2013-02-16 05:30:47 +08:00
* [The "BSD license"]
* Copyright (c) 2013 Terence Parr
* Copyright (c) 2013 Sam Harwell
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
using System.Collections;
2013-02-16 05:30:47 +08:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Antlr4.Runtime;
using Antlr4.Runtime.Atn;
using Antlr4.Runtime.Dfa;
using Antlr4.Runtime.Misc;
using Sharpen;
namespace Antlr4.Runtime.Atn
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
/// <summary>The embodiment of the adaptive LL(*) parsing strategy.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The embodiment of the adaptive LL(*) parsing strategy.
/// The basic complexity of the adaptive strategy makes it harder to
/// understand. We begin with ATN simulation to build paths in a
/// DFA. Subsequent prediction requests go through the DFA first. If
/// they reach a state without an edge for the current symbol, the
/// algorithm fails over to the ATN simulation to complete the DFA
/// path for the current input (until it finds a conflict state or
/// uniquely predicting state).
/// All of that is done without using the outer context because we
/// want to create a DFA that is not dependent upon the rule
/// invocation stack when we do a prediction. One DFA works in all
/// contexts. We avoid using context not necessarily because it
/// slower, although it can be, but because of the DFA caching
/// problem. The closure routine only considers the rule invocation
/// stack created during prediction beginning in the entry rule. For
/// example, if prediction occurs without invoking another rule's
/// ATN, there are no context stacks in the configurations. When this
/// leads to a conflict, we don't know if it's an ambiguity or a
/// weakness in the strong LL(*) parsing strategy (versus full
/// LL(*)).
/// So, we simply retry the ATN simulation again, this time
/// using full outer context and filling a dummy DFA (to avoid
/// polluting the context insensitive DFA). Configuration context
/// stacks will be the full invocation stack from the start rule. If
/// we get a conflict using full context, then we can definitively
/// say we have a true ambiguity for that input sequence. If we don't
/// get a conflict, it implies that the decision is sensitive to the
/// outer context. (It is not context-sensitive in the sense of
/// context sensitive grammars.) We create a special DFA accept state
/// that maps rule context to a predicted alternative. That is the
/// only modification needed to handle full LL(*) prediction. In
/// general, full context prediction will use more lookahead than
/// necessary, but it pays to share the same DFA. For a schedule
/// proof that full context prediction uses that most the same amount
/// of lookahead as a context insensitive prediction, see the comment
/// on method retryWithContext().
/// So, the strategy is complex because we bounce back and forth from
/// the ATN to the DFA, simultaneously performing predictions and
/// extending the DFA according to previously unseen input
/// sequences. The retry with full context is a recursive call to the
/// same function naturally because it does the same thing, just with
/// a different initial context. The problem is, that we need to pass
/// in a "full context mode" parameter so that it knows to report
/// conflicts differently. It also knows not to do a retry, to avoid
/// infinite recursion, if it is already using full context.
/// Retry a simulation using full outer context.
/// One of the key assumptions here is that using full context
/// can use at most the same amount of input as a simulation
/// that is not useful context (i.e., it uses all possible contexts
/// that could invoke our entry rule. I believe that this is true
/// and the proof might go like this.
/// THEOREM: The amount of input consumed during a full context
/// simulation is at most the amount of input consumed during a
/// non full context simulation.
/// PROOF: Let D be the DFA state at which non-context simulation
/// terminated. That means that D does not have a configuration for
/// which we can legally pursue more input. (It is legal to work only
/// on configurations for which there is no conflict with another
/// configuration.) Now we restrict ourselves to following ATN edges
/// associated with a single context. Choose any DFA state D' along
/// the path (same input) to D. That state has either the same number
/// of configurations or fewer. (If the number of configurations is
/// the same, then we have degenerated to the non-context case.) Now
/// imagine that we restrict to following edges associated with
/// another single context and that we reach DFA state D'' for the
/// same amount of input as D'. The non-context simulation merges D'
/// and D''. The union of the configuration sets either has the same
/// number of configurations as both D' and D'' or it has more. If it
/// has the same number, we are no worse off and the merge does not
/// force us to look for more input than we would otherwise have to
/// do. If the union has more configurations, it can introduce
/// conflicts but not new alternatives--we cannot conjure up alternatives
/// by computing closure on the DFA state. Here are the cases for
/// D' union D'':
/// 1. No increase in configurations, D' = D''
/// 2. Add configuration that introduces a new alternative number.
/// This cannot happen because no new alternatives are introduced
/// while computing closure, even during start state computation.
/// 3. D'' adds a configuration that does not conflict with any
/// configuration in D'. Simulating without context would then have
/// forced us to use more lookahead than D' (full context) alone.
/// 3. D'' adds a configuration that introduces a conflict with a
/// configuration in D'. There are 2 cases:
/// a. The conflict does not cause termination (D' union D''
/// is added to the work list). Again no context simulation requires
/// more input.
/// b. The conflict does cause termination, but this cannot happen.
/// By definition, we know that with ALL contexts merged we
/// don't terminate until D and D' uses less input than D. Therefore
/// no context simulation requires more input than full context
/// simulation.
/// We have covered all the cases and there is never a situation where
/// a single, full context simulation requires more input than a
/// no context simulation.
/// I spent a bunch of time thinking about this problem after finding
/// a case where context-sensitive ATN simulation looks beyond what they
/// no context simulation uses. the no context simulation for if then else
/// stops at the else whereas full context scans through to the end of the
/// statement to decide that the "else statement" clause is ambiguous. And
/// sometimes it is not ambiguous! Ok, I made an untrue assumption in my
/// proof which I won't bother going to. the important thing is what I'm
/// going to do about it. I thought I had a simple answer, but nope. It
/// turns out that the if then else case is perfect example of something
/// that has the following characteristics:
/// no context conflicts at k=1
/// full context at k=(1 + length of statement) can be both ambiguous and not
/// ambiguous depending on the input, though I think from different contexts.
/// But, the good news is that the k=1 case is a special case in that
/// SLL(1) and LL(1) have exactly the same power so we can conclude that
/// conflicts at k=1 are true ambiguities and we do not need to pursue
/// context-sensitive parsing. That covers a huge number of cases
/// including the if then else clause and the predicated precedence
/// parsing mechanism. whew! because that could be extremely expensive if
/// we had to do context.
/// Further, there is no point in doing full context if none of the
/// configurations dip into the outer context. This nicely handles cases
/// such as super constructor calls versus function calls. One grammar
/// might look like this:
/// ctorBody : '{' superCall? stat* '}' ;
/// Or, you might see something like
/// stat : superCall ';' | expression ';' | ... ;
/// In both cases I believe that no closure operations will dip into the
/// outer context. In the first case ctorBody in the worst case will stop
/// at the '}'. In the 2nd case it should stop at the ';'. Both cases
/// should stay within the entry rule and not dip into the outer context.
