
197 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/python
Find all .g4 files and generate parsers in the same directory.
the antlr used should be the one located at user's mvn directory
the filename is antlr4-ANTLR_VERSION-SNAPSHOT.jar. You can get it
by running: "mvn install"
NOTE: In case of customized location of .m2 folder, you can change the
USER_M2 constant below.
the java version is used according to environment variable $JAVA_HOME.
import glob
import shutil
import argparse
import fnmatch
import os.path
import time
from subprocess import call
# ANTLR Version, here we only care about major version.
# Note: User defines their own M2_HOME should change this variable.
USER_M2 = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.m2"
TMP_FOLDER = "/tmp/"
# The directory contains this script.
DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# The following two are using glob syntax.
ANTLR4_FOLDER = USER_M2 + "/repository/org/antlr/antlr4/*-SNAPSHOT"
ANTLR4 = ANTLR4_FOLDER + "/antlr4-*-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar"
# Colors
RED = "\033[91;1m"
GREEN = "\033[32;1m"
YELLOW = "\033[93;1m"
CYAN = "\033[36;1m"
GREY = "\033[38;2;127;127;127m"
RESET = "\033[0m"
def find_a4_jar():
Finds the antlr4 jar.
matches = glob.glob(ANTLR4)
if len(matches) == 0:
return None
sorted(matches, reverse=True)
return matches[0]
def find_g4():
Find all g4 files and return a list of them.
The recursive search starts from the directory containing
this python file.
file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
parent_folder = file_path[0:file_path.rindex("/") + 1]
res = []
for cur, _, filenames in os.walk(parent_folder):
cur_files = fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.g4")
res += [cur + "/" + cur_file for cur_file in cur_files]
return res
def gen_parser(grammar, a4):
Generate parser for the input g4 file.
:param grammar: grammar file
:param a4: antlr4 runtime
:return: None
grammar_folder = grammar[0:grammar.rindex("/") + 1]
java_home = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"]
java = java_home + "/bin/java"
if not os.path.exists(java):
antlr_complains("Cannot find java. Check your JAVA_HOME setting.")
call([java, "-jar", a4,
"-Dlanguage=Swift", grammar, "-visitor",
"-o", grammar_folder + "/gen"])
def swift_test():
Run unit tests.
call(["swift", "test"])
def get_argument_parser():
Initialize argument parser.
:return: the argument parser
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Helper script for ANTLR4 Swift target. "
"<DEVELOPER> flag means the command is mostly used by a developer. "
"<USER> flag means the command should be used by user. ")
help="<USER> Generates a Swift Package Manager flavored module. "
"Use this command if you want to include ANTLR4 as SPM dependency.", )
help="<DEVELOPER, USER> Generates an Xcode project for ANTLR4 Swift runtime. "
"This directive will generate all the required parsers for the project. "
"Feel free to re-run whenever you updated the test grammar files.")
help="<DEVELOPER> Run unit tests.")
return p
def generate_spm_module(in_folder=TMP_FOLDER):
Generate spm module in the specified folder, default
to the system's tmp folder.
After generation, user can simply use the prompt SPM
code to include the ANTLR4 Swift runtime package.
:param in_folder: the folder where we generate the SPM module.
:return: None
tmp_antlr_folder = in_folder + "Antlr4-tmp-" + str(int(time.time()))
# Copy folders and SPM manifest file.
dirs_to_copy = ["Sources", "Tests"]
for dir_to_copy in dirs_to_copy:
shutil.copytree(DIR + "/" + dir_to_copy, tmp_antlr_folder + "/" + dir_to_copy)
shutil.copy("Package.swift", tmp_antlr_folder)
call(["git", "init"])
call(["git", "add", "*"])
call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit."])
call(["git", "tag", "{}.0.0".format(MAJOR_VERSION)])
antlr_says("Created local repository.")
antlr_says("(swift-tools-version:3.0) "
"Put .Package(url: \"{}\", majorVersion: {}) in Package.swift.".format(os.getcwd(), MAJOR_VERSION))
antlr_says("(swift-tools-wersion:4.0) "
"Put .package(url: \"{}\", from: \"{}.0.0\") in Package.swift "
"and add \"Antlr4\" to target dependencies. ".format(os.getcwd(), MAJOR_VERSION))
def generate_xcodeproj():
Generates the ANTLR4 Swift runtime Xcode project.
This method will also generate parsers required by
the runtime tests.
call(["swift", "package", "generate-xcodeproj"])
def generate_parser():
antlr = find_a4_jar()
if antlr is None:
antlr_complains("Run \"mvn install\" in antlr4 project root first or check mvn settings")
_ = [gen_parser(f, antlr) for f in find_g4()]
def antlr_says(msg):
print GREEN + "[ANTLR] " + msg + RESET
def antlr_complains(msg):
print RED + "[ANTLR] " + msg + RESET
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = get_argument_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.gen_spm_module:
elif args.gen_xcodeproj:
elif args.test: