moved lots of crap from v3 for DFA display

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//depot/code/antlr4/main/": change = 6741]
This commit is contained in:
parrt 2010-03-07 14:18:03 -08:00
parent 61fbb6571d
commit 6ad8ff2a46
22 changed files with 838 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ public class Tool {
SemanticPipeline sem = new SemanticPipeline();
SemanticPipeline sem = new SemanticPipeline(g);
if ( g.getImportedGrammars()!=null ) { // process imported grammars (if any)
for (Grammar imp : g.getImportedGrammars()) {
@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ public class Tool {
g.nfa = factory.createNFA();
AnalysisPipeline anal = new AnalysisPipeline();
AnalysisPipeline anal = new AnalysisPipeline(g);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
package org.antlr.v4.analysis;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.DFA;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.DecisionState;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.NFAToDFAConverter;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
public class AnalysisPipeline {
public void process(Grammar g) {
public Grammar g;
public AnalysisPipeline(Grammar g) {
this.g = g;
public void process() {
LeftRecursionDetector lr = new LeftRecursionDetector(g.nfa);
@ -18,7 +26,10 @@ public class AnalysisPipeline {
public void createDFA(DecisionState s) {
NFAToDFAConverter conv = new NFAToDFAConverter(g, s);
DFA dfa = conv.createDFA();

