forked from jasder/antlr
Merge pull request #695 from parrt/prec-filter-comments
add parrt summary of conversation with Sam about precedence DFA optimization
This commit is contained in:
@ -992,6 +992,113 @@ public class ParserATNSimulator extends ATNSimulator {
return configs;
/* parrt internal source braindump that doesn't mess up
* external API spec.
applyPrecedenceFilter is an optimization to avoid highly
nonlinear prediction of expressions and other left recursive
rules. The precedence predicates such as {3>=prec}? Are highly
context-sensitive in that they can only be properly evaluated
in the context of the proper prec argument. Without pruning,
these predicates are normal predicates evaluated when we reach
conflict state (or unique prediction). As we cannot evaluate
these predicates out of context, the resulting conflict leads
to full LL evaluation and nonlinear prediction which shows up
very clearly with fairly large expressions.
Example grammar:
e : e '*' e
| e '+' e
We convert that to the following:
e[int prec]
( {3>=prec}? '*' e[4]
| {2>=prec}? '+' e[3]
The (..)* loop has a decision for the inner block as well as
an enter or exit decision, which is what concerns us here. At
the 1st + of input 1+2+3, the loop entry sees both predicates
and the loop exit also sees both predicates by falling off the
edge of e. This is because we have no stack information with
SLL and find the follow of e, which will hit the return states
inside the loop after e[4] and e[3], which brings it back to
the enter or exit decision. In this case, we know that we
cannot evaluate those predicates because we have fallen off
the edge of the stack and will in general not know which prec
parameter is the right one to use in the predicate.
Because we have special information, that these are precedence
predicates, we can resolve them without failing over to full
LL despite their context sensitive nature. We make an
assumption that prec[-1] <= prec[0], meaning that the current
precedence level is greater than or equal to the precedence
level of recursive invocations above us in the stack. For
example, if predicate {3>=prec}? is true of the current prec,
then one option is to enter the loop to match it now. The
other option is to exit the loop and the left recursive rule
to match the current operator in rule invocation further up
the stack. But, we know that all of those prec are lower or
the same value and so we can decide to enter the loop instead
of matching it later. That means we can strip out the other
configuration for the exit branch.
So imagine we have (14,1,$,{2>=prec}?) and then
(14,2,$-dipsIntoOuterContext,{2>=prec}?). The optimization
allows us to collapse these two configurations. We know that
if {2>=prec}? is true for the current prec parameter, it will
also be true for any prec from an invoking e call, indicated
by dipsIntoOuterContext. As the predicates are both true, we
have the option to evaluate them early in the decision start
state. We do this by stripping both predicates and choosing to
enter the loop as it is consistent with the notion of operator
precedence. It's also how the full LL conflict resolution
would work.
The solution requires a different DFA start state for each
precedence level.
The basic filter mechanism is to remove configurations of the
form (p, 2, pi) if (p, 1, pi) exists for the same p and pi. In
other words, for the same ATN state and predicate context,
remove any configuration associated with an exit branch if
there is a configuration associated with the enter branch.
It's also the case that the filter evaluates precedence
predicates and resolves conflicts according to precedence
levels. For example, for input 1+2+3 at the first +, we see
prediction filtering
[(11,1,[$],{3>=prec}?), (14,1,[$],{2>=prec}?), (5,2,[$],up=1),
(11,2,[$],up=1), (14,2,[$],up=1)],hasSemanticContext=true,dipsIntoOuterContext
[(11,1,[$]), (14,1,[$]), (5,2,[$],up=1)],dipsIntoOuterContext
This filters because {3>=prec}? evals to true and collapses
(11,1,[$],{3>=prec}?) and (11,2,[$],up=1) since early conflict
resolution based upon rules of operator precedence fits with
our usual match first alt upon conflict.
We noticed a problem where a recursive call resets precedence
to 0. Sam's fix: each config has flag indicating if it has
returned from an expr[0] call. then just don't filter any
config with that flag set. flag is carried along in
closure(). so to avoid adding field, set bit just under sign
bit of dipsIntoOuterContext (SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER).
With the change you filter "unless (p, 2, pi) was reached
after leaving the rule stop state of the LR rule containing
state p, corresponding to a rule invocation with precedence
level 0"
* This method transforms the start state computed by
* {@link #computeStartState} to the special start state used by a
Reference in New Issue