Merge pull request #1347 from Evezerest/develop
Enable difficult mode, fix a bug on Mac and update icon
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
getStr = lambda strId: self.stringBundle.getString(strId)
self.defaultSaveDir = defaultSaveDir
self.ocr = PaddleOCR(use_pdserving=False, use_angle_cls=True, det=True, cls=True, use_gpu=False, lang=lang)
self.ocr = PaddleOCR(use_pdserving=False, use_angle_cls=True, det=True, cls=True, use_gpu=True, lang=lang)
if os.path.exists('./data/paddle.png'):
result = self.ocr.ocr('./data/paddle.png', cls=True, det=True)
@ -161,9 +161,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self.AutoRecognition = QToolButton()
# self.AutoRecognition.setIconSize(QSize(100,20))
# self.AutoRecognition.setFixedSize(QSize(80,30))
# self.AutoRecognition.setStyleSheet('text-align:center;')#border:none;font-size : 12pt;
autoRecLayout = QHBoxLayout()
autoRecLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
@ -182,25 +179,17 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
listLayout = QVBoxLayout()
listLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
# Create a widget for edit and diffc button
self.diffcButton = QCheckBox(getStr('useDifficult'))
self.editButton = QToolButton()
self.reRecogButton = QToolButton()
self.reRecogButton.setIcon(newIcon('reRec', 30))
# self.reRecogButton.setFixedSize(QSize(80,30))
self.newButton = QToolButton()
# self.newButton.setFixedSize(QSize(80, 30))
self.SaveButton = QToolButton()
# self.SaveButton.setFixedSize(QSize(60, 30))
self.DelButton = QToolButton()
# self.DelButton.setFixedSize(QSize(80, 30))
lefttoptoolbox = QHBoxLayout()
@ -285,12 +274,9 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self.preButton = QToolButton()
# self.preButton.setFixedHeight(100)
# self.preButton.setText(getStr("prevImg"))
self.preButton.setIconSize(QSize(40, 100))
# self.preButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon)
self.preButton.setStyleSheet('border: none;')
self.iconlist = QListWidget()
@ -299,19 +285,14 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self.iconlist.setIconSize(QSize(50, 50))
# self.iconlist.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.iconitemDoubleClicked)
self.iconlist.setStyleSheet("background-color:transparent; border: none;")
# self.iconlist.setStyleSheet('border: none;')
self.nextButton = QToolButton()
# self.nextButton.setFixedHeight(100)
# self.nextButton.setText(getStr("nextImg"))
self.nextButton.setIcon(newIcon("next", 40))
self.nextButton.setIconSize(QSize(40, 100))
self.nextButton.setStyleSheet('border: none;')
# self.nextButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon)
@ -874,7 +855,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
# shape.line_color = generateColorByText(shape.label)
else: # User probably changed item visibility
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, item.checkState() == Qt.Checked)
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, True)#item.checkState() == Qt.Checked
def editBox(self): # ADD
if not self.canvas.editing():
@ -945,33 +926,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
if len(self.mImgList) > 0:
self.zoomWidget.setValue(self.zoomWidgetValue + self.imgsplider.value())
# Add chris
def btnstate(self, item=None):
""" Function to handle difficult examples
Update on each object """
if not self.canvas.editing():
item = self.currentItem()
if not item: # If not selected Item, take the first one
item = self.labelList.item(self.labelList.count() - 1)
difficult = self.diffcButton.isChecked()
shape = self.itemsToShapes[item]
# Checked and Update
if difficult != shape.difficult:
shape.difficult = difficult
else: # User probably changed item visibility
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, item.checkState() == Qt.Checked)
