Hi and welcome to the version 4 release of ANTLR! It's named after the fearless hero of the [Crazy Nasty-Ass Honey Badger](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg) since ANTLR v4 takes whatever you give it--it just doesn't give a crap! See [Why do we need ANTLR v4?](faq/general.md) and the [preface of the ANTLR v4 book](http://media.pragprog.com/titles/tpantlr2/preface.pdf).
## Installation
ANTLR is really two things: a tool that translates your grammar to a parser/lexer in Java (or other target language) and the runtime needed by the generated parsers/lexers. Even if you are using the ANTLR Intellij plug-in or ANTLRWorks to run the ANTLR tool, the generated code will still need the runtime library.
The first thing you should do is probably download and install a development tool plug-in. Even if you only use such tools for editing, they are great. Then, follow the instructions below to get the runtime environment available to your system to run generated parsers/lexers. In what follows, I talk about antlr-4.5-complete.jar, which has the tool and the runtime and any other support libraries (e.g., ANTLR v4 is written in v3).
If you are going to integrate ANTLR into your existing build system using mvn, ant, or want to get ANTLR into your IDE such as eclipse or intellij, see Integrating ANTLR into Development Systems.