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[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/code/antlr4/main/": change = 9093]
This commit is contained in:
parrt 2011-10-02 13:17:06 -08:00
parent 02d424a92b
commit 05360be562
4 changed files with 7 additions and 410 deletions

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@ -98,71 +98,15 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
return matchedSymbol;
return _errHandler.recoverInline(this);
// System.out.println("MATCH failure at state "+_ctx.s+
// ", ctx="+_ctx.toString(this));
// IntervalSet expecting = _interp.atn.nextTokens(_ctx);
// System.out.println("could match "+expecting);
// matchedSymbol = recoverFromMismatchedToken(ttype, expecting);
// System.out.println("rsync'd to "+matchedSymbol);
// return matchedSymbol;
// like matchSet but w/o consume; error checking routine.
// public void sync(IntervalSet expecting) {
// if ( expecting.contains(getInputStream().LA(1)) ) return;
//// System.out.println("failed sync to "+expecting);
// IntervalSet followSet = computeErrorRecoverySet();
// followSet.addAll(expecting);
// NoViableAltException e = new NoViableAltException(this);
// recoverFromMismatchedSet(e, followSet);
// }
/** Match the wildcard: in a symbol */
public void matchAny() {
errorRecovery = false;
// failed = false;
public boolean mismatchIsUnwantedToken(int ttype) {
return getInputStream().LA(2)==ttype;
public boolean mismatchIsMissingToken(IntervalSet follow) {
return false;
if ( follow==null ) {
// we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
// a single token and hope for the best
return false;
// compute what can follow this grammar element reference
if ( follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) ) {
IntervalSet viableTokensFollowingThisRule = computeNextViableTokenSet();
follow = follow.or(viableTokensFollowingThisRule);
if ( ctx.sp>=0 ) { // remove EOR if we're not the start symbol
// if current token is consistent with what could come after set
// then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
// "insert" the missing token
//System.out.println("viable tokens="+follow.toString(getTokenNames()));
// IntervalSet cannot handle negative numbers like -1 (EOF) so I leave EOR
// in follow set to indicate that the fall of the start symbol is
// in the set (EOF can follow).
if ( follow.member(input.LA(1)) || follow.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) ) {
//System.out.println("LT(1)=="+((TokenStream)input).LT(1)+" is consistent with what follows; inserting...");
return true;
return false;
/** Track the RuleContext objects during the parse and hook them up
* using the children list so that it forms a parse tree.
* The RuleContext returned from the start rule represents the root
@ -225,7 +169,6 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
notifyListeners(e.offendingToken, e.getMessage(), e);
/** Get number of recognition errors (lexer, parser, tree parser). Each
* recognizer tracks its own number. So parser and lexer each have
* separate count. Does not count the spurious errors found between
@ -237,275 +180,6 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
return syntaxErrors;
/** Recover from an error found on the input stream. This is
* for NoViableAlt and mismatched symbol exceptions. If you enable
* single token insertion and deletion, this will usually not
* handle mismatched symbol exceptions but there could be a mismatched
* token that the match() routine could not recover from.
public void recover() {
if ( lastErrorIndex==input.index() ) {
// uh oh, another error at same token index; must be a case
// where LT(1) is in the recovery token set so nothing is
// consumed; consume a single token so at least to prevent
// an infinite loop; this is a failsafe.
lastErrorIndex = input.index();
IntervalSet followSet = computeErrorRecoverySet();
/* Compute the error recovery set for the current rule. During
* rule invocation, the parser pushes the set of tokens that can
* follow that rule reference on the stack; this amounts to
* computing FIRST of what follows the rule reference in the
* enclosing rule. See LinearApproximator.FIRST().
* This local follow set only includes tokens
* from within the rule; i.e., the FIRST computation done by
* ANTLR stops at the end of a rule.
* When you find a "no viable alt exception", the input is not
* consistent with any of the alternatives for rule r. The best
* thing to do is to consume tokens until you see something that
* can legally follow a call to r *or* any rule that called r.
