add tests, refactor get-all-parse-tree stuff. add Trees support routines.

This commit is contained in:
parrt 2015-06-18 17:25:51 -07:00
parent e0c6210d22
commit a9ca2efae5
8 changed files with 533 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<component name="ProjectKey">
<option name="state" value="project://e2804f05-5315-4fc6-a121-c522a6c26470" />
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_6" default="false" assert-keyword="true" jdk-15="true">
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_6" default="false" assert-keyword="true" jdk-15="true" project-jdk-name="1.7" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK">
<output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />

View File

@ -30,9 +30,12 @@
package org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Predicate;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Utils;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.gui.TreePostScriptGenerator;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.gui.TreeTextProvider;
@ -178,6 +181,8 @@ public class Trees {
/** Return a list of all ancestors of this node. The first node of
* list is the root and the last is the parent of this node.
* @since 4.5.1
public static List<? extends Tree> getAncestors(Tree t) {
if ( t.getParent()==null ) return Collections.emptyList();
@ -237,17 +242,26 @@ public class Trees {
public static List<ParseTree> descendants(ParseTree t){
/** Get all descendents; includes t itself.
* @since 4.5.1
public static List<ParseTree> getDescendants(ParseTree t) {
List<ParseTree> nodes = new ArrayList<ParseTree>();
int n = t.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
return nodes;
/** @deprecated */
public static List<ParseTree> descendants(ParseTree t) {
return getDescendants(t);
/** Find smallest subtree of t enclosing range startTokenIndex..stopTokenIndex
* inclusively using postorder traversal. Recursive depth-first-search.
@ -275,6 +289,47 @@ public class Trees {
return null;
/** Replace any subtree siblings of root that are completely to left
* or right of lookahead range with a CommonToken(Token.INVALID_TYPE,"...")
* node. The source interval for t is not altered to suit smaller range!
* WARNING: destructive to t.
* @since 4.5.1
public static void stripChildrenOutOfRange(ParserRuleContext t,
ParserRuleContext root,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
if ( t==null ) return;
for (int i = 0; i < t.getChildCount(); i++) {
ParseTree child = t.getChild(i);
Interval range = child.getSourceInterval();
if ( child instanceof ParserRuleContext && (range.b < startIndex || range.a > stopIndex) ) {
if ( isAncestorOf(child, root) ) { // replace only if subtree doesn't have displayed root
CommonToken abbrev = new CommonToken(Token.INVALID_TYPE, "...");
t.children.set(i, new TerminalNodeImpl(abbrev));
/** Return first node satisfying the pred
* @since 4.5.1
public static Tree findNodeSuchThat(Tree t, Predicate<Tree> pred) {
if ( pred.apply(t) ) return t;
int n = t.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
Tree u = findNodeSuchThat(t.getChild(i), pred);
if ( u!=null ) return u;
return null;
private Trees() {

View File

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ public class XPathWildcardAnywhereElement extends XPathElement {
public Collection<ParseTree> evaluate(ParseTree t) {
if ( invert ) return new ArrayList<ParseTree>(); // !* is weird but valid (empty)
return Trees.descendants(t);
return Trees.getDescendants(t);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
package org.antlr.v4.tool;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BailErrorStrategy;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.DefaultErrorStrategy;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.InputMismatchException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.InterpreterRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Vocabulary;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN;
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ public class GrammarParserInterpreter extends ParserInterpreter {
this.g = g;
decisionStatesThatSetOuterAltNumInContext = findOuterMostDecisionStates();
stateToAltsMap = new int[g.atn.getNumberOfDecisions()][];
stateToAltsMap = new int[g.atn.states.size()][];
@ -270,27 +273,7 @@ public class GrammarParserInterpreter extends ParserInterpreter {
List<ParserRuleContext> trees = new ArrayList<ParserRuleContext>();
// Create a new parser interpreter to parse the ambiguous subphrase
ParserInterpreter parser;
if (originalParser instanceof ParserInterpreter) {
parser = new GrammarParserInterpreter(g, originalParser.getATN(), originalParser.getTokenStream());
else { // must've been a generated parser
char[] serializedAtn = ATNSerializer.getSerializedAsChars(originalParser.getATN());
ATN deserialized = new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedAtn);
parser = new ParserInterpreter(originalParser.getGrammarFileName(),
// Make sure that we don't get any error messages from using this temporary parser
parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
ParserInterpreter parser = getAmbuityParserInterpreter(g, originalParser, tokens);
// get ambig trees
int alt = alts.nextSetBit(0);
@ -315,4 +298,126 @@ public class GrammarParserInterpreter extends ParserInterpreter {
return trees;
// we must parse the entire input now with decision overrides
// we cannot parse a subset because it could be that a decision
// above our decision of interest needs to read way past
// lookaheadInfo.stopIndex. It seems like there is no escaping
// the use of a full and complete token stream if we are
// resetting to token index 0 and re-parsing from the start symbol.
