forked from jasder/antlr
Add an accessLevel parser option.
Add an accessLevel parser option. Use this to specify the access level (public, etc) used on the classes and protocols in the generated parser / lexer / listeners. This required adding the option to tool.Grammar.parserOptions so that it was known as a valid option, and to codegen.model.{Recognizer,ListenerFile,VisitorFile} so that it was available to the template in all the necessary contexts. The Swift template has been extended to recognize this option, and generate classes and members using "open", "public" or "internal" as appropriate. This is only fully implemented for Swift. The option is generic, but the language-specific templates will need to be updated for any language that would like similar support. Closes #1597.
This commit is contained in:
@ -151,3 +151,43 @@ The project is generated in your system's `/tmp/` directory, if you find it
inconvenient, consider copy that generated ANTLR repository to some place
that won't be cleaned automatically and update `url` parameter in your
`Package.swift` file.
## Swift access levels
You may use the `accessLevel` option to control the access levels on generated
code. This option can either be specified with `-DaccessLevel=value` on
the `antlr4` command line, or inside your `.g4` file like this:
options {
accessLevel = 'value';
By default (with the `accessLevel` option unspecified) the generated code
uses the following access levels:
* `open` for anything that you can feasibly extend with subclassing:
the generated parser, lexer, and context classes, the the listener and
visitor base classes, and all their accessor and setter functions.
* `public` for anything that should not be subclassed, but otherwise is
useful to client code: protocols, initializers, and static definitions such
as the lexer tokens, symbol names, and so on.
* `internal` or `private` for anything that should not be accessed directly.
If you specify `accessLevel = 'public'` then all items that are `open` by
default will use `public` instead. Otherwise, the behavior is the same as
the default.
If you specify `accessLevel = ''` or `accessLevel='internal'` then all items
that are `open` or `public` by default will use Swift's default (internal)
access level instead.
Those are the only supported values for `accessLevel` when using the Swift
We recommend using `accessLevel = ''`. Even if you are creating a parser
as part of a library, you would usually want to wrap it in an API of your
own and keep the ANTLR-generated parser internal to your module. You
only need to use the less restrictive access levels if you need to expose
the parser directly as part of your own module's API.
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ SwiftTypeMap ::= [
// args must be <object-model-object>, <fields-resulting-in-STs>
accessLevelOpenOK(obj) ::= "<obj.accessLevel; null=\"open\">"
accessLevelNotOpen(obj) ::= "<obj.accessLevel; null=\"public\">"
ParserFile(file, parser, namedActions,contextSuperClass) ::= <<
<fileHeader(file.grammarFileName, file.ANTLRVersion)>
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ import Antlr4
* This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
* {@link <file.parserName>}.
public protocol <file.grammarName>Listener: ParseTreeListener {
<accessLevelNotOpen(file)> protocol <file.grammarName>Listener: ParseTreeListener {
<file.listenerNames:{lname |
@ -113,8 +116,8 @@ import Antlr4
* which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
* of the available methods.
open class <file.grammarName>BaseListener: <file.grammarName>Listener {
public init() { \}
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> class <file.grammarName>BaseListener: <file.grammarName>Listener {
<accessLevelNotOpen(file)> init() { \}
<file.listenerNames:{lname |
@ -122,38 +125,38 @@ open class <file.grammarName>BaseListener: <file.grammarName>Listener {
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func enter<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) { \}
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func enter<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) { \}
* {@inheritDoc\}
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func exit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) { \}}; separator="\n">
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func exit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) { \}}; separator="\n">
* {@inheritDoc\}
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func enterEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { }
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func enterEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { }
* {@inheritDoc\}
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func exitEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { }
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func exitEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { }
* {@inheritDoc\}
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func visitTerminal(_ node: TerminalNode) { }
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func visitTerminal(_ node: TerminalNode) { }
* {@inheritDoc\}
* \<p>The default implementation does nothing.\</p>
open func visitErrorNode(_ node: ErrorNode) { }
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func visitErrorNode(_ node: ErrorNode) { }
@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ import Antlr4
* @param \<T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
* operations with no return type.
