'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = require('react'); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _propTypes = require('prop-types'); var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes); var _componentClasses = require('component-classes'); var _componentClasses2 = _interopRequireDefault(_componentClasses); var _TableRow = require('./TableRow'); var _TableRow2 = _interopRequireDefault(_TableRow); var _TableHeader = require('./TableHeader'); var _TableHeader2 = _interopRequireDefault(_TableHeader); var _utils = require('./lib/utils'); var _shallowequal = require('shallowequal'); var _shallowequal2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowequal); var _addEventListener = require('tinper-bee-core/lib/addEventListener'); var _addEventListener2 = _interopRequireDefault(_addEventListener); var _ColumnManager = require('./ColumnManager'); var _ColumnManager2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ColumnManager); var _createStore = require('./createStore'); var _createStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createStore); var _beeLoading = require('bee-loading'); var _beeLoading2 = _interopRequireDefault(_beeLoading); var _beeIcon = require('bee-icon'); var _beeIcon2 = _interopRequireDefault(_beeIcon); var _i18n = require('./lib/i18n'); var _i18n2 = _interopRequireDefault(_i18n); var _tool = require('bee-locale/build/tool'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } function _defaults(obj, defaults) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(defaults); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(defaults, key); if (value && value.configurable && obj[key] === undefined) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, value); } } return obj; } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : _defaults(subClass, superClass); } var propTypes = { data: _propTypes2["default"].array, expandIconAsCell: _propTypes2["default"].bool, defaultExpandAllRows: _propTypes2["default"].bool, expandedRowKeys: _propTypes2["default"].array, defaultExpandedRowKeys: _propTypes2["default"].array, useFixedHeader: _propTypes2["default"].bool, columns: _propTypes2["default"].array, clsPrefix: _propTypes2["default"].string, bodyStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object, style: _propTypes2["default"].object, //特殊的渲染规则的key值 rowKey: _propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].string, _propTypes2["default"].func]), rowClassName: _propTypes2["default"].func, //column的主键,和 column.key 作用相同 columnKey: _propTypes2["default"].string, expandedRowClassName: _propTypes2["default"].func, childrenColumnName: _propTypes2["default"].string, onExpand: _propTypes2["default"].func, onRowHover: _propTypes2["default"].func, onExpandedRowsChange: _propTypes2["default"].func, indentSize: _propTypes2["default"].number, onRowClick: _propTypes2["default"].func, onRowDoubleClick: _propTypes2["default"].func, expandIconColumnIndex: _propTypes2["default"].number, //是否显示表头 showHeader: _propTypes2["default"].bool, title: _propTypes2["default"].func, footer: _propTypes2["default"].func, emptyText: _propTypes2["default"].func, scroll: _propTypes2["default"].object, rowRef: _propTypes2["default"].func, getBodyWrapper: _propTypes2["default"].func, children: _propTypes2["default"].node, draggable: _propTypes2["default"].bool, minColumnWidth: _propTypes2["default"].number, filterable: _propTypes2["default"].bool, filterDelay: _propTypes2["default"].number, onFilterChange: _propTypes2["default"].func, onFilterClear: _propTypes2["default"].func, syncHover: _propTypes2["default"].bool, tabIndex: _propTypes2["default"].string, hoverContent: _propTypes2["default"].func, size: _propTypes2["default"].oneOf(['sm', 'md', 'lg']), rowDraggAble: _propTypes2["default"].bool, onDropRow: _propTypes2["default"].func, onDragRowStart: _propTypes2["default"].func, onBodyScroll: _propTypes2["default"].func, bodyDisplayInRow: _propTypes2["default"].bool, // 表格内容超出列宽度时进行换行 or 以...形式展现 headerDisplayInRow: _propTypes2["default"].bool, // 表头内容超出列宽度时进行换行 or 以...形式展现 showRowNum: _propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].bool, _propTypes2["default"].object]), // 表格是否自动生成序号,格式为{base:number || 0,defaultKey:string || '_index',defaultName:string || '序号'} onPaste: _propTypes2["default"].func }; var defaultProps = { data: [], useFixedHeader: false, expandIconAsCell: false, defaultExpandAllRows: false, defaultExpandedRowKeys: [], columnKey: 'key', rowKey: 'key', rowClassName: function rowClassName() { return ''; }, expandedRowClassName: function expandedRowClassName() { return ''; }, onExpand: function onExpand() {}, onExpandedRowsChange: function onExpandedRowsChange() {}, onRowClick: function onRowClick() {}, // onRowDoubleClick() { }, clsPrefix: 'u-table', bodyStyle: {}, style: {}, childrenColumnName: 'children', indentSize: 15, expandIconColumnIndex: 0, showHeader: true, scroll: {}, rowRef: function rowRef() { return null; }, getBodyWrapper: function getBodyWrapper(body) { return body; }, // emptyText: () =>
, columns: [], minColumnWidth: 80, locale: {}, syncHover: true, setRowHeight: function setRowHeight() {}, setRowParentIndex: function setRowParentIndex() {}, tabIndex: '0', heightConsistent: false, size: 'md', rowDraggAble: false, onDropRow: function onDropRow() {}, onDragRowStart: function onDragRowStart() {}, onBodyScroll: function onBodyScroll() {}, bodyDisplayInRow: true, headerDisplayInRow: true, showRowNum: false, onPaste: function onPaste() {} }; var expandIconCellWidth = Number(43); var Table = function (_Component) { _inherits(Table, _Component); function Table(props) { _classCallCheck(this, Table); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.call(this, props)); _this.resize = function () { (0, _utils.debounce)(_this.syncFixedTableRowHeight, 150); _this.computeTableWidth(); var renderFlag = _this.state.renderFlag; _this.setState({ renderFlag: !renderFlag }); }; _this.getTableUID = function () { var uid = "_table_uid_" + new Date().getTime(); _this.tableUid = uid; var div = document.createElement("div"); // div.className = "u-table-drag-hidden-cont"; div.className = "u-table-drag-hidden-cont"; div.id = uid; _this.contentTable.appendChild(div); }; _this.onDragRowStart = function (currentKey) { var data = _this.state.data, currentIndex = void 0, record = void 0; data.forEach(function (da, i) { // tr 的唯一标识通过 data.key 或 rowKey 两种方式传进来 var trKey = da.key ? da.key : _this.getRowKey(da, i); if (trKey == currentKey) { currentIndex = i; record = da; } }); _this.props.onDragRowStart && _this.props.onDragRowStart(record, currentIndex); }; _this.onDragRow = function (currentKey, targetKey) { var data = _this.state.data, currentIndex = void 0, targetIndex = void 0, record = void 0; data.forEach(function (da, i) { // tr 的唯一标识通过 data.key 或 rowKey 两种方式传进来 var trKey = da.key ? da.key : _this.getRowKey(da, i); if (trKey == currentKey) { currentIndex = i; record = da; } if (trKey == targetKey) { targetIndex = i; } }); data = _this.swapArray(data, currentIndex, targetIndex); _this.props.onDropRow && _this.props.onDropRow(data, record); _this.setState({ data: data }); }; _this.swapArray = function (arr, index1, index2) { var value1 = arr[index1]; arr.splice(index1, 1); if (index1 < index2) { arr.splice(index2, 0, value1); } else { arr.splice(index2 + 1, 0, value1); } return arr; }; _this.renderDragHideTable = function () { var _this$props = _this.props, columns = _this$props.columns, dragborder = _this$props.dragborder, dragborderKey = _this$props.dragborderKey; if (!dragborder) return null; var sum = 0; return _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { id: 'u-table-drag-hide-table-' + dragborderKey, className: _this.props.clsPrefix + '-hiden-drag' }, columns.map(function (da, i) { sum += da.width ? da.width : 0; return _react2["default"].createElement('div', { className: _this.props.clsPrefix + '-hiden-drag-li', key: da + "_hiden_" + i, style: { left: sum + "px" } }); }) ); }; _this.getTdPadding = function (td) { var tdPaddingTop = _this.getStyle(td, 'paddingTop'), tdPaddingBottom = _this.getStyle(td, 'paddingBottom'), tdBorderTop = _this.getStyle(td, 'borderTopWidth'), tdBorderBottom = _this.getStyle(td, 'borderBottomWidth'); return Number(tdPaddingTop.replace('px', '')) + Number(tdPaddingBottom.replace('px', '')) + Number(tdBorderTop.replace('px', '')) + Number(tdBorderBottom.replace('px', '')); }; _this.onRowHoverMouseEnter = function () { _this.store.setState({ currentHoverKey: _this.currentHoverKey }); _this.hoverDom.style.display = 'block'; }; _this.onRowHoverMouseLeave = function () {}; _this.onFocus = function (e) { _this.props.onKeyTab && _this.props.onKeyTab(); }; _this.onKeyDown = function (e) { var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e); // event.preventDefault?event.preventDefault():event.returnValue = false; if (event.keyCode === 38) { //up event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); _this.props.onKeyUp && _this.props.onKeyUp(); } else if (event.keyCode === 40) { //down event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); _this.props.onKeyDown && _this.props.onKeyDown(); } _this.props.onTableKeyDown && _this.props.onTableKeyDown(); }; var expandedRowKeys = []; var rows = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(props.data)); _this.columnManager = new _ColumnManager2["default"](props.columns, props.children, props.originWidth, props.rowDraggAble, props.showRowNum); // 加入props.showRowNum参数 _this.store = (0, _createStore2["default"])({ currentHoverKey: null }); _this.firstDid = true; if (props.defaultExpandAllRows) { for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; expandedRowKeys.push(_this.getRowKey(row, i)); rows = rows.concat(row[props.childrenColumnName] || []); } } else { expandedRowKeys = props.expandedRowKeys || props.defaultExpandedRowKeys; } _this.state = { expandedRowKeys: expandedRowKeys, data: props.data, currentHoverKey: null, scrollPosition: 'left', fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight: [], fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight: [], fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight: {} //扩展行的高度 }; _this.onExpandedRowsChange = _this.onExpandedRowsChange.bind(_this); _this.onExpanded = _this.onExpanded.bind(_this); _this.onRowDestroy = _this.onRowDestroy.bind(_this); _this.getRowKey = _this.getRowKey.bind(_this); _this.getExpandedRows = _this.getExpandedRows.bind(_this); _this.getHeader = _this.getHeader.bind(_this); _this.getHeaderRows = _this.getHeaderRows.bind(_this); _this.getExpandedRow = _this.getExpandedRow.bind(_this); _this.getRowsByData = _this.getRowsByData.bind(_this); _this.getRows = _this.getRows.bind(_this); _this.getColGroup = _this.getColGroup.bind(_this); _this.getLeftFixedTable = _this.getLeftFixedTable.bind(_this); _this.getRightFixedTable = _this.getRightFixedTable.bind(_this); _this.getTable = _this.getTable.bind(_this); _this.getTitle = _this.getTitle.bind(_this); _this.getFooter = _this.getFooter.bind(_this); _this.getEmptyText = _this.getEmptyText.bind(_this); _this.getHeaderRowStyle = _this.getHeaderRowStyle.bind(_this); _this.syncFixedTableRowHeight = _this.syncFixedTableRowHeight.bind(_this); _this.resetScrollX = _this.resetScrollX.bind(_this); _this.findExpandedRow = _this.findExpandedRow.bind(_this); _this.isRowExpanded = _this.isRowExpanded.bind(_this); _this.detectScrollTarget = _this.detectScrollTarget.bind(_this); _this.handleBodyScroll = _this.handleBodyScroll.bind(_this); _this.handleRowHover = _this.handleRowHover.bind(_this); _this.computeTableWidth = _this.computeTableWidth.bind(_this); _this.onBodyMouseLeave = _this.onBodyMouseLeave.bind(_this); _this.tableUid = null; _this.contentTable = null; _this.leftColumnsLength; //左侧固定列的长度 _this.centerColumnsLength; //非固定列的长度 _this.columnsChildrenList = []; //复杂表头、所有叶子节点 return _this; } Table.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() { this.centerColumnsLength = this.columnManager.centerColumns().length; this.leftColumnsLength = this.columnManager.leftColumns().length; }; Table.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() { this.getTableUID(); _utils.EventUtil.addHandler(this.contentTable, 'keydown', this.onKeyDown); _utils.EventUtil.addHandler(this.contentTable, 'focus', this.onFocus); setTimeout(this.resetScrollX, 300); //含有纵向滚动条 // if(this.props.scroll.y){ this.scrollbarWidth = (0, _utils.measureScrollbar)(); // } //后续也放在recevice里面 if (!this.props.originWidth) { this.computeTableWidth(); } if (this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed()) { this.syncFixedTableRowHeight(); this.resizeEvent = (0, _addEventListener2["default"])(window, 'resize', this.resize); } }; Table.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { var _props = this.props, rowDraggAble = _props.rowDraggAble, showRowNum = _props.showRowNum; if ('data' in nextProps) { this.setState({ data: nextProps.data }); } if ('expandedRowKeys' in nextProps) { this.setState({ expandedRowKeys: nextProps.expandedRowKeys }); } if (nextProps.columns && nextProps.columns !== this.props.columns) { this.columnManager.reset(nextProps.columns, null, showRowNum, rowDraggAble); // 加入this.props.showRowNum参数 if (nextProps.columns.length !== this.props.columns.length && this.refs && this.bodyTable) { this.scrollTop = this.bodyTable.scrollTop; } } else if (nextProps.children !== this.props.children) { this.columnManager.reset(null, nextProps.children, showRowNum, rowDraggAble); // 加入this.props.showRowNum参数 } //适配lazyload if (nextProps.scrollTop > -1) { // this.bodyTable.scrollTop = nextProps.scrollTop; this.scrollTop = nextProps.scrollTop; } // fix:模态框中使用table,计算的滚动条宽度为0的bug // fix:表格首次渲染时 display:none,再显示时,未重新计算,导致表行出现错位的bug if (this.scrollbarWidth <= 0 && this.props.scroll.y) { this.scrollbarWidth = (0, _utils.measureScrollbar)(); } if (!nextProps.originWidth) { this.computeTableWidth(); this.firstDid = true; //避免重复update } if (nextProps.resetScroll) { this.resetScrollX(); } // console.log('this.scrollTop**********',this.scrollTop); }; Table.