// It's not easy to restart parsing somewhere in the middle like a
// continuation because our call stack does not match the
// tree stack because of left recursive rule rewriting. grrrr!
public static List<ParserRuleContext> getLookaheadParseTrees(Grammar g,
ParserInterpreter originalParser,
TokenStream tokens,
int startRuleIndex,
int decision,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
List<ParserRuleContext> trees = new ArrayList<ParserRuleContext>();
// Create a new parser interpreter to parse the ambiguous subphrase
ParserInterpreter parser = getAmbuityParserInterpreter(g, originalParser, tokens);
BailButConsumeErrorStrategy errorHandler = new BailButConsumeErrorStrategy();
DecisionState decisionState = originalParser.getATN().decisionToState.get(decision);
for (int alt=1; alt<=decisionState.getTransitions().length; alt++) {
// re-parse entire input for all ambiguous alternatives
// (don't have to do first as it's been parsed, but do again for simplicity
// using this temp parser.)
parser.addDecisionOverride(decision, startIndex, alt);
ParserRuleContext tt = parser.parse(startRuleIndex);
int stopTreeAt = stopIndex;
if ( errorHandler.firstErrorTokenIndex>=0 ) {
stopTreeAt = errorHandler.firstErrorTokenIndex; // cut off rest at first error
ParserRuleContext subtree =
// Use higher of overridden decision tree or tree enclosing all tokens
if ( Trees.isAncestorOf(parser.getOverrideDecisionRoot(), subtree) ) {
subtree = parser.getOverrideDecisionRoot();
Trees.stripChildrenOutOfRange(subtree, parser.getOverrideDecisionRoot(), startIndex, stopTreeAt);
return trees;
/** Derive a new parser from an old one that has knowledge of the grammar.
* The Grammar object is used to correctly compute outer alternative
* numbers for parse tree nodes.
* @param g
* @param originalParser
* @param tokens
* @return
public static ParserInterpreter getAmbuityParserInterpreter(Grammar g, Parser originalParser, TokenStream tokens) {
ParserInterpreter parser;
if (originalParser instanceof ParserInterpreter) {
parser = new GrammarParserInterpreter(g, originalParser.getATN(), originalParser.getTokenStream());
else { // must've been a generated parser
char[] serializedAtn = ATNSerializer.getSerializedAsChars(originalParser.getATN());
ATN deserialized = new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedAtn);
parser = new ParserInterpreter(originalParser.getGrammarFileName(),
// Make sure that we don't get any error messages from using this temporary parser
parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
return parser;
/** We want to stop and track the first air but we cannot bail out like
* {@link BailErrorStrategy} as consume() constructs trees. We make sure
* to create an error node during recovery with this strategy. We
* consume() 1 token during the "bail out of rule" mechanism in recover()
* and let it fall out of the rule to finish constructing trees. For
* recovery in line, we throw InputMismatchException to engage recover().