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.Utils;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
/** A DFA (converted from a grammar's NFA).
@ -8,6 +13,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
* of recognizers (lexers, parsers, tree walkers).
public class DFA {
Grammar g;
/** What's the start state for this DFA? */
public DFAState startState;
@ -15,7 +22,7 @@ public class DFA {
// public NFA nfa;
/** From what NFAState did we create the DFA? */
public NFAState decisionNFAStartState;
public DecisionState decisionNFAStartState;
/** A set of all uniquely-numbered DFA states. Maps hash of DFAState
* to the actual DFAState object. We use this to detect
@ -38,6 +45,73 @@ public class DFA {
//protected List<DFAState> states = new ArrayList<DFAState>();
/** Each alt in an NFA derived from a grammar must have a DFA state that
* predicts it lest the parser not know what to do. Nondeterminisms can
* lead to this situation (assuming no semantic predicates can resolve
* the problem) and when for some reason, I cannot compute the lookahead
* (which might arise from an error in the algorithm or from
* left-recursion etc...). This list starts out with all alts contained
* and then in method doesStateReachAcceptState() I remove the alts I
* know to be uniquely predicted.
public List<Integer> unreachableAlts;
public int nAlts = 0;
/** We only want one accept state per predicted alt; track here */
public DFAState[] altToAcceptState;
/** Unique state numbers per DFA */
int stateCounter = 0;
int stateCounter = 0;
public DFA(Grammar g, DecisionState startState) {
this.g = g;
this.decisionNFAStartState = startState;
nAlts = startState.getNumberOfTransitions();
unreachableAlts = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 1; i <= nAlts; i++) {
altToAcceptState = new DFAState[nAlts+1];
/** Add a new DFA state to this DFA if not already present.
* To force an acyclic, fixed maximum depth DFA, just always
* return the incoming state. By not reusing old states,
* no cycles can be created. If we're doing fixed k lookahead
* don't updated uniqueStates, just return incoming state, which
* indicates it's a new state.
protected DFAState addState(DFAState d) {
// does a DFA state exist already with everything the same
// except its state number?
DFAState existing = (DFAState)uniqueStates.get(d);
if ( existing != null ) {
System.out.println("state "+d.stateNumber+" exists as state "+
// already there...get the existing DFA state
return existing;
// if not there, then add new state.
d.stateNumber = stateCounter++;
return d;
public DFAState newState() {
DFAState n = new DFAState(this);
// states.setSize(n.stateNumber+1);
// states.set(n.stateNumber, n); // track state num to state
return n;
public String toString() {
if ( startState==null ) return "";
DFASerializer serializer = new DFASerializer(g, startState);
return serializer.toString();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
/** A DFA walker that knows how to dump them to serialized strings. */
public class DFASerializer {
List<DFAState> work;
Set<DFAState> marked;
Grammar g;
DFAState start;
public DFASerializer(Grammar g, DFAState start) {
this.g = g;
this.start = start;
public String toString() {
if ( start==null ) return null;
marked = new HashSet<DFAState>();
work = new ArrayList<DFAState>();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
DFAState s = null;
while ( work.size()>0 ) {
s = work.remove(0);
if ( marked.contains(s) ) continue;
int n = s.getNumberOfTransitions();
//System.out.println("visit "+getDFAStateString(s)+"; edges="+n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Edge t = s.transition(i);
buf.append("-"+t.toString()+"->"+ getStateString('\n');
return buf.toString();
String getStateString(DFAState s) {
int n = s.stateNumber;
String stateStr = "s"+n;
stateStr = ":s"+n+"=>"+s.getUniquelyPredictedAlt();
return stateStr;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.Utils;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.MultiMap;
import java.util.*;
/** A DFA state represents a set of possible NFA configurations.
* As Aho, Sethi, Ullman p. 117 says "The DFA uses its state
@ -30,20 +32,27 @@ import java.util.List;
* but with different NFAContexts (with same or different alts)
* meaning that state was reached via a different set of rule invocations.
public class DFAState extends State {
public class DFAState {
public static final int INITIAL_NUM_TRANSITIONS = 4;
public static final int INVALID_STATE_NUMBER = -1;
public int stateNumber = INVALID_STATE_NUMBER;
public boolean isAcceptState = false;
/** State in which DFA? */
public DFA dfa;
/** Track the transitions emanating from this DFA state. */
protected List<Transition> transitions =
new ArrayList<Transition>(INITIAL_NUM_TRANSITIONS);
protected List<Edge> edges =
/** The set of NFA configurations (state,alt,context) for this DFA state */
public OrderedHashSet<NFAConfig> nfaConfigs =
new OrderedHashSet<NFAConfig>();
int cachedUniquelyPredicatedAlt = NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER;
public DFAState(DFA dfa) { this.dfa = dfa; }
public void addNFAConfig(NFAState s, NFAConfig c) {
@ -53,29 +62,176 @@ public class DFAState extends State {
public NFAConfig addNFAConfig(NFAState state,
int alt,
NFAState invokingState)
NFAState context)
NFAConfig c = new NFAConfig(state.stateNumber,
NFAConfig c = new NFAConfig(state, alt, context);
addNFAConfig(state, c);
return c;
public int getNumberOfTransitions() { return transitions.size(); }
/** Walk each NFA configuration in this DFA state looking for a conflict
* where (s|i|ctx) and (s|j|ctx) exist, indicating that state s with
* context conflicting ctx predicts alts i and j. Return an Integer set
* of the alternative numbers that conflict. Two contexts conflict if
* they are equal or one is a stack suffix of the other or one is
* the empty context.
* Use a hash table to record the lists of configs for each state
* as they are encountered. We need only consider states for which
* there is more than one configuration. The configurations' predicted
* alt must be different or must have different contexts to avoid a
