The workflow we want to support is for an Antlr dev to tweak the harness, examine the output
and when it's desirable checkin the results. This is an offline process done by a dev.
- A profile "rts" has been created which runs the integration tests. By default the the project containing the runtimes tests will not run so that users casually checking out and building the project do not have to install the tools required to test all the supported Antlr targets.
- The base test classes that are required for running the integration tests are downloaded from the other Antlr repos, dynamically added to the compile classpath and used by the currently checked in integration tests
To run the the full build with all the integration tests use the following:
mvn clean install -Prts
Account for the following:
- deploying snapshots to OSSRH
- releasing to Maven Central
- Shaded JAR including the treelayout dependency
- OSGi manifest
- remove Eclipse IDE metadata for clean import
- remove IDEA IDE metadata for clean import