Adding more commands and comments.

This commit is contained in:
Hanzhou Shi 2017-05-07 22:48:36 -07:00
parent c13964868c
commit d5f37015ab
1 changed files with 29 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ANTLR_VERSION = "4.7"
USER_M2 = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.m2/"
ANTLR4_FOLDER = USER_M2 + "repository/org/antlr/antlr4/" + ANTLR_VERSION + "-SNAPSHOT/"
ANTLR4_JAR = ANTLR4_FOLDER + "antlr4-" + ANTLR_VERSION + "-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar"
TMP_FOLDER = "/tmp/"
def jar_exists():
@ -69,25 +70,48 @@ def swift_test():
def get_argument_parser():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Helper script for ANTLR4 Swift target.")
Initialize argument parser.
:return: the argument parser
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Helper script for ANTLR4 Swift target. "
"<DEVELOPER> flag means the command is mostly used by a developer. "
"<USER> flag means the command should be used by user. ")
help="Generates a Swift Package Manager flavored module."
help="<USER> Generates a Swift Package Manager flavored module. "
"Use this command if you want to include ANTLR4 as SPM dependency.", )
help="Generates an Xcode project for ANTLR4 Swift runtime.")
help="<DEVELOPER> Generates an Xcode project for ANTLR4 Swift runtime. "
"This directive will generate all the required parsers for the project. "
"Feel free to re-run whenever you updated the test grammar files.")
help="Run unit tests.")
help="<DEVELOPER> Run unit tests.")
return p
def generate_spm_module():
def generate_spm_module(in_folder=TMP_FOLDER):
Generate spm module in the specified folder, default
to the system's tmp folder.
After generation, user can simply use the prompt SPM
code to include the ANTLR4 Swift runtime package.
:return: None
def generate_xcodeproj():
Generates the ANTLR4 Swift runtime Xcode project.
This method will also generate parsers required by
the runtime tests.