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# API文档
## 基本介绍
### 开发API服务地址
|status |int |响应状态码0:请求成功,-1: 请求失败|
|message |string |响应说明 |
### API接口
#### 用户注册(通过其他平台)
POST accounts/remote_register
curl -X POST \
-d "" \
-d "password=djs_D_00001" \
-d "username=16895620" \
-d "platform=forge" \
http://localhost:3000/api/accounts/remote_register | jq
|email |是|string |邮箱 |
|username |是|string |登录名 |
|password |是|string |秘密 |
|platform |否|string |用户来源的相关平台,取值范围['educoder', 'trustie', 'forge'], 默认值为forge |
|user|json object |返回数据|
|-- id |int |用户id |
|-- token |string|用户token|
"status": 0,
"message": "success",
"user": {
"id": 36400,
"token": "8c87a80d9cfacc92fcb2451845104f35119eda96"
#### 获取当前登录用户信息
GET api/users/me
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/users/me | jq
|user_id |int |用户id |
|username |string|用户名称|
|admin |boolean|是否为管理用户|
|login |string|登录名|
|image_url |string|用户头像|
"username": "18816895620",
"login": "18816895620",
"user_id": 36401,
"image_url": "avatars/User/b",
"admin": false
#### 用户列表(带搜索功能)
GET api/users/list
curl -X GET \
-d "limit=10" \
-d "search=18816895620"
http://localhost:3000/api/users/list | jq
|page |否|int |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|int |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|search |否|string |用户名、登录名匹配搜索 |
|total_count |int |总用户条数 |
|users |array| |
|-- username |string|用户全名|
|-- login |string|用户登录名|
|-- user_id |int|用户id|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
"total_count": 1,
"users": [
"username": "18816895620",
"login": "18816895620",
"user_id": 36401,
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
#### 获取项目类别列表(可根据名称搜素)
GET api/project_categories
curl -X GET \
-d "name=大数据" \
http://localhost:3000/api/project_categories/ | jq
|name |否|string |类别名称 |
|project_categories|array |返回数据|
|-- id |int |类别id |
|-- name |string|类别名称|
"project_categories": [
"id": 1,
"name": "大数据"
#### 获取项目语言列表(可根据名称搜素)
GET api/project_languages
curl -X GET \
-d "name=Ruby" \
http://localhost:3000/api/project_languages/ | jq
|name |否|string |类别名称 |
|project_languages|array |返回数据|
|-- id |int |语言id |
|-- name |string|语言名称|
"project_languages": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Ruby"
#### 获取.gitignore模板列表(可根据名称搜素)
GET api/ignores
curl -X GET \
-d "name=Ada" \
http://localhost:3000/api/ignores/ | jq
|name |否|string |gitignore名称 |
|ignores|array |返回数据|
|-- id |int |id |
|-- name |string|gitignore名称|
"ignores": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Ada"
#### 获取开源许可证列表(可根据名称搜素)
GET api/licenses
curl -X GET \
-d "name=AFL" \
http://localhost:3000/api/licenses/ | jq
|name |否|string |开源许可证名称 |
|licenses|array |返回数据|
|-- id |int |id |
|-- name |string|开源许可证名称|
"licenses": [
"id": 57,
"name": "AFL-1.2"
"id": 76,
"name": "AFL-3.0"
"id": 214,
"name": "AFL-1.1"
"id": 326,
"name": "AFL-2.1"
"id": 350,
"name": "AFL-2.0"
#### 创建项目
POST api/projects
curl -X POST \
-d "user_id=36401" \
-d "name=hnfl_demo" \
-d "description=my first project" \
-d "repository_name=hnfl_demo" \
-d "project_category_id=1" \
-d "project_language_id=2" \
-d "ignore_id=2" \
-d "license_id=1" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/ | jq
|user_id |是|int |用户id或者组织id |
|name |是|string |项目名称 |
|description |是|string |项目描述 |
|repository_name |是|string |仓库名称, 只含有数字、字母、下划线不能以下划线开头和结尾,且唯一 |
|project_category_id|是|int |项目类别id |
|project_language_id|是|int |项目语言id |
|ignore_id |否|int |gitignore相关id |
|license_id |否|int |开源许可证id |
|private |否|boolean|项目是否私有, true为私有false: 公开,默认为公开 |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|项目名称|
"id": 3240,
"name": "好项目"
#### 新建镜像项目
POST api/projects/migrate
curl -X POST \
-d "user_id=36408" \
-d "clone_addr=" \
-d "name=golden_mirror1" \
-d "description=golden_mirror" \
-d "project_category_id=1" \
-d "project_language_id=2" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/migrate.json | jq
|user_id |是|int |用户id或者组织id |
|name |是|string |项目名称 |
|clone_addr |是|string |镜像项目clone地址 |
|description |否|string |项目描述 |
|repository_name |是|string |仓库名称, 只含有数字、字母、下划线不能以下划线开头和结尾,且唯一 |
|project_category_id|是|int |项目类别id |
|project_language_id|是|int |项目语言id |
|is_mirror |否|boolean|是否设置为镜像, true false默认为否 |
|auth_username |否|string|镜像源仓库的登录用户名 |
|auth_password |否|string|镜像源仓库的登录秘密 |
|private |否|boolean|项目是否私有, true为私有false: 非私有,默认为公开 |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|项目名称|
"id": 3263,
"name": "ni项目"
#### 手动同步镜像
POST api/repositories/:id/sync_mirror
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/1244/sync_mirror | jq
|id |是|int |仓库id |
|status |int |状态码, 0:标识请求成功 |
|message |string|服务端返回的信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 项目详情
GET /api/:owner/:repo
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/jasder_test | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|项目名称|
|identifier |string|项目标识|
|is_public |boolean|项目是否公开, true:公开false:私有|
|description |string|项目简介|
|repo_id |int|仓库id|
"name": "ni项目",
"identifier": "mirror_demo",
"is_public": true,
"description": "my first project mirror_demo",
"repo_id": 75073,
"repo_identifier": "mirror_demo"
#### 项目详情(简版)
GET /api/:owner/:repo/simple
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/jasder_test/simple | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|项目名称|
|identifier |string|项目标识|
|is_public |boolean|项目是否公开, true:公开false:私有|
|description |string|项目简介|
|repo_id |int|仓库id|
"identifier": "jasder_test",
"name": "jasder的测试项目",
"id": 4967,
"type": 0,
"author": {
"login": "jasder",
"name": "姓名",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
#### 编辑仓库信息
GET /api/repositories/:id/edit.json
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/:id/edit.json | jq
|identifier |string |仓库标识 |
|project_id |int|项目id|
|project_name |string|项目名称|
|project_identifier |string|项目标识|
|project_description |string|项目简介|
|project_category_id |int|项目类别id|
|project_language_id |int|项目语言id|
|private |boolean|项目是否私有, true为私有false: 公开 |
"identifier": "mirror_demo",
"project_id": 3263,
"project_name": "ni项目",
"project_identifier": "mirror_demo",
"project_description": "my first project mirror_demo",
"project_category_id": 1,
"project_language_id": 2,
"private": false
#### 修改项目信息
PATCH api/projects/:id
curl -X PATCH \
-d "name=hnfl_demo" \
-d "description=my first project" \
-d "project_category_id=1" \
-d "project_language_id=2" \
-d "private=true" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263.json | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|name |否|string |项目名称 |
|description |否|string |项目描述 |
|project_category_id|否|int |项目类别id |
|project_language_id|否|int |项目语言id |
|default_branch |否|string |默认分支名称 |
|private |否|boolean|项目是否私有, true为私有false: 公开,默认为公开 |
|id |int|id |
|identifier |string|项目标识|
|name |string|项目名称|
|description |string|项目简介|
|private |否|boolean|项目是否私有, true为私有false: 公开,默认为公开 |
"id": 3263,
"identifier": "mirror_demo",
"name": "hnfl_demo",
"description": "my first project",
"project_category_id": 1,
"project_language_id": 2,
"is_public": true
#### 删除项目
DELETE api/projects/:id
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263.json | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|status |int|返回状态, 0: 表示操作成功 |
|message |string|返回信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 项目添加成员
POST api/projects/:id/members
curl -X POST \
-d "user_id=36406" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3297/members | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|user_id |是|int |用户id |
|status |int |0:添加成功, -1: 添加失败, 1: 表示已经是项目成员 |
|message |string|返回信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 项目删除成员
DELETE api/projects/:id/members/remove
curl -X DELETE \
-d "user_id=36400" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/members/remove | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|user_id |是|int |用户id |
|status |int |0:移除成功, -1: 移除失败, 1: 表示还不是项目成员 |
|message |string|返回信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 更改项目成员角色/权限
PUT api/projects/:id/members/change_role
curl -X PUT \
-d "user_id=36400" \
-d "role=Developer" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/members/change_role | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|user_id |是|int |用户id |
|role |是|string |取值范围:"Manager", "Developer", "Reporter";分别为项目管理人员(拥有所有操作权限)、项目开发人员(只拥有读写权限)、项目报告人员(只拥有读权限) |
|status |int |0:角色更改成功, -1: 更改失败失败, 1: 表示还不是项目成员 |
|message |string|返回信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 项目成员列表
GET api/projects/:id/members
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=5" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/members | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|total_count |int |返回记录总条数 |
|members |array|项目成员信息|
|-- id |int|用户id|
|-- name |string|用户名称|
|-- login |string|用户登录名/标识|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
|-- is_owner |boolean|是否是项目的拥有者true:是, false:不是|
|-- role |string|该用户在项目中的角色, Manager: 管理员(拥有操作权限); Developer:开发人员(只拥有读写权限) Reporter:报告人员(只拥有读权限)|
