
13 KiB

Cutting an ANTLR Release


Create a pre-release or full release at github; Example 4.5-rc-1.

Wack any existing tag as mvn will create one and it fails if already there.

$ git tag -d 4.6
$ git push origin :refs/tags/4.6
$ git push upstream :refs/tags/4.6

Bump version

Edit the repository looking for 4.5 or whatever and update it. Bump version in the following files:

  • runtime/Java/src/org/antlr/v4/runtime/
  • runtime/Python2/
  • runtime/Python2/src/antlr4/
  • runtime/Python3/
  • runtime/Python3/src/antlr4/
  • runtime/CSharp/runtime/CSharp/Antlr4.Runtime/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  • runtime/CSharp/build/version.ps1
  • runtime/JavaScript/src/antlr4/package.json
  • runtime/JavaScript/src/antlr4/Recognizer.js
  • runtime/Cpp/VERSION
  • runtime/Cpp/runtime/src/RuntimeMetaData.cpp
  • runtime/Cpp/cmake/ExternalAntlr4Cpp.cmake
  • tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen/target/
  • tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen/target/
  • tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen/target/
  • tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen/target/
  • tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen/target/

Here is a simple script to display any line from the critical files with, say, 4.5 in it:

find /tmp/antlr4 -type f -exec grep -l '4\.5' {} \;

Commit to repository.

Maven Repository Settings

First, make sure you have maven set up to communicate with staging servers etc... Create file ~/.m2/settings.xml with appropriate username/password for staging server and gpg.keyname/passphrase for signing. Make sure it has strict visibility privileges to just you. On unix, it looks like:

beast:~/.m2 $ ls -l settings.xml 
-rw-------  1 parrt  staff  914 Jul 15 14:42 settings.xml

Here is the file template

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  User-specific configuration for maven. Includes things that should not
  be distributed with the pom.xml file, such as developer identity, along with
  local settings, like proxy information.

Maven deploy snapshot

The goal is to get a snapshot, such as 4.6-SNAPSHOT, to the staging server: antlr4 tool and antlr4 java runtime.

Do this:

$ mvn deploy -DskipTests
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) @ antlr4-tool-testsuite ---
Uploaded: (3 KB at 3.4 KB/sec)
Uploaded: (3 KB at 6.5 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (371 B at 1.4 KB/sec)
Uploaded: (774 B at 1.8 KB/sec)
Uploaded: (388 B at 0.9 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ANTLR 4 ............................................ SUCCESS [  4.073 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Runtime .................................... SUCCESS [ 13.828 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Tool ....................................... SUCCESS [ 14.032 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Maven plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  6.547 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Runtime Test Annotations ................... SUCCESS [  2.519 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Runtime Test Processors .................... SUCCESS [  2.385 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Runtime Tests (2nd generation) ............. SUCCESS [ 15.276 s]
[INFO] ANTLR 4 Tool Tests ................................. SUCCESS [  2.233 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 01:01 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-12-11T09:37:54-08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 44M/470M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maven release

The maven deploy lifecycle phased deploys the artifacts and the poms for the ANTLR project to the sonatype remote staging server.

mvn deploy -DskipTests

With JDK 1.7 (not 6 or 8), do this:

mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-DskipTests"

It will start out by asking you the version number:

What is the release version for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) 4.6: : 4.6
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Runtime"? (org.antlr:antlr4-runtime) 4.6: : 
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Tool"? (org.antlr:antlr4) 4.6: : 
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Maven plugin"? (org.antlr:antlr4-maven-plugin) 4.6: : 
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Runtime Test Generator"? (org.antlr:antlr4-runtime-testsuite) 4.6: : 
What is the release version for "ANTLR 4 Tool Tests"? (org.antlr:antlr4-tool-testsuite) 4.6: : 
What is SCM release tag or label for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) antlr4-master-4.6: : 4.6
What is the new development version for "ANTLR 4"? (org.antlr:antlr4-master) 4.6.1-SNAPSHOT:

Maven will go through your pom.xml files to update versions from 4.6-SNAPSHOT to 4.6 for release and then to 4.6.1-SNAPSHOT after release, which is done with:

mvn release:perform -Darguments="-DskipTests"

Maven will use git to push pom.xml changes.