* conflict.
protected Set<Integer> getConflictingAlts() {
// TODO this is called multiple times: cache result?
//System.out.println("getNondetAlts for DFA state "+stateNumber);
Set<Integer> nondeterministicAlts = new HashSet<Integer>();
public void addTransition(Transition e) { transitions.add(e); }
// If only 1 NFA conf then no way it can be nondeterministic;
// save the overhead. There are many o-a->o NFA transitions
// and so we save a hash map and iterator creation for each
// state.
int numConfigs = nfaConfigs.size();
if ( numConfigs <=1 ) {
return null;
public Transition transition(int i) { return transitions.get(i); }
// First get a list of configurations for each state.
// Most of the time, each state will have one associated configuration.
MultiMap<Integer, NFAConfig> stateToConfigListMap =
new MultiMap<Integer, NFAConfig>();
for (int i = 0; i < numConfigs; i++) {
NFAConfig configuration = (NFAConfig) nfaConfigs.get(i);
Integer stateI = Utils.integer(configuration.state.stateNumber);, configuration);
// potential conflicts are states with > 1 configuration and diff alts
Set states = stateToConfigListMap.keySet();
int numPotentialConflicts = 0;
for (Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Integer stateI = (Integer);
boolean thisStateHasPotentialProblem = false;
List configsForState = (List)stateToConfigListMap.get(stateI);
int alt=0;
int numConfigsForState = configsForState.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numConfigsForState && numConfigsForState>1 ; i++) {
NFAConfig c = (NFAConfig) configsForState.get(i);
if ( alt==0 ) {
alt = c.alt;
else if ( c.alt!=alt ) {
System.out.println("potential conflict in state "+stateI+
" configs: "+configsForState);
thisStateHasPotentialProblem = true;
if ( !thisStateHasPotentialProblem ) {
// remove NFA state's configurations from
// further checking; no issues with it
// (can't remove as it's concurrent modification; set to null)
stateToConfigListMap.put(stateI, null);
// a fast check for potential issues; most states have none
if ( numPotentialConflicts==0 ) {
return null;
// we have a potential problem, so now go through config lists again
// looking for different alts (only states with potential issues
// are left in the states set). Now we will check context.
// For example, the list of configs for NFA state 3 in some DFA
// state might be:
// [3|2|[28 18 $], 3|1|[28 $], 3|1, 3|2]
// I want to create a map from context to alts looking for overlap:
// [28 18 $] -> 2
// [28 $] -> 1
// [$] -> 1,2
// Indeed a conflict exists as same state 3, same context [$], predicts
// alts 1 and 2.
// walk each state with potential conflicting configurations
for (Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Integer stateI = (Integer);
List configsForState = (List)stateToConfigListMap.get(stateI);
// compare each configuration pair s, t to ensure:
// s.ctx different than t.ctx if s.alt != t.alt
int numConfigsForState = 0;
if ( configsForState!=null ) {
numConfigsForState = configsForState.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numConfigsForState; i++) {
NFAConfig s = (NFAConfig) configsForState.get(i);
for (int j = i+1; j < numConfigsForState; j++) {
NFAConfig t = (NFAConfig)configsForState.get(j);
// conflicts means s.ctx==t.ctx or s.ctx is a stack
// suffix of t.ctx or vice versa (if alts differ).
// Also a conflict if s.ctx or t.ctx is empty
if ( s.alt != t.alt && s.context != t.context ) {
if ( nondeterministicAlts.size()==0 ) {
return null;
return nondeterministicAlts;
/** Walk each configuration and if they are all the same alt, return
* that alt else return NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER. Ignore resolved
* configurations, but don't ignore resolveWithPredicate configs
* because this state should not be an accept state. We need to add
* this to the work list and then have semantic predicate edges
* emanating from it.
public int getUniquelyPredictedAlt() {
if ( cachedUniquelyPredicatedAlt!=NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) {
return cachedUniquelyPredicatedAlt;
int alt = org.antlr.analysis.NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER;
for (NFAConfig c : nfaConfigs) {
alt = c.alt; // found first nonresolved alt
else if ( c.alt!=alt ) {
this.cachedUniquelyPredicatedAlt = alt;
return alt;
/** Get the set of all alts mentioned by all NFA configurations in this
* DFA state.
public Set<Integer> getAltSet() {
Set<Integer> alts = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (NFAConfig c : nfaConfigs) {
if ( alts.size()==0 ) return null;
return alts;
public int getNumberOfTransitions() { return edges.size(); }
public void addTransition(Edge e) { edges.add(e); }
public Edge transition(int i) { return edges.get(i); }
/** A decent hash for a DFA state is the sum of the NFA state/alt pairs. */
public int hashCode() {
int h = 0;
for (NFAConfig c : nfaConfigs) {
h += c.state + c.alt;
h += c.state.stateNumber + c.alt;
return h;
@ -96,5 +252,20 @@ public class DFAState extends State {
DFAState other = (DFAState)o;
return this.nfaConfigs.equals(other.nfaConfigs);
/** Print all NFA states plus what alts they predict */
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < nfaConfigs.size(); i++) {
NFAConfig c = (NFAConfig)nfaConfigs.get(i);
if ( i>0 ) {
buf.append(", ");
return buf.toString();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
public class DecisionState extends BasicState {
public int decision;
public DecisionState(NFA nfa) { super(nfa); }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.IntervalSet;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
/** A DFA edge (NFA edges are called transitions) */
public class Edge {
public int atom = Label.INVALID;
public IntervalSet set;
public DFAState target;
public Edge(DFAState target) { = target; }
public String toString(Grammar g) {
if ( set==null ) return g.getTokenDisplayName(atom);
else return set.toString(g);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
/** */
public class NFA {
public static final int INVALID_ALT_NUMBER = -1;
public Grammar g;
public List<NFAState> states = new ArrayList<NFAState>();

