forked from jasder/antlr
another big reorg and fixed unit test. lots more sharing and splitting into methods; same 21/807 tests fail; java works.
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/code/antlr4/main/": change = 9563]
This commit is contained in:
@ -201,27 +201,7 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
" in "+s);
if ( predI!=null ) return predI;
// TODO: this was cut / pasted from retryWithContext. refactor somehow to call retryWithContext
int old_k = input.index();
DFA ctx_dfa = new DFA(dfa.atnStartState);
int ctx_alt = predictATN(ctx_dfa, input, outerContext, true);
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("retry from DFA predicts "+ctx_alt+
" with conflict="+(ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null) +
" full ctx dfa="+ctx_dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
if ( ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null ) {
reportAmbiguity(startIndex, input.index(), getAmbiguousAlts(ctx_dfa.conflictSet), ctx_dfa.conflictSet);
else {
if ( old_k != input.index() ) {
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("used diff amount of k; old="+(old_k-startIndex+1)+", new="+(input.index()-startIndex+1));
reportContextSensitivity(dfa, ctx_dfa.conflictSet, startIndex, input.index());
// END cut/paste from retryWithContext
int ctx_alt = predictATNWithDummyDFA(dfa, input, startIndex, s.configs, outerContext);
s.ctxToPrediction.put(outerContext, ctx_alt);
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("updated DFA:\n"+dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
return ctx_alt;
@ -238,7 +218,7 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
// mentioned in configs; check if something else could match
// TODO: don't we always stop? only lexer would keep going
// TODO: v3 dfa don't do this.
if ( s.complete || t==CharStream.EOF ) break;
if ( s.complete || t==Token.EOF ) break;
// if no edge, pop over to ATN interpreter, update DFA and return
if ( s.edges == null || t >= s.edges.length || t < -1 || s.edges[t+1] == null ) {
@ -288,7 +268,6 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
return -1;
// TODO: Factor this code that is very similar to ATN version
// Before jumping to prediction, check to see if there are
// disambiguating or validating predicates to evaluate
if ( s.predicates!=null ) {
@ -331,7 +310,13 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
// resolve ambig in DFAState for reach
IntervalSet ambigAlts = getAmbiguousAlts(reach);
if ( ambigAlts!=null ) {
int uniqueAlt = resolveConflict(dfa, decState, input, startIndex, ambigAlts, closure, t, reach, useContext);
int uniqueAlt;
if ( useContext ) {
uniqueAlt = resolveConflictWhenUsingFullContext(dfa, decState, input, startIndex, ambigAlts, closure, t, reach);
else {
uniqueAlt = resolveConflict(dfa, decState, input, startIndex, ambigAlts, closure, t, reach);
if ( uniqueAlt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) return uniqueAlt;
@ -367,7 +352,6 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
reach = closure;
closure = tmp;
reach.clear(); // TODO: THIS MIGHT BE SLOW! kills each element; realloc might be faster
// closure = reach;
// reach = new OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig>();
@ -435,8 +419,7 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
@NotNull SymbolStream<Symbol> input, int startIndex,
@NotNull IntervalSet ambigAlts,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> closure, int t,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach,
boolean useContext)
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach)
if ( debug ) {
int i = -1;
@ -448,14 +431,83 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
// System.out.println("AMBIG dec "+dfa.decision+" for alt "+ambigAlts+" upon "+
// parser.getInputString(startIndex));
// System.out.println("userWantsCtxSensitive="+userWantsCtxSensitive);
// can we resolve with predicates?
SemanticContext[] altToPred =
getPredsForAmbigAlts(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
SemanticContext[] altToPred = getPredsForAmbigAlts(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
if ( altToPred!=null ) {
int uniqueAlt = getAltPredictedBySemanticContext(dfa, input, startIndex, ambigAlts,
closure, t, reach, altToPred);
if ( uniqueAlt==ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
// no true pred and/or no uncovered alt
// to fall back on. must announce parsing error.
throw noViableAlt(input, outerContext, closure, startIndex);
return uniqueAlt;
if ( userWantsCtxSensitive ) {
dfa.conflictSet = (OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig>)reach.clone(); // most recent set with conflict
// TODO: add optimization to avoid retry if no config dips into outer config
if ( outerContext==ParserRuleContext.EMPTY ) { // TODO: or no configs dip into outer ctx
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("ctx empty; no need to retry");
// no point in retrying with ctx since it's same.