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { // todo: IE 大数据渲染,行高不固定,且设置了 heightConsistent={true} 时,滚动加载操作会导致 ie11 浏览器崩溃 // https://github.com/tinper-bee/bee-table/commit/bd2092cdbaad236ff89477304e58dea93325bf09 if (this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed()) { this.syncFixedTableRowHeight(); } //适应模态框中表格、以及父容器宽度变化的情况 if (typeof this.props.scroll.x !== 'number' && this.contentTable.getBoundingClientRect().width !== this.contentDomWidth && this.firstDid) { this.computeTableWidth(); this.firstDid = false; //避免重复update } if (this.scrollTop > -1) { this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft && (this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft.scrollTop = this.scrollTop); this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight && (this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight.scrollTop = this.scrollTop); this.bodyTable.scrollTop = this.scrollTop; this.scrollTop = -1; } if (prevProps.data.length === 0 || this.props.data.length === 0) { this.resetScrollX(); } // 是否传入 scroll中的y属性,如果传入判断是否是整数,如果是则进行比较 。bodyTable 的clientHeight进行判断 this.isShowScrollY(); }; Table.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() { // 移除绑定事件,避免内存泄漏 this.contentTable = null; _utils.EventUtil.removeHandler(this.contentTable, 'keydown', this.onKeyDown); _utils.EventUtil.removeHandler(this.contentTable, 'focus', this.onFocus); if (this.resizeEvent) { this.resizeEvent.remove(); } }; Table.prototype.computeTableWidth = function computeTableWidth() { var expandIconAsCell = this.props.expandIconAsCell; //如果用户传了scroll.x按用户传的为主 var setWidthParam = this.props.scroll.x; if (typeof setWidthParam == 'number') { var numSetWidthParam = parseInt(setWidthParam); this.contentWidth = numSetWidthParam; } else { // this.preContentDomWidth = this.contentDomWidth; //计算总表格宽度、根据表格宽度和各列的宽度和比较,重置最后一列 this.contentDomWidth = this.contentTable.getBoundingClientRect().width; //表格容器宽度 this.contentWidth = this.contentDomWidth; //默认与容器宽度一样 } var computeObj = this.columnManager.getColumnWidth(this.contentWidth); var expandColWidth = expandIconAsCell ? expandIconCellWidth : 0; var lastShowIndex = computeObj.lastShowIndex; this.computeWidth = computeObj.computeWidth + expandColWidth; this.domWidthDiff = this.contentDomWidth - this.computeWidth; if (typeof setWidthParam == 'string' && setWidthParam.indexOf('%')) { this.contentWidth = this.contentWidth * parseInt(setWidthParam) / 100; this.domWidthDiff = this.contentDomWidth - this.contentWidth; } if (this.computeWidth < this.contentWidth) { var contentWidthDiff = this.scrollbarWidth ? this.contentWidth - this.computeWidth - this.scrollbarWidth : this.contentWidth - this.computeWidth; //bordered的表格需要减去边框的差值1 if (this.props.bordered) { contentWidthDiff = contentWidthDiff - 1; } this.setState({ contentWidthDiff: contentWidthDiff, lastShowIndex: lastShowIndex }); } else { this.contentWidth = this.computeWidth; this.setState({ contentWidthDiff: 0, lastShowIndex: lastShowIndex }); //重新渲染,为了显示滚动条 } }; //根据内容动态的判断是否显示纵向滚动条 Table.prototype.isShowScrollY = function isShowScrollY() { var props = this.props; var y = props.scroll && props.scroll.y; if (y) { var bodyH = this.bodyTable.clientHeight; var bodyContentH = this.bodyTable.querySelector('table').clientHeight; var rightBodyTable = this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight; // const leftBodyTable = this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft; var overflowy = bodyContentH <= bodyH ? 'auto' : 'scroll'; this.bodyTable.style.overflowY = overflowy; this.headTable.style.overflowY = overflowy; rightBodyTable && (rightBodyTable.style.overflowY = overflowy); // 没有纵向滚动条时,表头横向滚动条根据内容动态显示 待验证 // if(overflowy == 'auto'){ // this.fixedHeadTable && (this.fixedHeadTable.style.overflowX = 'auto'); // rightBodyTable && (rightBodyTable.style.overflowX = 'auto'); // leftBodyTable && (leftBodyTable.style.overflowX = 'auto'); // } } }; Table.prototype.onExpandedRowsChange = function onExpandedRowsChange(expandedRowKeys) { if (!this.props.expandedRowKeys) { this.setState({ expandedRowKeys: expandedRowKeys }); } this.props.onExpandedRowsChange(expandedRowKeys); }; Table.prototype.onExpanded = function onExpanded(expanded, record, index, e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } var info = this.findExpandedRow(record); if (typeof info !== 'undefined' && !expanded) { this.onRowDestroy(record, index, true); } else if (!info && expanded) { var expandedRows = this.getExpandedRows().concat(); expandedRows.push(this.getRowKey(record, index)); this.onExpandedRowsChange(expandedRows); } this.props.onExpand(expanded, record, index); }; Table.prototype.onRowDestroy = function onRowDestroy(record, rowIndex, isExpandOperation) { var expandedRows = this.getExpandedRows().concat(); var rowKey = this.getRowKey(record, rowIndex); var index = -1; expandedRows.forEach(function (r, i) { if (r === rowKey) { index = i; } }); if (index !== -1) { expandedRows.splice(index, 1); } // if (this.currentHoverKey == rowKey && this.hoverDom) { this.hoverDom.style.display = 'none'; } // todo:如果是TableRow组件卸载触发的该方法,需要加判断,解决懒加载时,持续触发onExpandedRowsChange的问题 if (isExpandOperation) { this.onExpandedRowsChange(expandedRows); } else { var info = this.findExpandedRow(record); if (typeof info === 'undefined') { this.onExpandedRowsChange(expandedRows); } } }; Table.prototype.getRowKey = function getRowKey(record, index) { var rowKey = this.props.rowKey; var key = typeof rowKey === 'function' ? rowKey(record, index) : record[rowKey]; (0, _utils.warningOnce)(key !== undefined, 'Each record in table should have a unique `key` prop,' + 'or set `rowKey` to an unique primary key.'); return key; }; Table.prototype.getExpandedRows = function getExpandedRows() { return this.props.expandedRowKeys || this.state.expandedRowKeys; }; Table.prototype.getHeader = function getHeader(columns, fixed, leftFixedWidth, rightFixedWidth) { var lastShowIndex = this.state.lastShowIndex; var _props2 = this.props, filterDelay = _props2.filterDelay, onFilterChange = _props2.onFilterChange, onFilterClear = _props2.onFilterClear, filterable = _props2.filterable, showHeader = _props2.showHeader, expandIconAsCell = _props2.expandIconAsCell, clsPrefix = _props2.clsPrefix, onDragStart = _props2.onDragStart, onDragEnter = _props2.onDragEnter, onDragOver = _props2.onDragOver, onDrop = _props2.onDrop, onDragEnd = _props2.onDragEnd, draggable = _props2.draggable, onMouseDown = _props2.onMouseDown, onMouseMove = _props2.onMouseMove, onMouseUp = _props2.onMouseUp, dragborder = _props2.dragborder, onThMouseMove = _props2.onThMouseMove, dragborderKey = _props2.dragborderKey, minColumnWidth = _props2.minColumnWidth, headerHeight = _props2.headerHeight, afterDragColWidth = _props2.afterDragColWidth, headerScroll = _props2.headerScroll, bordered = _props2.bordered, onDropBorder = _props2.onDropBorder, onDraggingBorder = _props2.onDraggingBorder; this.columnsChildrenList = []; //复杂表头拖拽,重新render表头前,将其置空 var rows = this.getHeaderRows(columns); if (expandIconAsCell && fixed !