open class <file.grammarName>Visitor\<T>: ParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> class <file.grammarName>Visitor\<T>: ParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
<file.visitorNames:{lname |
@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ open class <file.grammarName>Visitor\<T>: ParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
- ctx: the parse tree
- returns: the visitor result
open func visit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) -> T{
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func visit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) -> T {
fatalError(#function + " must be overridden")
}; separator="\n">
@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ import Antlr4
* @param \<T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
* operations with no return type.
open class <file.grammarName>BaseVisitor\<T>: AbstractParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> class <file.grammarName>BaseVisitor\<T>: AbstractParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
<file.visitorNames:{lname |
* {@inheritDoc\}
@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ open class <file.grammarName>BaseVisitor\<T>: AbstractParseTreeVisitor\<T> {
* \<p>The default implementation returns the result of calling
* {@link #visitChildren\} on {@code ctx\}.\</p>
open func visit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) -> T? { return visitChildren(ctx) \}}; separator="\n">
<accessLevelOpenOK(file)> func visit<lname; format="cap">(_ ctx: <file.parserName>.<lname; format="cap">Context) -> T? { return visitChildren(ctx) \}}; separator="\n">
@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ Parser(parser, funcs, atn, sempredFuncs, superClass) ::= <<
Parser_(parser, funcs, atn, sempredFuncs, ctor, superClass) ::= <<
<!//@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"})!>
open class <>: <superClass; null="Parser"> {
<accessLevelOpenOK(parser)> class <>: <superClass; null="Parser"> {
internal static var _decisionToDFA: [DFA] = {
var decisionToDFA = [DFA]()
@ -241,40 +244,46 @@ open class <>: <superClass; null="Parser"> {
return decisionToDFA
internal static let _sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
public enum Tokens: Int {
enum Tokens: Int {
case EOF = -1, <parser.tokens:{k | <k> = <parser.tokens.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let <parser.rules:{r | RULE_<> = <r.index>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let ruleNames: [String] = [
static let <parser.rules:{r | RULE_<> = <r.index>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
static let ruleNames: [String] = [
<parser.ruleNames:{r | "<r>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
<vocabulary(parser.literalNames, parser.symbolicNames)>
<vocabulary(parser.literalNames, parser.symbolicNames,
open func getGrammarFileName() -> String { return "<parser.grammarFileName; format="java-escape">" }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getGrammarFileName() -> String { return "<parser.grammarFileName; format="java-escape">" }
open func getRuleNames() -> [String] { return <>.ruleNames }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getRuleNames() -> [String] { return <>.ruleNames }
open func getSerializedATN() -> String { return <>._serializedATN }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getSerializedATN() -> String { return <>._serializedATN }
open func getATN() -> ATN { return <>._ATN }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getATN() -> ATN { return <>._ATN }
<funcs; separator="\n">
open func sempred(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int, _ predIndex: Int)throws -> Bool {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func sempred(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int, _ predIndex: Int)throws -> Bool {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case <f.ruleIndex>:
@ -287,25 +296,30 @@ case <f.ruleIndex>:
public static let _serializedATN = <>ATN().jsonString
public static let _ATN = ATNDeserializer().deserializeFromJson(_serializedATN)
static let _serializedATN = <>ATN().jsonString
static let _ATN = ATNDeserializer().deserializeFromJson(_serializedATN)
vocabulary(literalNames, symbolicNames) ::= <<
vocabulary(literalNames, symbolicNames, accessLevel) ::= <<
private static let _LITERAL_NAMES: [String?] = [
<literalNames:{t | <t>}; null="nil", separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
private static let _SYMBOLIC_NAMES: [String?] = [
<symbolicNames:{t | <t>}; null="nil", separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let VOCABULARY = Vocabulary(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES)