// this implies that we have a true ambiguity
reportAmbiguity(startIndex, input.index(), ambigAlts, reach);
resolveToProperAlt(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
else {
return retryWithContext(input, dfa, startIndex, outerContext,
closure, t, reach);
dfa.conflictSet = (OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig>)reach.clone(); // most recent set with conflict
reportConflict(startIndex, input.index(), ambigAlts, reach);
resolveToProperAlt(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
protected int resolveConflictWhenUsingFullContext(@NotNull DFA dfa, @Nullable DecisionState decState,
@NotNull SymbolStream<Symbol> input, int startIndex,
@NotNull IntervalSet ambigAlts,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> closure, int t,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach)
if ( debug ) {
int i = -1;
if ( outerContext!=null && outerContext.s>=0 ) {
i = atn.states.get(outerContext.s).ruleIndex;
String rname = getRuleName(i);
System.out.println("AMBIG dec "+dfa.decision+" in "+rname+" for alt "+ambigAlts+" upon "+
// can we resolve with predicates?
SemanticContext[] altToPred = getPredsForAmbigAlts(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
if ( altToPred!=null ) {
int uniqueAlt = getAltPredictedBySemanticContext(dfa, input, startIndex, ambigAlts,
closure, t, reach, altToPred);
if ( uniqueAlt==ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
// no true pred and/or no uncovered alt
// to fall back on. must announce parsing error.
throw noViableAlt(input, outerContext, closure, startIndex);
return uniqueAlt;
dfa.conflictSet = (OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig>)reach.clone(); // most recent set with conflict
resolveToProperAlt(decState, ambigAlts, reach);
protected int getAltPredictedBySemanticContext(DFA dfa, SymbolStream<Symbol> input, int startIndex,
IntervalSet ambigAlts,
OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> closure, int t,
OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach, SemanticContext[] altToPred)
// We need at least n-1 predicates for n ambiguous alts
if ( tooFewPredicates(altToPred) ) {
reportInsufficientPredicates(startIndex, input.index(),
@ -468,49 +520,7 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
// rewind input so pred's LT(i) calls make sense
int uniqueAlt = evalSemanticContext(predPredictions);
if ( uniqueAlt==ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
// no true pred and/or no uncovered alt
// to fall back on. must announce parsing error.
throw noViableAlt(input, outerContext, closure, startIndex);
return uniqueAlt;
boolean resolveConflict = false;
dfa.conflictSet = (OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig>)reach.clone(); // most recent set with conflict
if ( !userWantsCtxSensitive ) {
reportConflict(startIndex, input.index(), ambigAlts, reach);
resolveConflict = true;
else {
// TODO: add optimization to avoid retry if no config dips into outer config
if ( outerContext==ParserRuleContext.EMPTY ) { // TODO: or no configs dip into outer ctx
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("ctx empty; no need to retry");
// no point in retrying with ctx since it's same.
// this implies that we have a true ambiguity
reportAmbiguity(startIndex, input.index(), ambigAlts, reach);
resolveConflict = true;
if ( resolveConflict || useContext ) {
// resolve ambiguity
if ( decState!=null && decState.isGreedy ) {
// if greedy, resolve in favor of alt coming first
resolveToMinAlt(reach, ambigAlts);
else {
// if nongreedy loop, always pick exit branch to match
// what follows instead of re-entering loop
resolveNongreedyToExitBranch(reach, ambigAlts);
else {
return retryWithContext(input, dfa, startIndex, outerContext,
closure, t, reach, ambigAlts);
return evalSemanticContext(predPredictions);
/** Look through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alt for the
@ -536,6 +546,18 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
protected void resolveToProperAlt(DecisionState decState, IntervalSet ambigAlts, OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach) {
if ( decState!=null && decState.isGreedy ) {
// if greedy, resolve in favor of alt coming first
resolveToMinAlt(reach, ambigAlts);
else {
// if nongreedy loop, always pick exit branch to match
// what follows instead of re-entering loop
resolveNongreedyToExitBranch(reach, ambigAlts);
protected int resolveToMinAlt(@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach,
@NotNull IntervalSet ambigAlts)
@ -619,41 +641,14 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
public int retryWithContext(@NotNull SymbolStream<Symbol> input,
@NotNull DFA dfa,
int startIndex,
@NotNull ParserRuleContext originalContext,
@NotNull ParserRuleContext outerContext,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> closure,
int t,
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach,
@NotNull IntervalSet ambigAlts)
@NotNull OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> reach)
int old_k = input.index();
// retry using context, if any; if none, kill all but min as before
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("RETRY '"+ parser.getInputString(startIndex) +
"' with ctx="+ originalContext);
// otherwise we have to retry with context, filling in tmp DFA.
