+ /// Full LL prediction termination.
+ ///
+ /// Can we stop looking ahead during ATN simulation or is there some
+ /// uncertainty as to which alternative we will ultimately pick, after
+ /// consuming more input? Even if there are partial conflicts, we might know
+ /// that everything is going to resolve to the same minimum alternative. That
+ /// means we can stop since no more lookahead will change that fact. On the
+ /// other hand, there might be multiple conflicts that resolve to different
+ /// minimums. That means we need more look ahead to decide which of those
+ /// alternatives we should predict.
+ ///
+ /// The basic idea is to split the set of configurations
+ /// C
+ /// , into
+ /// conflicting subsets
+ /// (s, _, ctx, _)
+ /// and singleton subsets with
+ /// non-conflicting configurations. Two configurations conflict if they have
+ /// identical
+ /// ATNConfig#state
+ /// and
+ /// ATNConfig#context
+ /// values
+ /// but different
+ /// ATNConfig.GetAlt()
+ /// value, e.g.
+ /// (s, i, ctx, _)
+ /// and
+ /// (s, j, ctx, _)
+ /// for
+ /// i!=j
+ /// .
+ ///
+ /// Reduce these configuration subsets to the set of possible alternatives.
+ /// You can compute the alternative subsets in one pass as follows:
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A_s,ctx =
+ /// i | (s, i, ctx, _)}} for each configuration in
+ /// C
+ /// holding
+ /// s
+ /// and
+ /// ctx
+ /// fixed.
+ ///
+ /// Or in pseudo-code, for each configuration
+ /// c
+ /// in
+ /// C
+ /// :
+ ///
+ /// map[c] U= c.
+ /// getAlt()
+ /// # map hash/equals uses s and x, not
+ /// alt and not pred
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The values in
+ /// map
+ /// are the set of
+ /// A_s,ctx
+ /// sets.
+ ///
+ /// If
+ /// |A_s,ctx|=1
+ /// then there is no conflict associated with
+ /// s
+ /// and
+ /// ctx
+ /// .
+ ///
+ /// Reduce the subsets to singletons by choosing a minimum of each subset. If
+ /// the union of these alternative subsets is a singleton, then no amount of
+ /// more lookahead will help us. We will always pick that alternative. If,
+ /// however, there is more than one alternative, then we are uncertain which
+ /// alternative to predict and must continue looking for resolution. We may
+ /// or may not discover an ambiguity in the future, even if there are no
+ /// conflicting subsets this round.
+ ///
+ /// The biggest sin is to terminate early because it means we've made a
+ /// decision but were uncertain as to the eventual outcome. We haven't used
+ /// enough lookahead. On the other hand, announcing a conflict too late is no
+ /// big deal; you will still have the conflict. It's just inefficient. It
+ /// might even look until the end of file.
+ ///
+ /// No special consideration for semantic predicates is required because
+ /// predicates are evaluated on-the-fly for full LL prediction, ensuring that
+ /// no configuration contains a semantic context during the termination
+ /// check.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Two configurations
+ /// (s, i, x)
+ /// and
+ /// (s, j, x')
+ /// , conflict
+ /// when
+ /// i!=j
+ /// but
+ /// x=x'
+ /// . Because we merge all
+ /// (s, i, _)
+ /// configurations together, that means that there are at
+ /// most
+ /// n
+ /// configurations associated with state
+ /// s
+ /// for
+ /// n
+ /// possible alternatives in the decision. The merged stacks
+ /// complicate the comparison of configuration contexts
+ /// x
+ /// and
+ /// x'
+ /// . Sam checks to see if one is a subset of the other by calling
+ /// merge and checking to see if the merged result is either
+ /// x
+ /// or
+ /// x'
+ /// . If the
+ /// x
+ /// associated with lowest alternative
+ /// i
+ /// is the superset, then
+ /// i
+ /// is the only possible prediction since the
+ /// others resolve to
+ /// min(i)
+ /// as well. However, if
+ /// x
+ /// is
+ /// associated with
+ /// j>i
+ /// then at least one stack configuration for
+ /// j
+ /// is not in conflict with alternative
+ /// i
+ /// . The algorithm
+ /// should keep going, looking for more lookahead due to the uncertainty.
+ ///
+ /// For simplicity, I'm doing a equality check between
+ /// x
+ /// and
+ /// x'
+ /// that lets the algorithm continue to consume lookahead longer
+ /// than necessary. The reason I like the equality is of course the
+ /// simplicity but also because that is the test you need to detect the
+ /// alternatives that are actually in conflict.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Continue if union of resolved alternative sets from non-conflicting and
+ /// conflicting alternative subsets has more than one alternative. We are
+ /// uncertain about which alternative to predict.
+ ///
+ /// The complete set of alternatives,
+ /// [i for (_,i,_)]
+ /// , tells us which
+ /// alternatives are still in the running for the amount of input we've
+ /// consumed at this point. The conflicting sets let us to strip away
+ /// configurations that won't lead to more states because we resolve
+ /// conflicts to the configuration with a minimum alternate for the
+ /// conflicting set.
+ ///
+ /// CASES
+ ///
+ /// - no conflicts and more than 1 alternative in set => continue
+ /// -
+ ///
(s, 1, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 2, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 3, z)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 1, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 2, y)
+ /// yields non-conflicting set
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 3}} U conflicting sets
+ ///
+ /// min(
+ /// 1,2})} U
+ ///
+ /// min(
+ /// 1,2})} =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1,3}} => continue
+ ///
+ /// -
+ ///
(s, 1, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 2, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 1, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 2, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s'', 1, z)
+ /// yields non-conflicting set
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} U conflicting sets
+ ///
+ /// min(
+ /// 1,2})} U
+ ///
+ /// min(
+ /// 1,2})} =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} => stop and predict 1
+ /// -
+ ///
(s, 1, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 2, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 1, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 2, y)
+ /// yields conflicting, reduced sets
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} U
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} => stop and predict 1, can announce
+ /// ambiguity
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1,2}}
+ /// -
+ ///
(s, 1, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 2, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 2, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 3, y)
+ /// yields conflicting, reduced sets
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} U
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 2}} =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1,2}} => continue
+ /// -
+ ///
(s, 1, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s, 2, x)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 3, y)
+ /// ,
+ /// (s', 4, y)
+ /// yields conflicting, reduced sets
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}} U
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 3}} =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1,3}} => continue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// If all states report the same conflicting set of alternatives, then we
+ /// know we have the exact ambiguity set.
+ ///
+ /// |A_i|>1
+ /// A_i = A_j
for all i, j.
+ ///
+ /// In other words, we continue examining lookahead until all
+ /// A_i
+ /// have more than one alternative and all
+ /// A_i
+ /// are the same. If
+ ///
+ /// A=
+ /// {1,2}, {1,3}}}, then regular LL prediction would terminate
+ /// because the resolved set is
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 1}}. To determine what the real
+ /// ambiguity is, we have to know whether the ambiguity is between one and
+ /// two or one and three so we keep going. We can only stop prediction when
+ /// we need exact ambiguity detection when the sets look like
+ ///
+ /// A=
+ /// {1,2}}} or
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// {1,2},{1,2}}}, etc...
+ ///
+ public static int ResolvesToJustOneViableAlt(ICollection