Remove unused functions from StringExtension.

Some of these are subject to change for Swift 4, but since they are unused
we should remove them anyway.
This commit is contained in:
Ewan Mellor 2017-09-27 12:07:49 -07:00
parent 8ba2c0ba4f
commit 4bafc74e6c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7CE1C6BC9EC8645D
2 changed files with 0 additions and 147 deletions

View File

@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ import Foundation
extension String {
func split(_ separator: String) -> [String] {
return self.components(separatedBy: separator)
func containsIgnoreCase(_ find: String) -> Bool {
return self.lowercased().range(of: find.lowercased()) != nil
var length: Int {
return self.characters.count
@ -60,32 +52,6 @@ extension String {
return index
func substringAfter(_ string: String) -> String {
if let range = self.range(of: string) {
let intIndex: Int = self.characters.distance(from: self.startIndex, to: range.upperBound)
return self.substring(from: self.characters.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: intIndex))
return self
var lowercaseFirstChar: String {
var result = self
if self.length > 0 {
let startIndex = self.startIndex
result.replaceSubrange(startIndex ... startIndex, with: String(self[startIndex]).lowercased())
return result
func substringWithRange(_ range: Range<Int>) -> String {
let start = self.characters.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: range.lowerBound)
let end = self.characters.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: range.upperBound)
return self.substring(with: start ..< end)
subscript(integerIndex: Int) -> Character {
let index = characters.index(startIndex, offsetBy: integerIndex)
return self[index]
@ -97,116 +63,5 @@ extension String {
let range = start ..< end
return self[range]
func charAt(_ index: Int) -> Character {
return self[self.characters.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index)]
// Mapping from XML/HTML character entity reference to character
// From
private let characterEntities: [String:Character] = [
// XML predefined entities:
"&quot;": "\"",
"&amp;": "&",
"&apos;": "'",
"&lt;": "<",
"&gt;": ">",
// HTML character entity references:
"&nbsp;": "\u{00a0}",
// ...
"&diams;": "",
extension String {
/// Returns a new string made by replacing in the `String`
/// all HTML character entity references with the corresponding
/// character.
var stringByDecodingHTMLEntities: String {
// Convert the number in the string to the corresponding
// Unicode character, e.g.
// decodeNumeric("64", 10) --> "@"
// decodeNumeric("20ac", 16) --> ""
func decodeNumeric(_ string: String, base: Int32) -> Character? {
let code = UInt32(strtoul(string, nil, base))
return Character(UnicodeScalar(code)!)
// Decode the HTML character entity to the corresponding
// Unicode character, return `nil` for invalid input.
// decode("&#64;") --> "@"
// decode("&#x20ac;") --> ""
// decode("&lt;") --> "<"
// decode("&foo;") --> nil
func decode(_ entity: String) -> Character? {
if entity.hasPrefix("&#x") || entity.hasPrefix("&#X") {
return decodeNumeric(entity.substring(from: entity.characters.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)), base: 16)
} else if entity.hasPrefix("&#") {
return decodeNumeric(entity.substring(from: entity.characters.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)), base: 10)
} else {
return characterEntities[entity]
var result = ""
var position = startIndex
// Find the next '&' and copy the characters preceding it to `result`:
while let ampRange = self.range(of: "&", range: position ..< endIndex) {
result.append(self[position ..< ampRange.lowerBound])
position = ampRange.lowerBound
// Find the next ';' and copy everything from '&' to ';' into `entity`
if let semiRange = self.range(of: ";", range: position ..< endIndex) {
let entity = self[position ..< semiRange.upperBound]
position = semiRange.upperBound
if let decoded = decode(entity) {
// Replace by decoded character:
} else {
// Invalid entity, copy verbatim:
} else {
// No matching ';'.
// Copy remaining characters to `result`:
result.append(self[position ..< endIndex])
return result
extension String {
static let htmlEscapedDictionary = [
"&amp;": "&",
"&quot;": "\"",
"&#x27;": "'",
"&#x39;": "'",
"&#x92;": "'",
"&#x96;": "'",
"&gt;": ">",
"&lt;": "<"
public var escapedHtmlString: String {
var newString = "\(self)"
for (key, value) in String.htmlEscapedDictionary {
newString = newString.replacingOccurrences(of: value, with: key)
return newString

View File

@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ public class ParseTreePatternMatcher {
// add special rule token or conjure up new token from name
let firstStr = String(tagChunk.getTag()[0])
if firstStr.lowercased() != firstStr {
//if ( Character.isUpperCase(tagChunk.getTag().charAt(0)) ) {
let ttype: Int = parser.getTokenType(tagChunk.getTag())
if ttype == CommonToken.INVALID_TYPE {
throw ANTLRError.illegalArgument(msg: "Unknown token " + tagChunk.getTag() + " in pattern: " + pattern)
@ -329,7 +328,6 @@ public class ParseTreePatternMatcher {
} else {
if firstStr.uppercased() != firstStr {
// if ( Character.isLowerCase(tagChunk.getTag().charAt(0)) ) {
let ruleIndex: Int = parser.getRuleIndex(tagChunk.getTag())
if ruleIndex == -1 {
throw ANTLRError.illegalArgument(msg: "Unknown rule " + tagChunk.getTag() + " in pattern: " + pattern)