"total_count": 2,
"members": [
"id": 36401,
"name": "18816895620",
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b",
"is_owner": true,
"role": "Manager"
"id": 36399,
"name": "18816365620",
"login": "18816365620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b",
"is_owner": false,
"role": "Developer"
#### Fork项目
POST /api/projects/:project_id/forks
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3297/forks | jq
|project_id |是|int |项目id |
|id |int |项目id |
|identifier |string|项目标识|
"id": 3290,
"identifier": "newadm"
#### 获取代码目录列表
POST /api/:owner/:repo/repository/entries
curl -X GET \
-d "ref=develop" \
http://localhost:3000//api/jasder/jasder_test/repository/entries | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|ref |否|string |分支名称、tag名称或是提交记录id默认为master分支 |
|last_commit |object | |
|-- commit |object | |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|文件夹或文件名称|
|path |string|文件夹或文件相对路径|
|type |string|文件类型, file:文件dir文件目录|
|size |int|文件夹或文件大小 单位B|
|content |string|文件内容,|
|target |string|标签|
"last_commit": {
"commit": {
"sha": "3f2de4f78d2d7050486535082cd11cdfc9f3679e",
"url": "http://localhost:3003//api/repositories/api-cloud-platform/commits/3f2de4f78d2d7050486535082cd11cdfc9f3679e",
"message": "update",
"author": {
"name": "Gitee",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-03-02T20:23:18+08:00"
"committer": {
"name": "Gitee",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-03-02T20:23:18+08:00"
"timestamp": 1583151798,
"time_from_now": "3个月前"
"author": null,
"committer": null
"entries": [
"name": "ace-gate",
"path": "ace-gate",
"sha": "c83f85fc63b14edcd6fc502eee9996f5a9993eca",
"type": "dir",
"size": 0,
"content": null,
"target": null,
"commit": {
"message": "v2.9 升级alibaba组件release版本\n",
"sha": "6117eaab86f71115f42f2a46ff1683015cda798d",
"created_at": "1970-01-01 08:00",
"time_from_now": "51年前",
"created_at_unix": null
"name": "ace-sidecar",
"path": "ace-sidecar",
"sha": "38e41d7810876b464f8f1adcbf998e1b04f710a7",
"type": "dir",
"size": 0,
"content": null,
"target": null,
"commit": {
"message": "[Feature] 升级spring 版本&consul注册中心\n",
"sha": "c0a5dde35cfc87f7dbaf676aac397b184ba0e55b",
"created_at": "1970-01-01 08:00",
"time_from_now": "51年前",
"created_at_unix": null
#### 获取子目录代码列表/编辑某个具体的文件
GET /api/repositories/:id/sub_entries
curl -X GET \
-d "ref=master" \
-d "filepath=test1_create_file.rb" \
http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/87/sub_entries.json | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|filepath |是|string |文件夹、文件的相对路径 |
|ref |否|string |分支名称、tag名称或是提交记录id默认为master分支 |
|id |int |id |
|name |string|文件夹或文件名称|
|path |string|文件夹或文件相对路径|
|type |string|文件类型, file:文件dir文件目录|
|size |int|文件夹或文件大小 单位KB|
|content |string|文件内容,|
|target |string|标签|
|url |string|文件访问链接,带分支|
|html_url |string|文件访问链接,未标识分支|
|git_url |string|文件夹或文件的git仓库访问链接|
|download_url |string|文件下载、文件内容访问链接|
"name": "build.rc",
"path": "lib/build.rc",
"type": "",
"size": 1268,
"content": null,
"target": null,
"url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/contents/lib/build.rc?ref=master",
"html_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/src/branch/master/lib/build.rc",
"git_url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/git/blobs/191fcf1a63b3777e2977fcede7dd5309efdd70fe",
"download_url": null
"name": "cfg.rc",
"path": "lib/cfg.rc",
"type": "file",
"size": 107,
"content": null,
"target": null,
"url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/contents/lib/cfg.rc?ref=master",
"html_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/src/branch/master/lib/cfg.rc",
"git_url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/git/blobs/0b91ba0ed1c00e130c77bb9058af3787fea986a0",
"download_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/raw/branch/master/lib/cfg.rc"
"name": "fn",
"path": "lib/fn",
"type": "dir",
"size": 0,
"content": null,
"target": null,
"url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/contents/lib/fn?ref=master",
"html_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/src/branch/master/lib/fn",
"git_url": "http://localhost:3003/api/v1/repos/18816895620/mirror_demo/git/blobs/e33bd45949ef8f804471d0b6b2c59728eb445989",
"download_url": null
#### 项目类别列表(用于项目列表左侧导航中的项目类别列表)
GET api/project_categories/group_list
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/project_categories/group_list | jq
|id |int |项目分类id |
|name |string|项目分类名称|
|projects_count |int |项目数量|
"id": 1,
"name": "大数据",
"projects_count": 30
"id": 2,
"name": "机器学习",
"projects_count": 1
"id": 3,
"name": "深度学习",
"projects_count": 1
#### 项目类型列表(用于项目列表左侧导航上方中的项目类型列表)
GET api/projects/group_type_list
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/projects/group_type_list | jq
|project_type |string|项目类型 |
|name |string|项目类型名称|
|projects_count |int |项目数量|
"project_type": "common",
"name": "开源托管项目",
"projects_count": 2106
"project_type": "mirror",
"name": "开源镜像项目",
"projects_count": 1
#### 项目列表
GET api/projects
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=5" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects | jq
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|sort_by |否|string |排序类型, 取值updated_on \| created_on \| forked_count \| praises_count, updated_on: 更新时间排序created_on: 创建时间排序forked_count: fork数据排序praises_count: 点赞数量排序默认为updated_on更新时间排序 |
|sort_direction|否|string |排序方式,取值为: desc \| asc; desc: 降序排序, asc: 升序排序, 默认为desc |
|search |否|string |按照项目名称搜索 |
|category_id |否|int |项目类别id |
|language_id |否|int |项目语言id |
|project_type |否|string |项目类型, 取值为common \| mirror; common:开源托管项目, mirror:开源镜像项目 |
|total_count |int |项目总条数 |
|id |string |项目id |
|name |string|项目名称|
|description |string|项目简介|
|visits |int|流量数|
|forked_count |int|被fork的数量|
|praises_count |int|star数量|
|is_public |boolean|是否公开, true:公开false:未公开|
|mirror_url |string|镜像url|
|author |object|项目创建者|
|-- name |string|用户名,也是用户标识|
|category |object|项目类别|
|-- id |int|项目类型id|
|-- name |string|项目类型名称|
|language |object|项目语言|
|-- id |int|项目语言id|
|-- name |string|项目语言名称|
"total_count": 3096,
"projects": [
"id": 1,
"name": "hnfl_demo1",
"description": "my first project",
"visits": 0,
"praises_count": 0,
"forked_count": 0,
"is_public": true,
"mirror_url": null,
"last_update_time": 1577697461,
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
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#### 推荐项目
GET api/projects/recommend
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/recommend | jq
|total_count |int |项目总条数 |
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|name |string|项目名称|
|description |string|项目简介|
|visits |int|流量数|
|forked_count |int|被fork的数量|
|praises_count |int|star数量|
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|-- name |string|用户名,也是用户标识|
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|-- name |string|项目类型名称|
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"id": 20,
"repo_id": null,
"identifier": "PNAekinmH",
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"author": {
"name": "王一达",
"login": "wangyida",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"category": {
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"name": "其他"
#### 项目主页
GET api/:owner/:repo/about
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/:jason/forgeplus/about | jq
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|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|identifier |string|project's identifier|
|content |string|主页内容|
|attachments |array|附件|
|-- name |string|用户名,也是用户标识|
"content": "",
"identifier": "forgeplus",
attachments: [
#### 修改项目主页内容
POST api/:owner/:repo/about
curl -X POST \
-d "content=内容" \
-d "attachment_ids=[1, 2, 2]" \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/about | jq
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|attachment_ids |是|array |附件id |
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|attachments |array|附件|
|-- name |string|用户名,也是用户标识|
"content": "",
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### 获取分支列表
GET /api/:owner/:repo/branches
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/jasder_test/branches | jq
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|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|name |string|分支名称|
|user_can_push |boolean|用户是否可push|
|user_can_merge |boolean|用户是否客merge|
|protected |boolean|是否为保护分支|
|http_url |boolean|http链接|
|zip_url |boolean|zip包下载链接|
|tar_url |boolean|tar.gz下载链接|
|last_commit |object|最后提交记录|
|-- id |string|提交记录id|
|-- message |string|提交的说明信息|
|-- timestamp |int|提交时间为UNIX时间戳|
|-- time_from_now|string|转换后的时间|
|author |object|提交用户|
|-- login |string|用户名称|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
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"protected": false,
"http_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo.git",
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"tar_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/develop.tar.gz",