// if it comes back with conflict, we have a true ambiguity
||||; // rewind
DFA ctx_dfa = new DFA(dfa.atnStartState);
int ctx_alt = predictATN(ctx_dfa, input, originalContext, true);
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("retry predicts "+ctx_alt+" vs "+ambigAlts.getMinElement()+
" with conflict="+(ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null) +
" full ctx dfa="+ctx_dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
if ( ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null ) {
// System.out.println("retry gives ambig for "+input.toString(startIndex, input.index()));
reportAmbiguity(startIndex, input.index(), ambigAlts, reach);
else {
// System.out.println("NO ambig for "+input.toString(startIndex, input.index()));
// System.out.println(ctx_dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
if ( old_k != input.index() ) {
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("used diff amount of k; old="+(old_k-startIndex+1)+
", new="+(input.index()-startIndex+1));
reportContextSensitivity(dfa, reach, startIndex, input.index());
int ctx_alt = predictATNWithDummyDFA(dfa, input, startIndex, reach, outerContext);
// it's not context-sensitive; true ambig. fall thru to strip dead alts
// TODO: if ambig, why turn on ctx sensitive?
@ -666,7 +661,7 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
if ( reachTarget.ctxToPrediction==null ) {
reachTarget.ctxToPrediction = new LinkedHashMap<RuleContext, Integer>();
reachTarget.ctxToPrediction.put(originalContext, predictedAlt);
reachTarget.ctxToPrediction.put(outerContext, predictedAlt);
if ( retry_debug ) {
System.out.println("adding edge upon "+getTokenName(t));
System.out.println("DFA decision "+dfa.decision+" is "+dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
@ -677,6 +672,41 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator<Symbol> extends ATNSimulator {
return predictedAlt;
protected int predictATNWithDummyDFA(DFA dfa, SymbolStream<Symbol> input, int startIndex,
OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> configs,
ParserRuleContext outerContext)
int old_k = input.index();
// retry using context, if any; if none, kill all but min as before
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("RETRY '"+ parser.getInputString(startIndex) +
"' with ctx="+ outerContext);
// otherwise we have to retry with context, filling in tmp DFA.
// if it comes back with conflict, we have a true ambiguity
||||; // rewind
DFA ctx_dfa = new DFA(dfa.atnStartState);
int ctx_alt = predictATN(ctx_dfa, input, outerContext, true);
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("retry predicts "+ctx_alt+" vs "+
" with conflict="+(ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null) +
" full ctx dfa="+ctx_dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
if ( ctx_dfa.conflictSet!=null ) {
// System.out.println("retry gives ambig for "+input.toString(startIndex, input.index()));
reportAmbiguity(startIndex, input.index(), getAmbiguousAlts(ctx_dfa.conflictSet), ctx_dfa.conflictSet);
else {
// System.out.println("NO ambig for "+input.toString(startIndex, input.index()));
// System.out.println(ctx_dfa.toString(parser.getTokenNames()));
if ( old_k != input.index() ) {
if ( retry_debug ) System.out.println("used diff amount of k; old="+(old_k-startIndex+1)+
", new="+(input.index()-startIndex+1));
reportContextSensitivity(dfa, configs, startIndex, input.index());
return ctx_alt;
public OrderedHashSet<ATNConfig> computeStartState(int decision, @NotNull ATNState p,
@Nullable RuleContext ctx)
@ -420,70 +420,6 @@ public class TestATNParserPrediction extends BaseTest {
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals(null, this.stderrDuringParse);
input = "{ if x then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n",
input = "{ if x then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n",
input =
"{ if x then break else return\n" +
"if x then if y then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
"s0-'else'->:s1@{[6]=1, [21 6]=1}\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n" +
"line 2:26 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[1|1|[], 1|2|[]], input=else\n",
input =
"{ if x then break else return\n" +
"if x then if y then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
"s0-'else'->:s1@{[6]=1, [21 6]=1}\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n" +
"line 2:26 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[1|1|[], 1|2|[]], input=else\n",
input =
"{ if x then if y then break else break }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
@ -497,7 +433,71 @@ public class TestATNParserPrediction extends BaseTest {
"s0-'else'->:s1@{[21 6]=1}\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:28 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n",
assertEquals("line 1:28 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[1|1|[], 1|2|[]], input=else\n",
input = "{ if x then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n",
input = "{ if x then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n",
input =
"{ if x then break else return\n" +
"if x then if y then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
"s0-'else'->:s1@{[6]=1, [21 6]=1}\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n" +
"line 2:26 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[1|1|[], 1|2|[]], input=else\n",
input =
"{ if x then break else return\n" +
"if x then if y then break else return }";
result = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "s",
input, true);
expecting =
"Decision 0:\n" +
"s0-'if'->:s1=>1\n" +
"s0-'}'->:s2=>2\n" +
"\n" +
"Decision 1:\n" +
"s0-'else'->:s1@{[6]=1, [21 6]=1}\n" +
assertEquals(expecting, result);
assertEquals("line 1:18 reportContextSensitivity: [15|1|[25], 29|1|[25], 31|1|[25], 15|2|[25]|up=1, 29|2|[25]|up=1, 31|2|[25]|up=1], input=else\n" +
"line 2:26 reportAmbiguity {1..2}:[1|1|[], 1|2|[]], input=else\n",
Reference in New Issue