Repair init methods

This commit is contained in:
Peter Boyer 2015-12-24 15:10:55 -06:00
parent 694096d517
commit 8cba3ecc3a
17 changed files with 46 additions and 926 deletions

View File

@ -1,869 +0,0 @@
/** ANTLR tool checks output templates are compatible with tool code generation.
* For now, a simple string Match used on x.y of x.y.z scheme.
* Must Match Tool.VERSION during load to templates.
fileHeader(grammarFileName, ANTLRVersion) ::= <<
// Generated from <grammarFileName; format="java-escape"> by ANTLR <ANTLRVersion>
// args must be <object-model-object>, <fields-resulting-in-STs>
ParserFile(file, parser, namedActions) ::= <<
<fileHeader(file.grammarFileName, file.ANTLRVersion)>
package parser // <file.grammarName>
import (
ListenerFile(file, header) ::= <<
<fileHeader(file.grammarFileName, file.ANTLRVersion)>
package parser // <file.grammarName>
import "antlr4"
// This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by <file.parserName>
type <file.grammarName>Listener struct {
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) EnterEveryRule(node antlr4.IParserRuleContext) {
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) ExitEveryRule(node antlr4.IParserRuleContext) {
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) VisitTerminal(ctx antlr4.TerminalNode) {
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) VisitErrorNode(ctx antlr4.ErrorNode) {
<file.listenerNames:{lname |
// Enter a parse tree produced by <file.parserName>#<lname>.
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) Enter<lname; format="cap">(ctx antlr4.IParserRuleContext) {
// Exit a parse tree produced by <file.parserName>#<lname>.
func (l *<file.grammarName>Listener) Exit<lname; format="cap">(ctx antlr4.IParserRuleContext) {
}; separator="\n">
VisitorFile(file, header) ::= <<
<fileHeader(file.grammarFileName, file.ANTLRVersion)>
package parser // <file.grammarName>
import "antlr4"
// This class defines a complete generic Visitor for a parse tree produced by <file.parserName>.
type <file.grammarName>Visitor struct {
<file.VisitorNames:{lname |
// Visit a parse tree produced by <file.parserName>#<lname>.
func (l <file.grammarName>Visitor) Visit<lname; format="cap">(ctx IParserRuleContext) {
}; separator="\n">
Parser(parser, funcs, atn, sempredFuncs, superClass) ::= <<
var <superClass> = require('./<superClass>').<superClass> // TODO
var parserATN = <atn>
var deserializer = antlr4.NewATNDeserializer(nil)
var deserializedATN = deserializer.DeserializeFromUInt16( parserATN )
var literalNames = []string{ <parser.literalNames:{t | <t>}; null="\"\"", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
var symbolicNames = []string{ <parser.symbolicNames:{t | <t>}; null="\"\"", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
var ruleNames = []string{ <parser.ruleNames:{r | "<r>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
type <> struct {
<superClass; null="*antlr4.Parser">
func New<>(input antlr4.TokenStream) *<> {
var decisionToDFA = make([]*antlr4.DFA,len(deserializedATN.DecisionToState))
var sharedContextCache = antlr4.NewPredictionContextCache()
for index, ds := range deserializedATN.DecisionToState {
decisionToDFA[index] = antlr4.NewDFA(ds, index)
parser := new(<>)
parser.Parser = NewParser(input)
parser.Interpreter = antlr4.NewParserATNSimulator(parser, deserializedATN, decisionToDFA, sharedContextCache)
parser.RuleNames = ruleNames
parser.LiteralNames = literalNames
parser.SymbolicNames = symbolicNames
parser.GrammarFileName = "<parser.grammarFileName; format="java-escape">"
return parser
<>EOF = antlr4.TokenEOF
<parser.tokens:{k | <><k> = <parser.tokens.(k)>}; separator="\n", wrap, anchor>
const (
<parser.rules:{r | <>RULE_<> = <r.index>}; separator="\n", wrap, anchor>
<funcs; separator="\n">
func (p *<>) Sempred(localctx, ruleIndex int, predIndex int) {
switch ruleIndex {
<parser.sempredFuncs.values:{f | case <f.ruleIndex>:
return p.<>_Sempred(localctx, predIndex);}; separator="\n">
panic("No predicate with index:" + ruleIndex)
<sempredFuncs.values; separator="\n">
dumpActions(recog, argFuncs, actionFuncs, sempredFuncs) ::= <<
func (l *<>) Action(localctx, ruleIndex int, actionIndex int) {
switch ruleIndex {
case <f.ruleIndex>:
p.<>_Action(localctx, actionIndex)
}; separator="\n">
panic("No registered action for:" + ruleIndex)
<actionFuncs.values; separator="\n">
