refactored SemanticContext.js.js to use es6 classes

use const/let for better scoping
use object destructuring
use jsdoc
This commit is contained in:
Camilo Roca 2020-03-07 13:35:30 +01:00
parent 21538ebb59
commit 6ebe0d1317
1 changed files with 352 additions and 356 deletions

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@ -1,404 +1,400 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
* Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
* can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
// A tree structure used to record the semantic context in which
// an ATN configuration is valid. It's either a single predicate,
// a conjunction {@code p1&&p2}, or a sum of products {@code p1||p2}.
// <p>I have scoped the {@link AND}, {@link OR}, and {@link Predicate} subclasses of
// {@link SemanticContext} within the scope of this outer class.</p>
const {Set, Hash} = require('./../Utils');
var Set = require('./../Utils').Set;
var Hash = require('./../Utils').Hash;
* A tree structure used to record the semantic context in which
* an ATN configuration is valid. It's either a single predicate,
* a conjunction {@code p1&&p2}, or a sum of products {@code p1||p2}.
* <p>I have scoped the {@link AND}, {@link OR}, and {@link Predicate} subclasses of
* {@link SemanticContext} within the scope of this outer class.</p>
class SemanticContext {
hashCode() {
const hash = new Hash();
return hash.finish();
function SemanticContext() {
return this;
* For context independent predicates, we evaluate them without a local
* context (i.e., null context). That way, we can evaluate them without
* having to create proper rule-specific context during prediction (as
* opposed to the parser, which creates them naturally). In a practical
* sense, this avoids a cast exception from RuleContext to myruleContext.
* <p>For context dependent predicates, we must pass in a local context so that
* references such as $arg evaluate properly as _localctx.arg. We only
* capture context dependent predicates in the context in which we begin
* prediction, so we passed in the outer context here in case of context
* dependent predicate evaluation.</p>
evaluate(parser, outerContext) {}
* Evaluate the precedence predicates for the context and reduce the result.
* @param parser The parser instance.
* @param outerContext The current parser context object.
* @return The simplified semantic context after precedence predicates are
* evaluated, which will be one of the following values.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link //NONE}: if the predicate simplifies to {@code true} after
* precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
* <li>{@code null}: if the predicate simplifies to {@code false} after
* precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
* <li>{@code this}: if the semantic context is not changed as a result of
* precedence predicate evaluation.</li>
* <li>A non-{@code null} {@link SemanticContext}: the new simplified
* semantic context after precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
* </ul>
evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext) {
return this;
static andContext(a, b) {
if (a === null || a === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return b;
if (b === null || b === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return a;
const result = new AND(a, b);
if (result.opnds.length === 1) {
return result.opnds[0];
} else {
return result;
static orContext(a, b) {
if (a === null) {
return b;
if (b === null) {
return a;
if (a === SemanticContext.NONE || b === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return SemanticContext.NONE;
const result = new OR(a, b);
if (result.opnds.length === 1) {
return result.opnds[0];
} else {
return result;
SemanticContext.prototype.hashCode = function() {
var hash = new Hash();
return hash.finish();
// For context independent predicates, we evaluate them without a local
// context (i.e., null context). That way, we can evaluate them without
// having to create proper rule-specific context during prediction (as
// opposed to the parser, which creates them naturally). In a practical
// sense, this avoids a cast exception from RuleContext to myruleContext.
// <p>For context dependent predicates, we must pass in a local context so that
// references such as $arg evaluate properly as _localctx.arg. We only
// capture context dependent predicates in the context in which we begin
// prediction, so we passed in the outer context here in case of context
// dependent predicate evaluation.</p>
SemanticContext.prototype.evaluate = function(parser, outerContext) {
class Predicate extends SemanticContext {
constructor(ruleIndex, predIndex, isCtxDependent) {
this.ruleIndex = ruleIndex === undefined ? -1 : ruleIndex;
this.predIndex = predIndex === undefined ? -1 : predIndex;
this.isCtxDependent = isCtxDependent === undefined ? false : isCtxDependent; // e.g., $i ref in pred
return this;
// Evaluate the precedence predicates for the context and reduce the result.