/// So, we now cover what I hope is the vast majority of the cases (in
/// particular the very important precedence parsing case). Anything that
/// needs k>1 and dips into the outer context requires a full context
/// retry. In this case, I'm going to start out with a brain-dead solution
/// which is to mark the DFA state as context-sensitive when I get a
/// conflict. Any further DFA simulation that reaches that state will
/// launch an ATN simulation to get the prediction, without updating the
/// DFA or storing any context information. Later, I can make this more
/// efficient, but at least in this case I can guarantee that it will
/// always do the right thing. We are not making any assumptions about
/// lookahead depth.
/// Ok, writing this up so I can put in a comment.
/// Upon conflict in the no context simulation:
/// if k=1, report ambiguity and resolve to the minimum conflicting alternative
/// if k=1 and predicates, no report and include the predicate to
/// predicted alternative map in the DFA state
/// if k=* and we did not dip into the outer context, report ambiguity
/// and resolve to minimum conflicting alternative
/// if k>1 and we dip into outer context, retry with full context
/// if conflict, report ambiguity and resolve to minimum conflicting
/// alternative, mark DFA as context-sensitive
/// If no conflict, report ctx sensitivity and mark DFA as context-sensitive
/// Technically, if full context k is less than no context k, we can
/// reuse the conflicting DFA state so we don't have to create special
/// DFA paths branching from context, but we can leave that for
/// optimization later if necessary.
/// if non-greedy, no report and resolve to the exit alternative
/// By default we do full context-sensitive LL(*) parsing not
/// Strong LL(*) parsing. If we fail with Strong LL(*) we
/// try full LL(*). That means we rewind and use context information
/// when closure operations fall off the end of the rule that
/// holds the decision were evaluating
/// </remarks>
public class ParserATNSimulator : ATNSimulator
public const bool debug = false;
public const bool dfa_debug = false;
public const bool retry_debug = false;
private PredictionMode predictionMode = PredictionMode.Ll;
public bool force_global_context = false;
public bool always_try_local_context = true;
public bool optimize_unique_closure = true;
public bool optimize_ll1 = true;
public bool optimize_hidden_conflicted_configs = false;
public bool optimize_tail_calls = true;
public bool tail_call_preserves_sll = true;
public bool treat_sllk1_conflict_as_ambiguity = false;
public static bool optimize_closure_busy = true;
protected internal readonly Parser parser;
/// <summary>
/// When
/// <code>true</code>
/// , ambiguous alternatives are reported when they are
/// encountered within
/// <see cref="ExecATN(Antlr4.Runtime.Dfa.DFA, Antlr4.Runtime.ITokenStream, int, SimulatorState)
/// ">ExecATN(Antlr4.Runtime.Dfa.DFA, Antlr4.Runtime.ITokenStream, int, SimulatorState)
/// </see>
/// . When
/// <code>false</code>
/// , these messages
/// are suppressed. The default is
/// <code>false</code>
/// .
/// <p>
/// When messages about ambiguous alternatives are not required, setting this
/// to
/// <code>false</code>
/// enables additional internal optimizations which may lose
/// this information.
/// </summary>
public bool reportAmbiguities = false;
/// <summary>
/// By default we do full context-sensitive LL(*) parsing not
/// Strong LL(*) parsing.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// By default we do full context-sensitive LL(*) parsing not
/// Strong LL(*) parsing. If we fail with Strong LL(*) we
/// try full LL(*). That means we rewind and use context information
/// when closure operations fall off the end of the rule that
/// holds the decision were evaluating.
/// </remarks>
protected internal bool userWantsCtxSensitive = true;
/// <summary>Testing only!</summary>
public ParserATNSimulator(ATN atn) : this(null, atn)
public ParserATNSimulator(Parser parser, ATN atn) : base(atn)
this.parser = parser;
public PredictionMode GetPredictionMode()
return predictionMode;
public void SetPredictionMode(PredictionMode predictionMode)
this.predictionMode = predictionMode;
public override void Reset()
public virtual int AdaptivePredict(ITokenStream input, int decision, ParserRuleContext
return AdaptivePredict(input, decision, outerContext, false);
public virtual int AdaptivePredict(ITokenStream input, int decision, ParserRuleContext
outerContext, bool useContext)
DFA dfa = atn.decisionToDFA[decision];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dfa != null);
if (optimize_ll1 && !dfa.IsEmpty())
int ll_1 = input.La(1);
if (ll_1 >= 0 && ll_1 <= short.MaxValue)
int key = (decision << 16) + ll_1;
int alt = atn.LL1Table.Get(key);
if (alt != null)
return alt;
if (force_global_context)
useContext = true;
if (!always_try_local_context)
useContext |= dfa != null && dfa.IsContextSensitive();
userWantsCtxSensitive = useContext || (predictionMode != PredictionMode.Sll && outerContext
!= null && !atn.decisionToState[decision].sll);
if (outerContext == null)
outerContext = ParserRuleContext.EmptyContext();
SimulatorState state = null;
if (!dfa.IsEmpty())
state = GetStartState(dfa, input, outerContext, useContext);
if (state == null)
return PredictATN(dfa, input, outerContext, useContext);
// start with the DFA
int m = input.Mark();
int index = input.Index;
int alt = ExecDFA(dfa, input, index, state);
return alt;
public virtual SimulatorState GetStartState(DFA dfa, ITokenStream input, ParserRuleContext
outerContext, bool useContext)
if (!useContext)
if (dfa.s0.Get() == null)
return null;
return new SimulatorState(outerContext, dfa.s0.Get(), false, outerContext);
ParserRuleContext remainingContext = outerContext;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(outerContext != null);
DFAState s0 = dfa.s0full.Get();
while (remainingContext != null && s0 != null && s0.IsContextSensitive)
remainingContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingContext);
s0 = s0.GetContextTarget(GetReturnState(remainingContext));
if (remainingContext.IsEmpty())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(s0 == null || !s0.IsContextSensitive);
remainingContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingContext.Parent);
if (s0 == null)
return null;
return new SimulatorState(outerContext, s0, useContext, remainingContext);
public virtual int PredictATN(DFA dfa, ITokenStream input, ParserRuleContext outerContext
, bool useContext)
if (outerContext == null)
outerContext = ParserRuleContext.EmptyContext();
int alt = 0;
int m = input.Mark();
int index = input.Index;
SimulatorState state = ComputeStartState(dfa, outerContext, useContext);
if (state.s0.isAcceptState)
return ExecDFA(dfa, input, index, state);
alt = ExecATN(dfa, input, index, state);
catch (NoViableAltException nvae)
return alt;
public virtual int ExecDFA(DFA dfa, ITokenStream input, int startIndex, SimulatorState
ParserRuleContext outerContext = state.outerContext;
DFAState acceptState = null;
DFAState s = state.s0;
int t = input.La(1);
ParserRuleContext remainingOuterContext = state.remainingOuterContext;
while (true)
if (state.useContext)
while (s.IsContextSymbol(t))
DFAState next = null;
if (remainingOuterContext != null)
remainingOuterContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingOuterContext);
next = s.GetContextTarget(GetReturnState(remainingOuterContext));
if (next == null)
// fail over to ATN
SimulatorState initialState = new SimulatorState(state.outerContext, s, state.useContext
, remainingOuterContext);
return ExecATN(dfa, input, startIndex, initialState);
remainingOuterContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingOuterContext.Parent);
s = next;
if (s.isAcceptState)
if (s.predicates != null)
acceptState = s;
// keep going unless we're at EOF or state only has one alt number
// mentioned in configs; check if something else could match
// TODO: don't we always stop? only lexer would keep going
// TODO: v3 dfa don't do this.