== 'right') { rows[0].unshift({ key: 'u-table-expandIconAsCell', className: clsPrefix + '-expand-icon-th', title: '', rowSpan: rows.length, width: expandIconCellWidth }); this.columnsChildrenList.unshift({ className: "u-table-expand-icon-column", key: "expand-icon" }); } var trStyle = headerHeight && !fixed ? { height: headerHeight } : fixed ? this.getHeaderRowStyle(columns, rows) : null; var drop = draggable ? { onDragStart: onDragStart, onDragOver: onDragOver, onDrop: onDrop, onDragEnd: onDragEnd, onDragEnter: onDragEnter, draggable: draggable } : {}; var dragBorder = dragborder ? { onMouseDown: onMouseDown, onMouseMove: onMouseMove, onMouseUp: onMouseUp, dragborder: dragborder, onThMouseMove: onThMouseMove, dragborderKey: dragborderKey, onDropBorder: onDropBorder, onDraggingBorder: onDraggingBorder } : {}; var contentWidthDiff = 0; //非固定表格,宽度不够时自动扩充 if (!fixed) { contentWidthDiff = this.state.contentWidthDiff; } return showHeader ? _react2["default"].createElement(_TableHeader2["default"], _extends({}, drop, dragBorder, { columnsChildrenList: this.columnsChildrenList, locale: this.props.locale, minColumnWidth: minColumnWidth, contentWidthDiff: contentWidthDiff, contentWidth: this.contentWidth, lastShowIndex: expandIconAsCell ? parseInt(lastShowIndex) + 1 : lastShowIndex, clsPrefix: clsPrefix, rows: rows, contentTable: this.contentTable, rowStyle: trStyle, fixed: fixed, filterable: filterable, onFilterChange: onFilterChange, onFilterClear: onFilterClear, filterDelay: filterDelay, afterDragColWidth: afterDragColWidth, contentDomWidth: this.contentDomWidth, scrollbarWidth: this.scrollbarWidth, headerScroll: headerScroll, bordered: bordered, leftFixedWidth: leftFixedWidth, rightFixedWidth: rightFixedWidth })) : null; }; Table.prototype.getHeaderRows = function getHeaderRows(columns) { var _this2 = this; var currentRow = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; var rows = arguments[2]; var columnKey = this.props.columnKey; var _state = this.state, _state$contentWidthDi = _state.contentWidthDiff, contentWidthDiff = _state$contentWidthDi === undefined ? 0 : _state$contentWidthDi, _state$lastShowIndex = _state.lastShowIndex, lastShowIndex = _state$lastShowIndex === undefined ? -1 : _state$lastShowIndex; var filterCol = []; rows = rows || []; rows[currentRow] = rows[currentRow] || []; columns.forEach(function (column, i) { if (!column.key) { column.key = column[columnKey]; } if (column.rowSpan && rows.length < column.rowSpan) { while (rows.length < column.rowSpan) { rows.push([]); } } var width = column.width; if (typeof width == 'string' && width.indexOf('%') > -1 && _this2.contentWidth) { width = parseInt(_this2.contentWidth * parseInt(width) / 100); } else if (width) { width = parseInt(width); } if (!column.fixed && lastShowIndex == i && width) { width = width + contentWidthDiff; } var cell = { key: column.key, className: column.className || '', children: column.title, drgHover: column.drgHover, fixed: column.fixed, width: width, dataindex: column.dataIndex, textAlign: column.textAlign, titleAlign: column.titleAlign, // 标题水平对齐方式 required: column.required // 标题是否展示必填标志 }; if (column.onHeadCellClick) { cell.onClick = column.onHeadCellClick; } if (column.children) { _this2.getHeaderRows(column.children, currentRow + 1, rows); } else { _this2.columnsChildrenList.push(column); //复杂表头拖拽,所有叶子节点 } if ('colSpan' in column) { cell.colSpan = column.colSpan; } if ('rowSpan' in column) { cell.rowSpan = column.rowSpan; } if (cell.colSpan !== 0) { rows[currentRow].push(cell); } //判断是否启用过滤 if (_this2.props.filterable) { //组装Filter需要的Col filterCol.push({ key: column.key, children: "过滤渲染", width: column.width, filtertype: column.filterType, //下拉的类型 包括['text','dropdown','date','daterange','number'] dataindex: column.dataIndex, //field datasource: _this2.props.data, //需要单独拿到数据处理 format: column.format, //设置日期的格式 filterdropdown: column.filterDropdown, //是否显示 show hide filterdropdownauto: column.filterDropdownAuto, //是否自定义数据 filterdropdowndata: column.filterDropdownData, //自定义数据格式 filterdropdownfocus: column.filterDropdownFocus, //焦点触发函数回调 filterdropdowntype: column.filterDropdownType, //下拉的类型分为 String,Number 默认是String filterdropdownincludekeys: column.filterDropdownIncludeKeys, //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示 filterinputnumberoptions: column.filterInputNumberOptions //设置数值框内的详细属性 }); } }); if (this.props.filterable) { rows.push(filterCol); } return rows.filter(function (row) { return row.length > 0; }); }; Table.prototype.getExpandedRow = function getExpandedRow(key, content, visible, className, fixed) { var _props3 = this.props, clsPrefix = _props3.clsPrefix, expandIconAsCell = _props3.expandIconAsCell, onPaste = _props3.onPaste; var colCount = void 0; if (fixed === 'left') { colCount = this.columnManager.leftLeafColumns().length; } else if (fixed === 'right') { colCount = this.columnManager.rightLeafColumns().length; } else { colCount = this.columnManager.centerColumns().length; //计算非固定列的个数,fix: 嵌套表格场景,右侧列断开的问题 } var expandedRowHeight = this.state.fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight[key] || 'auto'; function contentContainer() { if (content && content.props && content.props.style) { return _react2["default"].createElement('div', { style: { height: content.props.style.height } }); } else { return ' '; } } var columns = [{ key: 'extra-row', render: function render() { return { props: { colSpan: colCount }, children: !fixed ? content : contentContainer() }; } }]; if (expandIconAsCell && fixed !== 'right') { columns.unshift({ key: 'expand-icon-placeholder', render: function render() { return null; } }); } return _react2["default"].createElement(_TableRow2["default"], { onPaste: onPaste, columns: columns, visible: visible, className: className, key: key + '-extra-row', clsPrefix: clsPrefix + '-expanded-row', indent: 1, expandable: false, store: this.store, dragborderKey: this.props.dragborderKey, rowDraggAble: this.props.rowDraggAble, useDragHandle: this.props.useDragHandle, onDragRow: this.onDragRow, onDragRowStart: this.onDragRowStart, height: expandedRowHeight }); }; /** * 行拖拽开始时触发 * @param currentKey 当前拖拽目标的key */ /** * 行拖拽结束时触发 * @param currentKey 当前拖拽目标的key * @param targetKey 拖拽结束时,目标位置的key */ /** * 数组元素交换位置 * @param {array} arr 数组 * @param {number} index1 添加项目的位置 * @param {number} index2 删除项目的位置 */ /** * * * @param {*} data * @param {*} visible * @param {*} indent 层级 * @param {*} columns * @param {*} fixed * @param {number} [rootIndex=-1] 祖级节点 * @returns * @memberof Table */ Table.prototype.getRowsByData = function getRowsByData(data, visible, indent, columns, fixed) { var rootIndex = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : -1; var props = this.props; var childrenColumnName = props.childrenColumnName; var expandedRowRender = props.expandedRowRender; var expandRowByClick = props.expandRowByClick; var onPaste = props.onPaste; var fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight = this.state.fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight; var rst = []; var height = void 0; var rowClassName = props.rowClassName; var rowRef = props.rowRef; var expandedRowClassName = props.expandedRowClassName; var needIndentSpaced = props.data.some(function (record) { return record[childrenColumnName]; }); var onRowClick = props.onRowClick; var onRowDoubleClick = props.onRowDoubleClick; var expandIconAsCell = fixed !