forked from jasder/antlr
Merge branch 'master' into fixGitignore
These are changes from the upstream master.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ ANTLR project lead and supreme dictator for life
## Useful information
* [Release notes](
* [Getting started with v4](
* [Getting started with v4](
* [Official site](
* [Documentation](
* [FAQ](
* [Documentation](
* [FAQ](
* [API](
* [ANTLR v3](
* [v3 to v4 Migration, differences](
* [v3 to v4 Migration, differences](
You might also find the following pages useful, particularly if you want to mess around with the various target languages.
* [How to build ANTLR itself](
* [How we create and deploy an ANTLR release](
* [How to build ANTLR itself](
* [How we create and deploy an ANTLR release](
## The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
@ -93,3 +93,4 @@ YYYY/MM/DD, github id, Full name, email
2016/03/29, msteiger, Martin Steiger,
2016/03/28, gagern, Martin von Gagern,
2016/08/11, BurtHarris, Ralph "Burt" Harris,
2016/08/19, andjo403, Andreas Jonson,
@ -63,7 +63,22 @@ TestTemplates ::= [
For every name mentioned, you will find a `.stg` file with the actual test. E.g., `Sets/StarSet.stg`:
For every name mentioned, you will find a `.stg` file with the actual test template. E.g., `Sets/StarSet.stg`.
Each `.stg` file descripes the following mandatory elements for the test:
- the test type: "Parser" or "Lexer"
- some ANTLR options, such as "Debug"
- the grammar
- the start rule
- the input i.e. the text to parse
- the expected output
- the expected errors
The grammar can itself contain template expressions such as <something>.
The test generator replaces these with the corresponding values from the target language template (see below).
It then generates a unit test in which the grammar, the input and the expected output and errors are inlined.
Here is an example test template:
TestType() ::= "Parser"
@ -92,6 +107,7 @@ a : ('a'|'b')* 'c' {<InputText():writeln()>} ;
### Cross-language actions embedded within grammars
To get:
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ The first step is to get the Java source code from the ANTLR 4 repository at git
$ cd /tmp
/tmp $ git clone
/tmp $ git clone
Cloning into 'antlr4'...
remote: Counting objects: 43273, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57/57), done.
remote: Total 43273 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (43273/43273), 18.76 MiB | 1.60 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (22419/22419), done.
remote: Counting objects: 61480, done.
remote: Total 61480 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 61480
Receiving objects: 100% (61480/61480), 31.24 MiB | 7.18 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (32970/32970), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (1427/1427), done.
# Compile
@ -482,6 +482,9 @@ public abstract class BaseTest {
throw new RuntimeException("C# runtime project file not found!");
String runtimeProjPath = runtimeProj.getPath();
runtimeProjPath = runtimeProjPath.replaceFirst("/", "");
XPathExpression exp = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
.compile("/Project/ItemGroup/ProjectReference[@Include='" + runtimeName + "']");
Element node = (Element)exp.evaluate(prjXml, XPathConstants.NODE);
@ -445,9 +445,16 @@ public abstract class BaseTest {
if ( runtimeSrc==null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find JavaScript runtime");
return runtimeSrc.getPath().replaceFirst("/", "");
return runtimeSrc.getPath();
private boolean isWindows() {
return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows");
public void testErrors(String[] pairs, boolean printTree) {
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 2) {
String input = pairs[i];
@ -583,9 +583,16 @@ public abstract class BasePythonTest {
if ( runtimeSrc==null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find "+targetName+" runtime");
return runtimeSrc.getPath().replaceFirst("/", "");
return runtimeSrc.getPath();
private boolean isWindows() {
return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows");
public void testErrors(String[] pairs, boolean printTree) {
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i+=2) {
String input = pairs[i];
Reference in New Issue