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"id": "735674d6696bddbafa993db9c67b40c41246c77f",
"message": "FIX test branch content\n",
"timestamp": 1577694074,
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"author": {
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"http_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo.git",
"zip_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/",
"tar_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/master.tar.gz",
"last_commit": {
"id": "19ac3bc45f62cc87a94b8ecce61101d8fd2dafd2",
"message": "合并pull request测试\n\n该功能很不错感谢你的建议\n",
"timestamp": 1577244567,
"time_from_now": "6天前"
"author": {
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
### 获取代码库标签列表
GET /api/repositories/:id/tags
curl -X GET \
-d "limit=20" \
-d "page=1" \
http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/5836/tags.json | jq
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|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认20条 |
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|tar_url |boolean|tar.gz下载链接|
|last_commit |object|最后提交记录|
|-- id |string|提交记录id|
|-- message |string|提交的说明信息|
|-- timestamp |int|提交时间为UNIX时间戳|
|-- time_from_now|string|转换后的时间|
|author |object|提交用户|
|-- login |string|用户名称|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
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"http_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo.git",
"zip_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/",
"tar_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/develop.tar.gz",
"last_commit": {
"id": "735674d6696bddbafa993db9c67b40c41246c77f",
"message": "FIX test branch content\n",
"timestamp": 1577694074,
"time_from_now": "1天前"
"author": {
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"name": "master",
"user_can_push": true,
"user_can_merge": true,
"protected": false,
"http_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo.git",
"zip_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/",
"tar_url": "http://localhost:3003/18816895620/mirror_demo/master.tar.gz",
"last_commit": {
"id": "19ac3bc45f62cc87a94b8ecce61101d8fd2dafd2",
"message": "合并pull request测试\n\n该功能很不错感谢你的建议\n",
"timestamp": 1577244567,
"time_from_now": "6天前"
"author": {
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
## 仓库详情
GET /api/:owner/:repo/repository
curl -X GET \ | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |项目标识identifier |
|identifier |string|仓库标识|
|project_id |int|项目id|
|praises_count |int|点赞数量|
|forked_count |int|fork数量|
|watchers_count |int|关注数量|
|branches_count |int|分支数量|
|commits_count |int|总提交记录数量|
|issues_count |int|总提交记录数量|
|pull_requests_count |int|总提交记录数量|
|praised |boolean|当前登录用户是否已点赞true:已点赞fasle:未点赞, 用户未登录状态为null|
|watched |boolean|当前登录用户是否已关注true:已关注fasle:未关注, 用户未登录状态为null|
|permission |string|当前登录用户对该仓库的操作权限, Manager:管理员,可以在线编辑文件、在线新建文件、可以设置仓库的基本信息; Developer:开发人员,可在线编辑文件、在线新建文件、不能设置仓库信息; Reporter: 报告人员只能查看信息不能设置仓库信息、不能在线编辑文件、不能在线新建文件用户未登录时也会返回Reporter, 说明也只有读取文件的权限 |
|size |int|仓库文件大小单位KB|
|type |int|项目类型; 2: 表示是一个镜像(具备同步功能), 1: 普通镜像项目(不具同步功能), 0: 普通托管项目, 3: fork项目|
|mirror_status |int|该字段在type字段为2(一个镜像)时才会出现; 0: 表示同步镜像成功1: 表示正在同步镜像2: 同步失败|
|mirror_url |string|镜像地址, 只有通过镜像过来的项目才会有这个地址|
|ssh_url |string|仓库ssh地址|
|clone_url |string|仓库克隆地址|
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|private |boolean|仓库是否私有true: 私有仓库fasle: 非私有的|
|default_branch |string|仓库默认分支|
|full_name |string|仓库全名(带用户名)|
|author |object|提交用户|
|-- login |string|用户login|
|-- name |string|用户姓名|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
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"author": {
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## 获取提交记录列表
GET /api/repositories/:id/commits
curl -X GET \
-d "sha=develop" \
-d "page=1" \
http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/89/commits.json | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|sha |否|string |分支名称、提交记录的sha标识默认为master分支 |
|page |否|int |页数, 默认为1 |
|commits |array|提交记录的数组|
|-- sha |string|提交记录sha标识|
|-- message |string|提交的备注说明|
|-- timestamp |int|提交UNIX时间戳|
|-- time_from_now|string|提交距离当前的时间|
|author |object|提交用户|
|-- login |string|用户名称|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
"total_count": 63,
"commits": [
"sha": "19ac3bc45f62cc87a94b8ecce61101d8fd2dafd2",
"message": "合并pull request测试",
"timestamp": 1577244567,
"time_from_now": "7天前",
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"sha": "2b33c5f55214db41879936312ee43611406c4dbd",
"message": "FIX .",
"timestamp": 1577244474,
"time_from_now": "7天前",
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
## 获取某个提交记录(包含diff)
GET /api/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/repo/commits/b0c4a4a1487d53acebf2addc544b29938cad12df.json | jq
|owner |是|string |仓库拥有者 |
|repo |是|string |仓库的identifier值 |
|sha |否|string |git的ref或者是提交记录commit的sha标识 |
*返回参数说明: 请参考compare接口*
"files_count": 6,
"total_addition": 447,
"total_deletion": 0,
"commit": {
"sha": "8f5faee0d3b3be1b8063e84da0c79dd75327b968",
"message": "add some file\n* Add the tag list page to the release page\n* Apply suggestions from code review\n* Add the tags list view\n* Add the delete tag way on ui\n* Not delete tag and clear message when delete a release\n",
"author": {
"name": "Jasder",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-11-03T13:56:22+08:00"
"committer": {
"name": "Jasder",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-11-03T13:56:22+08:00"
"timestamp": 1604382982,
"time_from_now": "3天前"
"author": null,
"committer": null,
"parents": [
"sha": "c7f5b90725f30d8ad840a026773f9df92debc3af"
"files": [
"name": "build.go",
"old_name": "build.go",
"index": 1,
"addition": 33,
"deletion": 0,
"type": 1,
"isCreated": true,
"isDeleted": false,
"isBin": false,
"isLFSFile": false,
"isRenamed": false,
"isSubmodule": false,
"sections": [
"fileName": "build.go",
"name": "",
"lines": [
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 0,
"type": 4,
"content": "@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@",
"sectionInfo": {
"path": "build.go",
"lastLeftIdx": 0,
"lastRightIdx": 0,
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 1,
"leftHunkSize": 0,
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"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 1,
"type": 2,
"content": "+// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.",
"sectionInfo": null
### 点赞
POST /api/projects/:id/praise_tread/like
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/praise_tread/like | jq
|id |是 |int |项目id |
|status |int|0:点赞成功,-1:操作失败2:表示已经点过赞了|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 取消点赞
DELETE /api/projects/:id/praise_tread/unlike
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/praise_tread/unlike | jq
|id |是 |int |项目id |
|status |int|0:点赞成功,-1:操作失败2:表示还未点赞|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 用户是否点过赞
GET /api/projects/:id/praise_tread/check_like
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/praise_tread/check_like | jq
|id |是 |int |项目id |
|status |int|1:已点过赞0:未点过赞, -1:请求操作失败|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 项目的点赞者列表
GET /api/projects/:id/praise_tread
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=5" \
http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/praise_tread | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|total_count |int|总条数|
|praises |array|点赞数据|
|-- name |string|用户名称|
|-- login |string|用户标识/登录名(login)|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
"total_count": 1,
"praises": [
"name": "18816895620",
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
### 关注(项目)
POST /api/projects/:id/watchers/follow
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/watchers/follow | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|status |int|0:点赞成功,-1:操作失败2:表示已经点过赞了|
"status": 0,
"message": "响应成功"
### 取消关注
DELETE /api/projects/:id/watchers/unfollow
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000//api/projects/3263/watchers/unfollow | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|status |int|0:点赞成功,-1:操作失败2:表示还未点赞|
"status": 0,
"message": "响应成功"
### 用户是否关注过项目
GET /api/projects/:id/watchers/check_watch
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/projects/3263/watchers/check_watch | jq
|id |是 |int |项目id |
|status |int|1:已关注0:未关注, -1:请求操作失败|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 项目的关注者列表
GET /api/projects/:id/watchers
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=5" \
http://localhost:3000//api/projects/3263/watchers | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|total_count |int|总条数|
|watchers |array|关注数据|
|-- name |string|用户名称|
|-- login |string|用户标识/登录名(login)|
|-- image_url |string|用户头像|
"total_count": 1,
"watchers": [
"name": "18816895620",
"login": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
### 仓库新建文件
POST /api/repositories/:id/create_file
