Compare commits


No commits in common. "2.3.15-beta.1" and "master" have entirely different histories.

7 changed files with 250 additions and 401 deletions

View File

@ -241,9 +241,6 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
if (currentIndex > -1) {
if (_this.contentTable.dragType == 'top') {
targetIndex = targetIndex - 1;
data = _this.swapArray(data, currentIndex, targetIndex);
_this.props.onDropRow && _this.props.onDropRow(data, record, targetIndex);
@ -481,36 +478,9 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
// if ( === 0 || === 0 ) {
// this.resetScrollX();
// }
// 当懒加载手动设置的scroll.y发生变化时滚动条回到顶部
var prevScrollY = prevProps.scroll.y;
var currentScrollY = this.props.scroll.y;
if (prevScrollY && currentScrollY && prevScrollY !== currentScrollY && this.props.lazyLoad && !this.props.ignoreScrollYChange) {
this.bodyTable.scrollTop = 0;
} else if (this.props.ignoreScrollYChange && currentScrollY && prevScrollY && prevScrollY !== currentScrollY) {
var distance = this.bodyTable.scrollTop + (currentScrollY - prevScrollY);
if (distance < 0) {
this.bodyTable.scrollTop = 0;
} else {
this.bodyTable.scrollTop = distance;
// 是否传入 scroll中的y属性如果传入判断是否是整数如果是则进行比较 。bodyTable 的clientHeight进行判断
if (this.bodyTable) {
if (!this.props.scroll.x && window.getComputedStyle(this.bodyTable).overflowX !== 'hidden') { = 'hidden';
if (this.bodyTableOuter) {
// 隐藏几个不需要真正滚动的父元素的滚动条 = 'hidden';
if (this.fixedColumnsBodyLeftOuter) { = 'hidden';
if (this.fixedColumnsBodyRightOuter) { = 'hidden';
Table.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
@ -1292,6 +1262,7 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
var headTable = void 0;
if (useFixedHeader) {
headTable = _react2["default"].createElement(
@ -1313,21 +1284,16 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
className: clsPrefix + '-body',
style: bodyStyle,
ref: function ref(el) {
_this4.bodyTable = el;
onMouseOver: this.detectScrollTarget,
onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget,
ref: function ref(el) {
_this4.bodyTableOuter = el;
onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll,
onMouseLeave: this.onBodyMouseLeave
{ className: 'scroll-container', onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll, ref: function ref(el) {
_this4.bodyTable = el;
}, style: _extends({}, bodyStyle) },
if (fixed && columns.length) {
@ -1350,17 +1316,12 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
style: _extends({}, innerBodyStyle),
className: clsPrefix + '-body-inner',
ref: function ref(el) {
return _this4[refName + 'Outer'] = el;
ref: refName,
onMouseOver: this.detectScrollTarget,
onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget
onTouchStart: this.detectScrollTarget,
onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll
{ className: 'fixed-scroll-container', ref: refName, style: _extends({}, innerBodyStyle), onScroll: this.handleBodyScroll },
@ -1455,6 +1416,8 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
Table.prototype.syncFixedTableRowHeight = function syncFixedTableRowHeight() {
var _this5 = this;
var _props9 = this.props,
clsPrefix = _props9.clsPrefix,
@ -1488,13 +1451,13 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
rightHeight = void 0,
currentHeight = void 0,
maxHeight = void 0;
leftHeight = leftBodyRows[index] ? Number(leftBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height).toFixed(2) : 0; // 有些浏览器中取到的高度是小数直接parseInt有问题保留两位小数处理
rightHeight = rightBodyRows[index] ? Number(rightBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height).toFixed(2) : 0;
currentHeight = Number(row.getBoundingClientRect().height).toFixed(2);
leftHeight = leftBodyRows[index] ? parseInt(leftBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height) : 0;
rightHeight = rightBodyRows[index] ? parseInt(rightBodyRows[index].getBoundingClientRect().height) : 0;
currentHeight = parseInt(row.getBoundingClientRect().height);
maxHeight = Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight, currentHeight);
return maxHeight || 'auto';
} else {
return Number(Number(row.getBoundingClientRect().height).toFixed(2)) || 'auto';
return parseInt(row.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 'auto';
@ -1502,16 +1465,17 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
// expandedRows为NodeList Array.prototype.forEach ie 下报错 对象不支持 “forEach” 方法
expandedRows.length > 0 &&, function (row) {
var parentRowKey = row && row.previousSibling && row.previousSibling.getAttribute("data-row-key");
var exHeight = row && parseInt(row.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 'auto';
// fix: ie 展开表格计算渲染bug
// try {//子表数据减少时,动态计算高度
// let td = row.querySelector('td');
// let tdPadding = this.getTdPadding(td);
// let trueheight = parseInt(row.querySelectorAll('.u-table')[0].getBoundingClientRect().height);
// exHeight = trueheight+tdPadding;
// } catch (error) {
// }
var exHeight = height;
if (!exHeight) {
exHeight = row && parseInt(row.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 'auto';
try {
var td = row.querySelector('td');
var tdPadding = _this5.getTdPadding(td);
var trueheight = parseInt(row.querySelectorAll('.u-table')[0].getBoundingClientRect().height);
exHeight = trueheight + tdPadding;
} catch (error) {}
fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight[parentRowKey] = parseInt(exHeight);
if ((0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight, fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight) && (0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight, fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight) && (0, _shallowequal2["default"])(this.state.fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight, fixedColumnsExpandedRowsHeight)) {
@ -1535,10 +1499,10 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
Table.prototype.findExpandedRow = function findExpandedRow(record, index) {
var _this5 = this;
var _this6 = this;
var rows = this.getExpandedRows().filter(function (i) {
return i === _this5.getRowKey(record, index);
return i === _this6.getRowKey(record, index);
return rows[0];
@ -1682,7 +1646,7 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
Table.prototype.render = function render() {
var _this6 = this;
var _this7 = this;
var _state3 = this.state,
currentHoverRecord = _state3.currentHoverRecord,
@ -1736,7 +1700,7 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
return _react2["default"].createElement(
{ className: className, style:, ref: function ref(el) {
return _this6.contentTable = el;
return _this7.contentTable = el;
tabIndex: props.focusable && (props.tabIndex ? props.tabIndex : '0') },
@ -1768,7 +1732,7 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
{ className: 'u-row-hover',
onMouseEnter: this.onRowHoverMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: this.onRowHoverMouseLeave, ref: function ref(el) {
return _this6.hoverDom = el;
return _this7.hoverDom = el;
} },
props.hoverContent(currentHoverRecord, currentHoverIndex)

