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Wellcome to Cloudeploy
How this documentation is organized
Introductions of Cloudeploy.
Requirements and installation
Demo Case
What is Cloudeploy?
Cloudeploy is an online platform for deploying and configuring cloud based applications.User can easily achieve the following functions without high level specific domain knowledge.
- Continuous deployment and configuration for cloud based applications(such as Tomcat,Nginx,MySQL etc.) .
- Management of cloud based components on topology relations and consistency of parameters.
- Health monitor and report for middleware instances.
- Dynamic scale on numbers of middleware instances.
- Fault Self-tolerance for instances.
How to install Cloudeploy?
Required Files :
Overview:The Frame of this platform consists of two part: agent cluster and servers, as the figure1 shows.
Figure-1: ![framework][1] [1]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xpxstar/Cloudeploy/master/doc-image/framwork.jpg "framework for cloudeploy"
1.Install agent cluster
Agent cluster consists of at least three computers(agent 1-3 in figure1), which are hosts of cloud based applications. For every agent, the environment is built as follows.
Java (version >= 7.0)
docker(version >= 1.9)[Download and Install](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/)
consul(version >= 0.6)[Download and Install](https://www.consul.io/intro/getting-started/install.html)
start docker with listening socket of tcp:
docker daemon -H tcp:// &
download images that needed:
docker pull xpxstar/mysql
docker pull xpxstar/tomcat
docker pull docker.io/nginx
unzip consulAgent.zip to directory of "/opt"
start consul on agent1、agent2 with model of server and add itself to consul cluster.
consul agent -server -data-dir /opt/data/ -ui-dir /opt/ui -bootstrap-expect 2 -node=node1 -dc=dc1 -bind=<agent-ip> -client= &
consul join <agent1-ip>
start consul on agent3 and other agent with model of agent,and add itself to consul cluster
consul agent -data-dir /opt/data/ -ui-dir /opt/ui -node=node3 -dc=dc1 -bind=<agent-ip> -client= &
consul join <agent1-ip>
start consul-template on agent:
/opt/consul-template -config /opt/agent/consul-template --consul -retry=1s &
start consulAgent.jar with the following command:
java -jar /opt/agent/consulAgent-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
notice: you should open some ports through firewall of agent.:
2.Install Servers
There are Web server,Database server,File server.The OS of server hosts can be linux or windows.And You can install them in the same host as you like.
Environment of Host A:
MySQL(version >= 5.1) [Download and Install](http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/)
start mysql and create database named cloudeploy.Import cloudeploy.sql into database to build data structures.
Environment of Host B and C Here we can put file servr and web server into the same Host, named Host B
JAVA (version >= 7.0)
Tomcat (version>=7.0.30) [Download and Install] (https://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi)
unzip cloudapp.zip to directory of "$TOMCAT_PATH/webapps",edit configure files:
server.root=http://<Host B-ip>:8080/cloudapp
start tomcat to finish installation
sh $TOMCAT_PATH/bin/startup.sh
User Demo Guide
To see document/Demo.mp4
Develpment based on Cloudeploy
Server project of Cloudeploy_app is develped by java with maven,so just import the project into Eclipse in maven environment.
Client Agent project( https://github.com/xpxstar/ConsulAgent) of ConsulAgent is a normal java project.
document/design document.pdf
document/requirement document.pdf
FAQ: Support By Pershing [xupeixing14@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn]
with License under GNU showing in LICENSE.