overwrite : Copy files even if the target file exists.
-appimage : Create an AppImage (implies -bundle-non-qt-libs).
-bundle-non-qt-libs : Also bundle non-core, non-Qt libraries.
-exclude-libs=<list> : List of libraries which should be excluded,
separated by comma.
-ignore-glob=<glob> : Glob pattern relative to appdir to ignore when
searching for libraries.
-executable=<path> : Let the given executable use the deployed libraries
-extra-plugins=<list> : List of extra plugins which should be deployed,
separated by comma.
-no-copy-copyright-files : Skip deployment of copyright files.
-no-plugins : Skip plugin deployment.
-no-strip : Don't run 'strip' on the binaries.
-no-translations : Skip deployment of translations.
-qmake=<path> : The qmake executable to use.
-qmldir=<path> : Scan for QML imports in the given path.
-qmlimport=<path> : Add the given path to QML module search locations.
-show-exclude-libs : Print exclude libraries list.
-verbose=<0-3> : 0 = no output, 1 = error/warning (default),
2 = normal, 3 = debug.
-updateinformation=<update string> : Embed update information STRING; if zsyncmake is installed, generate zsync file
-qtlibinfix=<infix> : Adapt the .so search if your Qt distribution has infix.
-version : Print version statement and exit.
linuxdeployqt takes an application as input and makes it
self-contained by copying in the Qt libraries and plugins that
the application uses.
By default it deploys the Qt instance that qmake on the $PATH points to.
The '-qmake' option can be used to point to the qmake executable
to be used instead.
Plugins related to a Qt library are copied in with the library.
See the "Deploying Applications on Linux" topic in the
documentation for more information about deployment on Linux.