func (l *<>) Sempred(localctx, ruleIndex, predIndex) {
switch ruleIndex {
<recog.sempredFuncs.values:{f| case <f.ruleIndex>:
return l.<>_Sempred(localctx, predIndex);}; separator="\n">
panic("No registered predicate for:" + ruleIndex)
<sempredFuncs.values; separator="\n">
/* This generates a private method since the actionIndex is generated, making an
* overriding implementation impossible to maintain.
RuleActionFunction(r, actions) ::= <<
func (l *<>) <>_Action(localctx , actionIndex) {
switch actionIndex {
case <index>:
}; separator="\n">
panic("No registered action for:" + actionIndex)
/* This generates a private method since the predIndex is generated, making an
* overriding implementation impossible to maintain.
RuleSempredFunction(r, actions) ::= <<
func (s *<if(parser)><><else><><endif>) <>_Sempred(localctx, predIndex int) {
switch predIndex {
<actions:{index| case <index>:
return <actions.(index)>;}; separator="\n">
panic("No predicate with index:" + predIndex)
RuleFunction(currentRule,args,code,locals,ruleCtx,altLabelCtxs,namedActions,finallyAction,postamble,exceptions) ::= <<
<altLabelCtxs:{l | <altLabelCtxs.(l)>}; separator="\n">
func (p *<>) <>(<currentRule.args:{a | <>}; separator=", ">) *<currentRule.ctxType> {
localctx := New<currentRule.ctxType>(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()<currentRule.args:{a | , <>}>)
p.EnterRule(localctx, <currentRule.startState>, <>RULE_<>)
<locals; separator="\n">
defer func(){
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
<exceptions; separator="\n">
if v, ok := err.(antlr4.IRecognitionException); ok {
localctx.SetException( v )
p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v)
p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v)
} else {
<postamble; separator="\n">
return localctx
namedActions,finallyAction,postamble) ::=
<altLabelCtxs:{l | <altLabelCtxs.(l)>}; separator="\n">
func (p *<>) <>(_p<if(currentRule.args)>, <args:{a | , <a>}><endif>) *<currentRule.ctxType> {
_parentctx := p.GetParent().(IParserRuleContext)
_parentState := p.GetState()
localctx := New<currentRule.ctxType>(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), _parentState<args:{a | , <>}>)
_prevctx := localctx
_startState := <currentRule.startState>
p.EnterRecursionRule(localctx, <currentRule.startState>, <>RULE_<>, _p)
<locals; separator="\n">
defer func(){
defer func(){
if err := recover(); err != nil {
if v, ok := err.(antlr4.IRecognitionException); ok {
p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v)
p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v)
} else {
<postamble; separator="\n">
return localctx
CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt(currentOuterMostAltCodeBlock, locals, preamble, ops) ::= <<
<if(currentOuterMostAltCodeBlock.altLabel)>localctx = New<currentOuterMostAltCodeBlock.altLabel; format="cap">Context(p, localctx)<endif>
p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, <currentOuterMostAltCodeBlock.alt.altNum>)
<CodeBlockForAlt(currentAltCodeBlock=currentOuterMostAltCodeBlock, ...)>
CodeBlockForAlt(currentAltCodeBlock, locals, preamble, ops) ::= <<
<locals; separator="\n">
<preamble; separator="\n">
<ops; separator="\n">
LL1AltBlock(choice, preamble, alts, error) ::= <<
<if(choice.label)><labelref(choice.label)> = p.GetTokenStream().LT(1)<endif>
<preamble; separator="\n">
switch p.GetTokenStream().LA(1) {
<choice.altLook,alts:{look,alt| <cases(ttypes=look)>
}; separator="\n">
LL1OptionalBlock(choice, alts, error) ::= <<
switch p.GetTokenStream().LA(1) {
<choice.altLook,alts:{look,alt| <cases(ttypes=look)>
}; separator="\n">
LL1OptionalBlockSingleAlt(choice, expr, alts, preamble, error, followExpr) ::= <<
<preamble; separator="\n">
if <expr> {
<alts; separator="\n">
<!else if ( !(<followExpr>) ) <error>!>
LL1StarBlockSingleAlt(choice, loopExpr, alts, preamble, iteration) ::= <<
<preamble; separator="\n">
for <loopExpr> {
<alts; separator="\n">
LL1PlusBlockSingleAlt(choice, loopExpr, alts, preamble, iteration) ::= <<
p.SetState(<choice.blockStartStateNumber>) <! alt block decision !>
<preamble; separator="\n">
for ok := true; ok; ok = <loopExpr> {
<alts; separator="\n">
p.SetState(<choice.stateNumber>); <! loopback/exit decision !>
// LL(*) stuff
AltBlock(choice, preamble, alts, error) ::= <<
<if(choice.label)><labelref(choice.label)> = _input.LT(1)<endif>
<preamble; separator="\n">