== 'right' ? props.expandIconAsCell : false; var expandIconColumnIndex = props.expandIconColumnIndex; if (props.lazyLoad && props.lazyLoad.preHeight && indent == 0) { rst.push(_react2["default"].createElement(_TableRow2["default"], { onPaste: onPaste, height: props.lazyLoad.preHeight, columns: [], className: '', key: 'table_row_first', store: this.store, visible: true })); } var lazyCurrentIndex = props.lazyLoad && props.lazyLoad.startIndex ? props.lazyLoad.startIndex : 0; var lazyParentIndex = props.lazyLoad && props.lazyLoad.startParentIndex ? props.lazyLoad.startParentIndex : 0; var lazyEndIndex = props.lazyLoad && props.lazyLoad.endIndex ? props.lazyLoad.endIndex : -1; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var isHiddenExpandIcon = void 0; var record = data[i]; var key = this.getRowKey(record, i); // 兼容 NCC 以前的业务逻辑,支持外部通过 record 中的 isleaf 字段,判断是否为叶子节点 record['_isLeaf'] = typeof record['isleaf'] === 'boolean' ? record['isleaf'] : record['_isLeaf']; // _isLeaf 字段是在 bigData 里添加的,只有层级树大数据场景需要该字段 // _isLeaf 有三种取值情况:true / false / null。(Table内部字段) var _isLeaf = typeof record['_isLeaf'] === 'boolean' ? record['_isLeaf'] : null; var childrenColumn = _isLeaf ? false : record[childrenColumnName]; var isRowExpanded = this.isRowExpanded(record, i); var expandedRowContent = void 0; var expandedContentHeight = 0; //fixedIndex一般是跟index是一个值的,只有是树结构时,会讲子节点的值也累计上 var fixedIndex = i; //判断是否是tree结构 if (this.treeType) { fixedIndex = this.treeRowIndex; } if (expandedRowRender && isRowExpanded) { expandedRowContent = expandedRowRender(record, fixedIndex + lazyCurrentIndex, indent); expandedContentHeight = parseInt(expandedRowContent.props && expandedRowContent.props.style && expandedRowContent.props.style.height ? expandedRowContent.props.style.height : 0); } //只有当使用expandedRowRender参数的时候才去识别isHiddenExpandIcon(隐藏行展开的icon) if (expandedRowRender && typeof props.haveExpandIcon == 'function') { isHiddenExpandIcon = props.haveExpandIcon(record, i); } var onHoverProps = {}; onHoverProps.onHover = this.handleRowHover; if (props.bodyDisplayInRow && props.height) { height = props.height; } else if (fixed || props.heightConsistent) { height = fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight[fixedIndex]; } var leafColumns = void 0; if (fixed === 'left') { leafColumns = this.columnManager.leftLeafColumns(); } else if (fixed === 'right') { leafColumns = this.columnManager.rightLeafColumns(); } else { leafColumns = this.columnManager.leafColumns(); } var className = rowClassName(record, fixedIndex + lazyCurrentIndex, indent); //合计代码如果是最后一行并且有合计功能时,最后一行为合计列 if (i == data.length - 1 && props.showSum) { className = className + ' sumrow'; } var paramRootIndex = rootIndex; //小于0说明为第一层节点,她的子孙节点要保存自己的根节点 if (paramRootIndex < 0) { paramRootIndex = i + lazyParentIndex; } var index = i; if (rootIndex == -1) { index = i + lazyParentIndex; } rst.push(_react2["default"].createElement(_TableRow2["default"], _extends({ onPaste: onPaste, indent: indent, indentSize: props.indentSize, needIndentSpaced: needIndentSpaced, className: className + ' ' + (props.rowDraggAble && !props.useDragHandle ? 'row-dragg-able ' : ''), record: record, expandIconAsCell: expandIconAsCell, onDestroy: this.onRowDestroy, index: index, visible: visible, expandRowByClick: expandRowByClick, onExpand: this.onExpanded, expandable: expandedRowRender || (childrenColumn && childrenColumn.length > 0 ? true : _isLeaf === false), expanded: isRowExpanded, clsPrefix: props.clsPrefix + '-row', childrenColumnName: childrenColumnName, columns: leafColumns, expandIconColumnIndex: expandIconColumnIndex, onRowClick: onRowClick, onRowDoubleClick: onRowDoubleClick, height: height, isHiddenExpandIcon: isHiddenExpandIcon }, onHoverProps, { key: "table_row_" + key + "_" + index, hoverKey: key, ref: rowRef, store: this.store, fixed: fixed, expandedContentHeight: expandedContentHeight, setRowHeight: props.setRowHeight, setRowParentIndex: props.setRowParentIndex, treeType: childrenColumn || this.treeType ? true : false, fixedIndex: fixedIndex + lazyCurrentIndex, rootIndex: rootIndex, syncHover: props.syncHover, bodyDisplayInRow: props.bodyDisplayInRow, rowDraggAble: props.rowDraggAble, useDragHandle: props.useDragHandle, onDragRow: this.onDragRow, onDragRowStart: this.onDragRowStart, contentTable: this.contentTable, tableUid: this.tableUid, expandedIcon: props.expandedIcon, collapsedIcon: props.collapsedIcon, lazyStartIndex: lazyCurrentIndex, lazyEndIndex: lazyEndIndex, centerColumnsLength: this.centerColumnsLength, leftColumnsLength: this.leftColumnsLength, expandIconCellWidth: expandIconCellWidth }))); this.treeRowIndex++; var subVisible = visible && isRowExpanded; if (expandedRowContent && isRowExpanded) { rst.push(this.getExpandedRow(key, expandedRowContent, subVisible, expandedRowClassName(record, i, indent), fixed)); } if (childrenColumn) { this.isTreeType = true; //增加该标志位,为了兼容老版本,不修改以前的 `this.treeType` 的相关逻辑 this.treeType = true; //证明是tree表形式visible = {true} rst = rst.concat(this.getRowsByData(childrenColumn, subVisible, indent + 1, columns, fixed, paramRootIndex)); } } if (props.lazyLoad && props.lazyLoad.sufHeight && indent == 0) { rst.push(_react2["default"].createElement(_TableRow2["default"], { onPaste: onPaste, height: props.lazyLoad.sufHeight, key: 'table_row_end', columns: [], className: '', store: this.store, visible: true })); } if (!this.isTreeType) { this.treeType = false; } return rst; }; Table.prototype.getRows = function getRows(columns, fixed) { //统计index,只有含有树表结构才有用,因为树表结构时,固定列的索引取值有问题 this.treeRowIndex = 0; //每次遍历 data 前,将this.isTreeType置为 false,若遍历完 data,此变量仍为 false,说明是普通表格 this.isTreeType = false; var rs = this.getRowsByData(this.state.data, true, 0, columns, fixed); return rs; }; Table.prototype.getColGroup = function getColGroup(columns, fixed) { var _this3 = this; var cols = []; var self = this; var _state2 = this.state, _state2$contentWidthD = _state2.contentWidthDiff, contentWidthDiff = _state2$contentWidthD === undefined ? 0 : _state2$contentWidthD, _state2$lastShowIndex = _state2.lastShowIndex, lastShowIndex = _state2$lastShowIndex === undefined ? 