2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import ArgumentParser , RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
import sys
import yaml
import os
from ppocr . utils . utility import create_module
from ppocr . utils . utility import initial_logger
logger = initial_logger ( )
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import time
from ppocr . utils . stats import TrainingStats
from eval_utils . eval_det_utils import eval_det_run
from eval_utils . eval_rec_utils import eval_rec_run
from ppocr . utils . save_load import save_model
import numpy as np
from ppocr . utils . character import cal_predicts_accuracy
class ArgsParser ( ArgumentParser ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
super ( ArgsParser , self ) . __init__ (
formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter )
self . add_argument ( " -c " , " --config " , help = " configuration file to use " )
self . add_argument (
" -o " , " --opt " , nargs = ' + ' , help = " set configuration options " )
def parse_args ( self , argv = None ) :
args = super ( ArgsParser , self ) . parse_args ( argv )
assert args . config is not None , \
" Please specify --config=configure_file_path. "
args . opt = self . _parse_opt ( args . opt )
return args
def _parse_opt ( self , opts ) :
config = { }
if not opts :
return config
for s in opts :
s = s . strip ( )
k , v = s . split ( ' = ' )
config [ k ] = yaml . load ( v , Loader = yaml . Loader )
return config
class AttrDict ( dict ) :
""" Single level attribute dict, NOT recursive """
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( AttrDict , self ) . __init__ ( )
super ( AttrDict , self ) . update ( kwargs )
def __getattr__ ( self , key ) :
if key in self :
return self [ key ]
raise AttributeError ( " object has no attribute ' {} ' " . format ( key ) )
global_config = AttrDict ( )
def load_config ( file_path ) :
Load config from yml / yaml file .
Args :
file_path ( str ) : Path of the config file to be loaded .
Returns : global config
_ , ext = os . path . splitext ( file_path )
assert ext in [ ' .yml ' , ' .yaml ' ] , " only support yaml files for now "
merge_config ( yaml . load ( open ( file_path ) , Loader = yaml . Loader ) )
assert " reader_yml " in global_config [ ' Global ' ] , \
" absence reader_yml in global "
reader_file_path = global_config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' reader_yml ' ]
_ , ext = os . path . splitext ( reader_file_path )
assert ext in [ ' .yml ' , ' .yaml ' ] , " only support yaml files for reader "
merge_config ( yaml . load ( open ( reader_file_path ) , Loader = yaml . Loader ) )
return global_config
def merge_config ( config ) :
Merge config into global config .
Args :
config ( dict ) : Config to be merged .
Returns : global config
for key , value in config . items ( ) :
if " . " not in key :
if isinstance ( value , dict ) and key in global_config :
global_config [ key ] . update ( value )
else :
global_config [ key ] = value
else :
sub_keys = key . split ( ' . ' )
2020-06-08 20:43:34 +08:00
assert ( sub_keys [ 0 ] in global_config ) , " the sub_keys can only be one of global_config: {} , but get: {} , please check your running command " . format ( global_config . keys ( ) , sub_keys [ 0 ] )
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
cur = global_config [ sub_keys [ 0 ] ]
for idx , sub_key in enumerate ( sub_keys [ 1 : ] ) :
assert ( sub_key in cur )
if idx == len ( sub_keys ) - 2 :
cur [ sub_key ] = value
else :
cur = cur [ sub_key ]
def check_gpu ( use_gpu ) :
Log error and exit when set use_gpu = true in paddlepaddle
cpu version .