Now, go here:

and on the left click "Staging Repositories". You click the staging repo and close it, then you refresh, click it and release it. It's done when you see it here:

Copy the jars to site and update download/index.html

cp ~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4-runtime/4.6/antlr4-runtime-4.6.jar ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download/antlr-runtime-4.6.jar
cp ~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4/4.6/antlr4-4.6-complete.jar ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download/antlr-4.6-complete.jar
cd ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download
git add antlr-4.6-complete.jar
git add antlr-runtime-4.6.jar 

Update on site:

  • download.html
  • index.html
  • api/index.html
  • download/index.html
  • scripts/topnav.js
git commit -a -m 'add 4.6 jars'
git push origin gh-pages

Deploying Targets


cd runtime/JavaScript/src
zip -r /tmp/ antlr4
cp /tmp/ ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download
# git add, commit, push

Move target to website

pushd ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download
git add
git commit -a -m 'update JS runtime'
git push origin gh-pages


cd ~/antlr/code/antlr4/runtime/CSharp/runtime/CSharp
# kill previous ones manually as "xbuild /t:Clean" didn't seem to do it
rm Antlr4.Runtime/bin/net20/Release/Antlr4.Runtime.dll
rm Antlr4.Runtime/obj/net20/Release/Antlr4.Runtime.dll
# build
xbuild /p:Configuration=Release Antlr4.Runtime/Antlr4.Runtime.mono.csproj
# zip it up to get a version number on zip filename
zip --junk-paths /tmp/ Antlr4.Runtime/bin/net35/Release/Antlr4.Runtime.dll
cp /tmp/ ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download

Move target to website

pushd ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download
git add
git commit -a -m 'update C# runtime'
git push origin gh-pages


The Python targets get deployed with First, set up ~/.pypirc with tight privileges:

beast:~ $ ls -l ~/.pypirc
-rw-------  1 parrt  staff  267 Jul 15 17:02 /Users/parrt/.pypirc
[distutils] # this tells distutils what package indexes you can push to
index-servers =

username: parrt
password: XXX

username: parrt

Then run the usual python set up stuff:

cd ~/antlr/code/antlr4/runtime/Python2
# assume you have ~/.pypirc set up
python register -r pypi
python sdist bdist_wininst upload -r pypi

and do again for Python 3 target

cd ~/antlr/code/antlr4/runtime/Python3
# assume you have ~/.pypirc set up
python register -r pypi
python sdist bdist_wininst upload -r pypi

Add links to the artifacts from download.html


The C++ target is the most complex one, because it addresses multiple platforms, which require individual handling. We have 4 scenarios to cover:

  • Windows: static and dynamic libraries for the VC++ runtime 2013 or 2015 (corresponding to Visual Studio 2013 or 2015) + header files. All that in 32 and 64bit, debug + release.
  • MacOS: static and dynamic release libraries + header files.
  • iOS: no prebuilt binaries, but just a zip of the source, including the XCode project to build everything from source.
  • Linux: no prebuilt binaries, but just a zip of the source code, including the cmake file to build everything from source there.

In theory we could also create a library for iOS, but that requires to sign it, which depends on an active iOS developer account. So we leave this up to the ANTLR user to build the iOS lib, like we do for Linux builds.

For each platform there's a deployment script which generates zip archives and copies them to the target folder. The Windows deployment script must be run on a machine with VS 2013 + VS 2015 installed. The Mac script must be run on a machine with XCode 7+ installed. The source script can be executed on any Linux or Mac box.

On a Mac (with XCode 7+ installed):

cd runtime/Cpp

On any Mac or Linux machine:

cd runtime/Cpp

On a Windows machine the build scripts checks if VS 2013 and/or VS 2015 are installed and builds binaries for each, if found. This script requires 7z to be installed (

cd runtime/Cpp

Move target to website (rename to a specific ANTLR version first if needed):

pushd ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/download
git add
git add
git add
git commit -a -m 'update C++ runtime'
git push origin gh-pages

Update javadoc for runtime and tool

First gen javadoc:

$ cd antlr4
$ mvn -DskipTests javadoc:jar install

Then copy to website:

cd ~/antlr/sites/website-antlr4/api
git checkout gh-pages
git pull origin gh-pages
cd Java
jar xvf ~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4-runtime/4.6/antlr4-runtime-4.6-javadoc.jar
cd ../JavaTool
jar xvf ~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4/4.6/antlr4-4.6-javadoc.jar
git commit -a -m 'freshen api doc'
git push origin gh-pages

Update Intellij plug-in

Rebuild antlr plugin with new antlr jar.