public static class BailButConsumeErrorStrategy extends DefaultErrorStrategy {
public int firstErrorTokenIndex = -1;
public void recover(Parser recognizer, RecognitionException e) {
int errIndex = recognizer.getInputStream().index();
if ( firstErrorTokenIndex == -1 ) {
firstErrorTokenIndex = errIndex; // latch
// System.err.println("recover: error at " + errIndex);
TokenStream input = recognizer.getInputStream();
if ( input.index()<input.size()-1 ) { // don't consume() eof
recognizer.consume(); // just kill this bad token and let it continue.
public Token recoverInline(Parser recognizer) throws RecognitionException {
int errIndex = recognizer.getInputStream().index();
if ( firstErrorTokenIndex == -1 ) {
firstErrorTokenIndex = errIndex; // latch
// System.err.println("recoverInline: error at " + errIndex);
InputMismatchException e = new InputMismatchException(recognizer);
// TokenStream input = recognizer.getInputStream(); // seek EOF
// - 1);
throw e;
public void sync(Parser recognizer) { } // don't consume anything; let it fail later

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package org.antlr.v4.test.tool;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.Tree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.Trees;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.gui.TreeTextProvider;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarInterpreterRuleContext;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class InterpreterTreeTextProvider implements TreeTextProvider {
public List<String> ruleNames;
public InterpreterTreeTextProvider(String[] ruleNames) {this.ruleNames = Arrays.asList(ruleNames);}
public String getText(Tree node) {
if ( node==null ) return "null";
String nodeText = Trees.getNodeText(node, ruleNames);
if ( node instanceof GrammarInterpreterRuleContext) {
GrammarInterpreterRuleContext ctx = (GrammarInterpreterRuleContext) node;
return nodeText+":"+ctx.getOuterAltNum();
if ( node instanceof ErrorNode) {
return "<error "+nodeText+">";
return nodeText;

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredictionMode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStartState;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.Transition;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.Trees;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarParserInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LexerGrammar;
@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
"x : B ; \n",
testInterpAtSpecificAlt(lg, g, "s", 1, "abc", "(s a (x b) c)");
testInterpAtSpecificAlt(lg, g, "s", 2, "abc", "(s a b c)");
testInterpAtSpecificAlt(lg, g, "s", 1, "abc", "(s:1 a (x:1 b) c)");
testInterpAtSpecificAlt(lg, g, "s", 2, "abc", "(s:2 a b c)");
@Test public void testAmbigAltsAtRoot() throws Exception {
@ -60,12 +61,13 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
String input = "abc";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 0;
String expectedOverallTree = "(s a (x b) c)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(s a (x b) c)","(s a b c)"};
String expectedOverallTree = "(s:1 a (x:1 b) c)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(s:1 a (x:1 b) c)",
"(s:2 a b c)"};
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
@Test public void testAmbigAltsNotAtRoot() throws Exception {
@ -76,24 +78,25 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
"C : 'c' ;\n");
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : a ;" +
"a : b ;" +
"b : A x C" +
"s : x ;" +
"x : y ;" +
"y : A z C" +
" | A B C" +
" ;" +
"x : B ; \n",
"z : B ; \n",
String startRule = "s";
String input = "abc";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 0;
String expectedOverallTree = "(s (a (b a (x b) c)))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(b a (x b) c)","(b a b c)"};
String expectedOverallTree = "(s:1 (x:1 (y:1 a (z:1 b) c)))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(y:1 a (z:1 b) c)",
"(y:2 a b c)"};
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
@Test public void testAmbigAltDipsIntoOuterContextToRoot() throws Exception {
@ -104,7 +107,6 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
"DOT : '.' ;\n");
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
// "s : e ;\n"+
"e : p (DOT ID)* ;\n"+
"p : SELF" +
" | SELF DOT ID" +
@ -114,13 +116,14 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
String startRule = "e";
String input = "self.x";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 1; // decision in s
String expectedOverallTree = "(e (p self) . x)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e (p self) . x)","(p self . x)"};
int decision = 1; // decision in p
String expectedOverallTree = "(e:1 (p:1 self) . x)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e:1 (p:1 self) . x)",
"(p:2 self . x)"};
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
@Test public void testAmbigAltDipsIntoOuterContextBelowRoot() throws Exception {
@ -141,13 +144,14 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
