One of the lambdas used in a "finally" expression executed already while defining the "finally" instance, which is way too early of course (others did not show this behavior), which happens only with the Visual Studio compiler, not clang. By changing the capture list to a general reference capture things started working as they should.
Sometimes in the prediction process temporary ATNConfig instances are created which either share their prediction context with other configs or get a new context which receives the context of another config as parent. Later in the process such temporary configs are released, but the set parent prediction context should stay alive as it is used later. Since there is no top level structure that would keep them alive we need a way to make them stay. For this effect the SinglePredictionContext (which is the only prediction context that keeps a parent reference) uses a shared_ptr instead of a weak_ptr for the parent reference.
- Changed the empty return state PredictionContext to max int (instead fixing it on int 16), like it's done in the Java runtime.
- Converted 2 static init lambdas in the Cpp.stg to normal code, as VS doesn't allow us to access private class members in such lambdas.
Originally the serialized ATN was coded as a wide string literal with embeded Unicode escapes (where necessary). This might fail on Windows however, as VS is very strict when checking Unicode code points and rejects compilation if it finds undefined code points. Hence this generation has been changed to hex numbers instead of that string literal.
- Removed ultra simple test grammar + parser. No longer needed.
- Removed long list of keywords from (regular) test grammar.
- Fixed a number of toString() methods to get better debug output.
- Moved Ref typedefs from Declarations.h to the individual classes as defining them on the forward declarations totally confuses the XCode debugger.
- Removed reference to the owning ATN in an ATNState. We cannot guarantee to have the correct address there due to the way the states are created. The reference is not needed anyway.
- ATNDeserializationOptions now has verifyATN set by default (as in the Java target).
- Had to add a workaround for a weird situation: static initialization in ATNDeseralizer stopped working for no apparent reason. Need to investigate this.
- Added a few support methods to the CPPUtils, mostly to ease debug output creation.
- Added console listener by default to the listeners list (as done in the Java target).
- Fixed translation mistakes in the CommonTokenStream class.
- Fixed some memory leaks and exception handling bugs.
- Removed a few unused classes.
- More raw pointers to smart pointers conversion: RuleContext, ParserRuleContext, ParseTree, Token, ParseTreeWalker, Tree...
- BitSet is now used directly instead of all those dynamic allocations and is a derived class instead of a composite.
- Replced ATNState equals with == operator overload.
- Correct wrong iterator over ATNConfigsets.
- Added utilitiy function that mimics Java's generic toString().
- Exceptions are now consistently thrown by value and captured by reference. C++11 exception_ptr and nested_exception are used when exception references are neeeded or when implementing the equivalent of Java's nesting.
- The is<> helper didn't handle properly (const) references, which is now explicitly handled. Added new unit tests for that.
- Fixed a number of places where a catch all was used to implement a "finally" (which hides exceptions).
- Changed exceptions to hold (temporary) raw pointers instead of shared pointers, as otherwise it is tried to free wrapped pointers which might just be references to static objects. Might later be updated again when we continue with removing raw pointers.
- Some smaller fixes.
- The generated simple parser now runs through without any error (yet, it doesn't do anything useful).
- ANTLR C++ target template:
- Added getListener and genVisitor bool members to ANTLR's LexerFile + ParserFile classes, so can use them in the template.
- Made addition of listener #include dependent on the new genListener member, which allows to run parser generation without listeners/visitors.
- Added an even simpler grammar to ease debugging while getting the lib into a working state.
- Added helper template is<> to ease frequent type checks (for value types, ref types and shared_ptr). Added some unit tests for that as well.
- Changed the MurmurHash::hashCode() function to take shared_ptr as this is the only variant we need. Had to change the MurmurHash unit tests for that.
- Removed conflicting IntStream::_EOF (and other variants). We use the C runtime EOF value instead.
- Changed all references to semantic contexts, prediction context and the prediction context cache to use shared_ptr<>. Created *Ref typedefs to simplify usage.
- Adjusted the C++ string templates for that.
- Fixed a number of memory leaks + some cleanup.
- Reworked the exception hierarchy to conform with the Java hierarchy (where we mimic that). Ultimative base class is std::exception, which uses std::string (char* actually) for messages, so all exceptions use std::string for that as well. Consider that as first step to rework the entire lib to use std::string instead of std::wstring (with utf-8 for full Unicode support).