// t is not updated if one of these states is reached
// if no edge, pop over to ATN interpreter, update DFA and return
DFAState target = s.GetTarget(t);
if (target == null)
if (dfa_debug && t >= 0)
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("no edge for " + parser.GetTokenNames()[t]);
int alt;
SimulatorState initialState = new SimulatorState(outerContext, s, state.useContext
, remainingOuterContext);
alt = ExecATN(dfa, input, startIndex, initialState);
// this adds edge even if next state is accept for
// same alt; e.g., s0-A->:s1=>2-B->:s2=>2
// TODO: This next stuff kills edge, but extra states remain. :(
if (s.isAcceptState && alt != -1)
DFAState d = s.GetTarget(input.La(1));
if (d.isAcceptState && d.prediction == s.prediction)
// we can carve it out.
s.SetTarget(input.La(1), Error);
// IGNORE really not error
// action already executed
return alt;
// we've updated DFA, exec'd action, and have our deepest answer
if (target == Error)
throw NoViableAlt(input, outerContext, s.configs, startIndex);
s = target;
if (!s.isAcceptState && t != IIntStream.Eof)
t = input.La(1);
// if ( acceptState==null ) {
// if ( debug ) System.out.println("!!! no viable alt in dfa");
// return -1;
// }
if (acceptState.configs.GetConflictingAlts() != null)
if (dfa.atnStartState is DecisionState)
if (!userWantsCtxSensitive || !acceptState.configs.GetDipsIntoOuterContext() || (
treat_sllk1_conflict_as_ambiguity && input.Index == startIndex))
// we don't report the ambiguity again
//if ( !acceptState.configset.hasSemanticContext() ) {
// reportAmbiguity(dfa, acceptState, startIndex, input.index(), acceptState.configset.getConflictingAlts(), acceptState.configset);
// Before attempting full context prediction, check to see if there are
// disambiguating or validating predicates to evaluate which allow an
// immediate decision
if (acceptState.predicates != null)
int conflictIndex = input.Index;
if (conflictIndex != startIndex)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray predictions = EvalSemanticContext(s.predicates, outerContext, true);
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (predictions.Cardinality() == 1)
return predictions.NextSetBit(0);
if (conflictIndex != startIndex)
// restore the index so reporting the fallback to full
// context occurs with the index at the correct spot
if (reportAmbiguities)
SimulatorState fullContextState = ComputeStartState(dfa, outerContext, true);
ReportAttemptingFullContext(dfa, fullContextState, startIndex, input.Index);
return AdaptivePredict(input, dfa.decision, outerContext, true);
// Before jumping to prediction, check to see if there are
// disambiguating or validating predicates to evaluate
if (s.predicates != null)
int stopIndex = input.Index;
if (startIndex != stopIndex)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray alts = EvalSemanticContext(s.predicates, outerContext, reportAmbiguities
&& predictionMode == PredictionMode.LlExactAmbigDetection);
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
switch (alts.Cardinality())
case 0:
throw NoViableAlt(input, outerContext, s.configs, startIndex);
case 1:
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
// report ambiguity after predicate evaluation to make sure the correct
// set of ambig alts is reported.
if (startIndex != stopIndex)
ReportAmbiguity(dfa, s, startIndex, stopIndex, alts, s.configs);
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
return acceptState.prediction;
/// <summary>
/// Performs ATN simulation to compute a predicted alternative based
/// upon the remaining input, but also updates the DFA cache to avoid
/// having to traverse the ATN again for the same input sequence.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Performs ATN simulation to compute a predicted alternative based
/// upon the remaining input, but also updates the DFA cache to avoid
/// having to traverse the ATN again for the same input sequence.
/// There are some key conditions we're looking for after computing a new
/// set of ATN configs (proposed DFA state):
/// if the set is empty, there is no viable alternative for current symbol
/// does the state uniquely predict an alternative?
/// does the state have a conflict that would prevent us from
/// putting it on the work list?
/// if in non-greedy decision is there a config at a rule stop state?
/// We also have some key operations to do:
/// add an edge from previous DFA state to potentially new DFA state, D,
/// upon current symbol but only if adding to work list, which means in all
/// cases except no viable alternative (and possibly non-greedy decisions?)
/// collecting predicates and adding semantic context to DFA accept states
/// adding rule context to context-sensitive DFA accept states
/// consuming an input symbol
/// reporting a conflict
/// reporting an ambiguity
/// reporting a context sensitivity
/// reporting insufficient predicates
/// We should isolate those operations, which are side-effecting, to the
/// main work loop. We can isolate lots of code into other functions, but
/// they should be side effect free. They can return package that
/// indicates whether we should report something, whether we need to add a
/// DFA edge, whether we need to augment accept state with semantic
/// context or rule invocation context. Actually, it seems like we always
/// add predicates if they exist, so that can simply be done in the main
/// loop for any accept state creation or modification request.