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ package org.antlr.v4.automata;
public class NFAConfig {
/** The NFA state associated with this configuration */
public int state;
public NFAState state;
/** What alt is predicted by this configuration */
public int alt;
/** Record the NFA state that invoked another rule's start state */
public NFAState invokingState;
public NFAState context;
/** The set of semantic predicates associated with this NFA
* configuration. The predicates were found on the way to
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ public class NFAConfig {
//protected boolean resolveWithPredicate;
public NFAConfig(int state,
public NFAConfig(NFAState state,
int alt,
NFAState invokingState)
NFAState context)
this.state = state;
this.alt = alt;
this.invokingState = invokingState;
this.context = context;
//this.semanticContext = semanticContext;
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ public class NFAConfig {
NFAConfig other = (NFAConfig)o;
return this.state==other.state &&
this.alt==other.alt &&
this.context ==other.context;
// this.context.equals (other.context)&&
// this.semanticContext.equals(other.semanticContext)
public int hashCode() {
int h = state + alt;// + context.hashCode();
int h = state.stateNumber + alt;// + context.hashCode();
return h;
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ public class NFAConfig {
if ( invokingState!=null ) {
if ( context !=null ) {
// if ( resolved ) {
// buf.append("|resolved");

View File

@ -7,33 +7,33 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
/** A FA (finite automata) walker that knows how to dump them to serialized
* strings.
public class FASerializer {
List<State> work;
Set<State> marked;
/** An NFA walker that knows how to dump them to serialized strings. */
public class NFASerializer {
List<NFAState> work;
Set<NFAState> marked;
Grammar g;
State start;
NFAState start;
public FASerializer(Grammar g, State start) {
public NFASerializer(Grammar g, NFAState start) {
this.g = g;
this.start = start;
public String toString() {
if ( start==null ) return null;
work = new ArrayList<State>();
marked = new HashSet<State>();
marked = new HashSet<NFAState>();
work = new ArrayList<NFAState>();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
State s = null;
NFAState s = null;
while ( work.size()>0 ) {
s = work.remove(0);
if ( marked.contains(s) ) continue;
int n = s.getNumberOfTransitions();
//System.out.println("visit "+getStateString(s)+"; edges="+n);
//System.out.println("visit "+getNFAStateString(s)+"; edges="+n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Transition t = s.transition(i);
@ -43,34 +43,30 @@ public class FASerializer {
if ( t instanceof EpsilonTransition ) {
buf.append("->"+ getStateString('\n');
else if ( t instanceof RuleTransition ) {
buf.append("->"+ getStateString('\n');
else if ( t instanceof ActionTransition ) {
ActionTransition a = (ActionTransition)t;
buf.append("-"+a.actionAST.getText()+"->"+ getStateString('\n');
else if ( t instanceof AtomTransition ) {
AtomTransition a = (AtomTransition)t;
buf.append("-"+a.toString(g)+"->"+ getStateString('\n');
else {
buf.append("-"+t.toString()+"->"+ getStateString('\n');
return buf.toString();
String getStateString(State s) {
String getStateString(NFAState s) {
int n = s.stateNumber;
String stateStr = "s"+n;
// if ( s instanceof DFAState ) {
// stateStr = ":s"+n+"=>"+((DFAState)s).getUniquelyPredictedAlt();
// }
// else
if ( s instanceof StarBlockStartState ) stateStr = "StarBlockStart_"+n;
else if ( s instanceof PlusBlockStartState ) stateStr = "PlusBlockStart_"+n;
else if ( s instanceof StarBlockStartState ) stateStr = "StarBlockStart_"+n;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,28 @@ package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarAST;
public class NFAState extends State {
public class NFAState {
public static final int INVALID_STATE_NUMBER = -1;
public int stateNumber = INVALID_STATE_NUMBER;
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// are these states same object?
if ( o instanceof NFAState ) return this == (NFAState)o;
return false;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(stateNumber);
/** Which NFA are we in? */
public NFA nfa = null;
@ -11,16 +32,13 @@ public class NFAState extends State {
public NFAState(NFA nfa) { this.nfa = nfa; }
public int getNumberOfTransitions() {
return 0;
public void addTransition(Transition e) {
public Transition transition(int i) {
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
/** Code that embodies the NFA conversion to DFA. A new object is needed
* per DFA (also required for thread safety if multiple conversions
* launched).
public class NFAToDFAConverter {
Grammar g;
DecisionState nfaStartState;
/** DFA we are creating */
DFA dfa;
/** A list of DFA states we still need to process during NFA conversion */
List<DFAState> work = new LinkedList<DFAState>();
public static boolean debug = false;
public NFAToDFAConverter(Grammar g, DecisionState nfaStartState) {
this.g = g;
this.nfaStartState = nfaStartState;
dfa = new DFA(g, nfaStartState);
public DFA createDFA() {
dfa.startState = computeStartState();
dfa.addState(dfa.startState); // make sure dfa knows about this state
// while more DFA states to check, process them
while ( work.size()>0 ) {
return dfa;
/** From this first NFA state of a decision, create a DFA.
* Walk each alt in decision and compute closure from the start of that
* rule, making sure that the closure does not include other alts within
* that same decision. The idea is to associate a specific alt number
* with the starting closure so we can trace the alt number for all states
* derived from this. At a stop state in the DFA, we can return this alt
* number, indicating which alt is predicted.
public DFAState computeStartState() {
DFAState d = dfa.newState();
// add config for each alt start, then add closure for those states
for (int altNum=1; altNum<=dfa.nAlts; altNum++) {
Transition t = nfaStartState.transition(altNum-1);
NFAState altStart =;
d.addNFAConfig(altStart, altNum+1, null);
return d;
/** For all NFA states (configurations) merged in d,
* compute the epsilon closure; that is, find all NFA states reachable
* from the NFA states in d via purely epsilon transitions.
public void closure(DFAState d) {
if ( debug ) {
List<NFAConfig> configs = new ArrayList<NFAConfig>();
for (NFAConfig c : d.nfaConfigs) {
closure(c.state, c.alt, c.context, configs);
d.nfaConfigs.addAll(configs); // Add new NFA configs to DFA state d
System.out.println("after closure d="+d);
/** Where can we get from NFA state s traversing only epsilon transitions?
public void closure(NFAState s, int altNum, NFAState context,
List<NFAConfig> configs)
NFAConfig proposedNFAConfig =
new NFAConfig(s, altNum, context);
// p itself is always in closure
int n = s.getNumberOfTransitions();
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Transition t = s.transition(i);
if ( t.isEpsilon() ) {
closure(, altNum, context, configs);