- Removed ASSERTException + TODOException and fixed the places where they were used.
- Removed ANTLRException, which was only an intermediate layer without an equivalent on Java side.
- Replaced some equals() calls by == (with defined operator overloading).
- Enhanced Arrays::equals() to ensure it compiles only if the actual types being compared support the != operator (both value + reference types).
- Made the Recognizer class template free by using plain polymorphism. Some adjustments were need also in the Cpp template to support that. Could convert the .inl file to .cpp then.
- Added IntervalSet unit tests. Fixed a few bugs found by that.
- Enhanced the demo grammar so that we use as many as possible template rules from Cpp.stg. Still not fully done it seems.
- Fixed bugs in size determination for arrays (vectors now).
- Simplified PredictionContext and SemanticContext (one template parameter less).
- Removed no longer used Utils.h/cpp. Fixed CPPUtils.h/cpp.
- Extended LexerXXCommand template rules to take a new grammar parameter (code gen has been updated) as we need this context in the Cpp target. This change requires to update all existing templates! Cannot do here as this is an old revision.
- Some cleanup.
- Added first real unit test set and enable code coverage collection in XCode (for ANTLRInputStream).
- Reworked ANTLRFileStream::load, which is now more flexible (supports Unicode BOM + 3 possible encodings), can load from Unicode file names and has almost no platform code.
- Enabled strict data size and sign checks in XCode (clang) and fixed a million places...
- Started converting int to size_t where it makes more sense.
- Started working on const correctness.
- Fixed a ton of memory leaks.
- The ATN and ATNConfigSet classes now entirely work as value types. Same for Interval(Set). These seem to be the most critical data structures (ATNConfig + ATNState are pending).
- The abstract IntSet class is gone now.
- Murmur hash code now works with size_t instead of int (need to add unit tests for that).
- Fixed a number of TODOs and other smaller things.
- The Cpp template now properly handles grammar rule return values.
ATNs are top level structures, which are created and kept by parser/lexer classes (or their simulator equivalents). Hence there are now value types in their controlling class and passed around as const &.
IRecognizer was a template class without real need, which has been changed to make it a simple interface easily usable without having to find C++ hacks for fancy Java wildcard generics.
- Reformatted every single file to have a consistent indentation style using only space chars, with 2 chars per indentation. Reduced huge indentation due to deep namespace nesting by not indenting namespaces.
- Reduced #include usage to a minimum.
- Made copyright header the first entry in all files.
- Moved the previously mac-only prefix file (antlrcpp-Prefix.h) to the runtime. It can now be used by all platforms and includes all necessary standard headers.
- Removed a number of unused files.
- ATN deserialization finally works.
- Changed a number of pointer to STL classes to just the STL classes and pass them around by const & where necessary.
- The demo now uses a real setup to parse something and print output.
- Replaced empty UUID implementation by the guid implementation from Graeme Hill. Fixed uuid handling in a few places.
- Removed some obsolete (and mostly empty) lib files.
- Mac: the XCode project now does regenerate the files only after a grammar change, not always.
- Simplified ATNDeserializer + ATNSerializer and fixed a few things there (e.g. feature determination, duplicate copy op of the input).
- Removed some deprecated functions from ATNSimulator.h
- Fixed some bugs (e.g. uninitialized vars + leaks).
- Corrected a mistake I did in CppTarget which lead to wrong serialized ATN output.
- Cpp template:
- Added proper static init code generation for Lexer + Parser classes.
- Added some missing functions.
- Created a new command line target in the XCode project. Win + Linux yet outstanding.
- Reorganized the C++ runtime folder structure a bit
* Put everything in a new folder "runtime"
* Added a "demo" folder for the demo grammar + app
* Renamed Apple folder to Mac in demo folder
* Added a script with some descriptions to run parser regeneration (via jar or classes). This is also used in the XCode project to regenerate the files.
* Moved all C++ runtime files up in the folder hierarchy. No need to mimic the deep nesting from Java.
- Some adjustments here and there in the C++ runtime for consistency.
- Overhaul of the Cpp.stg file to produce compilable code. Extracted file level templates into a new template Files.stg. Experimented with new named actions (@parser::listenerheader) but the result is not satisfying yet. Need to investigate more.
- Extended ANTLR to produce header files if a target class returns true in the new function needsHeader().
- Added generated folder from demo to .gitignore
- Added myself to contributors file + maven xml.