mv comment over and make sure that the tree parsers use the new ATN engine

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/code/antlr4/main/": change = 9635]
This commit is contained in:
parrt 2011-12-15 16:14:49 -08:00
parent 5ad1505fdb
commit 1e8548297e
2 changed files with 56 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -92,6 +92,61 @@ import java.util.*;
in a "full context mode" parameter so that it knows to report
conflicts differently. It also knows not to do a retry, to avoid
infinite recursion, if it is already using full context.
Retry a simulation using full outer context.
* One of the key assumptions here is that using full context
* can use at most the same amount of input as a simulation
* that is not useful context (i.e., it uses all possible contexts
* that could invoke our entry rule. I believe that this is true
* and the proof might go like this.
* THEOREM: The amount of input consumed during a full context
* simulation is at most the amount of input consumed during a
* non full context simulation.
* PROOF: Let D be the DFA state at which non-context simulation
* terminated. That means that D does not have a configuration for
* which we can legally pursue more input. (It is legal to work only
* on configurations for which there is no conflict with another
* configuration.) Now we restrict ourselves to following ATN edges
* associated with a single context. Choose any DFA state D' along
* the path (same input) to D. That state has either the same number
* of configurations or fewer. (If the number of configurations is
* the same, then we have degenerated to the non-context case.) Now
* imagine that we restrict to following edges associated with
* another single context and that we reach DFA state D'' for the
* same amount of input as D'. The non-context simulation merges D'
* and D''. The union of the configuration sets either has the same
* number of configurations as both D' and D'' or it has more. If it
* has the same number, we are no worse off and the merge does not
* force us to look for more input than we would otherwise have to
* do. If the union has more configurations, it can introduce
* conflicts but not new alternatives--we cannot conjure up alternatives
* by computing closure on the DFA state. Here are the cases for
* D' union D'':
* 1. No increase in configurations, D' = D''
* 2. Add configuration that introduces a new alternative number.
* This cannot happen because no new alternatives are introduced
* while computing closure, even during start state computation.
* 3. D'' adds a configuration that does not conflict with any
* configuration in D'. Simulating without context would then have
* forced us to use more lookahead than D' (full context) alone.
* 3. D'' adds a configuration that introduces a conflict with a
* configuration in D'. There are 2 cases:
* a. The conflict does not cause termination (D' union D''
* is added to the work list). Again no context simulation requires
* more input.
* b. The conflict does cause termination, but this cannot happen.
* By definition, we know that with ALL contexts merged we
* don't terminate until D and D' uses less input than D. Therefore
* no context simulation requires more input than full context
* simulation.
* We have covered all the cases and there is never a situation where
* a single, full context simulation requires more input than a
* no context simulation.
public class v2ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
public static boolean debug = false;

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public <>(TokenStream input) {
treeparser_ctor(p) ::= <<
public <>(ASTNodeStream\<<ASTLabelType()>\> input) {
_interp = new ParserATNSimulator\<<ASTLabelType()>\>(this,_ATN);
_interp = new v2ParserATNSimulator\<<ASTLabelType()>\>(this,_ATN);