curl -X POST \
-d 'filepath=test1_create_file1.rb' \
-d 'branch=master' \
-d 'content=提交的内容' \
-d 'message=test commit ' \
http://localhost:3000/api/18816895620/mirror_demo/contents.json | jq
|id |是|string |项目id |
|filepath |是|string |文件相对于仓库的路径 |
|content |否|string |内容 |
|message |否|string |提交说明 |
|branch |否|string |分支名称, branch和new_branch必须存在一个 |
|new_branch |否|string |新的分支名称 |
|name |string|文件名|
|sha |string|提交文件的sha值|
|size |int|文件大小, 单位B|
|content |string|base64编码后的文件内容|
|encoding |string|编码方式|
|commit |object||
|-- message |string|提交备注说明信息|
|-- committer|object||
|---- name |string|用户名|
|---- email |string|用户邮箱|
|---- date |string|文件创建时间|
"name": "test1_create_file12.rb",
"sha": "7b70509105b587e71f5692b9e8ab70851e321f64",
"size": 12,
"content": "Wm5ObWMyRmtaZz09",
"encoding": "base64",
"commit": {
"message": "good luck\n",
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-07T03:31:20Z"
"committer": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-07T03:31:20Z"
### 更新仓库中的文件
PUT /api/repositories/:id/update_file.json
curl -X PUT \
-d 'filepath=text1.rb' \
-d 'branch=master' \
-d 'content=ruby code' \
-d 'message=更改提交信息' \
-d 'from_path=text.rb' \
-d "sha=57426eb21e4ceabdf4b206f022077e0040" \
http://localhost:3000/api/repositories/3938/update_file.json | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|filepath |是|string |文件相对于仓库的路径(或修改后的文件路径) |
|from_path |是|string |原文件相对于仓库的路径, 只有当需要修改原文件名称时,才需要该参数 |
|sha |是|string |文件的sha标识值 |
|content |是|string |内容 |
|message |否|string |提交说明 |
|branch |否|string |分支名称, branch和new_branch必须存在一个,且只能存在一个 |
|new_branch |否|string |新的分支名称 |
|name |string|文件名|
|sha |string|提交文件的sha值|
|size |int|文件大小, 单位B|
|content |string|base64编码后的文件内容|
|encoding |string|编码方式|
|commit |object||
|-- message |string|提交备注说明信息|
|-- committer|object||
|---- name |string|用户名|
|---- email |string|用户邮箱|
|---- date |string|文件创建时间|
"name": "test1_create_file6.rb",
"sha": "57426eb21e4ceabdf4b206f022257e08077e0040",
"size": 16,
"content": "5o+Q5Lqk55qE5YaF5a65MQ==",
"encoding": "base64",
"commit": {
"message": "更改提交信息\n",
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-08T07:05:15Z"
"committer": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-08T07:05:15Z"
### 删除仓库中的文件
DELETE /api/repositories/:id/delete_file
curl -X DELETE \
-d 'filepath=test1_create_file12.rb' \
-d 'test delete file' \
-d 'sha=7b70509105b587e71f5692b9e8ab70851e321f64' \
http://localhost:3000/api//api/repositories/3868/delete_file | jq
|id |是|int |项目id |
|filepath |是|string |文件相对于仓库的路径 |
|message |否|string |提交说明 |
|branch |否|string |分支名称, 默认为master分支|
|new_branch |否|string |新的分支名称 |
|sha |string|提交文件的sha值|
|commit |object||
|-- message |string|提交备注说明信息|
|-- committer|object||
|---- name |string|用户名|
|---- email |string|用户邮箱|
|---- date |string|文件创建时间|
"commit": {
"sha": "7b70509105b587e71f5692b9e8ab70851e321f64",
"message": "Delete 'test1_create_file11.rb'\n",
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-08T07:57:34Z"``
"committer": {
"name": "18816895620",
"email": "",
"date": "2020-01-08T07:57:34Z"
### 获取pull request文件列表
GET /api/:owner/:repo/pulls/:id/files.json
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/Jason/test-txt/pulls/1/files.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|id |是|int |pull request's id |
|files_count |int|文件更改的总数量|
|total_addition |int|添加代码总行数|
|total_deletion |int|删除代码总行数|
|files |array||
|-- sha |string|commit's sha value|
|-- name |string|当前文件名|
|-- old_name |string| 修改之前的文件名称,与name相同的话说明文件名未更改|
|-- addition |int|文件添加的行数|
|-- deletion |int|文件删除的行数|
|-- type |int|文件类型, 1: 表示该文件只添加了内容2: 表示该文件内容有修改, 3: 表示文件被删除或者改文件只删除了内容|
|-- isCreated |boolean|当前文件是否为新增文件, true: 是, false: 否|
|-- isDeleted |boolean|当前文件是否被删除, true: 是false: 否|
|-- isBin |boolean|当前文件是否为二进制文件true: 是false: 否|
|-- isLFSFile |boolean|当前文件是否为LFS文件true: 是false: 否|
|-- isRenamed |boolean|当前文件是否被重命名true: 是false: 否|
|-- sections |array||
|---- fileName |string|文件名称|
|---- lines |array||
|------ leftIdx |string|文件变动之前所在行数|
|------ rightIdx |string|文件更改后所在行数|
|------ type |string|文件变更类型1: 新增2: 修改, 3: 删除, 4: diff统计信息|
|------ content |string|文件变更的内容|
|------ sectionInfo |object||
|-------- path |string|文件相对仓库的路径|
|-------- lastLeftIdx |int||
|-------- lastRightIdx |int||
|-------- leftHunkSize |int|文件变更之前的行数|
|-------- rightHunkSize |int|文件变更之后的行数(及当前页面编辑器显示的总行数)|
|-------- leftIdx |int|文件变更之前所在行数|
|-------- rightIdx |int|文件变更之后所在行数(即:页面编辑器开始显示的行数)|
"files_count": 6,
"total_addition": 447,
"total_deletion": 0,
"files": [
"sha": "xefenisnii",
"name": "文件.txt",
"old_name": "文件.txt",
"index": 6,
"addition": 2,
"deletion": 0,
"type": 1,
"isCreated": true,
"isDeleted": false,
"isBin": false,
"isLFSFile": false,
"isRenamed": false,
"isSubmodule": false,
"sections": [
"fileName": "文件.txt",
"name": "",
"lines": [
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 0,
"type": 4,
"content": "@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@",
"sectionInfo": {
"path": null,
"lastLeftIdx": null,
"lastRightIdx": null,
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 0,
"leftHunkSize": null,
"rightHunkSize": null
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 1,
"type": 2,
"content": "+用例图一致性更新",
"sectionInfo": null
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 2,
"type": 2,
"content": "+工程文件直接上传会有文件缺失,现在压缩后上传",
"sectionInfo": null
### 获取pull request的commits列表
GET /api/:owner/:repo/pulls/:id/commits.json
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/Jason/repo/1/commits.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|id |是|int |pull request's id |
|commits_count |int|commits总数量|
|commits |array||
|-- author |object|项目作者|
|---- login |string|用户login|
|---- name |string|用户姓名|
|---- image_url |string|用户头像|
|-- committer |object|commit提交用户|
|---- login |string|用户login|
|---- name |string|用户姓名|
|---- image_url |string|用户头像|
|-- timestamp |int|commit的unix时间戳|
|-- time_from_now|string|commits 提交时间距当前时间的时间值|
|-- message |string|commit说明信息|
|-- sha |string|commits sha值|
"commits_count": 1,
"commits": [
"author": {
"id": 36480,
"login": "jasder",
"name": "段甲生",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"committer": {
"id": 36480,
"login": "jasder",
"name": "段甲生",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"timestamp": 1604382982,
"time_from_now": "3小时前",
"message": "add some file\n* Add the tag list page to the release page\n* Apply suggestions from code review\n* Add the tags list view\n* Add the delete tag way on ui\n* Not delete tag and clear message when delete a release\n",
"sha": "8f5faee0d3b3be1b8063e84da0c79dd75327b968"
### compare two commits
GET /api/:owner/:repo/compare/{base}...{head}.json
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/Jason/test-txt/compare/master...develop | jq
curl -X GET \
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|base |是|string |pull request's id |
|head |是|string |pull request's id |
|commits_count |int|commits总数量|
|commits |array||
|-- author |object|项目作者|
|---- login |string|用户login|
|---- name |string|用户姓名|
|---- image_url |string|用户头像|
|-- committer |object|commit提交用户|
|---- login |string|用户login|
|---- name |string|用户姓名|
|---- image_url |string|用户头像|
|-- timestamp |int|commit的unix时间戳|
|-- time_from_now|string|commits 提交时间距当前时间的时间值|
|-- message |string|commit说明信息|
|-- sha |string|commits sha值|
|diff |object||
|-- files_count |int|文件更改的总数量|
|-- total_addition |int|添加代码总行数|
|-- total_deletion |int|删除代码总行数|
|-- files |Array||
|-- sha |string|commit's sha |
|-- name |string|当前文件名|
|-- old_name |string| 修改之前的文件名称,与name相同的话说明文件名未更改|
|-- addition |int|文件添加的行数|
|-- deletion |int|文件删除的行数|
|-- type |int|文件类型, 1: 表示该文件只添加了内容2: 表示该文件内容有修改, 3: 表示文件被删除或者改文件只删除了内容|
|-- isCreated |boolean|当前文件是否为新增文件, true: 是, false: 否|
|-- isDeleted |boolean|当前文件是否被删除, true: 是false: 否|
|-- isBin |boolean|当前文件是否为二进制文件true: 是false: 否|
|-- isLFSFile |boolean|当前文件是否为LFS文件true: 是false: 否|
|-- isRenamed |boolean|当前文件是否被重命名true: 是false: 否|
|-- sections |array||
|---- fileName |string|文件名称|
|---- lines |array||
|------ leftIdx |string|文件变动之前所在行数|
|------ rightIdx |string|文件更改后所在行数|
|------ type |string|文件变更类型1: 内容未改动2: 添加, 3: 删除, 4: diff统计信息|
|------ content |string|文件变更的内容|
|------ sectionInfo |object||
|-------- path |string|文件相对仓库的路径|
|-------- lastLeftIdx |int||
|-------- lastRightIdx |int||
|-------- leftHunkSize |int|文件变更之前的行数|
|-------- rightHunkSize |int|文件变更之后的行数(及当前页面编辑器显示的总行数)|
|-------- leftIdx |int|文件变更之前所在行数|
|-------- rightIdx |int|文件变更之后所在行数|
"commits_count": 1,
"commits": [
"author": {
"id": 36480,
"login": "jasder",
"name": "段甲生",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"committer": {
"id": 36480,
"login": "jasder",
"name": "段甲生",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"timestamp": 1604382982,
"time_from_now": "4小时前",
"message": "add some file\n* Add the tag list page to the release page\n* Apply suggestions from code review\n* Add the tags list view\n* Add the delete tag way on ui\n* Not delete tag and clear message when delete a release\n",