/// cover these cases:
/// dead end
/// single alt
/// single alt + preds
/// conflict
/// conflict + preds
/// TODO: greedy + those
/// </remarks>
public virtual int ExecATN(DFA dfa, ITokenStream input, int startIndex, SimulatorState
ParserRuleContext outerContext = initialState.outerContext;
bool useContext = initialState.useContext;
int t = input.La(1);
DecisionState decState = atn.GetDecisionState(dfa.decision);
SimulatorState previous = initialState;
PredictionContextCache contextCache = new PredictionContextCache();
while (true)
// while more work
SimulatorState nextState = ComputeReachSet(dfa, previous, t, contextCache);
if (nextState == null)
return HandleNoViableAlt(input, startIndex, previous);
DFAState D = nextState.s0;
ATNConfigSet reach = D.configs;
// predicted alt => accept state
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(D.isAcceptState || GetUniqueAlt(reach) == ATN.InvalidAltNumber
// conflicted => accept state
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(D.isAcceptState || D.configs.GetConflictingAlts()
== null);
if (D.isAcceptState)
int predictedAlt = reach.GetConflictingAlts() == null ? GetUniqueAlt(reach) : ATN
if (predictedAlt != ATN.InvalidAltNumber)
if (optimize_ll1 && input.Index == startIndex && nextState.outerContext == nextState
.remainingOuterContext && dfa.decision >= 0 && !D.configs.HasSemanticContext(
if (t >= 0 && t <= short.MaxValue)
int key = (dfa.decision << 16) + t;
atn.LL1Table.Put(key, predictedAlt);
if (useContext && always_try_local_context)
ReportContextSensitivity(dfa, nextState, startIndex, input.Index);
if (D.configs.GetConflictingAlts() != null)
predictedAlt = D.prediction;
// int k = input.index() - startIndex + 1; // how much input we used
// System.out.println("used k="+k);
if (!userWantsCtxSensitive || !D.configs.GetDipsIntoOuterContext() || (treat_sllk1_conflict_as_ambiguity
&& input.Index == startIndex))
if (reportAmbiguities && !D.configs.HasSemanticContext())
ReportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, input.Index, D.configs.GetConflictingAlts(),
if (D.configs.HasSemanticContext())
int nalts = decState.GetNumberOfTransitions();
DFAState.PredPrediction[] predPredictions = D.predicates;
if (predPredictions != null)
int conflictIndex = input.Index;
if (conflictIndex != startIndex)
// always use complete evaluation here since we'll want to retry with full context if still ambiguous
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray alts = EvalSemanticContext(predPredictions, outerContext, true);
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (alts.Cardinality() == 1)
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
if (conflictIndex != startIndex)
// restore the index so reporting the fallback to full
// context occurs with the index at the correct spot
SimulatorState fullContextState = ComputeStartState(dfa, outerContext, true);
if (reportAmbiguities)
ReportAttemptingFullContext(dfa, fullContextState, startIndex, input.Index);
return ExecATN(dfa, input, startIndex, fullContextState);
if (D.predicates != null)
int stopIndex = input.Index;
if (startIndex != stopIndex)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray alts = EvalSemanticContext(D.predicates, outerContext, reportAmbiguities
&& predictionMode == PredictionMode.LlExactAmbigDetection);
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
D.prediction = ATN.InvalidAltNumber;
switch (alts.Cardinality())
case 0:
throw NoViableAlt(input, outerContext, D.configs, startIndex);
case 1:
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
// report ambiguity after predicate evaluation to make sure the correct
// set of ambig alts is reported.
if (startIndex != stopIndex)
ReportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, stopIndex, alts, D.configs);
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
return predictedAlt;
previous = nextState;
if (t != IIntStream.Eof)
t = input.La(1);
protected internal virtual int HandleNoViableAlt(ITokenStream input, int startIndex
, SimulatorState previous)
if (previous.s0 != null)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray alts = new BitArray();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
foreach (ATNConfig config in previous.s0.configs)
if (config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() || config.GetState() is RuleStopState)
if (!alts.IsEmpty())
return alts.NextSetBit(0);
throw NoViableAlt(input, previous.outerContext, previous.s0.configs, startIndex);
protected internal virtual SimulatorState ComputeReachSet(DFA dfa, SimulatorState
previous, int t, PredictionContextCache contextCache)
bool useContext = previous.useContext;
ParserRuleContext remainingGlobalContext = previous.remainingOuterContext;
DFAState s = previous.s0;
if (useContext)
while (s.IsContextSymbol(t))
DFAState next = null;
if (remainingGlobalContext != null)
remainingGlobalContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingGlobalContext);
next = s.GetContextTarget(GetReturnState(remainingGlobalContext));
if (next == null)
remainingGlobalContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingGlobalContext.Parent);
s = next;
if (s.isAcceptState)
return new SimulatorState(previous.outerContext, s, useContext, remainingGlobalContext
DFAState s0 = s;
DFAState existingTarget = s0 != null ? s0.GetTarget(t) : null;
if (existingTarget != null)
return new SimulatorState(previous.outerContext, existingTarget, useContext, remainingGlobalContext
IList<ATNConfig> closureConfigs = new List<ATNConfig>(s0.configs);
IntegerList contextElements = null;
ATNConfigSet reach = new ATNConfigSet();
bool stepIntoGlobal;
bool hasMoreContext = !useContext || remainingGlobalContext != null;
if (!hasMoreContext)
ATNConfigSet reachIntermediate = new ATNConfigSet();
IList<ATNConfig> skippedStopStates = null;
foreach (ATNConfig c in closureConfigs)
if (c.GetState() is RuleStopState)
if (useContext && !c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() || t == IIntStream.Eof)
if (skippedStopStates == null)
skippedStopStates = new List<ATNConfig>();
int n = c.GetState().GetNumberOfOptimizedTransitions();
for (int ti = 0; ti < n; ti++)
// for each optimized transition
Transition trans = c.GetState().GetOptimizedTransition(ti);
ATNState target = GetReachableTarget(c, trans, t);
if (target != null)
reachIntermediate.Add(c.Transform(target), contextCache);
if (optimize_unique_closure && skippedStopStates == null && reachIntermediate.GetUniqueAlt
() != ATN.InvalidAltNumber)
reach = reachIntermediate;
bool collectPredicates = false;
Closure(reachIntermediate, reach, collectPredicates, hasMoreContext, contextCache
stepIntoGlobal = reach.GetDipsIntoOuterContext();
if (t == IIntStream.Eof)
reach = RemoveAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(reach, contextCache);
if (skippedStopStates != null && (!useContext || !PredictionMode.HasConfigInRuleStopState
foreach (ATNConfig c_1 in skippedStopStates)
reach.Add(c_1, contextCache);
if (useContext && stepIntoGlobal)
remainingGlobalContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingGlobalContext);
int nextContextElement = GetReturnState(remainingGlobalContext);
if (contextElements == null)
contextElements = new IntegerList();
if (remainingGlobalContext.IsEmpty())
remainingGlobalContext = null;
remainingGlobalContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingGlobalContext.Parent);
if (nextContextElement != PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey)
for (int i = 0; i < closureConfigs.Count; i++)
closureConfigs.Set(i, closureConfigs[i].AppendContext(nextContextElement, contextCache
while (useContext && stepIntoGlobal);
if (reach.IsEmpty())
return null;
DFAState dfaState = null;
if (s0 != null)
dfaState = AddDFAEdge(dfa, s0, t, contextElements, reach, contextCache);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!useContext || !dfaState.configs.GetDipsIntoOuterContext
return new SimulatorState(previous.outerContext, dfaState, useContext, remainingGlobalContext
/// <summary>
/// Return a configuration set containing only the configurations from
/// <code>configs</code>
/// which are in a
/// <see cref="RuleStopState">RuleStopState</see>
/// . If all
/// configurations in
/// <code>configs</code>
/// are already in a rule stop state, this
/// method simply returns
/// <code>configs</code>
/// .