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
/** A generic state machine state. */
public abstract class State {
public static final int INVALID_STATE_NUMBER = -1;
public int stateNumber = INVALID_STATE_NUMBER;
/** An accept state is an end of rule state for lexers and
* parser grammar rules.
public boolean acceptState = false;
public abstract int getNumberOfTransitions();
public abstract void addTransition(Transition e);
public abstract Transition transition(int i);
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// are these states same object?
if ( o instanceof State ) return this == (State)o;
return false;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(stateNumber);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package org.antlr.v4.automata;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
/** An NFA transition between any two NFA states. Subclasses define
* atom, set, epsilon, action, predicate, rule transitions.
@ -22,4 +24,6 @@ public abstract class Transition implements Comparable {
/** Are we epsilon, action, sempred? */
public boolean isEpsilon() { return false; }
public String toString(Grammar g) { return toString(); }

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
package org.antlr.v4.misc;
import org.antlr.analysis.Label;
import org.antlr.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.Label;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
package org.antlr.v4.misc;
import org.antlr.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.List;

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
package org.antlr.v4.misc;
import org.antlr.analysis.Label;
import org.antlr.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.Label;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import java.util.ListIterator;
* The ranges are ordered and disjoint so that 2..6 appears before 101..103.
public class IntervalSet implements IntSet {
public static final IntervalSet COMPLETE_SET = IntervalSet.of(0,Label.MAX_CHAR_VALUE);
public static final IntervalSet COMPLETE_SET = IntervalSet.of(0, Label.MAX_CHAR_VALUE);
/** The list of sorted, disjoint intervals. */
protected List<Interval> intervals;
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ public class IntervalSet implements IntSet {
public String toString() {
return toString(null);
return toString((Grammar)null);
public String toString(Grammar g) {

View File

@ -40,4 +40,29 @@ public class Utils {
return buf.toString();
/** Given a source string, src,
a string to replace, replacee,
and a string to replace with, replacer,
return a new string w/ the replacing done.
You can use replacer==null to remove replacee from the string.
This should be faster than Java's String.replaceAll as that one
uses regex (I only want to play with strings anyway).
public static String replace(String src, String replacee, String replacer) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(src.length() + 50);
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = src.indexOf(replacee);
while(endIndex != -1) {
if ( replacer!=null ) {
startIndex = endIndex + replacee.length();
endIndex = src.indexOf(replacee,startIndex);
return result.toString();