err = " Config use_gpu cannot be set as true while you are " \
" using paddlepaddle cpu version ! \n Please try: \n " \
" \t 1. Install paddlepaddle-gpu to run model on GPU \n " \
" \t 2. Set use_gpu as false in config file to run " \
" model on CPU "
try :
if use_gpu and not fluid . is_compiled_with_cuda ( ) :
logger . error ( err )
sys . exit ( 1 )
except Exception as e :
def build ( config , main_prog , startup_prog , mode ) :
Build a program using a model and an optimizer
1. create feeds
2. create a dataloader
3. create a model
4. create fetchs
5. create an optimizer
Args :
config ( dict ) : config
main_prog ( ) : main program
startup_prog ( ) : startup program
is_train ( bool ) : train or valid
Returns :
dataloader ( ) : a bridge between the model and the data
fetchs ( dict ) : dict of model outputs ( included loss and measures )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_prog , startup_prog ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
func_infor = config [ ' Architecture ' ] [ ' function ' ]
model = create_module ( func_infor ) ( params = config )
dataloader , outputs = model ( mode = mode )
fetch_name_list = list ( outputs . keys ( ) )
fetch_varname_list = [ outputs [ v ] . name for v in fetch_name_list ]
opt_loss_name = None
if mode == " train " :
opt_loss = outputs [ ' total_loss ' ]
opt_params = config [ ' Optimizer ' ]
optimizer = create_module ( opt_params [ ' function ' ] ) ( opt_params )
optimizer . minimize ( opt_loss )
opt_loss_name = opt_loss . name
global_lr = optimizer . _global_learning_rate ( )
global_lr . persistable = True
fetch_name_list . insert ( 0 , " lr " )
fetch_varname_list . insert ( 0 , global_lr . name )
return ( dataloader , fetch_name_list , fetch_varname_list , opt_loss_name )
def build_export ( config , main_prog , startup_prog ) :
with fluid . program_guard ( main_prog , startup_prog ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
func_infor = config [ ' Architecture ' ] [ ' function ' ]
model = create_module ( func_infor ) ( params = config )
image , outputs = model ( mode = ' export ' )
2020-05-26 21:02:27 +08:00
fetches_var_name = sorted ( [ name for name in outputs . keys ( ) ] )
2020-05-15 22:25:37 +08:00
fetches_var = [ outputs [ name ] for name in fetches_var_name ]
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
feeded_var_names = [ image . name ]
target_vars = fetches_var
return feeded_var_names , target_vars , fetches_var_name
def create_multi_devices_program ( program , loss_var_name ) :
build_strategy = fluid . BuildStrategy ( )
build_strategy . memory_optimize = False
build_strategy . enable_inplace = True
exec_strategy = fluid . ExecutionStrategy ( )
exec_strategy . num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 1
compile_program = fluid . CompiledProgram ( program ) . with_data_parallel (
loss_name = loss_var_name ,
build_strategy = build_strategy ,
exec_strategy = exec_strategy )
return compile_program
def train_eval_det_run ( config , exe , train_info_dict , eval_info_dict ) :
train_batch_id = 0
log_smooth_window = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' log_smooth_window ' ]
epoch_num = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' epoch_num ' ]
print_batch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' print_batch_step ' ]
eval_batch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' eval_batch_step ' ]
save_epoch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' save_epoch_step ' ]
save_model_dir = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' save_model_dir ' ]
2020-05-13 16:05:00 +08:00
if not os . path . exists ( save_model_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( save_model_dir )
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
train_stats = TrainingStats ( log_smooth_window ,
train_info_dict [ ' fetch_name_list ' ] )
best_eval_hmean = - 1
best_batch_id = 0
best_epoch = 0
train_loader = train_info_dict [ ' reader ' ]
for epoch in range ( epoch_num ) :
train_loader . start ( )
try :
while True :
t1 = time . time ( )
train_outs = exe . run (
program = train_info_dict [ ' compile_program ' ] ,
fetch_list = train_info_dict [ ' fetch_varname_list ' ] ,
return_numpy = False )
stats = { }
for tno in range ( len ( train_outs ) ) :
fetch_name = train_info_dict [ ' fetch_name_list ' ] [ tno ]
fetch_value = np . mean ( np . array ( train_outs [ tno ] ) )
stats [ fetch_name ] = fetch_value
t2 = time . time ( )
train_batch_elapse = t2 - t1
train_stats . update ( stats )
if train_batch_id > 0 and train_batch_id \
% print_batch_step == 0 :
logs = train_stats . log ( )
strs = ' epoch: {} , iter: {} , {} , time: {:.3f} ' . format (