dumpActions(recog, argFuncs, actionFuncs, sempredFuncs) ::= <<
open func action(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int, _ actionIndex: Int) throws {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func action(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int, _ actionIndex: Int) throws {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case <f.ruleIndex>:
@ -317,8 +331,8 @@ case <f.ruleIndex>:
<actionFuncs.values; separator="\n">
open func sempred(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int,_ predIndex: Int) throws -> Bool{
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func sempred(_ _localctx: RuleContext?, _ ruleIndex: Int,_ predIndex: Int) throws -> Bool {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case <f.ruleIndex>:
@ -333,11 +347,13 @@ case <f.ruleIndex>:
parser_ctor(p) ::= <<
open override func getVocabulary() -> Vocabulary {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getVocabulary() -> Vocabulary {
return <>.VOCABULARY
public override init(_ input:TokenStream) throws {
override <accessLevelNotOpen(parser)>
init(_ input:TokenStream) throws {
RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.7", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION)
try super.init(input)
_interp = ParserATNSimulator(self,<>._ATN,<>._decisionToDFA, <>._sharedContextCache)
@ -378,7 +394,7 @@ RuleFunction(currentRule,args,code,locals,ruleCtx,altLabelCtxs,namedActions,fina
<altLabelCtxs:{l | <altLabelCtxs.(l)>}; separator="\n">
<if(currentRule.modifiers)><currentRule.modifiers:{f | <f> }><else>open func <endif><>(<if(first(args))>_ <endif><args; separator=", _">) throws -> <currentRule.ctxType> {
<if(currentRule.modifiers)><currentRule.modifiers:{f | <f> }><else> <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)> func <endif><>(<if(first(args))>_ <endif><args; separator=", _">) throws -> <currentRule.ctxType> {
var _localctx: <currentRule.ctxType> = <currentRule.ctxType>(_ctx, getState()<currentRule.args:{a | , <>}>)
try enterRule(_localctx, <currentRule.startState>, <>.RULE_<>)
@ -416,7 +432,7 @@ LeftRecursiveRuleFunction(currentRule,args,code,locals,ruleCtx,altLabelCtxs,
<altLabelCtxs:{l | <altLabelCtxs.(l)>}; separator="\n">
<if(currentRule.modifiers)><currentRule.modifiers:{f | <f> }><else>public final <endif> func <>( <if(first(args))>_ <endif><args; separator=", _">) throws -> <currentRule.ctxType> {
<if(currentRule.modifiers)><currentRule.modifiers:{f | <f> }><else> <accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> final <endif> func <>( <if(first(args))>_ <endif><args; separator=", _">) throws -> <currentRule.ctxType> {
return try <>(0<currentRule.args:{a | , <>}>)
@ -758,33 +774,45 @@ AddToLabelList(a) ::= "<ctx(a.label)>.<a.listName>.append(<labelref(a.label)>)"
TokenDecl(t) ::= "<>: <SwiftTypeMap.(TokenLabelType())>!"
TokenTypeDecl(t) ::= "var <>: Int = 0"
TokenListDecl(t) ::= "<>: Array\<Token> = Array\<Token>()"
TokenListDecl(t) ::= "<>: [Token] = [Token]()"
RuleContextDecl(r) ::= "<>: <r.ctxName>!"
RuleContextListDecl(rdecl) ::= "<>:Array\<<rdecl.ctxName>> = Array\<<rdecl.ctxName>>()"
RuleContextListDecl(rdecl) ::= "<>: [<rdecl.ctxName>] = [<rdecl.ctxName>]()"
ContextTokenGetterDecl(t) ::=
"open func <>() -> TerminalNode? { return getToken(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue, 0) }"
ContextTokenListGetterDecl(t) ::=
"open func <>() -> Array\<TerminalNode> { return getTokens(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue) }"
ContextTokenListIndexedGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
open func <>(_ i:Int) -> TerminalNode?{
return getToken(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue, i)
ContextTokenGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
func <>() -> TerminalNode? {
return getToken(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue, 0)
ContextRuleGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
open func <>() -> <r.ctxName>? {
return getRuleContext(<r.ctxName>.self, 0)
ContextTokenListGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
func <>() -> [TerminalNode] {
return getTokens(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue)
ContextRuleListGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
open func <>() -> Array\<<r.ctxName>\> {
return getRuleContexts(<r.ctxName>.self)
ContextTokenListIndexedGetterDecl(t) ::= <<
func <>(_ i:Int) -> TerminalNode? {
return getToken(<>.Tokens.<>.rawValue, i)
ContextRuleGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
func <>() -> <r.ctxName>? {
return getRuleContext(<r.ctxName>.self, 0)
ContextRuleListGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
func <>() -> [<r.ctxName>] {