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configs">the configuration set to update</param>
/// <param name="contextCache">
/// the
/// <see cref="PredictionContext">PredictionContext</see>
/// cache
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <code>configs</code>
/// if all configurations in
/// <code>configs</code>
/// are in a
/// rule stop state, otherwise return a new configuration set containing only
/// the configurations from
/// <code>configs</code>
/// which are in a rule stop state
/// </returns>
protected internal virtual ATNConfigSet RemoveAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(ATNConfigSet
configs, PredictionContextCache contextCache)
if (PredictionMode.AllConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs))
return configs;
ATNConfigSet result = new ATNConfigSet();
foreach (ATNConfig config in configs)
if (!(config.GetState() is RuleStopState))
result.Add(config, contextCache);
return result;
public virtual SimulatorState ComputeStartState(DFA dfa, ParserRuleContext globalContext
, bool useContext)
DFAState s0 = useContext ? dfa.s0full.Get() : dfa.s0.Get();
if (s0 != null)
if (!useContext)
return new SimulatorState(globalContext, s0, useContext, globalContext);
int decision = dfa.decision;
ATNState p = dfa.atnStartState;
int previousContext = 0;
ParserRuleContext remainingGlobalContext = globalContext;
PredictionContext initialContext = useContext ? PredictionContext.EmptyFull : PredictionContext
// always at least the implicit call to start rule
PredictionContextCache contextCache = new PredictionContextCache();
if (useContext)
while (s0 != null && s0.IsContextSensitive && remainingGlobalContext != null)
DFAState next;
remainingGlobalContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingGlobalContext);
if (remainingGlobalContext.IsEmpty())
next = s0.GetContextTarget(PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey);
previousContext = PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey;
remainingGlobalContext = null;
previousContext = GetReturnState(remainingGlobalContext);
next = s0.GetContextTarget(previousContext);
initialContext = initialContext.AppendContext(previousContext, contextCache);
remainingGlobalContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingGlobalContext.Parent);
if (next == null)
s0 = next;
if (s0 != null && !s0.IsContextSensitive)
return new SimulatorState(globalContext, s0, useContext, remainingGlobalContext);
ATNConfigSet configs = new ATNConfigSet();
while (true)
ATNConfigSet reachIntermediate = new ATNConfigSet();
int n = p.GetNumberOfTransitions();
for (int ti = 0; ti < n; ti++)
// for each transition
ATNState target = p.Transition(ti).target;
reachIntermediate.AddItem(ATNConfig.Create(target, ti + 1, initialContext));
bool hasMoreContext = remainingGlobalContext != null;
if (!hasMoreContext)
bool collectPredicates = true;
Closure(reachIntermediate, configs, collectPredicates, hasMoreContext, contextCache
bool stepIntoGlobal = configs.GetDipsIntoOuterContext();
DFAState next = AddDFAState(dfa, configs, contextCache);
if (s0 == null)
AtomicReference<DFAState> reference = useContext ? dfa.s0full : dfa.s0;
if (!reference.CompareAndSet(null, next))
next = reference.Get();
s0.SetContextTarget(previousContext, next);
s0 = next;
if (!useContext || !stepIntoGlobal)
// TODO: make sure it distinguishes empty stack states
remainingGlobalContext = SkipTailCalls(remainingGlobalContext);
int nextContextElement = GetReturnState(remainingGlobalContext);
if (remainingGlobalContext.IsEmpty())
remainingGlobalContext = null;
remainingGlobalContext = ((ParserRuleContext)remainingGlobalContext.Parent);
if (nextContextElement != PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey)
initialContext = initialContext.AppendContext(nextContextElement, contextCache);
previousContext = nextContextElement;
return new SimulatorState(globalContext, s0, useContext, remainingGlobalContext);
public virtual ATNState GetReachableTarget(ATNConfig source, Transition trans, int
if (trans.Matches(ttype, 0, atn.maxTokenType))
return trans.target;
return null;
/// <summary>collect and set D's semantic context</summary>
public virtual DFAState.PredPrediction[] PredicateDFAState(DFAState D, ATNConfigSet
configs, int nalts)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray conflictingAlts = GetConflictingAltsFromConfigSet(configs);
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
SemanticContext[] altToPred = GetPredsForAmbigAlts(conflictingAlts, configs, nalts
// altToPred[uniqueAlt] is now our validating predicate (if any)
DFAState.PredPrediction[] predPredictions = null;
if (altToPred != null)
// we have a validating predicate; test it
// Update DFA so reach becomes accept state with predicate
predPredictions = GetPredicatePredictions(conflictingAlts, altToPred);
D.predicates = predPredictions;
D.prediction = ATN.InvalidAltNumber;
// make sure we use preds
return predPredictions;
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
public virtual SemanticContext[] GetPredsForAmbigAlts(BitArray ambigAlts, ATNConfigSet
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
configs, int nalts)
// REACH=[1|1|[]|0:0, 1|2|[]|0:1]
SemanticContext[] altToPred = new SemanticContext[nalts + 1];
int n = altToPred.Length;
foreach (ATNConfig c in configs)
if (ambigAlts.Get(c.GetAlt()))
altToPred[c.GetAlt()] = SemanticContext.Or(altToPred[c.GetAlt()], c.GetSemanticContext
int nPredAlts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (altToPred[i] == null)
altToPred[i] = SemanticContext.None;
if (altToPred[i] != SemanticContext.None)
// nonambig alts are null in altToPred
if (nPredAlts == 0)
altToPred = null;
return altToPred;
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
public virtual DFAState.PredPrediction[] GetPredicatePredictions(BitArray ambigAlts
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
, SemanticContext[] altToPred)
IList<DFAState.PredPrediction> pairs = new List<DFAState.PredPrediction>();
bool containsPredicate = false;
for (int i = 1; i < altToPred.Length; i++)
SemanticContext pred = altToPred[i];
// unpredicated is indicated by SemanticContext.NONE
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pred != null);
// find first unpredicated but ambig alternative, if any.
// Only ambiguous alternatives will have SemanticContext.NONE.
// Any unambig alts or ambig naked alts after first ambig naked are ignored
// (null, i) means alt i is the default prediction
// if no (null, i), then no default prediction.
if (ambigAlts != null && ambigAlts.Get(i) && pred == SemanticContext.None)
pairs.AddItem(new DFAState.PredPrediction(null, i));
if (pred != SemanticContext.None)
containsPredicate = true;
pairs.AddItem(new DFAState.PredPrediction(pred, i));
if (!containsPredicate)
pairs = null;
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(altToPred)+"->"+pairs);
return Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(pairs, new DFAState.PredPrediction[pairs.Count
/// <summary>
/// Look through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alts for the
/// pairs that win.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Look through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alts for the
/// pairs that win. A
/// <code>null</code>
/// predicate indicates an alt containing an
/// unpredicated config which behaves as "always true."
