@echo off rem Clean left overs from previous builds if there are any if exist bin rmdir /S /Q runtime\bin if exist obj rmdir /S /Q runtime\obj if exist lib rmdir /S /Q lib if exist antlr4-runtime rmdir /S /Q antlr4-runtime if exist antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip erase antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip if exist antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip erase antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip rem Headers xcopy runtime\src\*.h antlr4-runtime\ /s rem Binaries rem VS 2013 disabled by default. Change the X to a C to enable it. if exist "X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" pushd runtime msbuild antlr4cpp-vs2013.vcxproj /p:configuration="Release DLL" /p:platform=Win32 msbuild antlr4cpp-vs2013.vcxproj /p:configuration="Release DLL" /p:platform=x64 popd 7z a antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip antlr4-runtime xcopy runtime\bin\*.dll lib\ /s xcopy runtime\bin\*.lib lib\ /s 7z a antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip lib rmdir /S /Q lib rmdir /S /Q runtime\bin rmdir /S /Q runtime\obj rem if exist antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip copy antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2013.zip ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download ) if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" pushd runtime msbuild antlr4cpp-vs2015.vcxproj /p:configuration="Release DLL" /p:platform=Win32 msbuild antlr4cpp-vs2015.vcxproj /p:configuration="Release DLL" /p:platform=x64 popd 7z a antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip antlr4-runtime xcopy runtime\bin\*.dll lib\ /s xcopy runtime\bin\*.lib lib\ /s 7z a antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip lib rmdir /S /Q lib rmdir /S /Q runtime\bin rmdir /S /Q runtime\obj rem if exist antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip copy antlr4-cpp-runtime-vs2015.zip ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download ) rmdir /S /Q antlr4-runtime :end