return getRuleContexts(<r.ctxName>.self)
ContextRuleListIndexedGetterDecl(r) ::= <<
open func <>(_ i: Int) -> <r.ctxName>? {
return getRuleContext(<r.ctxName>.self, i)
func <>(_ i: Int) -> <r.ctxName>? {
return getRuleContext(<r.ctxName>.self, i)
LexerRuleContext() ::= "RuleContext"
@ -804,20 +832,26 @@ CaptureNextTokenType(d) ::= "<d.varName> = try _input.LA(1)"
superClass={ParserRuleContext}) ::= <<
open class <>: <if(contextSuperClass)><contextSuperClass><else>ParserRuleContext<endif><if(interfaces)>, <interfaces; separator=", "><endif> {
<attrs:{a | public var <a>}; separator="\n">
<accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> class <>: <if(contextSuperClass)><contextSuperClass><else>ParserRuleContext<endif><if(interfaces)>, <interfaces; separator=", "><endif> {
<attrs:{a | <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)> var <a>}; separator="\n">
<getters:{g | <g>}; separator="\n">
<! <if(ctorAttrs)>public init(_ parent: ParserRuleContext,_ invokingState: Int) { super.init(parent, invokingState) }<endif> !>
public convenience init(_ parent: ParserRuleContext?, _ invokingState: Int<ctorAttrs:{a | , _ <a>}>) {
<! <if(ctorAttrs)> <accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> init(_ parent: ParserRuleContext,_ invokingState: Int) { super.init(parent, invokingState) }<endif> !>
<accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> convenience init(_ parent: ParserRuleContext?, _ invokingState: Int<ctorAttrs:{a | , _ <a>}>) {
self.init(parent, invokingState)
<struct.ctorAttrs:{a | self.<> = <>;}; separator="\n">
open override func getRuleIndex() -> Int { return <>.RULE_<struct.derivedFromName> }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func getRuleIndex() -> Int {
return <>.RULE_<struct.derivedFromName>
<if(struct.provideCopyFrom)> <! don't need copy unless we have subclasses !>
<!public init() { }!>
public func copyFrom(_ ctx: <>) {
<! <accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> init() { }!>
func copyFrom(_ ctx: <>) {
<struct.attrs:{a | self.<> = ctx.<>;}; separator="\n">
@ -828,10 +862,12 @@ open class <>: <if(contextSuperClass)><contextSuperClass><else>Parser
AltLabelStructDecl(struct,attrs,getters,dispatchMethods) ::= <<
public final class <>: <; format="cap">Context {
<attrs:{a | public var <a>}; separator="\n">
<accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> class <>: <; format="cap">Context {
<attrs:{a | <accessLevelNotOpen(parser)> var <a>}; separator="\n">
<getters:{g | <g>}; separator="\n">
public init(_ ctx: <; format="cap">Context) {
init(_ ctx: <; format="cap">Context) {
@ -840,8 +876,8 @@ public final class <>: <; format="cap">Context {
ListenerDispatchMethod(method) ::= <<
open func <if(method.isEnter)>enter<else>exit<endif>Rule(_ listener: ParseTreeListener) {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func <if(method.isEnter)>enter<else>exit<endif>Rule(_ listener: ParseTreeListener) {
if let listener = listener as? <parser.grammarName>Listener {
listener.<if(method.isEnter)>enter<else>exit<endif><struct.derivedFromName; format="cap">(self)
@ -849,8 +885,8 @@ open func <if(method.isEnter)>enter<else>exit<endif>Rule(_ listener: ParseTreeLi
VisitorDispatchMethod(method) ::= <<
open func accept\<T>(_ visitor: ParseTreeVisitor\<T>) -> T? {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(parser)>
func accept\<T>(_ visitor: ParseTreeVisitor\<T>) -> T? {
if let visitor = visitor as? <parser.grammarName>Visitor {
return visitor.visit<struct.derivedFromName; format="cap">(self)
@ -926,7 +962,8 @@ import Antlr4
Lexer(lexer, atn, actionFuncs, sempredFuncs, superClass) ::= <<
open class <>: <superClass; null="Lexer"> {
<accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)> class <>: <superClass; null="Lexer"> {
internal static var _decisionToDFA: [DFA] = {
var decisionToDFA = [DFA]()
let length = <>._ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()
@ -938,60 +975,76 @@ open class <>: <superClass; null="Lexer"> {
internal static let _sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
public static let <lexer.tokens:{k | <k>=<lexer.tokens.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
static let <lexer.tokens:{k | <k>=<lexer.tokens.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let <lexer.channels:{k | <k>=<lexer.channels.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
static let <lexer.channels:{k | <k>=<lexer.channels.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let <rest(lexer.modes):{m| <m>=<i>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
static let <rest(lexer.modes):{m| <m>=<i>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let channelNames: [String] = [
static let channelNames: [String] = [
"DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", "HIDDEN"<if (lexer.channels)>, <lexer.channels:{c| "<c>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor><endif>
public static let modeNames: [String] = [
static let modeNames: [String] = [
<lexer.modes:{m| "<m>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
public static let ruleNames: [String] = [
static let ruleNames: [String] = [
<lexer.ruleNames:{r | "<r>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>
<vocabulary(lexer.literalNames, lexer.symbolicNames)>
<vocabulary(lexer.literalNames, lexer.symbolicNames,
open override func getVocabulary() -> Vocabulary {
return <>.VOCABULARY
public required init(_ input: CharStream) {
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getVocabulary() -> Vocabulary {
return <>.VOCABULARY
required init(_ input: CharStream) {
RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("<lexerFile.ANTLRVersion>", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION)
_interp = LexerATNSimulator(self, <>._ATN, <>._decisionToDFA, <>._sharedContextCache)
open func getGrammarFileName() -> String { return "<lexer.grammarFileName>" }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getGrammarFileName() -> String { return "<lexer.grammarFileName>" }
open func getRuleNames() -> [String] { return <>.ruleNames }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getRuleNames() -> [String] { return <>.ruleNames }
open func getSerializedATN() -> String { return <>._serializedATN }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getSerializedATN() -> String { return <>._serializedATN }
open func getChannelNames() -> [String] { return <>.channelNames }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getChannelNames() -> [String] { return <>.channelNames }
open func getModeNames() -> [String] { return <>.modeNames }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getModeNames() -> [String] { return <>.modeNames }
open func getATN() -> ATN { return <>._ATN }
override <accessLevelOpenOK(lexer)>
func getATN() -> ATN { return <>._ATN }
<dumpActions(lexer, "", actionFuncs, sempredFuncs)>
public static let _serializedATN: String = <>ATN().jsonString
public static let _ATN: ATN = ATNDeserializer().deserializeFromJson(_serializedATN)
static let _serializedATN: String = <>ATN().jsonString
static let _ATN: ATN = ATNDeserializer().deserializeFromJson(_serializedATN)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class ListenerFile extends OutputFile {
public String genPackage; // from -package cmd-line
public String accessLevel; // from -DaccessLevel cmd-line
public String exportMacro; // from -DexportMacro cmd-line
public String grammarName;
public String parserName;
@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ public class ListenerFile extends OutputFile {
ActionAST ast = g.namedActions.get("header");
if ( ast!=null ) header = new Action(factory, ast);
genPackage = factory.getGrammar().tool.genPackage;
exportMacro = factory.getGrammar().getOptionString("exportMacro");
genPackage = g.tool.genPackage;
accessLevel = g.getOptionString("accessLevel");
exportMacro = g.getOptionString("exportMacro");
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public abstract class Recognizer extends OutputModelObject {
public String name;
public String grammarName;
public String grammarFileName;
public String accessLevel;
public Map<String,Integer> tokens;
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ public abstract class Recognizer extends OutputModelObject {
grammarFileName = new File(g.fileName).getName();
grammarName =;
name = g.getRecognizerName();
accessLevel = g.getOptionString("accessLevel");
tokens = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : g.tokenNameToTypeMap.entrySet()) {
Integer ttype = entry.getValue();
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class VisitorFile extends OutputFile {
public String genPackage; // from -package cmd-line
public String accessLevel; // from -DaccessLevel cmd-line
public String exportMacro; // from -DexportMacro cmd-line
public String grammarName;
public String parserName;
@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ public class VisitorFile extends OutputFile {
ActionAST ast = g.namedActions.get("header");
if ( ast!=null ) header = new Action(factory, ast);
genPackage = factory.getGrammar().tool.genPackage;
exportMacro = factory.getGrammar().getOptionString("exportMacro");
genPackage = g.tool.genPackage;
accessLevel = g.getOptionString("accessLevel");
exportMacro = g.getOptionString("exportMacro");
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public class Grammar implements AttributeResolver {
Reference in New Issue