// @param parser The parser instance.
// @param outerContext The current parser context object.
// @return The simplified semantic context after precedence predicates are
// evaluated, which will be one of the following values.
// <ul>
// <li>{@link //NONE}: if the predicate simplifies to {@code true} after
// precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
// <li>{@code null}: if the predicate simplifies to {@code false} after
// precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
// <li>{@code this}: if the semantic context is not changed as a result of
// precedence predicate evaluation.</li>
// <li>A non-{@code null} {@link SemanticContext}: the new simplified
// semantic context after precedence predicates are evaluated.</li>
// </ul>
SemanticContext.prototype.evalPrecedence = function(parser, outerContext) {
return this;
evaluate(parser, outerContext) {
const localctx = this.isCtxDependent ? outerContext : null;
return parser.sempred(localctx, this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex);
SemanticContext.andContext = function(a, b) {
if (a === null || a === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return b;
updateHashCode(hash) {
hash.update(this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex, this.isCtxDependent);
if (b === null || b === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return a;
var result = new AND(a, b);
if (result.opnds.length === 1) {
return result.opnds[0];
} else {
return result;
SemanticContext.orContext = function(a, b) {
if (a === null) {
return b;
equals(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof Predicate)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.ruleIndex === other.ruleIndex &&
this.predIndex === other.predIndex &&
this.isCtxDependent === other.isCtxDependent;
if (b === null) {
return a;
if (a === SemanticContext.NONE || b === SemanticContext.NONE) {
return SemanticContext.NONE;
var result = new OR(a, b);
if (result.opnds.length === 1) {
return result.opnds[0];
} else {
return result;
function Predicate(ruleIndex, predIndex, isCtxDependent) {;
this.ruleIndex = ruleIndex === undefined ? -1 : ruleIndex;
this.predIndex = predIndex === undefined ? -1 : predIndex;
this.isCtxDependent = isCtxDependent === undefined ? false : isCtxDependent; // e.g., $i ref in pred
return this;
toString() {
return "{" + this.ruleIndex + ":" + this.predIndex + "}?";
Predicate.prototype = Object.create(SemanticContext.prototype);
Predicate.prototype.constructor = Predicate;
//The default {@link SemanticContext}, which is semantically equivalent to
//a predicate of the form {@code {true}?}.
* The default {@link SemanticContext}, which is semantically equivalent to
* a predicate of the form {@code {true}?}
SemanticContext.NONE = new Predicate();
Predicate.prototype.evaluate = function(parser, outerContext) {
var localctx = this.isCtxDependent ? outerContext : null;
return parser.sempred(localctx, this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex);
Predicate.prototype.updateHashCode = function(hash) {
hash.update(this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex, this.isCtxDependent);
Predicate.prototype.equals = function(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof Predicate)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.ruleIndex === other.ruleIndex &&
this.predIndex === other.predIndex &&
this.isCtxDependent === other.isCtxDependent;
class PrecedencePredicate extends SemanticContext {
constructor(precedence) {
this.precedence = precedence === undefined ? 0 : precedence;
Predicate.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{" + this.ruleIndex + ":" + this.predIndex + "}?";
function PrecedencePredicate(precedence) {;
this.precedence = precedence === undefined ? 0 : precedence;
PrecedencePredicate.prototype = Object.create(SemanticContext.prototype);
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.constructor = PrecedencePredicate;
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.evaluate = function(parser, outerContext) {
return parser.precpred(outerContext, this.precedence);
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.evalPrecedence = function(parser, outerContext) {
if (parser.precpred(outerContext, this.precedence)) {
return SemanticContext.NONE;
} else {
return null;
evaluate(parser, outerContext) {
return parser.precpred(outerContext, this.precedence);
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.compareTo = function(other) {
return this.precedence - other.precedence;
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.updateHashCode = function(hash) {
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.equals = function(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof PrecedencePredicate)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.precedence === other.precedence;
PrecedencePredicate.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{"+this.precedence+">=prec}?";
PrecedencePredicate.filterPrecedencePredicates = function(set) {
var result = [];
set.values().map( function(context) {
if (context instanceof PrecedencePredicate) {
evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext) {
if (parser.precpred(outerContext, this.precedence)) {
return SemanticContext.NONE;
} else {
return null;
return result;
// A semantic context which is true whenever none of the contained contexts
// is false.
