
244 lines
7.7 KiB

'settings', 'orgs', 'organizations',
'site', 'blog', 'about', 'explore',
'styleguide', 'showcases', 'trending',
'stars', 'dashboard', 'notifications',
'search', 'developer', 'account',
'pulls', 'issues', 'features', 'contact',
'security', 'join', 'login', 'watching',
'new', 'integrations'
const GH_RESERVED_REPO_NAMES = ['followers', 'following', 'repositories']
const GH_404_SEL = '#parallax_wrapper'
const GH_PJAX_CONTAINER_SEL = '#js-repo-pjax-container, .context-loader-container, [data-pjax-container]'
const GH_CONTAINERS = '.container'
class GitHub extends Adapter {
constructor() {
$.pjax.defaults.timeout = 0 // no timeout
.on('pjax:send', () => $(document).trigger(EVENT.REQ_START))
.on('pjax:end', () => $(document).trigger(EVENT.REQ_END))
// @override
init($sidebar) {
if (!window.MutationObserver) return
// Fix #151 by detecting when page layout is updated.
// In this case, split-diff page has a wider layout, so need to recompute margin.
// Note that couldn't do this in response to URL change, since new DOM via pjax might not be ready.
const diffModeObserver = new window.MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (~mutation.oldValue.indexOf('split-diff') ||'split-diff')) {
return $(document).trigger(EVENT.LAYOUT_CHANGE)
diffModeObserver.observe(document.body, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class'],
attributeOldValue: true
// GitHub switch pages using pjax. This observer detects if the pjax container
// has been updated with new contents and trigger layout.
const pageChangeObserver = new window.MutationObserver(() => {
// Trigger location change, can't just relayout as Octotree might need to
// hide/show depending on whether the current page is a code page or not.
return $(document).trigger(EVENT.LOC_CHANGE)
const pjaxContainer = $(GH_PJAX_CONTAINER_SEL)[0]
if (pjaxContainer) {
pageChangeObserver.observe(pjaxContainer, {
childList: true,
else { // Fall back if DOM has been changed
let firstLoad = true, href, hash
function detectLocChange() {
if (location.href !== href || location.hash !== hash) {
href = location.href
hash = location.hash
// If this is the first time this is called, no need to notify change as
// Octotree does its own initialization after loading options.
if (firstLoad) {
firstLoad = false
else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300) // Wait a bit for pjax DOM change
setTimeout(detectLocChange, 200)
// @override
getCssClass() {
return 'octotree_github_sidebar'
// @override
canLoadEntireTree() {
return true
// @override
getCreateTokenUrl() {
return `${location.protocol}//${}/settings/tokens/new`
// @override
updateLayout(togglerVisible, sidebarVisible, sidebarWidth) {
const SPACING = 10
const $containers = $(GH_CONTAINERS)
const autoMarginLeft = ($(document).width() - $containers.width()) / 2
const shouldPushLeft = sidebarVisible && (autoMarginLeft <= sidebarWidth + SPACING)
$('html').css('margin-left', shouldPushLeft ? sidebarWidth : '')
$containers.css('margin-left', shouldPushLeft ? SPACING : '')
// @override
getRepoFromPath(showInNonCodePage, currentRepo, token, cb) {
// 404 page, skip
if ($(GH_404_SEL).length) {
return cb()
// (username)/(reponame)[/(type)]
const match = window.location.pathname.match(/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(?:\/([^\/]+))?/)
if (!match) {
return cb()
const username = match[1]
const reponame = match[2]
// Not a repository, skip
if (~GH_RESERVED_USER_NAMES.indexOf(username) ||
~GH_RESERVED_REPO_NAMES.indexOf(reponame)) {
return cb()
// Skip non-code page unless showInNonCodePage is true
if (!showInNonCodePage && match[3] && !~['tree', 'blob'].indexOf(match[3])) {
return cb()
// Get branch by inspecting page, quite fragile so provide multiple fallbacks
const GH_BRANCH_SEL_1 = '[aria-label="Switch branches or tags"]'
const GH_BRANCH_SEL_2 = '.repo-root a[data-branch]'
const GH_BRANCH_SEL_3 = '.repository-sidebar a[aria-label="Code"]'
const GH_BRANCH_SEL_4 = '.current-branch'
const GH_BRANCH_SEL_5 = 'link[title*="Recent Commits to"]'
const branch =
// Detect branch in code page (don't care about non-code pages, let them use the next fallback)
$(GH_BRANCH_SEL_1).attr('title') || $(GH_BRANCH_SEL_2).data('branch') ||
// Non-code page
($(GH_BRANCH_SEL_3).attr('href') || ' ').match(/([^\/]+)/g)[3] ||
// Non-code page (new design)
// Specific handle /commit page
($(GH_BRANCH_SEL_4).attr('title') || ' ').match(/([^\:]+)/g)[1] ||
// Ignore if Github expands one more <link> - use last selected one instead
($(GH_BRANCH_SEL_5).length === 1
&& ($(GH_BRANCH_SEL_5).attr('title') || ' ').match(/([^\:]+)/g)[1]) ||
// Reuse last selected branch if exist
(currentRepo.username === username && currentRepo.reponame === reponame && currentRepo.branch)
// Get default branch from cache
this._defaultBranch[username + '/' + reponame]
// Still no luck, get default branch for real
const repo = {username: username, reponame: reponame, branch: branch}
if (repo.branch) {
cb(null, repo)
else {
this._get(null, {repo, token}, (err, data) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
repo.branch = this._defaultBranch[username + '/' + reponame] = data.default_branch || 'master'
cb(null, repo)
// @override
selectFile(path) {
const $pjaxContainer = $(GH_PJAX_CONTAINER_SEL)
if ($pjaxContainer.length) {
// needs full path for pjax to work with Firefox as per cross-domain-content setting
url: location.protocol + '//' + + path,
container: $pjaxContainer
else { // falls back
// @override
loadCodeTree(opts, cb) {
opts.encodedBranch = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(opts.repo.branch))
opts.path = (opts.node && (opts.node.sha || opts.encodedBranch)) ||
(opts.encodedBranch + '?recursive=1')
this._loadCodeTree(opts, null, cb)
// @override
_getTree(path, opts, cb) {
this._get(`/git/trees/${path}`, opts, (err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, res.tree)
// @override
_getSubmodules(tree, opts, cb) {
const item = tree.filter((item) => /^\.gitmodules$/i.test(item.path))[0]
if (!item) return cb()
this._get(`/git/blobs/${item.sha}`, opts, (err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
const data = atob(res.content.replace(/\n/g,''))
cb(null, parseGitmodules(data))
_get(path, opts, cb) {
const host = location.protocol + '//' +
( === '' ? '' : ( + '/api/v3'))
const url = `${host}/repos/${opts.repo.username}/${opts.repo.reponame}${path || ''}`
const cfg = { url, method: 'GET', cache: false }
if (opts.token) {
cfg.headers = { Authorization: 'token ' + opts.token }
.done((data) => cb(null, data))
.fail((jqXHR) => this._handleError(jqXHR, cb))