0 : _state2$lastShowIndex; if (this.props.expandIconAsCell && fixed !== 'right') { cols.push(_react2["default"].createElement('col', { className: this.props.clsPrefix + '-expand-icon-col', key: 'u-table-expand-icon-col' })); } var leafColumns = void 0; if (fixed === 'left') { contentWidthDiff = 0; leafColumns = this.columnManager.leftLeafColumns(); } else if (fixed === 'right') { contentWidthDiff = 0; leafColumns = this.columnManager.rightLeafColumns(); } else { leafColumns = this.columnManager.leafColumns(); } cols = cols.concat(leafColumns.map(function (c, i, arr) { var fixedClass = ''; var width = c.width; if (typeof width == 'string' && width.indexOf('%') > -1 && self.contentWidth) { width = parseInt(self.contentWidth * parseInt(width) / 100); } else if (width) { width = parseInt(width); } if (lastShowIndex == i && width) { width = width + contentWidthDiff; } if (!fixed && c.fixed) { fixedClass = ' ' + _this3.props.clsPrefix + '-row-fixed-columns-in-body'; } return _react2["default"].createElement('col', { key: c.key, style: { width: width, minWidth: c.width }, className: fixedClass }); })); return _react2["default"].createElement( 'colgroup', { id: 'bee-table-colgroup' }, cols ); }; Table.prototype.getLeftFixedTable = function getLeftFixedTable() { return this.getTable({ columns: this.columnManager.leftColumns(), fixed: 'left' }); }; Table.prototype.getRightFixedTable = function getRightFixedTable() { return this.getTable({ columns: this.columnManager.rightColumns(), fixed: 'right' }); }; Table.prototype.getTable = function getTable() { var _this4 = this; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var columns = options.columns, fixed = options.fixed; var _props4 = this.props, clsPrefix = _props4.clsPrefix, _props4$scroll = _props4.scroll, scroll = _props4$scroll === undefined ? {} : _props4$scroll, getBodyWrapper = _props4.getBodyWrapper, footerScroll = _props4.footerScroll, headerScroll = _props4.headerScroll, _props4$hideHeaderScr = _props4.hideHeaderScroll, hideHeaderScroll = _props4$hideHeaderScr === undefined ? false : _props4$hideHeaderScr, expandIconAsCell = _props4.expandIconAsCell; var _props5 = this.props, useFixedHeader = _props5.useFixedHeader, data = _props5.data; var bodyStyle = _extends({}, this.props.bodyStyle); // 这里为什么不写在上面? var headStyle = {}; var innerBodyStyle = {}; var leftFixedWidth = this.columnManager.getLeftColumnsWidth(this.contentWidth); var rightFixedWidth = this.columnManager.getRightColumnsWidth(this.contentWidth); var tableClassName = ''; //表格元素的宽度大于容器的宽度也显示滚动条 if (scroll.x || fixed || this.contentDomWidth < this.contentWidth) { tableClassName = clsPrefix + '-fixed'; //没有数据并且含有顶部菜单时 if (this.props.data.length == 0 && this.props.headerScroll) { bodyStyle.overflowX = 'hidden'; } if (!footerScroll) { bodyStyle.overflowX = bodyStyle.overflowX || 'auto'; } } if (scroll.y) { // maxHeight will make fixed-Table scrolling not working // so we only set maxHeight to body-Table here if (fixed) { // bodyStyle.height = bodyStyle.height || scroll.y; innerBodyStyle.maxHeight = bodyStyle.maxHeight || scroll.y; innerBodyStyle.overflowY = bodyStyle.overflowY || 'scroll'; } else { bodyStyle.maxHeight = bodyStyle.maxHeight || scroll.y; } bodyStyle.overflowY = bodyStyle.overflowY || 'scroll'; useFixedHeader = true; // Add negative margin bottom for scroll bar overflow bug var scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth; if (scrollbarWidth >= 0) { (fixed ? bodyStyle : headStyle).paddingBottom = '0px'; //显示表头滚动条 if (headerScroll) { if (fixed) { if (this.domWidthDiff <= 0) { headStyle.marginBottom = scrollbarWidth + 'px'; bodyStyle.marginBottom = '-' + scrollbarWidth + 'px'; } else { innerBodyStyle.overflowX = 'auto'; } } else { //内容少,不用显示滚动条 if (this.domWidthDiff > 0) { headStyle.overflowX = 'hidden'; } headStyle.marginBottom = '0px'; } } else { if (fixed) { if (this.domWidthDiff > 0) { headStyle.overflow = 'hidden'; innerBodyStyle.overflowX = 'auto'; //兼容expand场景、子表格含有固定列的场景 } else { bodyStyle.marginBottom = '-' + scrollbarWidth + 'px'; } } else { // 没有数据时,表头滚动条隐藏问题 if (data.length == 0 && this.domWidthDiff < 0) { headStyle.marginBottom = '0px'; } else { headStyle.marginBottom = '-' + scrollbarWidth + 'px'; } } } } } if (data.length == 0 && hideHeaderScroll) { //支持 NCC 需求:表格无数据时,去掉表头滚动条 (https://github.com/iuap-design/tinper-bee/issues/207) headStyle.marginBottom = '-' + this.scrollbarWidth + 'px'; } var renderTable = function renderTable() { var hasHead = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var hasBody = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true; var tableStyle = {}; if (!fixed && scroll.x) { // not set width, then use content fixed width if (scroll.x === true) { tableStyle.tableLayout = 'fixed'; } else { tableStyle.width = _this4.contentWidth - _this4.columnManager.getLeftColumnsWidth(_this4.contentWidth) - _this4.columnManager.getRightColumnsWidth(_this4.contentWidth); } } // 自动出现滚动条 if (!fixed && _this4.contentDomWidth < _this4.contentWidth) { tableStyle.width = _this4.contentWidth - _this4.columnManager.getLeftColumnsWidth(_this4.contentWidth) - _this4.columnManager.getRightColumnsWidth(_this4.contentWidth); } var tableBody = hasBody ? getBodyWrapper(_react2["default"].createElement( 'tbody', { className: clsPrefix + '-tbody', onMouseLeave: _this4.onBodyMouseLeave }, _this4.getRows(columns, fixed) )) : null; var _drag_class = _this4.props.dragborder ? "table-drag-bordered" : ""; return _react2["default"].createElement( 'table', { className: ' ' + tableClassName + ' table-bordered ' + _drag_class + ' ', style: tableStyle }, _this4.getColGroup(columns, fixed), hasHead ? _this4.getHeader(columns, fixed, leftFixedWidth, rightFixedWidth) : null, tableBody ); }; var headTable = void 0; if (useFixedHeader) { headTable = _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-header', ref: function ref(el) { fixed ? _this4.fixedHeadTable = el : _this4.headTable = el; }, style: headStyle, onMouseOver: this.detectScrollTarget, onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget, onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll }, renderTable(true, false) ); } var BodyTable = _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-body', style: bodyStyle, ref: function ref(el) { _this4.bodyTable = el; }, onMouseOver: this.detectScrollTarget, onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget, onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll, onMouseLeave: this.onBodyMouseLeave }, this.renderDragHideTable(), renderTable(!useFixedHeader) ); if (fixed && columns.length) { var refName = void 0; if (columns[0].fixed === 'left' || columns[0].fixed === true) { refName = 'fixedColumnsBodyLeft'; } else if (columns[0].fixed === 'right') { refName = 'fixedColumnsBodyRight'; } delete bodyStyle.overflowX; delete bodyStyle.overflowY; BodyTable = _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-body-outer', style: _extends({}, bodyStyle) }, _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { style: _extends({}, innerBodyStyle), className: clsPrefix + '-body-inner', ref: refName, onMouseOver: this.detectScrollTarget, onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget, onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll }, renderTable(!useFixedHeader) ) ); } // const leftFixedWidth = this.columnManager.getLeftColumnsWidth(this.contentWidth); // const rightFixedWidth = this.columnManager.getRightColumnsWidth(this.contentWidth); var expandIconWidth = expandIconAsCell ? 