* You don't want the exact set of viable next tokens because the
* input might just be missing a token--you might consume the
* rest of the input looking for one of the missing tokens.
* Consider grammar:
* a : '[' b ']'
* | '(' b ')'
* ;
* b : c '^' INT ;
* c : ID
* | INT
* ;
* At each rule invocation, the set of tokens that could follow
* that rule is pushed on a stack. Here are the various
* context-sensitive follow sets:
* FOLLOW(b1_in_a) = FIRST(']') = ']'
* FOLLOW(b2_in_a) = FIRST(')') = ')'
* FOLLOW(c_in_b) = FIRST('^') = '^'
* Upon erroneous input "[]", the call chain is
* a -> b -> c
* and, hence, the follow context stack is:
* depth follow set start of rule execution
* 0 <EOF> a (from main())
* 1 ']' b
* 2 '^' c
* Notice that ')' is not included, because b would have to have
* been called from a different context in rule a for ')' to be
* included.
* For error recovery, we cannot consider FOLLOW(c)
* (context-sensitive or otherwise). We need the combined set of
* all context-sensitive FOLLOW sets--the set of all tokens that
* could follow any reference in the call chain. We need to
* resync to one of those tokens. Note that FOLLOW(c)='^' and if
* we resync'd to that token, we'd consume until EOF. We need to
* sync to context-sensitive FOLLOWs for a, b, and c: {']','^'}.
* In this case, for input "[]", LA(1) is ']' and in the set, so we would
* not consume anything. After printing an error, rule c would
* return normally. Rule b would not find the required '^' though.
* At this point, it gets a mismatched token error and throws an
* exception (since LA(1) is not in the viable following token
* set). The rule exception handler tries to recover, but finds
* the same recovery set and doesn't consume anything. Rule b
* exits normally returning to rule a. Now it finds the ']' (and
* with the successful match exits errorRecovery mode).
* So, you can see that the parser walks up the call chain looking
* for the token that was a member of the recovery set.
* Errors are not generated in errorRecovery mode.
* ANTLR's error recovery mechanism is based upon original ideas:
* "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs" by Niklaus Wirth
* and
* "A note on error recovery in recursive descent parsers":
* Later, Josef Grosch had some good ideas:
* "Efficient and Comfortable Error Recovery in Recursive Descent
* Parsers":
* Like Grosch I implement context-sensitive FOLLOW sets that are combined
* at run-time upon error to avoid overhead during parsing.
protected IntervalSet computeErrorRecoverySet() {
return null;
// int top = ctx.sp;
// IntervalSet followSet = new IntervalSet();
// for (int i=top; i>=0; i--) { // i==0 is EOF context for start rule invocation
// IntervalSet f = (IntervalSet)ctx.get(i).follow;
// followSet.orInPlace(f);
// }
// return followSet;
/** Compute the context-sensitive FOLLOW set for current rule.
* This is set of token types that can follow a specific rule
* reference given a specific call chain. You get the set of
* viable tokens that can possibly come next (lookahead depth 1)
* given the current call chain. Contrast this with the
* definition of plain FOLLOW for rule r:
* FOLLOW(r)={x | S=>*alpha r beta in G and x in FIRST(beta)}
* where x in T* and alpha, beta in V*; T is set of terminals and
* V is the set of terminals and nonterminals. In other words,
* FOLLOW(r) is the set of all tokens that can possibly follow
* references to r in *any* sentential form (context). At
* runtime, however, we know precisely which context applies as
* we have the call chain. We may compute the exact (rather
* than covering superset) set of following tokens.
* For example, consider grammar:
* stat : ID '=' expr ';' // FOLLOW(stat)=={EOF}
* | "return" expr '.'
* ;
* expr : atom ('+' atom)* ; // FOLLOW(expr)=={';','.',')'}
* atom : INT // FOLLOW(atom)=={'+',')',';','.'}
* | '(' expr ')'
* ;
* The FOLLOW sets are all inclusive whereas context-sensitive
* FOLLOW sets are precisely what could follow a rule reference.
