The following figure shows the result, with different colored detection boxes representing different categories and displaying specific categories in the upper left corner of the box with `show_element_type`
| config_path | model config path | None | Specify config_ path will automatically download the model (only for the first time,the model will exist and will not be downloaded again) |
| model_path | model path | None | local model path, config_ path and model_ path must be set to one, cannot be none at the same time |
| label_map | category mapping table | None | Setting config_ path, it can be none, and the label is automatically obtained according to the dataset name_ map |
| enforce_cpu | whether to use CPU | False | False to use GPU, and True to force the use of CPU |
| enforce_mkldnn | whether mkldnn acceleration is enabled in CPU prediction | True | \ |
| thread_num | the number of CPU threads | 10 | \ |
The following model configurations and label maps are currently supported, which you can use by modifying '--config_path' and '--label_map' to detect different types of content:
* TableBank word and TableBank latex are trained on datasets of word documents and latex documents respectively;
* Download TableBank dataset contains both word and latex。
## 3. PostProcess
Layout parser contains multiple categories, if you only want to get the detection box for a specific category (such as the "Text" category), you can use the following code:
**CPU:** Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz,24core
**GPU:** a single NVIDIA Tesla P40
## 5. Training
The above model is based on PaddleDetection]( ,if you want to train your own layout parser model,please refer to:[train_layoutparser_model](