Here is a simple script to display any line from the critical files with, say, `4.5` in it:
find /tmp/antlr4 -type f -exec grep -l '4\.5' {} \;
Commit to repository.
## Maven Repository Settings
First, make sure you have maven set up to communicate with staging servers etc... Create file `~/.m2/settings.xml` with appropriate username/password for staging server and gpg.keyname/passphrase for signing. Make sure it has strict visibility privileges to just you. On unix, it looks like:
User-specific configuration for maven. Includes things that should not
be distributed with the pom.xml file, such as developer identity, along with
local settings, like proxy information.
## Maven release
The maven deploy lifecycle phased deploys the artifacts and the poms for the ANTLR project to the [sonatype remote staging server](
mvn deploy -DskipTests
mvn release:prepare
It will start out by asking you the version number:
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) 4.5.2: : 4.5.2
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Runtime"? (org.antlr:antlr4-runtime) 4.5.2: :
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Tool"? (org.antlr:antlr4) 4.5.2: :
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Maven plugin"? (org.antlr:antlr4-maven-plugin) 4.5.2: :
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Runtime Test Generator"? (org.antlr:antlr4-runtime-testsuite) 4.5.2: :
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Tool Tests"? (org.antlr:antlr4-tool-testsuite) 4.5.2: :
What is SCM release tag or label for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) antlr4-master-4.5.2: : 4.5.2
What is the new development version for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) 4.5.3-SNAPSHOT:
Maven will go through your pom.xml files to update versions from 4.5.2-SNAPSHOT to 4.5.2 for release and then to 4.5.3-SNAPSHOT after release, which is done with:
mvn release:perform
Maven will use git to push pom.xml changes. (big smile)
and on the left click "Staging Repositories". You click the staging repo and close it, then you refresh, click it and release it. It's done when you see it here: