
3.0 KiB

DripTable Development Guide

Before Development

Knowledge points that you need to master before developing

What is JSON Schema?

  1. JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.
  2. JSON Schema official document
  3. JSON Schema guide

What is Lerna?

  1. Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
  2. Lerna official document
  3. Lerna guide


  • install git, node, yarn. version requirement: node >=13.14.0, yarn >= 1.0.0

  • configure NPM source if needed.

    configure NPM source

    npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.com/


    npm adduser (--registry=https://registry.npmjs.com/)
    • Download codes


install dependencies

lerna bootstrap


yarn start

visit http://localhost:8000 in browser.


  • update continually
├── docs                           // official website
│ ├── drip-table                   // drip-table sub page
│ │ ├── changelog
│ │ │ └── index.md                 // log markdown
| | ├── functions                  // drip-table functions
| | ├── guide                      // drip-table guide
| | ├── sample                     // drip-table samples
| | ├── faq.md                     // drip-table faq
| | └── index.md                   // drip-table document entry
│ ├── drip-table-generator         // drip-table-generator sub page
│ │ ├── changelog
│ │ │ └── index.md                 // log markdown
| | ├── preview                    // drip-table-generator demos
| | ├── faq.md                     // drip-table-generator faq
| | └── index.md                   // drip-table-generator document entry
│ ├── global-configs.ts            // global configs for demos
│ ├── index.css                    // official website CSS
│ ├── index.md                     // official website markdown
│ ├── index.tsx                    // official website entry
│ └── Loading.js                   // official website loading component
└── packages                       // codes menu
  ├── drip-table                   // drip-table codes
  ├── drip-table-driver-antd       // drip-table antd theme package
  └── drip-table-generator         // drip-table visual tool


  1. Fork.
  2. Create a new branch that names to express the features simply.
  3. Coding.
  4. Create a pull request.
  • For more details of drip-table, see README;
  • For more details of drip-table-generator, see README;

Release official website

yarn run build:docs