* For input input "i=(3);", here is the derivation:
* stat => ID '=' expr ';'
* => ID '=' atom ('+' atom)* ';'
* => ID '=' '(' expr ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
* => ID '=' '(' atom ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
* => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
* => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ';'
* At the "3" token, you'd have a call chain of
* stat -> expr -> atom -> expr -> atom
* What can follow that specific nested ref to atom? Exactly ')'
* as you can see by looking at the derivation of this specific
* input. Contrast this with the FOLLOW(atom)={'+',')',';','.'}.
* You want the exact viable token set when recovering from a
* token mismatch. Upon token mismatch, if LA(1) is member of
* the viable next token set, then you know there is most likely
* a missing token in the input stream. "Insert" one by just not
* throwing an exception.
public IntervalSet computeNextViableTokenSet() {
return null;
// int top = ctx.sp;
// IntervalSet followSet = new IntervalSet();
// for (int i=top; i>=0; i--) { // i==0 is EOF context for start rule invocation
// IntervalSet f = (IntervalSet)ctx.get(i).follow;
// followSet.orInPlace(f);
// // can we see end of rule? if not, don't include follow of this rule
// if ( !f.member(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) ) break;
// // else combine with tokens that can follow this rule (rm EOR also)
// // EOR indicates we have to include follow(start rule); i.e., EOF
// followSet.remove(Token.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE);
// }
// return followSet;
/** Attempt to recover from a single missing or extra token.
* LA(1) is not what we are looking for. If LA(2) has the right token,
* however, then assume LA(1) is some extra spurious token. Delete it
* and LA(2) as if we were doing a normal match(), which advances the
* input.
* If current token is consistent with what could come after
* ttype then it is ok to "insert" the missing token, else throw
* exception For example, Input "i=(3;" is clearly missing the
* ')'. When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it
* will have call chain:
* stat -> expr -> atom
* and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the
* derivation:
* => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
* ^
* match() will see that ';' doesn't match ')' and report a
* mismatched token error. To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';'
* is in the set of tokens that can follow the ')' token
* reference in rule atom. It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
protected Object recoverFromMismatchedToken(int ttype, IntervalSet follow)
throws RecognitionException
RecognitionException e = null;
// if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
if ( mismatchIsUnwantedToken(ttype) ) {
e = new UnwantedTokenException(this, getInputStream(), ttype);
System.err.println("recoverFromMismatchedToken deleting "+
" since "+((TokenStream)input).LT(2)+" is what we want");
getInputStream().consume(); // simply delete extra token
reportError(e); // report after consuming so AW sees the token in the exception
// we want to return the token we're actually matching
Object matchedSymbol = getCurrentInputSymbol();
getInputStream().consume(); // move past ttype token as if all were ok
return matchedSymbol;
// can't recover with single token deletion, try insertion
if ( mismatchIsMissingToken(follow) ) {
Object inserted = getMissingSymbol(e, ttype, follow);
e = new MissingTokenException(this, getInputStream(), ttype, inserted);
reportError(e); // report after inserting so AW sees the token in the exception
return inserted;
// even that didn't work; must throw the exception
e = new MismatchedTokenException(this, getInputStream(), ttype);
throw e;
public Object recoverFromMismatchedSet(RecognitionException e,
IntervalSet follow)
throws RecognitionException
if ( mismatchIsMissingToken(follow) ) {
// System.out.println("missing token");
// we don't know how to conjure up a token for sets yet
return getMissingSymbol(e, Token.INVALID_TYPE, follow);
// TODO do single token deletion like above for Token mismatch
throw e;
public abstract IntStream getInputStream();
public abstract void setInputStream(IntStream input);
@ -549,51 +223,8 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
_ctx = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.parent;
/** Conjure up a missing token during error recovery.
* The recognizer attempts to recover from single missing
* symbols. But, actions might refer to that missing symbol.