String startRule = "s";
String input = "self.x";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 1; // decision in s
String expectedOverallTree = "(s (e (p self) . x))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e (p self) . x)","(p self . x)"};
int decision = 1; // decision in p
String expectedOverallTree = "(s:1 (e:1 (p:1 self) . x))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e:1 (p:1 self) . x)", // shouldn't include s
"(p:2 self . x)"}; // shouldn't include e
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
@Test public void testAmbigAltInLeftRecursiveBelowStartRule() throws Exception {
@ -168,13 +172,14 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
String startRule = "s";
String input = "self.x";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 1; // decision in s
String expectedOverallTree = "(s (e (e (p self)) . x))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e (e (p self)) . x)","(p self . x)"};
int decision = 1; // decision in p
String expectedOverallTree = "(s:1 (e:2 (e:1 (p:1 self)) . x))";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e:2 (e:1 (p:1 self)) . x)",
"(p:2 self . x)"};
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
@Test public void testAmbigAltInLeftRecursiveStartRule() throws Exception {
@ -194,21 +199,24 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
String startRule = "e";
String input = "self.x";
String expectedAmbigAlts = "{1, 2}";
int decision = 1; // decision in s
String expectedOverallTree = "(e (e (p self)) . x)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e (e (p self)) . x)","(p self . x)"};
int decision = 1; // decision in p
String expectedOverallTree = "(e:2 (e:1 (p:1 self)) . x)";
String[] expectedParseTrees = {"(e:2 (e:1 (p:1 self)) . x)",
"(p:2 self . x)"}; // shows just enough for self.x
testInterp(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
testAmbiguousTrees(lg, g, startRule, input, decision,
expectedOverallTree, expectedParseTrees);
public void testInterp(LexerGrammar lg, Grammar g,
String startRule, String input, int decision,
String expectedAmbigAlts,
String overallTree,
String[] expectedParseTrees)
public void testAmbiguousTrees(LexerGrammar lg, Grammar g,
String startRule, String input, int decision,
String expectedAmbigAlts,
String overallTree,
String[] expectedParseTrees)
InterpreterTreeTextProvider nodeTextProvider = new InterpreterTreeTextProvider(g.getRuleNames());
LexerInterpreter lexEngine = lg.createLexerInterpreter(new ANTLRInputStream(input));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexEngine);
final GrammarParserInterpreter parser = g.createGrammarParserInterpreter(tokens);
@ -218,7 +226,7 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
int ruleIndex = g.rules.get(startRule).index;
ParserRuleContext parseTree = parser.parse(ruleIndex);
assertEquals(overallTree, parseTree.toStringTree(parser));
assertEquals(overallTree, Trees.toStringTree(parseTree, nodeTextProvider));
DecisionInfo[] decisionInfo = parser.getParseInfo().getDecisionInfo();
@ -230,17 +238,17 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
assertEquals(expectedAmbigAlts, ambiguityInfo.ambigAlts.toString());
assertEquals(ambiguityInfo.ambigAlts.cardinality(), ambiguousParseTrees.size());
for (int i = 0; i<ambiguousParseTrees.size(); i++) {
ParserRuleContext t = ambiguousParseTrees.get(i);
assertEquals(expectedParseTrees[i], t.toStringTree(parser));
assertEquals(expectedParseTrees[i], Trees.toStringTree(t, nodeTextProvider));
@ -251,7 +259,7 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
LexerInterpreter lexEngine = lg.createLexerInterpreter(new ANTLRInputStream(input));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexEngine);
ParserInterpreter parser = g.createParserInterpreter(tokens);
ParserInterpreter parser = g.createGrammarParserInterpreter(tokens);
RuleStartState ruleStartState = g.atn.ruleToStartState[g.getRule(startRule).index];
Transition tr = ruleStartState.transition(0);
ATNState t2 =;
@ -260,6 +268,7 @@ public class TestAmbigParseTrees {
parser.addDecisionOverride(((DecisionState)t2).decision, 0, startAlt);
ParseTree t = parser.parse(g.rules.get(startRule).index);
assertEquals(expectedParseTree, t.toStringTree(parser));
InterpreterTreeTextProvider nodeTextProvider = new InterpreterTreeTextProvider(g.getRuleNames());
assertEquals(expectedParseTree, Trees.toStringTree(t, nodeTextProvider));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package org.antlr.v4.test.tool;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.InterpreterRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.LexerInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.Trees;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarParserInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LexerGrammar;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
/** Tests to ensure GrammarParserInterpreter subclass of ParserInterpreter
* hasn't messed anything up.