la_ := p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(),<choice.decision>,p.GetParserRuleContext())
switch la_ {
<alts:{alt |
case <i>:
}; separator="\n">
OptionalBlock(choice, alts, error) ::= <<
la_ := p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(),<choice.decision>,p.GetParserRuleContext())
<alts:{alt |
if la_==<i><if(!choice.ast.greedy)>+1<endif> {
}; separator="} else ">
StarBlock(choice, alts, Sync, iteration) ::= <<
_alt := p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(),<choice.decision>,p.GetParserRuleContext())
for _alt!=<choice.exitAlt> && _alt!= antlr4.ATNINVALID_ALT_NUMBER {
if(_alt==1<if(!choice.ast.greedy)>+1<endif>) {
<alts> <! should only be one !>
_alt = p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(),<choice.decision>,p.GetParserRuleContext())
PlusBlock(choice, alts, error) ::= <<
p.SetState(<choice.blockStartStateNumber>) <! alt block decision !>
_alt := 1<if(!choice.ast.greedy)>+1<endif>
for ok := true; ok; ok = _alt!=<choice.exitAlt> && _alt!= antlr4.ATNINVALID_ALT_NUMBER {
switch _alt {
case <i><if(!choice.ast.greedy)>+1<endif>:
//}; separator="\n">
p.SetState(<choice.loopBackStateNumber>) <! loopback/exit decision !>
_alt = p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(),<choice.decision>, p.GetParserRuleContext())
Sync(s) ::= "Sync(<>)"
ThrowNoViableAlt(t) ::= "panic(NewNoViableAltException(p))"
TestSetInline(s) ::= <<
<s.bitsets:{bits | <if(rest(rest(bits.ttypes)))><bitsetBitfieldComparison(s, bits)><else><bitsetInlineComparison(s, bits)><endif>}; separator=" || ">
// Javascript language spec - shift operators are 32 bits long max
testShiftInRange(shiftAmount) ::= <<
((<shiftAmount>) & 0x1f) == 0
// produces smaller bytecode only when bits.ttypes contains more than two items
bitsetBitfieldComparison(s, bits) ::= <%
(<testShiftInRange({<offsetShiftVar(s.varName, bits.shift)>})> && ((1 \<\< uint(<offsetShiftVar(s.varName, bits.shift)>)) & (<bits.ttypes:{ttype | (1 \<\< <offsetShiftType(ttype, bits.shift)>)}; separator=" | ">)) != 0)
isZero ::= [
offsetShiftVar(shiftAmount, offset) ::= <%
<if(!isZero.(offset))>(<shiftAmount> - <offset>)<else><shiftAmount><endif>
offsetShiftType(shiftAmount, offset) ::= <%
<if(!isZero.(offset))>(<><shiftAmount> - <offset>)<else><><shiftAmount><endif>
// produces more efficient bytecode when bits.ttypes contains at most two items
bitsetInlineComparison(s, bits) ::= <%
<bits.ttypes:{ttype | <s.varName>==<><ttype>}; separator=" || ">
cases(ttypes) ::= <<
<ttypes:{t | case <><t>:}; separator="\n">
InvokeRule(r, argExprsChunks) ::= <<
<if(r.labels)><r.labels:{l | <labelref(l)> = }><endif>p.<>(<if(r.ast.options.p)><r.ast.options.p><if(argExprsChunks)>,<endif><endif><argExprsChunks>)
MatchToken(m) ::= <<
<if(m.labels)><m.labels:{l | <labelref(l)> = }><endif>p.Match(<><>)
MatchSet(m, expr, capture) ::= "<CommonSetStuff(m, expr, capture, false)>"
MatchNotSet(m, expr, capture) ::= "<CommonSetStuff(m, expr, capture, true)>"
CommonSetStuff(m, expr, capture, invert) ::= <<
<if(m.labels)><m.labels:{l | <labelref(l)> = }>p.GetTokenStream().LT(1);<endif>
<if(invert)>if <m.varName>\<=0 || <expr> <else>if !(<expr>)<endif> {
<if(m.labels)><m.labels:{l | <labelref(l)> = }><endif>p.GetErrorHandler().RecoverInline(p)
} else {
Wildcard(w) ::= <<
<if(w.labels)><w.labels:{l | <labelref(l)> = }><endif>MatchWildcard()
Action(a, foo, chunks) ::= "<chunks>"
ArgAction(a, chunks) ::= "<chunks>"
SemPred(p, chunks, failChunks) ::= <<
if !( <chunks>) {
panic( FailedPredicateException(p, <p.predicate><if(failChunks)>, <failChunks><elseif(p.msg)>, <p.msg><endif>))
ExceptionClause(e, catchArg, catchAction) ::= <<
catch (<catchArg>) {
// lexer actions are not associated with model objects
LexerSkipCommand() ::= "p.skip()"
LexerMoreCommand() ::= "p.more()"
LexerPopModeCommand() ::= "p.popMode()"
LexerTypeCommand(arg) ::= "p._type = <arg>"
LexerChannelCommand(arg) ::= "p._channel = <arg>"
LexerModeCommand(arg) ::= "p._mode = <arg>"
LexerPushModeCommand(arg) ::= "p.pushMode(<arg>)"
ActionText(t) ::= "<t.text>"
ActionTemplate(t) ::= "<>"
ArgRef(a) ::= "localctx.<>"
LocalRef(a) ::= "localctx.<>"
RetValueRef(a) ::= "localctx.<>"
QRetValueRef(a) ::= "<ctx(a)>.<a.dict>.<>"
/** How to translate $tokenLabel */
TokenRef(t) ::= "<ctx(t)>.<>"
LabelRef(t) ::= "<ctx(t)>.<>"
ListLabelRef(t) ::= "<ctx(t)>.<ListLabelName(>"
SetAttr(s,rhsChunks) ::= "<ctx(s)>.<> = <rhsChunks>"
TokenLabelType() ::= "<file.TokenLabelType; null={Token}>"
InputSymbolType() ::= "<file.InputSymbolType; null={Token}>"
TokenPropertyRef_text(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label>==null ? null : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.text)"
TokenPropertyRef_type(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.type)"
TokenPropertyRef_line(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.line)"
TokenPropertyRef_pos(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.column)"
TokenPropertyRef_channel(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.channel)"
TokenPropertyRef_index(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : <ctx(t)>.<t.label>.tokenIndex)"
TokenPropertyRef_int(t) ::= "(<ctx(t)>.<t.label> == null ? 0 : parseInt(<ctx(t)>.<t.label>.text))"
RulePropertyRef_start(r) ::= "(<ctx(r)>.<r.label>==null ? null : <ctx(r)>.<r.label>.start)"
RulePropertyRef_stop(r) ::= "(<ctx(r)>.<r.label>==null ? null : <ctx(r)>.<r.label>.stop)"
RulePropertyRef_text(r) ::= "(<ctx(r)>.<r.label>==null ? null : p.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(<ctx(r)>.<r.label>.GetStart(),<ctx(r)>.<r.label>.GetStop())))"
RulePropertyRef_ctx(r) ::= "<ctx(r)>.<r.label>"
RulePropertyRef_parser(r) ::= "this"
ThisRulePropertyRef_start(r) ::= "localctx.start"
ThisRulePropertyRef_stop(r) ::= "localctx.stop"
ThisRulePropertyRef_text(r) ::= "p.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(localctx.GetStart(), p.GetTokenStream().LT(-1)))"
ThisRulePropertyRef_ctx(r) ::= "localctx"
ThisRulePropertyRef_parser(r) ::= "p"
NonLocalAttrRef(s) ::= "getInvokingContext(<s.ruleIndex>).<>"
SetNonLocalAttr(s, rhsChunks) ::= "getInvokingContext(<s.ruleIndex>).<> = <rhsChunks>"
AddToLabelList(a) ::= "<ctx(a.label)>.<a.listName> = append(<ctx(a.label)>.<a.listName>, push(<labelref(a.label)>)"
TokenDecl(t) ::= "p.<> = nil // <TokenLabelType()>"
TokenTypeDecl(t) ::= "<> := 0 // <TokenLabelType()> type"
TokenListDecl(t) ::= "p.<> = [] // of <TokenLabelType()>s"
RuleContextDecl(r) ::= "p.<> = nil // reflect.TypeOf((*<r.ctxName>)(nil)).Elem()"
RuleContextListDecl(rdecl) ::= "p.<> = [] // of <rdecl.ctxName>s"
ContextTokenGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
<>() interface{} {
return s.GetToken(<><>, 0)
// should never be called
ContextTokenListGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
def <>_list(self):
return self.GetTokens(<><>)
ContextTokenListIndexedGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
<>(i int) interface{} {
if i \< 0 {
return s.GetTokens(<><>)
} else {
return s.GetToken(<><>, i)
ContextRuleGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
<>() interface{} {
return s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*<r.ctxName>)(nil)).Elem(),0)
// should never be called
ContextRuleListGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
func <>_list(self):
return s.GetTypedRuleContexts(reflect.TypeOf((*<r.ctxName>)(nil)).Elem())
ContextRuleListIndexedGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
<>(i int) interface{} {
if i \< 0 {
return s.GetTypedRuleContexts(reflect.TypeOf((*<r.ctxName>)(nil)).Elem())
} else {
return s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*<r.ctxName>)(nil)).Elem(),i)
LexerRuleContext() ::= "RuleContext"
/** The rule context name is the rule followed by a suffix; e.g.,
* r becomes rContext.
RuleContextNameSuffix() ::= "Context"
ImplicitTokenLabel(tokenName) ::= "_<tokenName>"
ImplicitRuleLabel(ruleName) ::= "_<ruleName>"
ImplicitSetLabel(id) ::= "_tset<id>"
ListLabelName(label) ::= "<label>"
CaptureNextToken(d) ::= "<d.varName> = p.GetTokenStream().LT(1)"
CaptureNextTokenType(d) ::= "<d.varName> = p.GetTokenStream().LA(1);"
superClass={ParserRuleContext}) ::= <<
type <> struct {
parser antlr4.IParser
func New<>(parser antlr4.IParser, parent antlr4.IParserRuleContext, invokingState int<struct.ctorAttrs:{a | , <>}>) *<> {
var p = new(<>)
p.InitParserRuleContext( parent, invokingState )
p.parser = parser
p.RuleIndex = <>RULE_<struct.derivedFromName>
<attrs:{a | <a>}; separator="\n">
<struct.ctorAttrs:{a | p.<> = <> || null;}; separator="\n">
return p
<getters:{g | func (s *<>) <g>}; separator="\n\n">
<if(struct.provideCopyFrom)> <! don't need copy unless we have subclasses !>
func (s *<>) CopyFrom(ctx <>) {
<superClass>, ctx)
<struct.attrs:{a | s.<> = ctx.<>;}; separator="\n">
<dispatchMethods; separator="\n">