/// </remarks>
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
public virtual BitArray EvalSemanticContext(DFAState.PredPrediction[] predPredictions
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
, ParserRuleContext outerContext, bool complete)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray predictions = new BitArray();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
foreach (DFAState.PredPrediction pair in predPredictions)
if (pair.pred == null)
if (!complete)
bool evaluatedResult = pair.pred.Eval(parser, outerContext);
if (debug || dfa_debug)
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("eval pred " + pair + "=" + evaluatedResult);
if (evaluatedResult)
if (debug || dfa_debug)
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("PREDICT " + pair.alt);
if (!complete)
return predictions;
protected internal virtual void Closure(ATNConfigSet sourceConfigs, ATNConfigSet
configs, bool collectPredicates, bool hasMoreContext, PredictionContextCache
if (contextCache == null)
contextCache = PredictionContextCache.Uncached;
ATNConfigSet currentConfigs = sourceConfigs;
ICollection<ATNConfig> closureBusy = new HashSet<ATNConfig>();
while (currentConfigs.Count > 0)
ATNConfigSet intermediate = new ATNConfigSet();
foreach (ATNConfig config in currentConfigs)
if (optimize_closure_busy && !closureBusy.AddItem(config))
Closure(config, configs, intermediate, closureBusy, collectPredicates, hasMoreContext
, contextCache, 0);
currentConfigs = intermediate;
protected internal virtual void Closure(ATNConfig config, ATNConfigSet configs, ATNConfigSet
intermediate, ICollection<ATNConfig> closureBusy, bool collectPredicates, bool
hasMoreContexts, PredictionContextCache contextCache, int depth)
if (!optimize_closure_busy && !closureBusy.AddItem(config))
// avoid infinite recursion
if (config.GetState() is RuleStopState)
// We hit rule end. If we have context info, use it
if (!config.GetContext().IsEmpty)
bool hasEmpty = config.GetContext().HasEmpty;
int nonEmptySize = config.GetContext().Size - (hasEmpty ? 1 : 0);
for (int i = 0; i < nonEmptySize; i++)
PredictionContext newContext = config.GetContext().GetParent(i);
// "pop" return state
ATNState returnState = atn.states[config.GetContext().GetReturnState(i)];
ATNConfig c = ATNConfig.Create(returnState, config.GetAlt(), newContext, config.GetSemanticContext
// While we have context to pop back from, we may have
// gotten that context AFTER having fallen off a rule.
// Make sure we track that we are now out of context.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(depth > int.MinValue);
if (optimize_closure_busy && c.GetContext().IsEmpty && !closureBusy.AddItem(c))
Closure(c, configs, intermediate, closureBusy, collectPredicates, hasMoreContexts
, contextCache, depth - 1);
if (!hasEmpty || !hasMoreContexts)
config = config.Transform(config.GetState(), PredictionContext.EmptyLocal);
if (!hasMoreContexts)
configs.Add(config, contextCache);
// else if we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy)
if (config.GetContext() == PredictionContext.EmptyFull)
// no need to keep full context overhead when we step out
config = config.Transform(config.GetState(), PredictionContext.EmptyLocal);
ATNState p = config.GetState();
// optimization
if (!p.OnlyHasEpsilonTransitions())
configs.Add(config, contextCache);
for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < p.GetNumberOfOptimizedTransitions(); i_1++)
Transition t = p.GetOptimizedTransition(i_1);
bool continueCollecting = !(t is Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ActionTransition) && collectPredicates;
ATNConfig c = GetEpsilonTarget(config, t, continueCollecting, depth == 0, contextCache
if (c != null)
if (t is Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition)
if (intermediate != null && !collectPredicates)
intermediate.Add(c, contextCache);
if (optimize_closure_busy)
bool checkClosure = false;
switch (c.GetState().GetStateType())
case ATNState.StarLoopEntry:
case ATNState.BlockEnd:
case ATNState.LoopEnd:
checkClosure = true;
case ATNState.PlusBlockStart:
checkClosure = true;
case ATNState.RuleStop:
checkClosure = c.GetContext().IsEmpty;
if (checkClosure && !closureBusy.AddItem(c))
int newDepth = depth;
if (config.GetState() is RuleStopState)
// target fell off end of rule; mark resulting c as having dipped into outer context
// We can't get here if incoming config was rule stop and we had context
// track how far we dip into outer context. Might
// come in handy and we avoid evaluating context dependent
// preds if this is > 0.
c.SetOuterContextDepth(c.GetOuterContextDepth() + 1);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newDepth > int.MinValue);
if (t is Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition)
if (optimize_tail_calls && ((Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition)t).optimizedTailCall
&& (!tail_call_preserves_sll || !PredictionContext.IsEmptyLocal(config.GetContext
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(c.GetContext() == config.GetContext());
if (newDepth == 0)
// the pop/push of a tail call would keep the depth
// constant, except we latch if it goes negative
if (!tail_call_preserves_sll && PredictionContext.IsEmptyLocal(config.GetContext(
// make sure the SLL config "dips into the outer context" or prediction may not fall back to LL on conflict
c.SetOuterContextDepth(c.GetOuterContextDepth() + 1);
// latch when newDepth goes negative - once we step out of the entry context we can't return
if (newDepth >= 0)
Closure(c, configs, intermediate, closureBusy, continueCollecting, hasMoreContexts
, contextCache, newDepth);
public virtual string GetRuleName(int index)
if (parser != null && index >= 0)
return parser.GetRuleNames()[index];
return "<rule " + index + ">";
public virtual ATNConfig GetEpsilonTarget(ATNConfig config, Transition t, bool collectPredicates
, bool inContext, PredictionContextCache contextCache)
switch (t.SerializationType)
case Transition.Rule:
return RuleTransition(config, (Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition)t, contextCache);
case Transition.Precedence:
return PrecedenceTransition(config, (PrecedencePredicateTransition)t, collectPredicates
, inContext);
case Transition.Predicate:
return PredTransition(config, (PredicateTransition)t, collectPredicates, inContext
case Transition.Action:
return ActionTransition(config, (Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ActionTransition)t);
case Transition.Epsilon:
return config.Transform(t.target);
return null;
public virtual ATNConfig ActionTransition(ATNConfig config, Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ActionTransition
return config.Transform(t.target);
public virtual ATNConfig PrecedenceTransition(ATNConfig config, PrecedencePredicateTransition
pt, bool collectPredicates, bool inContext)
ATNConfig c = null;
if (collectPredicates && inContext)
SemanticContext newSemCtx = SemanticContext.And(config.GetSemanticContext(), pt.GetPredicate
c = config.Transform(pt.target, newSemCtx);
c = config.Transform(pt.target);
return c;
public virtual ATNConfig PredTransition(ATNConfig config, PredicateTransition pt,
bool collectPredicates, bool inContext)
ATNConfig c;
if (collectPredicates && (!pt.isCtxDependent || (pt.isCtxDependent && inContext)))
SemanticContext newSemCtx = SemanticContext.And(config.GetSemanticContext(), pt.GetPredicate
c = config.Transform(pt.target, newSemCtx);
c = config.Transform(pt.target);
return c;
public virtual ATNConfig RuleTransition(ATNConfig config, Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition
t, PredictionContextCache contextCache)
ATNState returnState = t.followState;
PredictionContext newContext;
if (optimize_tail_calls && t.optimizedTailCall && (!tail_call_preserves_sll || !PredictionContext
newContext = config.GetContext();
if (contextCache != null)
newContext = contextCache.GetChild(config.GetContext(), returnState.stateNumber);
newContext = config.GetContext().GetChild(returnState.stateNumber);
return config.Transform(t.target, newContext);
private sealed class _IComparer_1557 : IComparer<ATNConfig>
public _IComparer_1557()
public int Compare(ATNConfig o1, ATNConfig o2)
int diff = o1.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber() - o2.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber
if (diff != 0)
return diff;
diff = o1.GetAlt() - o2.GetAlt();
if (diff != 0)
return diff;
return 0;
private static readonly IComparer<ATNConfig> StateAltSortComparator = new _IComparer_1557
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
private BitArray IsConflicted(ATNConfigSet configset, PredictionContextCache contextCache
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (configset.GetUniqueAlt() != ATN.InvalidAltNumber || configset.Count <= 1)
return null;
IList<ATNConfig> configs = new List<ATNConfig>(configset);
bool exact = !configset.GetDipsIntoOuterContext() && predictionMode == PredictionMode