public class TestGrammarParserInterpreter {
public static final String lexerText = "lexer grammar L;\n" +
"PLUS : '+' ;\n" +
"MULT : '*' ;\n" +
"ID : [a-z]+ ;\n" +
"INT : [0-9]+ ;\n" +
"WS : [ \\r\\t\\n]+ ;\n";
public void testAlts() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : ID\n"+
" | INT{;}\n"+
" ;\n",
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "a", "(s:1 a)");
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "3", "(s:2 3)");
public void testAltsAsSet() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : ID\n"+
" | INT\n"+
" ;\n",
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "a", "(s:1 a)");
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "3", "(s:1 3)");
public void testAltsWithLabels() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : ID # foo\n" +
" | INT # bar\n" +
" ;\n",
// it won't show the labels here because my simple node text provider above just shows the alternative
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "a", "(s:1 a)");
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "3", "(s:2 3)");
public void testOneAlt() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : ID\n"+
" ;\n",
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "a", "(s:1 a)");
public void testLeftRecursionWithMultiplePrimaryAndRecursiveOps() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : e EOF ;\n" +
"e : e MULT e\n" +
" | e PLUS e\n" +
" | INT\n" +
" | ID\n" +
" ;\n",
testInterp(lg, g, "s", "a", "(s:1 (e:4 a) <EOF>)");
testInterp(lg, g, "e", "a", "(e:4 a)");
testInterp(lg, g, "e", "34", "(e:3 34)");
testInterp(lg, g, "e", "a+1", "(e:2 (e:4 a) + (e:3 1))");
testInterp(lg, g, "e", "1+2*a", "(e:2 (e:3 1) + (e:1 (e:3 2) * (e:4 a)))");
InterpreterRuleContext testInterp(LexerGrammar lg, Grammar g,
String startRule, String input,
String expectedParseTree)
LexerInterpreter lexEngine = lg.createLexerInterpreter(new ANTLRInputStream(input));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexEngine);
GrammarParserInterpreter parser = g.createGrammarParserInterpreter(tokens);
ParseTree t = parser.parse(g.rules.get(startRule).index);
InterpreterTreeTextProvider nodeTextProvider = new InterpreterTreeTextProvider(g.getRuleNames());
String treeStr = Trees.toStringTree(t, nodeTextProvider);
System.out.println("parse tree: "+treeStr);
assertEquals(expectedParseTree, treeStr);
return (InterpreterRuleContext)t;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package org.antlr.v4.test.tool;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.LexerInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.DecisionInfo;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.LookaheadEventInfo;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.Trees;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.GrammarParserInterpreter;
import org.antlr.v4.tool.LexerGrammar;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class TestLookaheadTrees {
public static final String lexerText =
"lexer grammar L;\n" +
"DOT : '.' ;\n" +
"SEMI : ';' ;\n" +
"BANG : '!' ;\n" +
"PLUS : '+' ;\n" +
"LPAREN : '(' ;\n" +
"RPAREN : ')' ;\n" +
"MULT : '*' ;\n" +
"ID : [a-z]+ ;\n" +
"INT : [0-9]+ ;\n" +
"WS : [ \\r\\t\\n]+ ;\n";
public void testAlts() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : e SEMI EOF ;\n" +
"e : ID DOT ID\n"+
" ;\n",
String startRuleName = "s";
int decision = 0;
testLookaheadTrees(lg, g, "a.b;", startRuleName, decision,
new String[] {"(e:1 a . b)", "(e:2 a <error .>)"});
public void testAlts2() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : e? SEMI EOF ;\n" +
"e : ID\n" +
" | e BANG" +
" ;\n",
String startRuleName = "s";
int decision = 1; // (...)* in e.