<extensionMembers; separator="\n">
AltLabelStructDecl(struct,attrs,getters,dispatchMethods) ::= <<
type <> struct {
parent antlr4.IParserRuleContext
parser antlr4.IParser
func New<>(parser antlr4.IParser, ctx antlr4.IParserRuleContext) *<> {
var p = new(<>)
<; format="cap">, parser)
<attrs:{a | <a>;}; separator="\n">
<; format="cap">, ctx)
return p
<getters:{g | func (s *<>) <g>}; separator="\n\n">
<dispatchMethods; separator="\n">
ListenerDispatchMethod(method) ::= <<
func (s *<>) <if(method.isEnter)>Enter<else>Exit<endif>Rule(listener antlr4.ParseTreeListener) {
listener.(*<parser.grammarName>Listener).<if(method.isEnter)>Enter<else>Exit<endif><struct.derivedFromName; format="cap">(s)
VisitorDispatchMethod(method) ::= <<
func (s *<>) accept(Visitor antlr4.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{} {
switch t := listener.(type) {
case *<parser.grammarName>Listener:
return t.Visit<struct.derivedFromName; format="cap">(s)
return t.VisitChildren(s)
AttributeDecl(d) ::= "p.<> = <if(d.InitValue)><d.InitValue><else>null<endif>"
/** If we don't know location of label def x, use this template */
labelref(x) ::= "<if(!x.isLocal)>localctx.<endif><>"
/** For any action chunk, what is correctly-typed context struct ptr? */
ctx(actionChunk) ::= "localctx"
// used for left-recursive rules
recRuleAltPredicate(ruleName,opPrec) ::= "p.Precpred(p.GetParserRuleContext(), <opPrec>)"
recRuleSetReturnAction(src,name) ::= "$<name>=$<src>.<name>"
recRuleSetStopToken() ::= "p.GetParserRuleContext().stop = p.GetTokenStream().LT(-1);"
recRuleAltStartAction(ruleName, ctxName, label) ::= <<
localctx = New<ctxName>Context(this, _parentctx, _parentState)
<if(label)>localctx.<label> = _prevctx;<endif>
p.PushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, <>RULE_<ruleName>)
recRuleLabeledAltStartAction(ruleName, currentAltLabel, label, isListLabel) ::= <<
localctx = New<currentAltLabel; format="cap">Context(this, New<ruleName; format="cap">Context(this, _parentctx, _parentState))
localctx.<label> = _prevctx
p.PushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, <>RULE_<ruleName>)
recRuleReplaceContext(ctxName) ::= <<
localctx = New<ctxName>Context(this, localctx)
p.GetParserRuleContext() = localctx
_prevctx = localctx
recRuleSetPrevCtx() ::= <<
if(p.GetParseListeners()!=nil) {
_prevctx = localctx
LexerFile(lexerFile, lexer, namedActions) ::= <<
<fileHeader(lexerFile.grammarFileName, lexerFile.ANTLRVersion)>
package parser
import (
Lexer(lexer, atn, actionFuncs, sempredFuncs, superClass) ::= <<
var serializedLexerAtn = <atn>
var lexerDeserializer = antlr4.NewATNDeserializer(nil)
var lexerAtn = lexerDeserializer.DeserializeFromUInt16( serializedLexerAtn )
var lexerModeNames = []string{ <lexer.modes:{m| "<m>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
var lexerLiteralNames = []string{ <lexer.literalNames:{t | <t>}; null="\"\"", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
var lexerSymbolicNames = []string{ <lexer.symbolicNames:{t | <t>}; null="\"\"", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
var lexerRuleNames = []string{ <lexer.ruleNames:{r | "<r>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor> }
type <> struct {
modeNames []string
// EOF string
func New<>(input antlr4.CharStream) *<> {
var lexerDecisionToDFA = make([]*antlr4.DFA,len(lexerAtn.DecisionToState))
for index, ds := range lexerAtn.DecisionToState {
lexerDecisionToDFA[index] = antlr4.NewDFA(ds, index)
lex := new(<>)
lex.Lexer = NewLexer(input)
lex.Interpreter = antlr4.NewLexerATNSimulator(lex, lexerAtn, lexerDecisionToDFA, antlr4.NewPredictionContextCache())
lex.modeNames = lexerModeNames
lex.RuleNames = lexerRuleNames
lex.LiteralNames = lexerLiteralNames
lex.SymbolicNames = lexerSymbolicNames
lex.GrammarFileName = "<lexer.grammarFileName>"
//lex.EOF = antlr4.TokenEOF
return lex
const (
<lexer.tokens:{k | <><k> = <lexer.tokens.(k)>}; separator="\n", wrap, anchor>
const (
<rest(lexer.modes):{m| <><m> = <i>}; separator="\n">
<dumpActions(lexer, "", actionFuncs, sempredFuncs)>
SerializedATN(model) ::= <<
<! only one segment, can be inlined !>
[]uint16{ <model.serialized; wrap={<\n> }> }
* strings.Join( []string{ "<model.serialized; wrap={",<\n> "}>" }, "" )
* Using a type to init value map, try to init a type; if not in table
* must be an object, default value is "nil".
InitValue(typeName) ::= <<
codeFileExtension() ::= ".go"

