The angle classification is used in the scene where the image is not 0 degrees. In this scene, it is necessary to perform a correction operation on the text line detected in the picture. In the PaddleOCR system,
The text line image obtained after text detection is sent to the recognition model after affine transformation. At this time, only a 0 and 180 degree angle classification of the text is required, so the built-in PaddleOCR text angle classifier **only supports 0 and 180 degree classification**. If you want to support more angles, you can modify the algorithm yourself to support.
The default storage path for training data is `PaddleOCR/train_data/cls`, if you already have a dataset on your disk, just create a soft link to the dataset directory:
Write the prepared txt file and image folder path into the configuration file under the `Train/Eval.dataset.label_file_list` and `Train/Eval.dataset.data_dir` fields, the absolute path of the image consists of the `Train/Eval.dataset.data_dir` field and the image name recorded in the txt file.
PaddleOCR provides a variety of data augmentation methods. If you want to add disturbance during training, Please uncomment the `RecAug` and `RandAugment` fields under `Train.dataset.transforms` in the configuration file.
The default perturbation methods are: cvtColor, blur, jitter, Gasuss noise, random crop, perspective, color reverse, RandAugment.
Except for RandAugment, each disturbance method is selected with a 50% probability during the training process. For specific code implementation, please refer to:
PaddleOCR supports alternating training and evaluation. You can modify `eval_batch_step` in `configs/cls/cls_mv3.yml` to set the evaluation frequency. By default, it is evaluated every 1000 iter. The following content will be saved during training:
├── best_accuracy.pdopt # Optimizer parameters for the best model
├── best_accuracy.pdparams # Parameters of the best model
├── best_accuracy.states # Metric info and epochs of the best model
├── config.yml # Configuration file for this experiment
├── latest.pdopt # Optimizer parameters for the latest model
├── latest.pdparams # Parameters of the latest model
├── latest.states # Metric info and epochs of the latest model