testLookaheadTrees(lg, g, "a;", startRuleName, decision,
new String[] {"(e:2 (e:1 a) <error ;>)", // Decision for alt 1 is error as no ! char, but alt 2 (exit) is good.
"(s:1 (e:1 a) ; <EOF>)"}); // root s:1 is included to show ';' node
public void testIncludeEOF() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : e ;\n" +
"e : ID DOT ID EOF\n"+
" | ID DOT ID EOF\n"+
" ;\n",
int decision = 0;
testLookaheadTrees(lg, g, "a.b", "s", decision,
new String[] {"(e:1 a . b <EOF>)", "(e:2 a . b <EOF>)"});
public void testCallLeftRecursiveRule() throws Exception {
LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(lexerText);
Grammar g = new Grammar(
"parser grammar T;\n" +
"s : a BANG EOF;\n" +
"a : e SEMI \n" +
" | ID SEMI \n" +
" ;" +
"e : e MULT e\n" +
" | e PLUS e\n" +
" | e DOT e\n" +
" | ID\n" +
" | INT\n" +
" ;\n",
int decision = 0;
testLookaheadTrees(lg, g, "x;!", "s", decision,
new String[] {"(a:1 (e:4 x) ;)",
"(a:2 x ;)"}); // shouldn't include BANG, EOF
decision = 2; // (...)* in e
testLookaheadTrees(lg, g, "x+1;!", "s", decision,
new String[] {"(e:1 (e:4 x) <error +>)",
"(e:2 (e:4 x) + (e:5 1))",
"(e:3 (e:4 x) <error +>)"});
public void testLookaheadTrees(LexerGrammar lg, Grammar g,
String input,
String startRuleName,
int decision,
String[] expectedTrees)
int startRuleIndex = g.getRule(startRuleName).index;
InterpreterTreeTextProvider nodeTextProvider =
new InterpreterTreeTextProvider(g.getRuleNames());
LexerInterpreter lexEngine = lg.createLexerInterpreter(new ANTLRInputStream(input));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexEngine);
GrammarParserInterpreter parser = g.createGrammarParserInterpreter(tokens);
ParseTree t = parser.parse(startRuleIndex);
DecisionInfo decisionInfo = parser.getParseInfo().getDecisionInfo()[decision];
LookaheadEventInfo lookaheadEventInfo = decisionInfo.SLL_MaxLookEvent;
List<ParserRuleContext> lookaheadParseTrees =
GrammarParserInterpreter.getLookaheadParseTrees(g, parser, tokens, startRuleIndex, lookaheadEventInfo.decision,
lookaheadEventInfo.startIndex, lookaheadEventInfo.stopIndex);
assertEquals(expectedTrees.length, lookaheadParseTrees.size());
for (int i = 0; i < lookaheadParseTrees.size(); i++) {
ParserRuleContext lt = lookaheadParseTrees.get(i);
assertEquals(expectedTrees[i], Trees.toStringTree(lt, nodeTextProvider));