"sha": "8f5faee0d3b3be1b8063e84da0c79dd75327b968"
"diff": {
"files_count": 6,
"total_addition": 447,
"total_deletion": 0,
"files": [
"name": "build.go",
"old_name": "build.go",
"index": 1,
"addition": 33,
"deletion": 0,
"type": 1,
"isCreated": true,
"isDeleted": false,
"isBin": false,
"isLFSFile": false,
"isRenamed": false,
"isSubmodule": false,
"sections": [
"fileName": "build.go",
"name": "",
"lines": [
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 0,
"type": 4,
"content": "@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@",
"sectionInfo": {
"path": "build.go",
"lastLeftIdx": 0,
"lastRightIdx": 0,
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 1,
"leftHunkSize": 0,
"rightHunkSize": 33
"leftIdx": 0,
"rightIdx": 1,
"type": 2,
"content": "+// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.",
"sectionInfo": null
### 创建保护分支
POST /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches
curl -X POST \
-d 'branch_name=master' \
-d 'enable_push=true' \
-d 'enable_push_whitelist=true' \
-d 'enable_push_whitelist=["demo1", "demo1"]' \
-d 'enable_merge_whitelist=true' \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|branch_name |是|string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |否|boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |否|array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |否|array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |否|boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |否|int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |否|array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |否|boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |否|boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |否|boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |否|boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|branch_name |string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|created_at |string|创建时间|
|updated_at |string|更新时间|
"branch_name": "develop",
"enable_push": true,
"required_approvals": 0,
"enable_status_check": true,
"enable_push_whitelist": true,
"enable_merge_whitelist": true,
"enable_approvals_whitelist": false,
"dismiss_stale_approvals": false,
"block_on_rejected_reviews": false,
"block_on_outdated_branch": false,
"require_signed_commits": false,
"merge_whitelist_usernames": [
"push_whitelist_usernames": [
"approvals_whitelist_usernames": [],
"created_at": "2020-12-02 17:40",
"updated_at": "2020-12-03 11:29"
### 编辑保护分支参数
GET /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches/:branch_name/edit
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches/master/edit.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|branch_name |是|string |保护分支名称 |
|protected |boolean |是否为保护分支, true: 是; false: 不是 |
|branch_name |string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|created_at |string|创建时间|
|updated_at |string|更新时间|
"branch_name": "master",
"protected": true,
"protected_branch": {
"branch_name": "master",
"enable_push": false,
"required_approvals": 0,
"enable_status_check": true,
"enable_push_whitelist": false,
"enable_merge_whitelist": true,
"enable_approvals_whitelist": false,
"dismiss_stale_approvals": false,
"block_on_rejected_reviews": false,
"block_on_outdated_branch": false,
"require_signed_commits": false,
"merge_whitelist_usernames": [
"push_whitelist_usernames": [],
"approvals_whitelist_usernames": [],
"created_at": "2020-12-03 12:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-04 10:50"
### 修改保护分支参数
PATCH /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches/:branch_name
curl -X PATCH \
-d 'branch_name=master' \
-d 'enable_push=true' \
-d 'enable_push_whitelist=true' \
-d 'enable_push_whitelist=["demo1", "demo1"]' \
-d 'enable_merge_whitelist=true' \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches/master.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|branch_name |是|string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |否|boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |否|array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |否|array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |否|boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |否|int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |否|boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |否|array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |否|boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |否|boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |否|boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |否|boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|branch_name |string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|created_at |string|创建时间|
|updated_at |string|更新时间|
"branch_name": "develop",
"enable_push": true,
"required_approvals": 0,
"enable_status_check": true,
"enable_push_whitelist": true,
"enable_merge_whitelist": true,
"enable_approvals_whitelist": false,
"dismiss_stale_approvals": false,
"block_on_rejected_reviews": false,
"block_on_outdated_branch": false,
"require_signed_commits": false,
"merge_whitelist_usernames": [
"push_whitelist_usernames": [
"approvals_whitelist_usernames": [],
"created_at": "2020-12-02 17:40",
"updated_at": "2020-12-03 11:29"
### 删除保护分支
DELETE /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches/:branch_name
curl -X DELETE \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches/master.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|branch_name |是|string |保护分支名称 |
|status |int|状态值0: 请求成功; -1: 请求失败|
|message |string|信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 获取保护分支列表
GET /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches/
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=5" \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认15条 |
|total_count |int | 总记录数 |
|branch_name |string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|created_at |string|创建时间|
|updated_at |string|更新时间|
"total_count": 1,
"protected_branches": [
"branch_name": "develop",
"enable_push": true,
"required_approvals": 0,
"enable_status_check": true,
"enable_push_whitelist": true,
"enable_merge_whitelist": true,
"enable_approvals_whitelist": false,
"dismiss_stale_approvals": false,
"block_on_rejected_reviews": false,
"block_on_outdated_branch": false,
"require_signed_commits": false,
"merge_whitelist_usernames": [
"push_whitelist_usernames": [
"approvals_whitelist_usernames": [],
"created_at": "2020-12-02 17:40",
"updated_at": "2020-12-03 11:29"
### 获取某个具体的保护分支
GET /api/:owner/:repo/protected_branches/:branch_name
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/trustie/truesite/protected_branches/master.json | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|branch_name |是|string |保护分支名称 |
|branch_name |string |保护分支名称 |
|enable_push |boolean |是否启用推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|enable_push_whitelist |boolean |是否启用白名单推送, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false, 该参数与enable_push参数为单选项只能选择|
|push_whitelist_usernames |array |推送白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_push_whitelist参数配合使用 |
|enable_merge_whitelist |boolean |是否启用合并白名单, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|merge_whitelist_usernames |array |合并白名单用户(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_merge_whitelist配合使用 |
|enable_status_check |boolean |是否启用状态检查, true: 启用; false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|required_approvals |int |所需的批准数, 默认为0 |
|enable_approvals_whitelist |boolean |是否启用批准仅限列入白名单的用户或团队, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|approvals_whitelist_usernames |array |审查者白名单(即具有写操作的项目成员名称的数组), 该参数与enable_approvals_whitelist配合使用 |
|block_on_rejected_reviews |boolean |是否启用拒绝审核阻止合并功能, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|dismiss_stale_approvals |boolean |是否启用取消过时的批准, true: 启用, false: 不启用, 默认为false |
|require_signed_commits |boolean |是否需要签名提交, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|block_on_outdated_branch |boolean |如果拉取请求已经过时,是否阻止合并, true: 是, false: 否, 默认为false |
|created_at |string|创建时间|
|updated_at |string|更新时间|
"branch_name": "develop",
"enable_push": true,
"required_approvals": 0,
"enable_status_check": true,
"enable_push_whitelist": true,
"enable_merge_whitelist": true,
"enable_approvals_whitelist": false,
"dismiss_stale_approvals": false,
"block_on_rejected_reviews": false,
"block_on_outdated_branch": false,
"require_signed_commits": false,
"merge_whitelist_usernames": [
"push_whitelist_usernames": [
"approvals_whitelist_usernames": [],
"created_at": "2020-12-02 17:40",
"updated_at": "2020-12-03 11:29"
#### 获取仓库README文件
GET api/:owner/:repo/readme
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/trusite/trusite/readme | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
|ref |否|string |分支、tag或commit。默认: 仓库的默认分支(通常是master)|
|name |string|文件名称|