View File

@ -26,7 +26,13 @@ import java.util.Map;
* as separate objects, however).
public class SemanticPipeline {
public void process(Grammar g) {
public Grammar g;
public SemanticPipeline(Grammar g) {
this.g = g;
public void process() {
if ( g.ast==null ) return;

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@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
package org.antlr.v4.tool;
import org.antlr.v4.Tool;
import org.antlr.v4.automata.*;
import org.antlr.v4.misc.Utils;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroup;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroupDir;
import java.util.*;
/** The DOT (part of graphviz) generation aspect. */
public class DOTGenerator {
public static final boolean STRIP_NONREDUCED_STATES = false;
protected String arrowhead="normal";
protected String rankdir="LR";
/** Library of output templates; use <attrname> format */
public static STGroup stlib = new STGroupDir("org/antlr/v4/tool/templates/dot");
/** To prevent infinite recursion when walking state machines, record
* which states we've visited. Make a new set every time you start
* walking in case you reuse this object.
protected Set<Integer> markedStates = null;
protected Grammar grammar;
/** This aspect is associated with a grammar */
public DOTGenerator(Grammar grammar) {
this.grammar = grammar;
/** Return a String containing a DOT description that, when displayed,
* will show the incoming state machine visually. All nodes reachable
* from startState will be included.
public String getDOT(NFAState startState) {
if ( startState==null ) {
return null;
// The output DOT graph for visualization
ST dot = null;
markedStates = new HashSet<Integer>();
dot = stlib.getInstanceOf("nfa");
walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, startState);
dot.add("rankdir", rankdir);
return dot.toString();
public String getDOT(DFAState startState) {
if ( startState==null ) {
return null;
// The output DOT graph for visualization
ST dot = null;
markedStates = new HashSet<Integer>();
dot = stlib.getInstanceOf("dfa");
walkCreatingDFADOT(dot, (DFAState)startState);
dot.add("rankdir", rankdir);
return dot.toString();
/** Return a String containing a DOT description that, when displayed,
* will show the incoming state machine visually. All nodes reachable
* from startState will be included.
public String getRuleNFADOT(State startState) {
// The output DOT graph for visualization
ST dot = stlib.getInstanceOf("org/antlr/tool/templates/dot/nfa");
markedStates = new HashSet();
walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, startState);
return dot.toString();
/** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
* fill a DOT description template. Keep filling the
* states and edges attributes.
protected void walkCreatingDFADOT(ST dot,
DFAState s)
if ( markedStates.contains(Utils.integer(s.stateNumber)) ) {
return; // already visited this node
markedStates.add(Utils.integer(s.stateNumber)); // mark this node as completed.
// first add this node
ST st;
if ( s.isAcceptState ) {
st = stlib.getInstanceOf("stopstate");
else {
st = stlib.getInstanceOf("state");
st.add("name", getStateLabel(s));
dot.add("states", st);
// make a DOT edge for each transition
for (int i = 0; i < s.getNumberOfTransitions(); i++) {
Edge edge = s.transition(i);
System.out.println("dfa "+s.dfa.decisionNumber+
" edge from s"+s.stateNumber+" ["+i+"] of "+s.getNumberOfTransitions());
st = stlib.getInstanceOf("edge");
st.add("label", getEdgeLabel(edge.toString(grammar)));
st.add("src", getStateLabel(s));
st.add("target", getStateLabel(;
st.add("arrowhead", arrowhead);
dot.add("edges", st);
walkCreatingDFADOT(dot,; // keep walkin'
/** Do a depth-first walk of the state machine graph and
* fill a DOT description template. Keep filling the
* states and edges attributes. We know this is an NFA
* for a rule so don't traverse edges to other rules and
* don't go past rule end state.
protected void walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(ST dot,
NFAState s)
if ( markedStates.contains(s) ) {
return; // already visited this node
markedStates.add(s.stateNumber); // mark this node as completed.
// first add this node
ST stateST;
if ( s instanceof RuleStopState ) {
stateST = stlib.getInstanceOf("stopstate");
else {
stateST = stlib.getInstanceOf("state");
stateST.add("name", getStateLabel(s));
dot.add("states", stateST);