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray alts = new BitArray();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
int minAlt = configs[0].GetAlt();
// quick check 1 & 2 => if we assume #1 holds and check #2 against the
// minAlt from the first state, #2 will fail if the assumption was
// incorrect
int currentState = configs[0].GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
for (int i = 0; i < configs.Count; i++)
ATNConfig config = configs[i];
int stateNumber = config.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
if (stateNumber != currentState)
if (config.GetAlt() != minAlt)
return null;
currentState = stateNumber;
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray representedAlts = null;
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (exact)
currentState = configs[0].GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
// get the represented alternatives of the first state
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
representedAlts = new BitArray();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
int maxAlt = minAlt;
for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < configs.Count; i_1++)
ATNConfig config = configs[i_1];
if (config.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber() != currentState)
int alt = config.GetAlt();
maxAlt = alt;
// quick check #3:
currentState = configs[0].GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
int currentAlt = minAlt;
for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < configs.Count; i_2++)
ATNConfig config = configs[i_2];
int stateNumber = config.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
int alt = config.GetAlt();
if (stateNumber != currentState)
if (currentAlt != maxAlt)
return null;
currentState = stateNumber;
currentAlt = minAlt;
if (alt != currentAlt)
if (alt != representedAlts.NextSetBit(currentAlt + 1))
return null;
currentAlt = alt;
currentState = configs[0].GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber();
int firstIndexCurrentState = 0;
int lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt = 0;
PredictionContext joinedCheckContext = configs[0].GetContext();
for (int i_3 = 1; i_3 < configs.Count; i_3++)
ATNConfig config = configs[i_3];
if (config.GetAlt() != minAlt)
if (config.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber() != currentState)
lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt = i_3;
joinedCheckContext = contextCache.Join(joinedCheckContext, configs[i_3].GetContext
for (int i_4 = lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt + 1; i_4 < configs.Count; i_4++)
ATNConfig config = configs[i_4];
ATNState state = config.GetState();
if (state.GetNonStopStateNumber() != currentState)
currentState = state.GetNonStopStateNumber();
firstIndexCurrentState = i_4;
lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt = i_4;
joinedCheckContext = config.GetContext();
for (int j = firstIndexCurrentState + 1; j < configs.Count; j++)
ATNConfig config2 = configs[j];
if (config2.GetAlt() != minAlt)
if (config2.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber() != currentState)
lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt = j;
joinedCheckContext = contextCache.Join(joinedCheckContext, config2.GetContext());
i_4 = lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt;
PredictionContext joinedCheckContext2 = config.GetContext();
int currentAlt = config.GetAlt();
int lastIndexCurrentStateCurrentAlt = i_4;
for (int j_1 = lastIndexCurrentStateCurrentAlt + 1; j_1 < configs.Count; j_1++)
ATNConfig config2 = configs[j_1];
if (config2.GetAlt() != currentAlt)
if (config2.GetState().GetNonStopStateNumber() != currentState)
lastIndexCurrentStateCurrentAlt = j_1;
joinedCheckContext2 = contextCache.Join(joinedCheckContext2, config2.GetContext()
i_4 = lastIndexCurrentStateCurrentAlt;
if (exact)
if (!joinedCheckContext.Equals(joinedCheckContext2))
return null;
PredictionContext check = contextCache.Join(joinedCheckContext, joinedCheckContext2
if (!joinedCheckContext.Equals(check))
return null;
if (!exact && optimize_hidden_conflicted_configs)
for (int j = firstIndexCurrentState; j_1 <= lastIndexCurrentStateMinAlt; j_1++)
ATNConfig checkConfig = configs[j_1];
if (checkConfig.GetSemanticContext() != SemanticContext.None && !checkConfig.GetSemanticContext
if (joinedCheckContext != checkConfig.GetContext())
PredictionContext check = contextCache.Join(checkConfig.GetContext(), config.GetContext
if (!checkConfig.GetContext().Equals(check))
return alts;
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
protected internal virtual BitArray GetConflictingAltsFromConfigSet(ATNConfigSet
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
BitArray conflictingAlts = configs.GetConflictingAlts();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (conflictingAlts == null && configs.GetUniqueAlt() != ATN.InvalidAltNumber)
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
conflictingAlts = new BitArray();
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
return conflictingAlts;
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
protected internal virtual int ResolveToMinAlt(DFAState D, BitArray conflictingAlts
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
// kill dead alts so we don't chase them ever
// killAlts(conflictingAlts, D.configset);
D.prediction = conflictingAlts.NextSetBit(0);
return D.prediction;
public virtual string GetTokenName(int t)
if (t == IToken.Eof)
return "EOF";
if (parser != null && parser.GetTokenNames() != null)
string[] tokensNames = parser.GetTokenNames();
if (t >= tokensNames.Length)
System.Console.Error.WriteLine(t + " ttype out of range: " + Arrays.ToString(tokensNames
return tokensNames[t] + "<" + t + ">";
return t.ToString();
public virtual string GetLookaheadName(ITokenStream input)
return GetTokenName(input.La(1));
public virtual void DumpDeadEndConfigs(NoViableAltException nvae)
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("dead end configs: ");
foreach (ATNConfig c in nvae.GetDeadEndConfigs())
string trans = "no edges";
if (c.GetState().GetNumberOfOptimizedTransitions() > 0)
Transition t = c.GetState().GetOptimizedTransition(0);
if (t is AtomTransition)
AtomTransition at = (AtomTransition)t;
trans = "Atom " + GetTokenName(at.label);
if (t is SetTransition)
SetTransition st = (SetTransition)t;
bool not = st is NotSetTransition;
trans = (not ? "~" : string.Empty) + "Set " + st.set.ToString();
System.Console.Error.WriteLine(c.ToString(parser, true) + ":" + trans);
public virtual NoViableAltException NoViableAlt(ITokenStream input, ParserRuleContext
outerContext, ATNConfigSet configs, int startIndex)
return new NoViableAltException(parser, input, input.Get(startIndex), input.Lt(1)
, configs, outerContext);
public virtual int GetUniqueAlt(ICollection<ATNConfig> configs)
int alt = ATN.InvalidAltNumber;
foreach (ATNConfig c in configs)
if (alt == ATN.InvalidAltNumber)
alt = c.GetAlt();
// found first alt
if (c.GetAlt() != alt)
return ATN.InvalidAltNumber;
return alt;
public virtual bool ConfigWithAltAtStopState(ICollection<ATNConfig> configs, int
foreach (ATNConfig c in configs)
if (c.GetAlt() == alt)
if (c.GetState() is RuleStopState)
return true;
return false;
protected internal virtual DFAState AddDFAEdge(DFA dfa, DFAState fromState, int t
, IntegerList contextTransitions, ATNConfigSet toConfigs, PredictionContextCache
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dfa.IsContextSensitive() || contextTransitions ==
null || contextTransitions.IsEmpty());
DFAState from = fromState;
DFAState to = AddDFAState(dfa, toConfigs, contextCache);
if (contextTransitions != null)
foreach (int context in contextTransitions.ToArray())
if (context == PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey)
if (from.configs.IsOutermostConfigSet())
DFAState next = from.GetContextTarget(context);
if (next != null)
from = next;
next = AddDFAContextState(dfa, from.configs, context, contextCache);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(context != PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey ||
from.SetContextTarget(context, next);
from = next;
AddDFAEdge(from, t, to);
return to;
protected internal virtual void AddDFAEdge(DFAState p, int t, DFAState q)
if (p != null)
p.SetTarget(t, q);
/// <summary>See comment on LexerInterpreter.addDFAState.</summary>
/// <remarks>See comment on LexerInterpreter.addDFAState.</remarks>
protected internal virtual DFAState AddDFAContextState(DFA dfa, ATNConfigSet configs
, int returnContext, PredictionContextCache contextCache)
if (returnContext != PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey)
ATNConfigSet contextConfigs = new ATNConfigSet();
foreach (ATNConfig config in configs)
contextConfigs.AddItem(config.AppendContext(returnContext, contextCache));
return AddDFAState(dfa, contextConfigs, contextCache);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!configs.IsOutermostConfigSet(), "Shouldn't be adding a duplicate edge."