|path |string|文件相对路径|
|type |string|文件类型, file:文件|
|size |int|文件大小 单位KB|
|content |string|文件内容base64加密|
"type": "file",
"encoding": "base64",
"size": 13544,
"name": "",
"path": "",
"content": "Q2hpbmVzZSAmbmJzcDsgfCAmbmJzcDsgW0VuZ7i9yZWFkbWUvaW5kZXgucG5"
#### 获库仓库的语言百分占比
GET api/:owner/:repo/languages
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/trusite/languages | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者登录名 |
|repo |否|boolean |仓库名称 |
"JavaScript": "90.2%",
"CSS": "6.1%",
"Java": "2.9%",
"HTML": "0.8%"
### DevOps相关api
#### 获取devops流程步骤
GET /api/:owner/:repo/ci_authorize
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/ci_authorize.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|step |int|初始化devops流程步骤; 0: 标识未开启devops1: 标识用户已填写了云服务器相关信息,但并未开启认证, 2: 标识用户已开启了CI服务端的认证|
|account |string|你的云服务器帐号|
|ip |string|你的云服务器帐号ip|
|secret |string|你的云服务器登录密码|
|authenticate_url |string|devops授权认证地址 只有填写了服务器相关信息后才会有该地址|
|get_drone_token_url |string|获取CI服务端token地址, 只有认证成功后才会有该地址|
"step": 0,
"cloud_account": {
"id": 1,
"account": "xxx",
"ip": "",
"secret": "11111",
"authenticate_url": "http://localhost:3000/login",
"get_drone_token_url": "http://localhost:3000/account"
#### 初始化DevOps流程
POST /api/:owner/:repo/cloud_accounts
curl -X POST \
-d "account=xx" \
-d "secret=xxx" \
-d "ip_num=xx.xx.xx.xx" \
https://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/cloud_accounts.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|account |是|string |云服务器ssh连接登录用户名 |
|secret |是|string |云服务器ssh连接登录秘密 |
|ip_num |否|string |云服务器公网IP |
|status |string|服务端返回状态0: 表示请求成功, -1: 标识请求失败|
|message |string|服务端返回信息说明|
|redirect_url |string|重定向地址,请求成功后,需要调整到该地址进行认证|
"status": 0,
"message": "success",
"redirect_url": ""
#### devops用户认证授权
GET /api/users/ci/oauth_grant
curl -X GET \
-d "password=123456" \
http://localhost:3000/api/users/ci/oauth_grant.json | jq
|password |是|string |用户密码 |
|status |int|0:成功, -1: 失败|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 激活项目
POST /api/:owner/:repo/activate
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/activate.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|status |int|0:成功, -1: 失败|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 取消激活项目
DELETE /api/:owner/:repo/deactivate
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/deactivate.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|status |int|0:成功, -1: 失败|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 获取仓库的.trustie-pipeline.yml
GET /api/:owner/:repo/get_trustie_pipeline
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forge/get_trustie_pipeline.json | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|ref |否|string |分支名称、tag名称或是提交记录id默认为master分支 |
|name |string|文件夹或文件名称|
|path |string|文件夹或文件相对路径|
|content |string|文件内容,|
"name": ".trustie-pipeline.yml",
"path": ".trustie-pipeline.yml",
"sha": "548sfefsafef48sf485s4f",
"content": "..jsaf"
#### 更新'.trustie-pipeline.yml'文件
PUT /api/:owner/:repo/update_trustie_pipeline
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forge/update_trustie_pipeline.json?pipeline_id=1 | jq
|owner |是|string |用户登录名 |
|repo |是|string |project's identifier |
|ref |否|string |分支名称、tag名称或是提交记录id默认为master分支 |
|filepath |是|string |文件相对于仓库的路径(或修改后的文件路径) |
|from_path |是|string |原文件相对于仓库的路径, 只有当需要修改原文件名称时,才需要该参数 |
|sha |是|string |文件的sha标识值 |
|content |是|string |内容 |
|message |否|string |提交说明 |
|branch |否|string |分支名称, branch和new_branch必须存在一个,且只能存在一个 |
|new_branch |否|string |新的分支名称 |
|ci_language_id |否|string |新的分支名称 |
|status |int|接口返回状态, 1: 请求成功, -1: 请求失败|
|message |string|文件夹或文件相对路径|
"status": 1,
"message": ".trustie-pipeline.yml"
#### 获取语言列表
GET /api/ci/languages
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/ci/languages.json | jq
|id |int|id值|
|name |string|语言名称|
|content |string|语言内容|
|cover_url |string|语言的logo链接|
"id": 114,
"name": "C",
"cover_url": null,
"content": "kind: pipeline\n name: default\n\n platform:\n os: linux\n arch: arm64\n\n steps:\n - name: test\n image: gcc\n commands:\n - ./configure\n - make\n - make test",
#### 获取常用的6大语言
GET /api/ci/languages/common
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/ci/languages/common.json | jq
|id |int|id值|
|name |string|语言名称|
|content |string|语言内容|
|cover_url |string|语言的logo链接|
"id": 114,
"name": "C",
"cover_url": null,
"content": "kind: pipeline\n name: default\n\n platform:\n os: linux\n arch: arm64\n\n steps:\n - name: test\n image: gcc\n commands:\n - ./configure\n - make\n - make test",
#### 获取语言详情
GET /api/ci/languages/:id
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/ci/languages/114.json | jq
|id |是|int |language's id |
|id |int|id值|
|name |string|语言名称|
|content |string|语言内容|
|cover_url |string|语言的logo链接|
"id": 114,
"name": "C",
"cover_url": null,
"content": "kind: pipeline\n name: default\n\n platform:\n os: linux\n arch: arm64\n\n steps:\n - name: test\n image: gcc\n commands:\n - ./configure\n - make\n - make test",
#### 获取构建列表
GET /api/:owner/:repo/builds??branch={branch}
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/Jason/forge/builds?branch=develop | jq
|owner |是|string |项目拥有者 |
|repo |是|string |项目identifier |
|page |否|string |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|string |每页多少条数据默认20条 |
|search |是|string |构建状态条件过滤; 值说明pending: 准备中failure: 构建失败running: 运行中error构建失败(.trustie-pipeline.yml文件错误)success: 构建成功killed: 撤销构建 |
|branch |是|string |分支 |
|id |int|build's id|
|number |string|build's number|
|status |string|build's result|
|event |string|build's event|
"id": 1,
"repo_id": 8,
"trigger": "@hook",
"number": 1,
"status": "success",
"event": "push",
"action": "",
"link": "",
"timestamp": 0,
"message": "更新 '.trustie-pipeline.yml'\n",
"before": "5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324",
"after": "5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"source_repo": "",
"source": "master",
"target": "master",
"author_login": "jasder",
"author_name": "jasder",
"author_email": "",
"author_avatar": "",
"sender": "jasder",
"started": "2020-08-19 06:22",
"finished": "2020-08-19 06:22",
"created": "2020-08-19 06:22",
"updated": "2020-08-19 06:22",
"duration_time": 0,
"version": 3
#### 获取某条构建详情信息
GET /api/:owner/:repo/builds/:build
curl -X GET \
http://ocalhost:3000/api/jasder/forge/builds/1 | jq
|build |是|int |build's number |
|id |int|build's id|
|status |string|build's status|
|event |string|build's event|
"id": 1,
"repo_id": 8,
"trigger": "@hook",
"number": 1,
"status": "success",
"event": "push",
"action": "",
"link": "http://localhost:3000/jasder/forgeplus/compare/5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324...5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"timestamp": 0,
"message": "更新 '.trustie-pipeline.yml'\n",
"before": "5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324",
"after": "5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"source_repo": "",
"source": "master",
"target": "master",
"author_login": "jasder",
"author_name": "jasder",
"author_email": "",
"author_avatar": "http://localhost:3000/user/avatar/jasder/-1",
"sender": "jasder",
"started": 1595317786,
"finished": 1595318426,
"created": 1595317786,
"updated": 1595317786,
"version": 3,
"stages": [
"id": 1,
"repo_id": 8,
"build_id": 1,
"number": 1,
"name": "default",
"kind": "pipeline",
"type": "docker",
"status": "success",
"errignore": false,
"exit_code": 0,
"machine": "",
"os": "linux",
"arch": "arm64",
"started": 1595317786,
"stopped": 1595318426,
"created": 1595317786,
"updated": 1595318426,
"version": 4,
"on_success": true,
"on_failure": false,
"steps": [
"id": 1,
"step_id": 1,
"number": 1,
"name": "clone",
"status": "success",
"exit_code": 0,
"started": 1595317786,
"stopped": 1595318373,
"version": 4
"id": 2,
"step_id": 1,
"number": 2,
"name": "test",
"status": "success",
"exit_code": 0,
"started": 1595318373,
"stopped": 1595318426,
"version": 4
#### 重启构建/重新构建
POST /api/:owner/:repo/builds/:build/restart
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:3000/api/jasder/forgeplus/builds/1 | jq
|build |是|int |build's number |
|id |int|build's id|
|status |string|build's status|
|event |string|build's event|
"id": 2,
"repo_id": 8,
"trigger": "jasder",
"number": 2,
"status": "pending",
"event": "push",
"action": "",
"link": "http://localhost:3000/jasder/forgeplus/compare/5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324...5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"timestamp": 0,
"message": "更新 '.trustie-pipeline.yml'\n",
"before": "5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324",
"after": "5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"source_repo": "",
"source": "master",
"target": "master",
"author_login": "jasder",
"author_name": "jasder",
"author_email": "",
"author_avatar": "http://localhost:3000/user/avatar/jasder/-1",
"sender": "jasder",
"started": 0,
"finished": 0,
"created": 1595321350,
"updated": 1595321350,
"version": 1