33 : 0; var parStyle = {}; if (!fixed) { parStyle = { 'marginLeft': leftFixedWidth + expandIconWidth, 'marginRight': rightFixedWidth }; } return _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { style: parStyle }, headTable, BodyTable ); }; Table.prototype.getTitle = function getTitle() { var _props6 = this.props, title = _props6.title, clsPrefix = _props6.clsPrefix; return title ? _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-title' }, title(this.state.data) ) : null; }; Table.prototype.getFooter = function getFooter() { var _props7 = this.props, footer = _props7.footer, clsPrefix = _props7.clsPrefix; return footer ? _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-footer' }, footer(this.state.data) ) : null; }; Table.prototype.getEmptyText = function getEmptyText() { var _props8 = this.props, defaultEmptyText = _props8.emptyText, clsPrefix = _props8.clsPrefix, data = _props8.data; var locale = (0, _tool.getComponentLocale)(this.props, this.context, 'Table', function () { return _i18n2["default"]; }); var emptyText = defaultEmptyText !== undefined ? defaultEmptyText : function () { return _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', null, _react2["default"].createElement(_beeIcon2["default"], { type: 'uf-nodata', className: 'table-nodata' }), _react2["default"].createElement( 'span', null, locale["no_data"] ) ); }; return !data.length ? _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-placeholder' }, emptyText() ) : null; }; Table.prototype.getHeaderRowStyle = function getHeaderRowStyle(columns, rows) { var fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight = this.state.fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight; var headerHeight = fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight[0]; if (headerHeight && columns) { if (headerHeight === 'auto') { return { height: 'auto' }; } return { height: headerHeight / rows.length }; } return null; }; Table.prototype.getStyle = function getStyle(obj, attr) { if (obj.currentStyle) { return obj.currentStyle[attr]; } else { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null)[attr]; } }; Table.prototype.syncFixedTableRowHeight = function syncFixedTableRowHeight() { var _this5 = this; //this.props.height、headerHeight分别为用户传入的行高和表头高度,如果有值,所有行的高度都是固定的,主要为了避免在千行数据中有固定列时获取行高度有问题 var _props9 = this.props, clsPrefix = _props9.clsPrefix, height = _props9.height, headerHeight = _props9.headerHeight, columns = _props9.columns, heightConsistent = _props9.heightConsistent, bodyDisplayInRow = _props9.bodyDisplayInRow; var headRows = this.headTable ? this.headTable.querySelectorAll('thead') : this.bodyTable.querySelectorAll('thead'); var expandedRows = this.bodyTable.querySelectorAll('.' + clsPrefix + '-expanded-row') || []; var bodyRows = this.bodyTable.querySelectorAll('.' + clsPrefix + '-row') || []; var leftBodyRows = this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft && this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft.querySelectorAll('.' + clsPrefix + '-row') || []; var rightBodyRows = this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight && this.refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight.querySelectorAll('.' + clsPrefix + '-row') || []; var fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight = [].map.call(headRows, function (row) { var height = headerHeight; if (headerHeight) { height = ((0, _utils.getMaxColChildrenLength)(columns) + 1) * headerHeight; } return headerHeight ? height : row.getBoundingClientRect().height || 'auto'; }); var fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight = [].map.call(bodyRows, function (row, index) { var rsHeight = height; if (bodyDisplayInRow && rsHeight) { return rsHeight; } else { // 为了提高性能,默认获取主表的高度,但是有的场景中固定列的高度比主表的高度高,所以提供此属性,会统计所有列的高度取最大的,设置 // 内容折行显示,并又设置了 height 的情况下,也要获取主表高度 if (heightConsistent || !bodyDisplayInRow && rsHeight) { var leftHeight = void 0, rightHeight = void 0, currentHeight = void 0, maxHeight = void 0; leftHeight = leftBodyRows[index] ? leftBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; rightHeight = rightBodyRows[index] ? rightBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; currentHeight = row.getBoundingClientRect().height; maxHeight = Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight, currentHeight); return maxHeight || 'auto'; } else { return row.getBoundingClientRect().height || 'auto'; } } }); var fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight = {}; // expandedRows为NodeList Array.prototype.forEach ie 下报错 对象不支持 “forEach” 方法 expandedRows.length > 0 && Array.prototype.forEach.call(expandedRows, function (row) { var parentRowKey = row && row.previousSibling && row.previousSibling.getAttribute("data-row-key"), height = row && row.getBoundingClientRect().height || 'auto'; try { //子表数据减少时,动态计算高度 var td = row.querySelector('td'); var tdPadding = _this5.getTdPadding(td); var trueheight = row.querySelectorAll('.u-table')[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; height = trueheight + tdPadding; } catch (error) {} fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight[parentRowKey] = height; }); if ((0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight, fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight) && (0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight, fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight) && (0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight, fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight)) { return; } this.setState({ fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight: fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight, fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight: fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight, fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight: fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight }); }; Table.prototype.resetScrollX = function resetScrollX() { if (this.headTable) { this.headTable.scrollLeft = 0; } if (this.bodyTable) { this.bodyTable.scrollLeft = 0; } }; Table.prototype.findExpandedRow = function findExpandedRow(record, index) { var _this6 = this; var rows = this.getExpandedRows().filter(function (i) { return i === _this6.getRowKey(record, index); }); return rows[0]; }; Table.prototype.isRowExpanded = function isRowExpanded(record, index) { return typeof this.findExpandedRow(record, index) !