configs = configs.Clone(true);
return AddDFAState(dfa, configs, contextCache);
/// <summary>See comment on LexerInterpreter.addDFAState.</summary>
/// <remarks>See comment on LexerInterpreter.addDFAState.</remarks>
protected internal virtual DFAState AddDFAState(DFA dfa, ATNConfigSet configs, PredictionContextCache
if (!configs.IsReadOnly())
DFAState proposed = CreateDFAState(configs);
DFAState existing = dfa.states.Get(proposed);
if (existing != null)
return existing;
if (!configs.IsReadOnly())
if (configs.GetConflictingAlts() == null)
configs.SetConflictingAlts(IsConflicted(configs, contextCache));
if (optimize_hidden_conflicted_configs && configs.GetConflictingAlts() != null)
int size = configs.Count;
if (configs.Count < size)
proposed = CreateDFAState(configs);
existing = dfa.states.Get(proposed);
if (existing != null)
return existing;
DFAState newState = CreateDFAState(configs.Clone(true));
DecisionState decisionState = atn.GetDecisionState(dfa.decision);
int predictedAlt = GetUniqueAlt(configs);
if (predictedAlt != ATN.InvalidAltNumber)
newState.isAcceptState = true;
newState.prediction = predictedAlt;
if (configs.GetConflictingAlts() != null)
newState.isAcceptState = true;
newState.prediction = ResolveToMinAlt(newState, newState.configs.GetConflictingAlts
if (newState.isAcceptState && configs.HasSemanticContext())
PredicateDFAState(newState, configs, decisionState.GetNumberOfTransitions());
DFAState added = dfa.AddState(newState);
if (debug && added == newState)
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("adding new DFA state: " + newState);
return added;
protected internal virtual DFAState CreateDFAState(ATNConfigSet configs)
return new DFAState(configs, -1, atn.maxTokenType);
// public void reportConflict(int startIndex, int stopIndex,
// @NotNull IntervalSet alts,
// @NotNull ATNConfigSet configs)
// {
// if ( debug || retry_debug ) {
// System.out.println("reportConflict "+alts+":"+configs+
// ", input="+parser.getInputString(startIndex, stopIndex));
// }
// if ( parser!=null ) parser.getErrorHandler().reportConflict(parser, startIndex, stopIndex, alts, configs);
// }
public virtual void ReportAttemptingFullContext(DFA dfa, SimulatorState initialState
, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
if (debug || retry_debug)
Interval interval = Interval.Of(startIndex, stopIndex);
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("reportAttemptingFullContext decision=" + dfa.decision
+ ":" + initialState.s0.configs + ", input=" + ((ITokenStream)parser.GetInputStream
if (parser != null)
(parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, initialState);
public virtual void ReportContextSensitivity(DFA dfa, SimulatorState acceptState,
int startIndex, int stopIndex)
if (debug || retry_debug)
Interval interval = Interval.Of(startIndex, stopIndex);
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("reportContextSensitivity decision=" + dfa.decision
+ ":" + acceptState.s0.configs + ", input=" + ((ITokenStream)parser.GetInputStream
if (parser != null)
(parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, acceptState);
/// <summary>If context sensitive parsing, we know it's ambiguity not conflict</summary>
public virtual void ReportAmbiguity(DFA dfa, DFAState D, int startIndex, int stopIndex
2013-02-16 23:47:31 +08:00
, BitArray ambigAlts, ATNConfigSet configs)
2013-02-16 22:14:20 +08:00
if (debug || retry_debug)
// ParserATNPathFinder finder = new ParserATNPathFinder(parser, atn);
// int i = 1;
// for (Transition t : dfa.atnStartState.transitions) {
// System.out.println("ALT "+i+"=");
// System.out.println(startIndex+".."+stopIndex+", len(input)="+parser.getInputStream().size());
// TraceTree path = finder.trace(t.target, parser.getContext(), (TokenStream)parser.getInputStream(),
// startIndex, stopIndex);
// if ( path!=null ) {
// System.out.println("path = "+path.toStringTree());
// for (TraceTree leaf : path.leaves) {
// List<ATNState> states = path.getPathToNode(leaf);
// System.out.println("states="+states);
// }
// }
// i++;
// }
Interval interval = Interval.Of(startIndex, stopIndex);
System.Console.Out.WriteLine("reportAmbiguity " + ambigAlts + ":" + configs + ", input="
+ ((ITokenStream)parser.GetInputStream()).GetText(interval));
if (parser != null)
dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, ambigAlts, configs);
protected internal int GetReturnState(RuleContext context)
if (context.IsEmpty())
return PredictionContext.EmptyFullStateKey;
ATNState state = atn.states[context.invokingState];
Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition transition = (Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition
return transition.followState.stateNumber;
protected internal ParserRuleContext SkipTailCalls(ParserRuleContext context)
if (!optimize_tail_calls)
return context;
while (!context.IsEmpty())
ATNState state = atn.states[context.invokingState];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(state.GetNumberOfTransitions() == 1 && state.Transition
(0).SerializationType == Transition.Rule);
Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition transition = (Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.RuleTransition
if (!transition.tailCall)
context = ((ParserRuleContext)context.Parent);
return context;
2013-02-16 05:30:47 +08:00