parrt 6ad9646382 update version in code to 4.8 2020-01-16 12:18:17 -08:00
.. update version in code to 4.8 2020-01-16 12:18:17 -08:00
ExternalAntlr4Cpp.cmake update version in code to 4.8 2020-01-16 12:18:17 -08:00
FindANTLR.cmake update version in code to 4.8 2020-01-16 12:18:17 -08:00 update version in code to 4.8 2020-01-16 12:18:17 -08:00 It turned out that the implemented CMake function generating the runtime files didn't work for combined lexer/parser files. 2018-01-16 15:57:26 +01:00 Add code to optionaly generate two cmake package during install when 'ANTLR4_INSTALL' is set: 2018-01-15 17:31:14 +01:00

Getting started with Antlr4Cpp

Here is how you can use this external project to create the antlr4cpp demo to start your project off.

  1. Create your project source folder somewhere. e.g. ~/srcfolder/
    1. Make a subfolder cmake
    2. Copy the files in this folder to srcfolder/cmake
    3. Cut below and use it to create srcfolder/CMakeLists.txt
    4. Copy main.cpp, TLexer.g4 and TParser.g4 to ./srcfolder/ from here
  2. Make a build folder e.g. ~/buildfolder/
  3. From the buildfolder, run cmake ~/srcfolder; make
# minimum required CMAKE version


# compiler must be 11 or 14

# required if linking to static library

# using /MD flag for antlr4_runtime (for Visual C++ compilers only)
# add external build for antlrcpp
# add antrl4cpp artifacts to project environment

# set variable pointing to the antlr tool that supports C++
# this is not required if the jar file can be found under PATH environment
set(ANTLR_EXECUTABLE /home/user/antlr-4.8-complete.jar)
# add macros to generate ANTLR Cpp code from grammar
find_package(ANTLR REQUIRED)

# Call macro to add lexer and grammar to your build dependencies.
antlr_target(SampleGrammarLexer TLexer.g4 LEXER
             PACKAGE antlrcpptest)
antlr_target(SampleGrammarParser TParser.g4 PARSER
             PACKAGE antlrcpptest
             DEPENDS_ANTLR SampleGrammarLexer
             COMPILE_FLAGS -lib ${ANTLR_SampleGrammarLexer_OUTPUT_DIR})

# include generated files in project environment

# add generated grammar to demo binary target
add_executable(demo main.cpp
target_link_libraries(demo antlr4_static)

Documentation for FindANTLR

The module defines the following variables:

ANTLR_FOUND - true is ANTLR jar executable is found
ANTLR_EXECUTABLE - the path to the ANTLR jar executable
ANTLR_VERSION - the version of ANTLR

If ANTLR is found, the module will provide the macros:

ANTLR_TARGET(<name> <input>
             [PACKAGE namespace]
             [OUTPUT_DIRECTORY dir]
             [DEPENDS_ANTLR <target>]
             [COMPILE_FLAGS [args...]]
             [DEPENDS [depends...]]

which creates a custom command to generate C++ files from <input>. Running the macro defines the following variables:

ANTLR_${name}_INPUT - the ANTLR input used for the macro
ANTLR_${name}_OUTPUTS - the outputs generated by ANTLR
ANTLR_${name}_CXX_OUTPUTS - the C++ outputs generated by ANTLR
ANTLR_${name}_OUTPUT_DIR - the output directory for ANTLR

The options are:

  • PACKAGE - defines a namespace for the generated C++ files
  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY - the output directory for the generated files. By default it uses ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
  • DEPENDS_ANTLR - the dependent target generated from antlr_target for the current call
  • COMPILE_FLAGS - additional compile flags for ANTLR tool
  • DEPENDS - specify the files on which the command depends. It works the same way DEPENDS in add_custom_command()
  • LEXER - specify that the input file is a lexer grammar
  • PARSER - specify that the input file is a parser grammar
  • LISTENER - tell ANTLR tool to generate a parse tree listener
  • VISITOR - tell ANTLR tool to generate a parse tree visitor


To generate C++ files from an ANTLR input file T.g4, which defines both lexer and parser grammar one may call:

find_package(ANTLR REQUIRED)
antlr_target(Sample T.g4)

Note that this command will do nothing unless the outputs of Sample, i.e. ANTLR_Sample_CXX_OUTPUTS gets used by some target.

Documentation for ExternalAntlr4Cpp

Including ExternalAntlr4Cpp will add antlr4_static and antlr4_shared as an optional target. It will also define the following variables:

ANTLR4_INCLUDE_DIRS - the include directory that should be included when compiling C++ source file
ANTLR4_STATIC_LIBRARIES - path to antlr4 static library
ANTLR4_SHARED_LIBRARIES - path to antlr4 shared library
ANTLR4_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES - path to antlr4 shared runtime library (such as DLL, DYLIB and SO file)
ANTLR4_TAG - branch/tag used for building antlr4 library

ANTLR4_TAG is set to master branch by default to keep antlr4 updated. However, it will be required to rebuild after every clean is called. Set ANTLR4_TAG to a desired commit hash value to avoid rebuilding after every clean and keep the build stable, at the cost of not automatically update to latest commit.

The ANTLR C++ runtime source is downloaded from GitHub by default. However, users may specify ANTLR4_ZIP_REPOSITORY to list the zip file from ANTLR downloads (under C++ Target). This variable can list a zip file included in the project directory; this is useful for maintaining a canonical source for each new build.

Visual C++ compiler users may want to additionally define ANTLR4_WITH_STATIC_CRT before including the file. Set ANTLR4_WITH_STATIC_CRT to true if ANTLR4 C++ runtime library should be compiled with /MT flag, otherwise will be compiled with /MD flag. This variable has a default value of OFF. Changing ANTLR4_WITH_STATIC_CRT after building the library may require reinitialization of CMake or clean for the library to get rebuilt.


To build and link ANTLR4 static library to a target one may call:

add_executable(output main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(output antlr4_static)

It may also be a good idea to copy the runtime libraries (DLL, DYLIB or SO file) to the executable for it to run properly after build. i.e. To build and link antlr4 shared library to a target one may call:

add_executable(output main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(output antlr4_shared)
add_custom_command(TARGET output
                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
                           -E copy ${ANTLR4_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES} .