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig6(state IATNState, alt int, context IPredictionContext) *L
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
this.InitATNConfig2(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = false
this.lexerActionExecutor = nil
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig5(state IATNState, alt int, context IPredictionContext, le
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
this.InitATNConfig2(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = false
return this
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig4(c *LexerATNConfig, state IATNState) *LexerATNConfig {
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
this.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
this.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
return this
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig3(c *LexerATNConfig, state IATNState, lexerActionExecutor
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
this.InitATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext())
this.lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
return this
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig2(c *LexerATNConfig, state IATNState, context IPredictionC
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
this.InitATNConfig(c, state, context, c.GetSemanticContext())
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(c, state, context, c.GetSemanticContext())
this.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state)
return this
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func NewLexerATNConfig1(state IATNState, alt int, context IPredictionContext) *L
this := new(LexerATNConfig)
// c IATNConfig , state IATNState, context IPredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext
this.InitATNConfig2(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.ATNConfig = NewATNConfig(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNONE)
this.lexerActionExecutor = nil
this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = false

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ func NewATNSimulator(atn *ATN, sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache) *ATNS
this := new(ATNSimulator)
this.InitATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
this.ATNSimulator = NewATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
return this

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ type ATNState struct {
func NewATNState() *ATNState {
as := new(ATNState)
as.ATNState = NewATNState()
return as
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ type BasicState struct {
func NewBasicState() *BasicState {
this := new(BasicState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateBASIC
return this
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ func NewDecisionState() *DecisionState {
this := new(DecisionState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.DecisionState = NewDecisionState()
return this
@ -222,8 +222,7 @@ func NewBlockStartState() *BlockStartState {
this := new(BlockStartState)
this.DecisionState = NewDecisionState()
return this
@ -242,9 +241,7 @@ func NewBasicBlockStartState() *BasicBlockStartState {
this := new(BasicBlockStartState)
this.BlockStartState = NewBlockStartState()
this.stateType = ATNStateBLOCK_START
return this
@ -261,7 +258,7 @@ func NewBlockEndState() *BlockEndState {
this := new(BlockEndState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateBLOCK_END
this.startState = nil
@ -280,7 +277,7 @@ type RuleStopState struct {
func NewRuleStopState() *RuleStopState {
this := new(RuleStopState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateRULE_STOP
return this
@ -296,7 +293,7 @@ func NewRuleStartState() *RuleStartState {
this := new(RuleStartState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateRULE_START
this.stopState = nil
this.isPrecedenceRule = false
@ -315,9 +312,7 @@ func NewPlusLoopbackState() *PlusLoopbackState {
this := new(PlusLoopbackState)
this.BlockStartState = NewBlockStartState()
this.stateType = ATNStatePLUS_LOOP_BACK
return this
@ -338,9 +333,7 @@ func NewPlusBlockStartState() *PlusBlockStartState {
this := new(PlusBlockStartState)
this.BlockStartState = NewBlockStartState()
this.stateType = ATNStatePLUS_BLOCK_START
this.loopBackState = nil
@ -357,9 +350,7 @@ func NewStarBlockStartState() *StarBlockStartState {
this := new(StarBlockStartState)
this.BlockStartState = NewBlockStartState()
this.stateType = ATNStateSTAR_BLOCK_START
@ -374,7 +365,7 @@ func NewStarLoopbackState() *StarLoopbackState {
this := new(StarLoopbackState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateSTAR_LOOP_BACK
return this
@ -391,8 +382,7 @@ func NewStarLoopEntryState() *StarLoopEntryState {
this := new(StarLoopEntryState)
this.DecisionState = NewDecisionState()
this.stateType = ATNStateSTAR_LOOP_ENTRY
this.loopBackState = nil
@ -413,7 +403,7 @@ func NewLoopEndState() *LoopEndState {
this := new(LoopEndState)
this.ATNState = NewATNState()
this.stateType = ATNStateLOOP_END
this.loopBackState = nil
@ -430,8 +420,7 @@ func NewTokensStartState() *TokensStartState {
this := new(TokensStartState)
this.DecisionState = NewDecisionState()
this.stateType = ATNStateTOKEN_START
return this

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func NewDFASerializer(dfa *DFA, literalNames, symbolicNames []string) *DFASerial
this := new(DFASerializer)
this.InitDFASerializer(dfa, literalNames, symbolicNames)
this.DFASerializer = NewDFASerializer(dfa, literalNames, symbolicNames)
return this
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func NewLexerDFASerializer(dfa *DFA) *LexerDFASerializer {
this := new(LexerDFASerializer)
this.InitDFASerializer(dfa, nil, nil)
this.DFASerializer = NewDFASerializer(dfa, nil, nil)
return this

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ type DefaultErrorStrategy struct {
func NewDefaultErrorStrategy() *DefaultErrorStrategy {
d := new(DefaultErrorStrategy)
d.DefaultErrorStrategy = NewDefaultErrorStrategy()
return d
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ type BailErrorStrategy struct {
func NewBailErrorStrategy() *BailErrorStrategy {
this := new(BailErrorStrategy)
this.DefaultErrorStrategy = NewDefaultErrorStrategy()
return this

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func NewRecognitionException(message string, recognizer IRecognizer, input IntSt
// TODO may be able to use - "runtime" func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int
t := new(RecognitionException)
t.InitRecognitionException(message, recognizer, input, ctx)
t.RecognitionException = NewRecognitionException(message, recognizer, input, ctx)
return t
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func NewLexerNoViableAltException(lexer ILexer, input CharStream, startIndex int
this := new(LexerNoViableAltException)
this.InitRecognitionException("", lexer, input, nil)
this.RecognitionException = NewRecognitionException("", lexer, input, nil)
this.startIndex = startIndex
this.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func NewNoViableAltException(recognizer IParser, input TokenStream, startToken *
this := new(NoViableAltException)
this.InitRecognitionException("", recognizer, input, ctx)
this.RecognitionException = NewRecognitionException("", recognizer, input, ctx)
// Which configurations did we try at input.Index() that couldn't Match
// input.LT(1)?//
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ type InputMisMatchException struct {
func NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer IParser) *InputMisMatchException {
this := new(InputMisMatchException)
this.InitRecognitionException("", recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext())
this.RecognitionException = NewRecognitionException("", recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext())
this.offendingToken = recognizer.getCurrentToken()
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func NewFailedPredicateException(recognizer *Parser, predicate string, message s
this := new(FailedPredicateException)
this.InitRecognitionException(this.formatMessage(predicate, message), recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer._ctx)
this.RecognitionException = NewRecognitionException(this.formatMessage(predicate, message), recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer._ctx)
var s = recognizer.Interpreter.atn.states[recognizer.state]
var trans = s.GetTransitions()[0]