#### 关闭构建
DELETE /api/:owner/:repo/builds/:build/stop
curl -X DELETE \
http://localhost:3000/api/jaser/forge/builds/2 | jq
|build |是|int |build's number |
|id |int|build's id|
|status |string|build's status|
|event |string|build's event|
"id": 2,
"repo_id": 8,
"trigger": "jasder",
"number": 2,
"status": "killed",
"event": "push",
"action": "",
"link": "http://localhost:3000/jasder/forgeplus/compare/5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324...5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"timestamp": 0,
"message": "更新 '.trustie-pipeline.yml'\n",
"before": "5e7c6f7dfd5ce6cc6e287fcbc000dadd9992b324",
"after": "5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"source_repo": "",
"source": "master",
"target": "master",
"author_login": "jasder",
"author_name": "jasder",
"author_email": "",
"author_avatar": "http://localhost:3000/user/avatar/jasder/-1",
"sender": "jasder",
"started": 1595321352,
"finished": 1595321590,
"created": 1595321350,
"updated": 1595321352,
"version": 3,
"stages": [
"id": 2,
"repo_id": 8,
"build_id": 2,
"number": 1,
"name": "default",
"kind": "pipeline",
"type": "docker",
"status": "killed",
"errignore": false,
"exit_code": 0,
"machine": "",
"os": "linux",
"arch": "arm64",
"started": 1595321352,
"stopped": 1595321590,
"created": 1595321350,
"updated": 1595321352,
"version": 4,
"on_success": true,
"on_failure": false,
"steps": [
"id": 3,
"step_id": 2,
"number": 1,
"name": "clone",
"status": "killed",
"exit_code": 130,
"started": 1595321353,
"stopped": 1595321590,
"version": 3
"id": 4,
"step_id": 2,
"number": 2,
"name": "test",
"status": "skipped",
"exit_code": 130,
"started": 1595321590,
"stopped": 1595321590,
"version": 2
#### 获取某条构建的log信息
GET /api/:owner/:repo/builds/:build/logs/:stage/:step
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/dev_ops/builds/2/logs/1/1 | jq
|build |是|int |build's number |
|stage |是|int |build's stage number |
|step |是|int |build's step number |
|id |int|build's id|
|status |string|build's status|
|event |string|build's event|
"pos": 0,
"out": "+ git fetch origin +refs/heads/master:\n",
"time": 1
"pos": 1,
"out": "Initialized empty Git repository in /drone/src/.git/\n",
"time": 1
"pos": 2,
"out": "warning: redirecting to\n",
"time": 1
"pos": 3,
"out": "From\n",
"time": 493
"pos": 4,
"out": " * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD\n",
"time": 493
"pos": 5,
"out": " * [new branch] master -> origin/master\n",
"time": 493
"pos": 6,
"out": "+ git checkout 5e52ce51a239f5c8dd0b489a8a71e94f976179b4 -b master\n",
"time": 493
"pos": 7,
"out": "Already on 'master'\n",
"time": 496
#### 获取CI服务器配置信息
GET /api/users/ci/cloud_account
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/users/ci/cloud_account | jq
|step |int|0: 未绑定1: 未认证(已绑定)|
|ci_certification |boolean|true: 已认证, false: 未认证|
|ip |string|ci服务器ip|
|redirect_url |string|认证地址|
"step": 0,
"ci_certification": false,
"cloud_account": {
"ip": "",
"redirect_url": "http://localhost:3000/login",
#### 绑定CI服务器-Trustie提供服务器
POST /api/users/ci/cloud_account/trustie_bind
curl -X POST \
-d "account=xx" \
https://localhost:3000/api/users/ci/cloud_account/trustie_bind.json | jq
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ---- | ------ | ---------- |
| account | 是 | string | 登录用户名 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------ | ------ | --------------------------------------- |
| step | int | 0: 未绑定1: 未认证(已绑定)2: 已认证 |
| ip | string | ci服务器ip |
| redirect_url | string | 认证地址 |
"step": 0,
"cloud_account": {
"ip": "",
"redirect_url": "http://localhost:3000/login"
#### 绑定CI服务器
POST /api/users/ci/cloud_account/bind
curl -X POST \
-d "account=xx" \
-d "secret=xxx" \
-d "ip_num=xx.xx.xx.xx" \
https://localhost:3000/api/users/ci/cloud_account/bind.json | jq
|account |是|string |云服务器ssh连接登录用户名 |
|secret |是|string |云服务器ssh连接登录秘密 |
|ip_num |否|string |云服务器公网IP |
|step |int|0: 未绑定1: 未认证(已绑定)2: 已认证|
|ip |string|ci服务器ip|
|redirect_url |string|认证地址|
"step": 0,
"cloud_account": {
"ip": "",
"redirect_url": "http://localhost:3000/login",
#### 流水线查询
GET /api/ci/pipelines/list?identifier={identifier}
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/list.json?identifier="xxx" | jq
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------- | ------ | ------------ |
| id | int | 流水线id |
| pipeline_name | string | 流水线名称 |
| file_name | string | 流水线文件名 |
| branch | string | 触发分支 |
| event | string | 触发事件 |
| last_build_time | string | 上次构建时间 |
| last_build_status | string | 上次构建状态 |
"pipelines": [
"id": 65,
"pipeline_name": "流水线 2021-01-25",
"file_name": ".drone.yml",
"branch": "develop",
"event": "push",
"sha": "19fb5eb28603a4a1ec799ad44c1a3ef69d5c2cd0",
"identifier": "trustieTest",
"last_build_status": "success",
"last_build_time": "2021-01-25 15:54:22"
#### 流水线新增
POST /api/ci/pipelines
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
"pipeline_name": "流水线 2021-01-12",
"file_name": ".trustie.pipeline.yaml",
"repo": "xxx",
"owner": "xxx",
"branch": "master",
"event": "push"
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ---- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| pipeline_name | 是 | string | 流水线名称 |
| file_name | 是 | string | 文件名称(默认初始值:.trustie.pipeline.yaml |
| repo | 是 | string | 项目identifier |
| owner | 是 | string | 项目的owner |
| branch | 是 | string | 分支名称, branch必须存在一个 |
| event | 是 | string | 触发事件,可多选,多个逗号隔开 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | -------------- |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
| id | int | 新增流水线的id |
"status": 0,
"message": "success",
"id": 18
#### 流水线更新
PUT /api/ci/pipelines/{id}
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
"pipeline_name": "2020-01-11 流水线"
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ---- | ------ | ---------- |
| id | 是 | id | 流水线id |
| pipeline_name | 是 | string | 流水线名称 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线删除
DELETE /api/ci/pipelines/{id}
curl -X DELETE \
https://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1 | jq
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ---- | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线的阶段查询
GET /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/stages
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/19/stages.json'
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ---- | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------ | -------- |
| stages | arr | 阶段数组 |
| stage_name | string | 阶段名称 |
| stage_type | string | 阶段类型 |
| pipeline_id | int | 流水线id |
| show_index | int | 排序 |
"stages": [
"id": 37,
"stage_name": "初始化",
"stage_type": "init",
"pipeline_id": 19,
"show_index": 1,
"created_at": "2021-01-12T15:18:00.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-12T15:18:00.000+08:00"
"id": 38,
"stage_name": "编译构建",
"stage_type": "build",
"pipeline_id": 19,
"show_index": 2,
"created_at": "2021-01-12T15:18:00.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-12T15:18:00.000+08:00"
#### 确认阶段流水线完整内容查询
GET /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/content?owner={owner}&repo={repo}
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1/content.json?owner=xx&repo=xx | jq
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ---------------- |
| content | String | 流水线内容 |
| sync | int | 同步状态 |
| owner | string | 用户登录名 |
| repo | string | 项目的identifier |
"content": "#pipeline \nkind: pipeline\r\nname: maven项目-镜像仓库\r\n\r\nplatform:\r\n os: linux\r\n arch: arm64\nsteps:\n- name: Maven编译\r\n image: arm64v8/maven\r\n commands:\r\n - mvn install\n- name: 编译镜像-推送到仓库\r\n image: plugins/docker\r\n settings:\r\n username: moshenglv\r\n password: RL9UB5P7Jtzukka\r\n repo:\r\n tags: latest\n",
"sync": 1,
#### 流水线阶段新增
POST /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/create_stage
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/19/create_stage.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"stage_name": "新阶段2",
"show_index": 2
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | ------ | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| show_index | 是 | int | 阶段排序 |
| stage_name | 是 | string | 阶段名称 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线阶段更新
PUT /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/{stage_id}/update_stage
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1/5/update_stage.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
"stage_name": "新阶段-更新"
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | ------ | -------------------------------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| stage_name | 是 | string | 阶段名称(默认为 阶段名-模板名) |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线阶段删除
DELETE /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/{stage_id}/delete_stage?show_index={index}
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/19/42/delete_stage.json?show_index=2' \
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| stage_id | 是 | int | 阶段id |