function AND(a, b) {;
var operands = new Set();
if (a instanceof AND) { {
} else {
if (b instanceof AND) { {
} else {
compareTo(other) {
return this.precedence - other.precedence;
var precedencePredicates = PrecedencePredicate.filterPrecedencePredicates(operands);
if (precedencePredicates.length > 0) {
// interested in the transition with the lowest precedence
var reduced = null; function(p) {
if(reduced===null || p.precedence<reduced.precedence) {
reduced = p;
updateHashCode(hash) {
equals(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof PrecedencePredicate)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.precedence === other.precedence;
toString() {
return "{"+this.precedence+">=prec}?";
static filterPrecedencePredicates(set) {
const result = [];
set.values().map( function(context) {
if (context instanceof PrecedencePredicate) {
return result;
this.opnds = operands.values();
return this;
AND.prototype = Object.create(SemanticContext.prototype);
AND.prototype.constructor = AND;
AND.prototype.equals = function(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof AND)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.opnds === other.opnds;
AND.prototype.updateHashCode = function(hash) {
hash.update(this.opnds, "AND");
// {@inheritDoc}
// <p>
// The evaluation of predicates by this context is short-circuiting, but
// unordered.</p>
AND.prototype.evaluate = function(parser, outerContext) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
if (!this.opnds[i].evaluate(parser, outerContext)) {
return false;
class AND extends SemanticContext {
* A semantic context which is true whenever none of the contained contexts
* is false
constructor(a, b) {
const operands = new Set();
if (a instanceof AND) { {
} else {
return true;
AND.prototype.evalPrecedence = function(parser, outerContext) {
var differs = false;
var operands = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
var context = this.opnds[i];
var evaluated = context.evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext);
differs |= (evaluated !== context);
if (evaluated === null) {
// The AND context is false if any element is false
return null;
} else if (evaluated !== SemanticContext.NONE) {
// Reduce the result by skipping true elements
if (b instanceof AND) { {
} else {
if (!differs) {
const precedencePredicates = PrecedencePredicate.filterPrecedencePredicates(operands);
if (precedencePredicates.length > 0) {
// interested in the transition with the lowest precedence
let reduced = null; function(p) {
if(reduced===null || p.precedence<reduced.precedence) {
reduced = p;
this.opnds = operands.values();
return this;
if (operands.length === 0) {
// all elements were true, so the AND context is true
return SemanticContext.NONE;
var result = null; {
result = result === null ? o : SemanticContext.andContext(result, o);
return result;
AND.prototype.toString = function() {
var s = ""; {
s += "&& " + o.toString();
return s.length > 3 ? s.slice(3) : s;
// A semantic context which is true whenever at least one of the contained
// contexts is true.