# React to canvas signals.
def shapeSelectionChanged(self, selected=False):
if self._noSelectionSlot:
@ -993,7 +947,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
shape.paintLabel = self.displayLabelOption.isChecked()
item = HashableQListWidgetItem(shape.label)
item.setFlags(item.flags() | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) if shape.difficult else item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked)
# Checked means difficult is False
# item.setBackground(generateColorByText(shape.label))
self.itemsToShapes[item] = shape
self.shapesToItems[shape] = item
@ -1002,10 +957,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
# ADD for box
item = HashableQListWidgetItem(str([(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in shape.points]))
# item = QListWidgetItem(str([(p.x(), p.y()) for p in shape.points]))
item.setFlags(item.flags() | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
# item.setBackground(generateColorByText(shape.label))
self.itemsToShapesbox[item] = shape
self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] = item
@ -1072,6 +1023,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
# self.comboBox.update_items(uniqueTextList)
def saveLabels(self, annotationFilePath, mode='Auto'):
# Mode is Auto means that labels will be loaded from self.result_dic totally, which is the output of ocr model
annotationFilePath = ustr(annotationFilePath)
if self.labelFile is None:
self.labelFile = LabelFile()
@ -1090,17 +1042,16 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
[format_shape(shape) for shape in self.canvas.shapes]
# Can add differrent annotation formats here
if self.model == 'paddle':
for box in self.result_dic:
trans_dic = {"label": box[1][0], "points": box[0], 'difficult': False}
if trans_dic["label"] is "" and mode == 'Auto':
for box in self.result_dic:
trans_dic = {"label": box[1][0], "points": box[0], 'difficult': False}
if trans_dic["label"] is "" and mode == 'Auto':
trans_dic = []
for box in shapes:
trans_dic.append({"transcription": box['label'], "points": box['points'], 'difficult': False})
trans_dic.append({"transcription": box['label'], "points": box['points'], 'difficult': box['difficult']})
self.PPlabel[annotationFilePath] = trans_dic
if mode == 'Auto':
@ -1127,8 +1078,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self._noSelectionSlot = True
shape = self.itemsToShapes[item]
# Add Chris
def boxSelectionChanged(self):
item = self.currentBox()
@ -1136,8 +1085,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self._noSelectionSlot = True
shape = self.itemsToShapesbox[item]
# Add Chris
def labelItemChanged(self, item):
shape = self.itemsToShapes[item]
@ -1146,8 +1093,12 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
shape.label = item.text()
# shape.line_color = generateColorByText(shape.label)
elif not ((item.checkState()== Qt.Unchecked) ^ (not shape.difficult)):
shape.difficult = True if item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked else False
else: # User probably changed item visibility
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, item.checkState() == Qt.Checked)
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, True) # item.checkState() == Qt.Checked
# Callback functions:
def newShape(self):
@ -1166,8 +1117,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
text = self.labelDialog.popUp(text=self.prevLabelText)
self.lastLabel = text
# Add Chris
if text is not None:
self.prevLabelText = self.stringBundle.getString('tempLabel')
# generate_color = generateColorByText(text)
@ -1264,7 +1213,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
def togglePolygons(self, value):
for item, shape in self.itemsToShapes.items():
item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if value else Qt.Unchecked)
self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, value)
def loadFile(self, filePath=None):
"""Load the specified file, or the last opened file if None."""
@ -1628,6 +1577,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
def saveFile(self, _value=False, mode='Manual'):
# Manual mode is used for users click "Save" manually,which will change the state of the image
if self.defaultSaveDir is not None and len(ustr(self.defaultSaveDir)):
if self.filePath:
imgidx = self.getImglabelidx(self.filePath)
@ -1925,8 +1875,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
self.comboBox = QComboBox()
self.comboBox.addItems(['Chinese & English', 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Korean', 'Japanese'])
# self.comboBox_lg = QComboBox()
# self.comboBox_lg.setObjectName("comboBox_language")
self.dialog = QDialog()
@ -1994,6 +1942,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
file, label = each.split('\t')
if label:
label = label.replace('false', 'False')
label = label.replace('true', 'True')
labeldict[file] = eval(label)
labeldict[file] = []
@ -2004,7 +1953,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
savedfile = [self.getImglabelidx(i) for i in self.fileStatedict.keys()]
with open(self.PPlabelpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for key in self.PPlabel:
if key in savedfile:
if key in savedfile and self.PPlabel[key] != []:
f.write(key + '\t')
f.write(json.dumps(self.PPlabel[key], ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
@ -2032,6 +1981,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow, WindowMixin):
for key in self.fileStatedict:
idx = self.getImglabelidx(key)
for i, label in enumerate(self.PPlabel[idx]):
if label['difficult']: continue
img = cv2.imread(key)
img_crop = get_rotate_crop_image(img, np.array(label['points'], np.float32))
img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(idx))[0] + '_crop_'+str(i)+'.jpg'
@ -2070,8 +2020,7 @@ def get_main_app(argv=[]):
args = argparser.parse_args(argv[1:])
# Usage : image predefClassFile saveDir
win = MainWindow(lang=args.lang,
return app, win
@ -74,18 +74,26 @@ python3
## 说明
### 内置模型
- 默认模型:PPOCRLabel默认使用PaddleOCR中的中英文超轻量OCR模型,支持中英文与数字识别,多种语言检测。
- 模型语言切换:用户可通过菜单栏中 "PaddleOCR" - "选择模型" 切换内置模型语言,目前支持的语言包括法文、德文、韩文、日文。具体模型下载链接可参考[PaddleOCR模型列表](
- 自定义模型:用户可根据[自定义模型代码使用](,通过修改PPOCRLabel.py中针对[PaddleOCR类的实例化](替换成自己训练的模型
- 自定义模型:用户可根据[自定义模型代码使用](,通过修改PPOCRLabel.py中针对[PaddleOCR类的实例化](替换成自己训练的模型。
### 导出部分识别结果
### 错误提示
- 如果同时使用whl包安装了paddleocr,其优先级大于通过paddleocr.py调用PaddleOCR类,whl包未更新时会导致程序异常。
- PPOCRLabel**不支持对中文文件名**的图片进行自动标注。
- 如果您在打开软件过程中出现**objc[XXXXX]**开头的错误,证明您的opencv版本太高,建议安装4.2版本:
pip install opencv-python==
pip install opencv-python==
### 参考资料
1.[Tzutalin. LabelImg. Git code (2015)](
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# PPOCRLabel
PPOCRLabel is a semi-automatic graphic annotation tool suitable for OCR field. It is written in python3 and pyqt5. Support rectangular frame labeling and four-point labeling mode. Annotations can be directly used for the training of PPOCR detection and recognition models.
PPOCRLabel is a semi-automatic graphic annotation tool suitable for OCR field. It is written in python3 and pyqt5, supporting rectangular box annotation and four-point annotation modes. Annotations can be directly used for the training of PPOCR detection and recognition models.
<img src="./data/gif/steps.gif" width="100%"/>
@ -89,14 +89,33 @@ Therefore, if the recognition result has been manually changed before, it may ch
| rec_gt.txt | The recognition label file, which can be directly used for PPOCR identification model training, is generated after the user clicks on the menu bar "PaddleOCR"-"Save recognition result". |
| crop_img | The recognition data, generated at the same time with *rec_gt.txt* |
## Explanation
### Built-in Model
- Default model: PPOCRLabel uses the Chinese and English ultra-lightweight OCR model in PaddleOCR by default, supports Chinese, English and number recognition, and multiple language detection.
- Model language switching: Changing the built-in model language is supportable by clicking "PaddleOCR"-"Choose OCR Model" in the menu bar. Currently supported languagesinclude French, German, Korean, and Japanese.
For specific model download links, please refer to [PaddleOCR Model List](
For specific model download links, please refer to [PaddleOCR Model List](
- Custom model: The model trained by users can be replaced by modifying in [PaddleOCR class instantiation]( referring [Custom Model Code](
### Export partial recognition results
## Related
For some data that are difficult to recognize, the recognition results will not be exported by **unchecking** the corresponding tags in the recognition results checkbox.
*Note: The status of the checkboxes in the recognition results still needs to be saved manually by clicking Save Button.*
### Error message
- If paddleocr is installed with whl, it has a higher priority than calling PaddleOCR class with, which may cause an exception if whl package is not updated.
- If you get an error starting with **objc[XXXXX]** when opening the software, it proves that your opencv version is too high. It is recommended to install version 4.2:
pip install opencv-python==
### Related
1.[Tzutalin. LabelImg. Git code (2015)](
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class Worker(QThread):
self.mImgList = mImgList
self.mainThread = mainThread
self.model = model
def run(self):
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 471 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 58 KiB |
@ -1 +1,27 @@
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