* For example, x=ID {f($x);}. The action clearly assumes
* that there has been an identifier matched previously and that
* $x points at that token. If that token is missing, but
* the next token in the stream is what we want we assume that
* this token is missing and we keep going. Because we
* have to return some token to replace the missing token,
* we have to conjure one up. This method gives the user control
* over the tokens returned for missing tokens. Mostly,
* you will want to create something special for identifier
* tokens. For literals such as '{' and ',', the default
* action in the parser or tree parser works. It simply creates
* a CommonToken of the appropriate type. The text will be the token.
* If you change what tokens must be created by the lexer,
* override this method to create the appropriate tokens.
protected Object getMissingSymbol(RecognitionException e,
int expectedTokenType,
IntervalSet follow)
return null;
public void consumeUntil(int tokenType) {
//System.out.println("consumeUntil "+tokenType);
int ttype = getInputStream().LA(1);
while (ttype != Token.EOF && ttype != tokenType) {
ttype = getInputStream().LA(1);
/** Consume tokens until one matches the given token set */
public void consumeUntil(IntervalSet set) {
int ttype = getInputStream().LA(1);
while (ttype != Token.EOF && !set.contains(ttype) ) {
//System.out.println("consume during recover LA(1)="+getTokenNames()[input.LA(1)]);
ttype = getInputStream().LA(1);
public IntervalSet getExpectedTokens() {
return _interp.atn.nextTokens(_ctx);
public ParserRuleContext getInvokingContext(int ruleIndex) {
@ -654,9 +285,6 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
return rules;
/** Return whether or not a backtracking attempt failed. */
// public boolean failed() { return failed; }
/** For debugging and other purposes, might want the grammar name.
* Have ANTLR generate an implementation for this method.
@ -678,19 +306,6 @@ public abstract class BaseRecognizer extends Recognizer<ParserATNSimulator> {
return strings;
// public void traceIn(String ruleName, int ruleIndex, Object inputSymbol) {
// System.out.print("enter "+ruleName+" "+inputSymbol);
// System.out.println();
// }
// public void traceOut(String ruleName,
// int ruleIndex,
// Object inputSymbol)
// {
// System.out.print("exit "+ruleName+" "+inputSymbol);
// System.out.println();
// }
/** Indicate that the recognizer has changed internal state that is
* consistent with the ATN state passed in. This way we always know
* where we are in the ATN as the parser goes along. The rule

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@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ public class DefaultANTLRErrorStrategy implements ANTLRErrorStrategy {
throw new InputMismatchException(recognizer);
protected IntervalSet getExpectedTokens(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
return recognizer._interp.atn.nextTokens(recognizer._ctx);
public IntervalSet getExpectedTokens(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
return recognizer.getExpectedTokens();
public boolean mismatchIsMissingToken() {

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@ -78,24 +78,6 @@ public class Parser extends BaseRecognizer {
public void setInputStream(IntStream input) { _input = (TokenStream)input; }
protected Object getMissingSymbol(RecognitionException e,
int expectedTokenType)
String tokenText = null;
if ( expectedTokenType== Token.EOF ) tokenText = "<missing EOF>";
else tokenText = "<missing "+getTokenNames()[expectedTokenType]+">";
CommonToken t = new CommonToken(expectedTokenType, tokenText);
Token current = ((TokenStream)_input).LT(1);
if ( current.getType() == Token.EOF ) {
current = ((TokenStream)_input).LT(-1);
t.line = current.getLine();
t.charPositionInLine = current.getCharPositionInLine(); = Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
t.source = current.getTokenSource();
return t;
/** Set the token stream and reset the parser */
public void setTokenStream(TokenStream input) {
this._input = null;

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@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ public class TestParseErrors extends BaseTest {
"WS : ' ' {skip();} ;" +
"acClass\n" +
"@init\n" +
"{ System.out.println(computeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW().toString(tokenNames)); }\n" +
"{ System.out.println(getExpectedTokens().toString(tokenNames)); }\n" +
" : ;\n";
String result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "start", "dog and software", false);
String expecting = "{HARDWARE,SOFTWARE}\n";
String expecting = "{'hardware', 'software'}\n";
assertEquals(expecting, result);