function OR(a, b) {;
var operands = new Set();
if (a instanceof OR) { {
} else {
if (b instanceof OR) { {
} else {
var precedencePredicates = PrecedencePredicate.filterPrecedencePredicates(operands);
if (precedencePredicates.length > 0) {
// interested in the transition with the highest precedence
var s = precedencePredicates.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.compareTo(b);
var reduced = s[s.length-1];
this.opnds = operands.values();
return this;
OR.prototype = Object.create(SemanticContext.prototype);
OR.prototype.constructor = OR;
OR.prototype.constructor = function(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof OR)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.opnds === other.opnds;
OR.prototype.updateHashCode = function(hash) {
hash.update(this.opnds, "OR");
// <p>
// The evaluation of predicates by this context is short-circuiting, but
// unordered.</p>
OR.prototype.evaluate = function(parser, outerContext) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
if (this.opnds[i].evaluate(parser, outerContext)) {
equals(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof AND)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.opnds === other.opnds;
return false;
OR.prototype.evalPrecedence = function(parser, outerContext) {
var differs = false;
var operands = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
var context = this.opnds[i];
var evaluated = context.evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext);
differs |= (evaluated !== context);
if (evaluated === SemanticContext.NONE) {
// The OR context is true if any element is true
return SemanticContext.NONE;
} else if (evaluated !== null) {
// Reduce the result by skipping false elements
updateHashCode(hash) {
hash.update(this.opnds, "AND");
if (!differs) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* The evaluation of predicates by this context is short-circuiting, but
* unordered.</p>
evaluate(parser, outerContext) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
if (!this.opnds[i].evaluate(parser, outerContext)) {
return false;
return true;
evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext) {
let differs = false;
const operands = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
const context = this.opnds[i];
const evaluated = context.evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext);
differs |= (evaluated !== context);
if (evaluated === null) {
// The AND context is false if any element is false
return null;
} else if (evaluated !== SemanticContext.NONE) {
// Reduce the result by skipping true elements
if (!differs) {
return this;
if (operands.length === 0) {
// all elements were true, so the AND context is true
return SemanticContext.NONE;
let result = null; {
result = result === null ? o : SemanticContext.andContext(result, o);
return result;
toString() {
let s = ""; {
s += "&& " + o.toString();
return s.length > 3 ? s.slice(3) : s;
class OR extends SemanticContext {
* A semantic context which is true whenever at least one of the contained
* contexts is true
constructor(a, b) {
const operands = new Set();
if (a instanceof OR) { {
} else {
if (b instanceof OR) { {
} else {
const precedencePredicates = PrecedencePredicate.filterPrecedencePredicates(operands);
if (precedencePredicates.length > 0) {
// interested in the transition with the highest precedence
const s = precedencePredicates.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.compareTo(b);
const reduced = s[s.length-1];
this.opnds = operands.values();
return this;
if (operands.length === 0) {
// all elements were false, so the OR context is false
return null;
equals(other) {
if (this === other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof OR)) {
return false;
} else {
return this.opnds === other.opnds;
var result = null; {
return result === null ? o : SemanticContext.orContext(result, o);
return result;
OR.prototype.toString = function() {
var s = ""; {
s += "|| " + o.toString();
return s.length > 3 ? s.slice(3) : s;
updateHashCode(hash) {
hash.update(this.opnds, "OR");
exports.SemanticContext = SemanticContext;
exports.PrecedencePredicate = PrecedencePredicate;
exports.Predicate = Predicate;
* <p>
* The evaluation of predicates by this context is short-circuiting, but
* unordered.</p>
evaluate(parser, outerContext) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
if (this.opnds[i].evaluate(parser, outerContext)) {
return true;
return false;
evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext) {
let differs = false;
const operands = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.opnds.length; i++) {
const context = this.opnds[i];
const evaluated = context.evalPrecedence(parser, outerContext);
differs |= (evaluated !== context);
if (evaluated === SemanticContext.NONE) {
// The OR context is true if any element is true
return SemanticContext.NONE;
} else if (evaluated !== null) {
// Reduce the result by skipping false elements
if (!differs) {
return this;
if (operands.length === 0) {
// all elements were false, so the OR context is false
return null;
const result = null; {
return result === null ? o : SemanticContext.orContext(result, o);
return result;
toString() {
let s = ""; {
s += "|| " + o.toString();
return s.length > 3 ? s.slice(3) : s;
module.exports = {