| show_index | 是 | int | 被删除阶段的show_index |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线阶段步骤查询
GET /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/{stage_id}/steps.json
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1/2/steps.json | jq
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| -------- | ---- | ---- | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| stage_id | 是 | int | 阶段id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ------ | ------------------ |
| id | int | 步骤id |
| step_name | string | 步骤名称 |
| stage_id | int | 所属阶段id |
| show_index | int | 显示顺序 |
| content | String | 步骤内容 |
| template | Object | 步骤对应的模板对象 |
"steps": [
"id": 1,
"step_name": "编译构建-maven",
"stage_id": 2,
"show_index": 0,
"content": "- name: Maven编译\r\n image: arm64v8/maven\r\n",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T09:57:17.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-11T09:57:17.000+08:00",
"template": {
"id": 3,
"template_name": "maven",
"stage_type": "build",
"category": "java",
"content": "- name: maven\r\n image: maven:3-jdk-10\r\n",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:34.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:36.000+08:00"
#### 流水线阶段步骤新增/更新
POST /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/{stage_id}/stage_step
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1/2/stage_step.json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {"steps":[{
"step_name": "编译构建11-gradle",
"show_index": 1,
"content": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------------- | ---- | ------ | -------------------------------- |
| steps | 是 | arr | 需要更新step数组 |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| stage_id | 是 | int | 阶段id |
| id数组中的id | 否 | int | 步骤id存在则更新不存在新增 |
| step_name | 是 | string | 阶段名称(阶段名-模板名) |
| content | 是 | string | 步骤内容 |
| template_id | 是 | int | 模板id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 流水线阶段步骤删除
DELETE /api/ci/pipelines/{id}/{stage_id}/{step_id}/delete_step
curl -X DELETE \
https://localhost:3000/api/ci/pipelines/1/6/2/delete_stage.json | jq
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| -------- | ---- | ---- | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| stage_id | 是 | int | 阶段id |
| step_id | 是 | int | 步骤id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 阶段模板查询
GET /api/ci/templates/templates_by_stage?stage_type={stage_type}
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:3000/api/ci/templates/templates_by_stage.json?stage_type=build | jq
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | ------ | ------------------------------------- |
| stage_type | 是 | string | 阶段类型init/build/deploy/customize |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ------ | ---------------- |
| category | string | 分类名称 |
| templates | arr | 分类下的模板列表 |
| id | int | 模板id |
| template_name | string | 模板名称 |
| content | String | 模板内容 |
"category": "java",
"templates": [
"id": 3,
"template_name": "maven",
"stage_type": "build",
"category": "java",
"content": "#maven",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:34.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:36.000+08:00"
"id": 4,
"template_name": "gradle",
"stage_type": "build",
"category": "java",
"content": "#gradle",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:34.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-11T17:28:36.000+08:00"
"category": "c++",
"templates": [
"id": 5,
"template_name": "make",
"stage_type": "build",
"category": "c++",
"content": "#make",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T17:29:17.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-11T17:29:18.000+08:00"
#### 模板列表查询
GET /api/ci/templates/list.json?limit=10&page=1&name=&stage_type=customize
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/templates/list.json?limit=10&page=1&name=&stage_type=customize'
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | ------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| stage_type | 是 | string | 阶段类型init/build/deploy/customize/all |
| limit | 是 | int | 每页条数 |
| page | 是 | int | 页码 |
| name | 否 | string | 模糊查询参数 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ------ | ---------------- |
| category | string | 分类名称 |
| templates | arr | 分类下的模板列表 |
| id | int | 模板id |
| template_name | string | 模板名称 |
| content | String | 模板内容 |
"total_count": 1,
"templates": [
"id": 19,
"template_name": "工具1",
"stage_type": "customize",
"category": "其他",
"content": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"login": "victor",
"created_at": "2021-01-26T15:51:30.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-26T15:51:30.000+08:00"
#### 模板详情查询
GET /api/ci/templates/id
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/templates/17.json'
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ---- | ------ |
| id | 是 | int | 模板id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ------ | -------- |
| category | string | 分类名称 |
| id | int | 模板id |
| template_name | string | 模板名称 |
| content | String | 模板内容 |
"id": 17,
"template_name": "win/x86_64",
"stage_type": "init",
"category": "初始化",
"content": "kind: pipeline\r\ntype: docker\r\nname: default\r\nplatform:\r\n os: linux\r\n arch: amd64",
"login": "victor",
"created_at": "2021-01-26T15:29:27.000+08:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-26T15:29:27.000+08:00"
#### 模板新增/更新
POST /api/ci/templates
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/templates' \
--data-raw ' {
"template_name": "java++",
"stage_type": "build",
"category": "java",
"content": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"id": 21
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ---- | ------ | ---------------- |
| template_name | 是 | string | 模板名称 |
| stage_type | 是 | string | 阶段类型 |
| category | 是 | string | 分类 |
| content | 是 | string | 模板内容 |
| id | 否 | int | 模板id更新时传 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 模板删除
DELETE /api/ci/templates/{id}
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/templates/10'
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ---- | -------- |
| id | 是 | int | 流水线id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 参数列表查询
GET /api/ci/secrets/secrets?owner={owner}&repo={repo}
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/secrets?owner=test&repo=test'
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ------ | ---------- |
| owner | 是 | string | 仓库所有人 |
| repo | 是 | string | 仓库名 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| name | string | 参数名 |
| data | string | 参数值 |
| repo | string | 仓库 |
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"data": "test",
"repo": "test"
#### 参数新增/更新
POST /api/ci/secrets?owner={owner}&repo={repo}
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/secrets?owner=test&repo=test' \
--data-raw ' {
"name": "ip",
"data": "",
"id": 21
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ------ | ------------ |
| owner | 是 | string | 仓库拥有者 |
| repo | 是 | string | 仓库名 |
| name | 是 | string | 参数名 |
| data | 是 | string | 参数值 |
| id | 否 | int | id更新时传 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 参数删除
DELETE /api/ci/secrets/{id}?name={name}&owner={owner}&repo={repo}
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/api/ci/secrets/1?name=p1&owner=victor&repo=trustieTest' \
| 参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------ | ---- | ------ | ------ |
| name | 是 | string | 参数名 |
| id | 是 | int | 参数id |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | ------------ |
| status | int | 状态码 0成功 |
| message | string | 返回消息 |
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
#### 解除CI服务器绑定
DELETE /api/users/ci/cloud_account/unbind
curl -X DELETE \
http://localhost:3000/api/users/ci/cloud_account/unbind.json | jq
|status |int|状态码, 0: 成功,-1: 失败|
|message |string|返回信息说明|
"status": 0,
"message": "success"
### 项目列表
GET /api/users/:login/projects
curl -X GET \
-d "page=1" \
-d "limit=20" \
http://localhost:3000/api/users/Jason/projects.json | jq
|page |否|int |页数,第几页 |
|limit |否|int |每页多少条数据默认20条 |
|total_count |int |项目总条数 |
|id |string |项目id |
|name |string|项目名称|
|description |string|项目简介|
|open_devops |boolean|激活状态true: 激活; false未激活|
|visits |int|流量数|
|forked_count |int|被fork的数量|
|praises_count |int|star数量|
|is_public |boolean|是否公开, true:公开false:未公开|
|mirror_url |string|镜像url|
|author |object|项目创建者|
|-- name |string|用户名,也是用户标识|
|category |object|项目类别|
|-- id |int|项目类型id|
|-- name |string|项目类型名称|
|language |object|项目语言|
|-- id |int|项目语言id|
|-- name |string|项目语言名称|
"total_count": 3096,
"projects": [
"id": 1,
"name": "hnfl_demo1",
"description": "my first project",
"visits": 0,
"praises_count": 0,
"forked_count": 0,
"is_public": true,
"mirror_url": null,
"last_update_time": 1577697461,
"author": {
"name": "18816895620",
"image_url": "avatars/User/b"
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "大数据"
"language": {
"id": 2,
"name": "C"