== 'undefined'; }; Table.prototype.onBodyMouseLeave = function onBodyMouseLeave(e) { this.hideHoverDom(e); }; Table.prototype.detectScrollTarget = function detectScrollTarget(e) { if (this.scrollTarget !== e.currentTarget) { this.scrollTarget = e.currentTarget; } }; Table.prototype.hideHoverDom = function hideHoverDom(e) { if (this.hoverDom) { this.hoverDom.style.display = 'none'; } }; Table.prototype.handleBodyScroll = function handleBodyScroll(e) { var headTable = this.headTable; var _props10 = this.props, _props10$scroll = _props10.scroll, scroll = _props10$scroll === undefined ? {} : _props10$scroll, clsPrefix = _props10.clsPrefix, handleScrollY = _props10.handleScrollY, handleScrollX = _props10.handleScrollX, onBodyScroll = _props10.onBodyScroll; var _refs = this.refs, fixedColumnsBodyLeft = _refs.fixedColumnsBodyLeft, fixedColumnsBodyRight = _refs.fixedColumnsBodyRight; // Prevent scrollTop setter trigger onScroll event // http://stackoverflow.com/q/1386696 if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) { return; } if (e.target.scrollLeft !== this.lastScrollLeft) { var position = ''; if (e.target === this.bodyTable && headTable) { headTable.scrollLeft = e.target.scrollLeft; } else if (e.target === headTable && this.bodyTable) { this.bodyTable.scrollLeft = e.target.scrollLeft; } if (e.target.scrollLeft === 0) { position = 'left'; } else if (e.target.scrollLeft + 1 >= e.target.children[0].getBoundingClientRect().width - e.target.getBoundingClientRect().width) { position = 'right'; } else if (this.state.scrollPosition !== 'middle') { position = 'middle'; } if (position) { (0, _componentClasses2["default"])(this.contentTable).remove(new RegExp('^' + clsPrefix + '-scroll-position-.+$')).add(clsPrefix + '-scroll-position-' + position); } if (handleScrollX) { (0, _utils.debounce)(handleScrollX(e.target.scrollLeft, this.treeType), 300); } } // console.log('lastScrollTop--'+this.lastScrollTop+'--eventScrollTop--'+ e.target.scrollTop); if (scroll.y && this.lastScrollTop != e.target.scrollTop && e.target !== headTable) { if (fixedColumnsBodyLeft && e.target !== fixedColumnsBodyLeft) { fixedColumnsBodyLeft.scrollTop = e.target.scrollTop; } if (fixedColumnsBodyRight && e.target !== fixedColumnsBodyRight) { fixedColumnsBodyRight.scrollTop = e.target.scrollTop; } if (this.bodyTable && e.target !== this.bodyTable) { this.bodyTable.scrollTop = e.target.scrollTop; } if (this.hoverDom) { this.hoverDom.style.display = 'none'; } this.lastScrollTop = e.target.scrollTop; if (handleScrollY) { (0, _utils.debounce)(handleScrollY(this.lastScrollTop, this.treeType, onBodyScroll), 300); } } // Remember last scrollLeft for scroll direction detecting. this.lastScrollLeft = e.target.scrollLeft; }; Table.prototype.handleRowHover = function handleRowHover(isHover, key, event, currentIndex, propsRecord) { //增加新的API,设置是否同步Hover状态,提高性能,避免无关的渲染 var _props11 = this.props, syncHover = _props11.syncHover, onRowHover = _props11.onRowHover, data = _props11.data; //fix:树形表,onRowHover返回参数异常 var isTreeType = this.isTreeType; var record = isTreeType ? propsRecord : data[currentIndex]; // 固定列、或者含有hoverdom时情况下同步hover状态 if (this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed() && syncHover) { this.hoverKey = key; this.store.setState({ currentHoverKey: isHover ? key : null }); } if (this.hoverDom) { if (isHover) { this.currentHoverKey = key; var td = (0, _utils.closest)(event.target, 'td'); if (td) { var scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop ? this.lastScrollTop : 0; var top = td.offsetTop - scrollTop; if (this.headTable) { top = top + this.headTable.clientHeight; } this.hoverDom.style.top = top + 'px'; this.hoverDom.style.height = td.offsetHeight + 'px'; this.hoverDom.style.lineHeight = td.offsetHeight + 'px'; this.hoverDom.style.display = 'block'; } this.setState({ currentHoverIndex: currentIndex, currentHoverRecord: record }); } } onRowHover && onRowHover(currentIndex, record); }; Table.prototype.render = function render() { var _this7 = this; var _state3 = this.state, currentHoverRecord = _state3.currentHoverRecord, currentHoverIndex = _state3.currentHoverIndex; var props = this.props; var clsPrefix = props.clsPrefix; var hasFixedLeft = this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsLeftFixed(); var className = props.clsPrefix; if (props.className) { className += ' ' + props.className; } if (props.useFixedHeader || props.scroll && props.scroll.y) { className += ' ' + clsPrefix + '-fixed-header'; } if (!props.showHeader) { className += ' ' + clsPrefix + '-hide-header'; } if (props.bordered) { className += ' ' + clsPrefix + '-bordered'; } className += ' ' + clsPrefix + '-scroll-position-' + this.state.scrollPosition; //如果传入height说明是固定高度 //内容过多折行显示时,height 属性会失效,为了避免产生错行 if (props.bodyDisplayInRow && props.height) { className += ' fixed-height'; } if (props.bodyDisplayInRow) { className += ' body-dispaly-in-row'; } if (props.headerDisplayInRow) { className += ' header-dispaly-in-row'; } var isTableScroll = this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed() || props.scroll.x || props.scroll.y; var loading = props.loading; if (typeof loading === 'boolean') { loading = { show: loading }; } if (props.size) { className += ' ' + clsPrefix + '-' + props.size; } if (hasFixedLeft) { className += ' has-fixed-left'; } return _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: className, style: props.style, ref: function ref(el) { return _this7.contentTable = el; }, tabIndex: props.focusable && (props.tabIndex ? props.tabIndex : '0') }, this.getTitle(), _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-content' }, _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: isTableScroll ? clsPrefix + '-scroll' : '' }, this.getTable({ columns: this.columnManager.groupedColumns() }), this.getEmptyText(), this.getFooter() ), hasFixedLeft && _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-fixed-left' }, this.getLeftFixedTable() ), this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsRightFixed() && _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: clsPrefix + '-fixed-right' }, this.getRightFixedTable() ) ), _react2["default"].createElement(_beeLoading2["default"], _extends({ container: this }, loading)), props.hoverContent && _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: 'u-row-hover', onMouseEnter: this.onRowHoverMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: this.onRowHoverMouseLeave, ref: function ref(el) { return _this7.hoverDom = el; } }, props.hoverContent(currentHoverRecord, currentHoverIndex) ) ); }; return Table; }(_react.Component); ; Table.propTypes = propTypes; Table.defaultProps = defaultProps; Table.contextTypes = { beeLocale: _propTypes2["default"].object }; exports["default"] = Table; module.exports = exports['default'];