if ( s instanceof RuleStopState ) {
return; // don't go past end of rule node to the follow states
// special case: if decision point, then line up the alt start states
// unless it's an end of block
if ( s instanceof DecisionState ) {
GrammarAST n = ((NFAState)s).ast;
if ( n!=null && s instanceof BlockEndState ) {
ST rankST = stlib.getInstanceOf("decision-rank");
NFAState alt = (NFAState)s;
while ( alt!=null ) {
rankST.add("states", getStateLabel(alt));
if ( alt.transition(1) !=null ) {
alt = (NFAState)alt.transition(1).target;
else {
dot.add("decisionRanks", rankST);
// make a DOT edge for each transition
ST edgeST = null;
for (int i = 0; i < s.getNumberOfTransitions(); i++) {
Transition edge = (Transition) s.transition(i);
if ( edge instanceof RuleTransition ) {
RuleTransition rr = ((RuleTransition)edge);
// don't jump to other rules, but display edge to follow node
edgeST = stlib.getInstanceOf("edge");
if ( rr.rule.g != grammar ) {
edgeST.add("label", "<""."">");
else {
edgeST.add("label", "<"">");
edgeST.add("src", getStateLabel(s));
edgeST.add("target", getStateLabel(rr.followState));
edgeST.add("arrowhead", arrowhead);
dot.add("edges", edgeST);
walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot, rr.followState);
if ( edge instanceof ActionTransition ) {
edgeST = stlib.getInstanceOf("action-edge");
else if ( edge.isEpsilon() ) {
edgeST = stlib.getInstanceOf("epsilon-edge");
else {
edgeST = stlib.getInstanceOf("edge");
edgeST.add("label", getEdgeLabel(edge.toString(grammar)));
edgeST.add("src", getStateLabel(s));
edgeST.add("target", getStateLabel(;
edgeST.add("arrowhead", arrowhead);
dot.add("edges", edgeST);
walkRuleNFACreatingDOT(dot,; // keep walkin'
/** Fix edge strings so they print out in DOT properly;
* generate any gated predicates on edge too.
protected String getEdgeLabel(String label) {
label = Utils.replace(label,"\\", "\\\\");
label = Utils.replace(label,"\"", "\\\"");
label = Utils.replace(label,"\n", "\\\\n");
label = Utils.replace(label,"\r", "");
return label;
protected String getStateLabel(NFAState s) {
if ( s==null ) return "null";
String stateLabel = String.valueOf(s.stateNumber);
if ( s instanceof DecisionState ) {
stateLabel = stateLabel+",d="+((DecisionState)s).decision;
return '"'+stateLabel+'"';
protected String getStateLabel(DFAState s) {
if ( s==null ) return "null";
String stateLabel = String.valueOf(s.stateNumber);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(250);
if ( Tool.internalOption_ShowNFAConfigsInDFA ) {
Set<Integer> alts = ((DFAState)s).getAltSet();
if ( alts!=null ) {
// separate alts
List<Integer> altList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Set configurations = ((DFAState) s).nfaConfigs;
for (int altIndex = 0; altIndex < altList.size(); altIndex++) {
Integer altI = (Integer) altList.get(altIndex);
int alt = altI.intValue();
if ( altIndex>0 ) {
// get a list of configs for just this alt
// it will help us print better later
List<NFAConfig> configsInAlt = new ArrayList<NFAConfig>();
for (Iterator it = configurations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
NFAConfig c = (NFAConfig);
if ( c.alt!=alt ) continue;
int n = 0;
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < configsInAlt.size(); cIndex++) {
NFAConfig c =
if ( (cIndex+1)<configsInAlt.size() ) {
buf.append(", ");
if ( n%5==0 && (configsInAlt.size()-cIndex)>3 ) {
stateLabel = buf.toString();
if ( s.isAcceptState ) {
stateLabel = stateLabel+"=>"+s.getUniquelyPredictedAlt();
return '"'+stateLabel+'"';

View File

@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ public class Grammar implements AttributeResolver {
if ( this.ast==null || this.ast.hasErrors ) return;
Tool antlr = new Tool();
SemanticPipeline sem = new SemanticPipeline();
SemanticPipeline sem = new SemanticPipeline(this);
if ( getImportedGrammars()!=null ) { // process imported grammars (if any)
for (Grammar imp : getImportedGrammars()) {

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@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ public class TestNFAConstruction extends BaseTest {
NFA nfa = f.createNFA();
Rule r = g.getRule(ruleName);
NFAState startState = nfa.ruleToStartState.get(r);
FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g, startState);
NFASerializer serializer = new NFASerializer(g, startState);
String result = serializer.toString();