epoch , train_batch_id , logs , train_batch_elapse )
logger . info ( strs )
if train_batch_id > 0 and \
train_batch_id % eval_batch_step == 0 :
metrics = eval_det_run ( exe , config , eval_info_dict , " eval " )
hmean = metrics [ ' hmean ' ]
if hmean > = best_eval_hmean :
best_eval_hmean = hmean
best_batch_id = train_batch_id
best_epoch = epoch
save_path = save_model_dir + " /best_accuracy "
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )
strs = ' Test iter: {} , metrics: {} , best_hmean: {:.6f} , best_epoch: {} , best_batch_id: {} ' . format (
train_batch_id , metrics , best_eval_hmean , best_epoch ,
best_batch_id )
logger . info ( strs )
train_batch_id + = 1
except fluid . core . EOFException :
train_loader . reset ( )
2020-05-19 11:29:52 +08:00
if epoch == 0 and save_epoch_step == 1 :
2020-05-19 11:15:51 +08:00
save_path = save_model_dir + " /iter_epoch_0 "
2020-05-26 21:02:27 +08:00
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
if epoch > 0 and epoch % save_epoch_step == 0 :
save_path = save_model_dir + " /iter_epoch_ %d " % ( epoch )
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )
def train_eval_rec_run ( config , exe , train_info_dict , eval_info_dict ) :
train_batch_id = 0
log_smooth_window = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' log_smooth_window ' ]
epoch_num = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' epoch_num ' ]
print_batch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' print_batch_step ' ]
eval_batch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' eval_batch_step ' ]
save_epoch_step = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' save_epoch_step ' ]
save_model_dir = config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' save_model_dir ' ]
2020-05-13 16:51:36 +08:00
if not os . path . exists ( save_model_dir ) :
2020-05-13 16:39:39 +08:00
os . makedirs ( save_model_dir )
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
train_stats = TrainingStats ( log_smooth_window , [ ' loss ' , ' acc ' ] )
best_eval_acc = - 1
best_batch_id = 0
best_epoch = 0
train_loader = train_info_dict [ ' reader ' ]
for epoch in range ( epoch_num ) :
train_loader . start ( )
try :
while True :
t1 = time . time ( )
train_outs = exe . run (
program = train_info_dict [ ' compile_program ' ] ,
fetch_list = train_info_dict [ ' fetch_varname_list ' ] ,
return_numpy = False )
fetch_map = dict (
zip ( train_info_dict [ ' fetch_name_list ' ] ,
range ( len ( train_outs ) ) ) )
loss = np . mean ( np . array ( train_outs [ fetch_map [ ' total_loss ' ] ] ) )
lr = np . mean ( np . array ( train_outs [ fetch_map [ ' lr ' ] ] ) )
preds_idx = fetch_map [ ' decoded_out ' ]
preds = np . array ( train_outs [ preds_idx ] )
preds_lod = train_outs [ preds_idx ] . lod ( ) [ 0 ]
labels_idx = fetch_map [ ' label ' ]
labels = np . array ( train_outs [ labels_idx ] )
labels_lod = train_outs [ labels_idx ] . lod ( ) [ 0 ]
acc , acc_num , img_num = cal_predicts_accuracy (
config [ ' Global ' ] [ ' char_ops ' ] , preds , preds_lod , labels ,
labels_lod )
t2 = time . time ( )
train_batch_elapse = t2 - t1
stats = { ' loss ' : loss , ' acc ' : acc }
train_stats . update ( stats )
if train_batch_id > 0 and train_batch_id \
% print_batch_step == 0 :
logs = train_stats . log ( )
strs = ' epoch: {} , iter: {} , lr: {:.6f} , {} , time: {:.3f} ' . format (
epoch , train_batch_id , lr , logs , train_batch_elapse )
logger . info ( strs )
if train_batch_id > 0 and \
train_batch_id % eval_batch_step == 0 :
metrics = eval_rec_run ( exe , config , eval_info_dict , " eval " )
eval_acc = metrics [ ' avg_acc ' ]
eval_sample_num = metrics [ ' total_sample_num ' ]
if eval_acc > best_eval_acc :
best_eval_acc = eval_acc
best_batch_id = train_batch_id
best_epoch = epoch
save_path = save_model_dir + " /best_accuracy "
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )
strs = ' Test iter: {} , acc: {:.6f} , best_acc: {:.6f} , best_epoch: {} , best_batch_id: {} , eval_sample_num: {} ' . format (
train_batch_id , eval_acc , best_eval_acc , best_epoch ,
best_batch_id , eval_sample_num )
logger . info ( strs )
train_batch_id + = 1
except fluid . core . EOFException :
train_loader . reset ( )
2020-05-19 11:32:40 +08:00
if epoch == 0 and save_epoch_step == 1 :
2020-05-19 11:15:51 +08:00
save_path = save_model_dir + " /iter_epoch_0 "
2020-05-26 21:02:27 +08:00
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )
2020-05-10 16:26:57 +08:00
if epoch > 0 and epoch % save_epoch_step == 0 :
save_path = save_model_dir + " /iter_epoch_ %d " % ( epoch )
save_model ( train_info_dict [ ' train_program ' ] , save_path )