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func NewLexer(input CharStream) *Lexer {
lexer := new(Lexer)
lexer.Recognizer = NewRecognizer()
lexer.Lexer = NewLexer(input)
return lexer

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func NewLexerATNSimulator(recog ILexer, atn *ATN, decisionToDFA []*DFA, sharedCo
this := new(LexerATNSimulator)
this.InitATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
this.ATNSimulator = NewATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
this.decisionToDFA = decisionToDFA
this.recog = recog

View File

@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ type LexerIndexedCustomAction struct {
func NewLexerIndexedCustomAction(offset int, lexerAction ILexerAction) *LexerIndexedCustomAction {
this := new(LexerIndexedCustomAction)
this.LexerAction = NewLexerAction(lexerAction.getActionType())
this.offset = offset
this.lexerAction = lexerAction

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func NewParser(input TokenStream) *Parser {
func (p *Parser) InitParser(input TokenStream) {
p.Recognizer = NewRecognizer()
// The input stream.
p._input = nil

View File

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ func NewParserATNSimulator(parser IParser, atn *ATN, decisionToDFA []*DFA, share
this := new(ParserATNSimulator)
this.InitParserATNSimulator(parser, atn, decisionToDFA, sharedContextCache)
this.ParserATNSimulator = NewParserATNSimulator(parser, atn, decisionToDFA, sharedContextCache)
return this
func (this *ParserATNSimulator) InitParserATNSimulator(parser IParser, atn *ATN, decisionToDFA []*DFA, sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache) {
this.InitATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
this.ATNSimulator = NewATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache)
this.parser = parser
this.decisionToDFA = decisionToDFA

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func NewParserRuleContext(parent IParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) *P
prc := new(ParserRuleContext)
prc.InitParserRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
prc.ParserRuleContext = NewParserRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
return prc
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func NewParserRuleContext(parent IParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) *P
func (prc *ParserRuleContext) InitParserRuleContext(parent IParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) {
prc.InitRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
prc.RuleContext = NewRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
prc.RuleIndex = -1
// * If we are debugging or building a parse tree for a Visitor,
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ func NewInterpreterRuleContext(parent InterpreterRuleContext, invokingStateNumbe
prc := new(InterpreterRuleContext)
prc.InitParserRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
prc.ParserRuleContext = NewParserRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber)
prc.RuleIndex = ruleIndex

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ type SingletonPredictionContext struct {
func NewSingletonPredictionContext(parent IPredictionContext, returnState int) *SingletonPredictionContext {
s := new(SingletonPredictionContext)
s.InitSingletonPredictionContext(parent, returnState)
s.SingletonPredictionContext = NewSingletonPredictionContext(parent, returnState)
return s
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ func NewEmptyPredictionContext() *EmptyPredictionContext {
p := new(EmptyPredictionContext)
p.InitSingletonPredictionContext(nil, PredictionContextEMPTY_RETURN_STATE)
p.SingletonPredictionContext = NewSingletonPredictionContext(nil, PredictionContextEMPTY_RETURN_STATE)
return p

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type Recognizer struct {
func NewRecognizer() *Recognizer {
rec := new(Recognizer)
rec.Recognizer = NewRecognizer()
return rec

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func NewRuleContext(parent IRuleContext, invokingState int) *RuleContext {
rn := new(RuleContext)
rn.InitRuleContext(parent, invokingState)
rn.RuleContext = NewRuleContext(parent, invokingState)
return rn

View File

@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ func New<>(parser antlr4.IParser, parent antlr4.IParserRuleContext, i
var p = new(<>)
p.InitParserRuleContext( parent, invokingState )
p.ParserRuleContext = NewParserRuleContext( parent, invokingState )
p.parser = parser
p.RuleIndex = <>RULE_<struct.derivedFromName>