View File

@ -356,74 +356,70 @@ var TableCell = function (_Component) {
var colSpan = void 0;
var rowSpan = void 0,
title = void 0;
var colMenu = this.renderColumnMenu(column.cellMenu, text, record, index);
// 如果是固定列在主表格上就渲染null
if (column.fixed && !fixed) {
text = null;
} else {
if (render && !showSum) {
text = render(text, record, index, _extends({
dataIndex: dataIndex, render: render, fieldType: fieldType, linkConfig: linkConfig, fontColor: fontColor, bgColor: bgColor }, other));
if (this.isInvalidRenderCellText(text)) {
tdProps = text.props || {};
rowSpan = tdProps.rowSpan > lazyEndIndex && lazyEndIndex > 5 ? lazyEndIndex - index : tdProps.rowSpan;
colSpan = tdProps.colSpan;
text = text.children;
// 根据 fieldType 来渲染数据
if (!render) {
switch (column.fieldType) {
case 'link':
text = this.renderLinkType(text, record, index, column.linkConfig);
case 'bool':
text = this.renderBoolType(text, column.boolConfig);
case 'currency':
var config = {
precision: 2, // 精度值,需要大于0
thousand: true, // 是否显示千分符号
makeUp: true, // 末位是否补零
preSymbol: '', // 前置符号
nextSymbol: '' // 后置符号
text = this.renderNumber(text, _extends({}, config, column.currencyConfig), column.width);
case 'number':
var _config = {
precision: 0, // 精度值,需要大于0
thousand: true, // 是否显示千分符号
makeUp: false, // 末位是否补零
preSymbol: '', // 前置符号
nextSymbol: '' // 后置符号
text = this.renderNumber(text, _extends({}, _config, column.numberConfig), column.width);
case 'date':
text = this.renderDate(text, column.dateConfig);
case 'select':
text = this.renderSelect(text, column.selectConfig);
if (render && !showSum) {
text = render(text, record, index, _extends({
dataIndex: dataIndex, render: render, fieldType: fieldType, linkConfig: linkConfig, fontColor: fontColor, bgColor: bgColor }, other));
if (this.isInvalidRenderCellText(text)) {
tdProps = text.props || {};
rowSpan = tdProps.rowSpan > lazyEndIndex && lazyEndIndex > 5 ? lazyEndIndex - index : tdProps.rowSpan;
colSpan = tdProps.colSpan;
text = text.children;
var colMenu = this.renderColumnMenu(column.cellMenu, text, record, index);
// 根据 fieldType 来渲染数据
if (!render) {
switch (column.fieldType) {
case 'link':
text = this.renderLinkType(text, record, index, column.linkConfig);
case 'bool':
text = this.renderBoolType(text, column.boolConfig);
case 'currency':
var config = {
precision: 2, // 精度值,需要大于0
thousand: true, // 是否显示千分符号
makeUp: true, // 末位是否补零
preSymbol: '', // 前置符号
nextSymbol: '' // 后置符号
text = this.renderNumber(text, _extends({}, config, column.currencyConfig), column.width);
case 'number':
var _config = {
precision: 0, // 精度值,需要大于0
thousand: true, // 是否显示千分符号
makeUp: false, // 末位是否补零
preSymbol: '', // 前置符号
nextSymbol: '' // 后置符号
text = this.renderNumber(text, _extends({}, _config, column.numberConfig), column.width);
case 'date':
text = this.renderDate(text, column.dateConfig);
case 'select':
text = this.renderSelect(text, column.selectConfig);

View File

@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
table.cols = tableDome.getElementsByTagName("col");
table.ths = tableDome.getElementsByTagName("th"); = tableDome.getElementsByTagName("tr");
table.tableHeaderCols = contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-header') && contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-header').getElementsByTagName("col");
table.tableBody = contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-body') && contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-body');
table.tableBodyCols = contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-body') && contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll .u-table-body').getElementsByTagName("col");
table.bodyRows = table.tableBody && table.tableBody.querySelectorAll('tr') || [];
@ -231,18 +230,13 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
TableHeader.prototype.dragBorderEventInit = function dragBorderEventInit() {
if (!this.props.dragborder) return;
this.eventListen([{ key: 'mouseup', fun: this.onTrMouseUp }], '', document.body);
this.eventListen([{ key: 'mousemove', fun: this.onTrMouseMove }], '', document.body);
var _this5 = this;
// let events = [
// {key:'mouseup', fun:this.onTrMouseUp},
// {key:'mousemove', fun:this.onTrMouseMove},
// // {key:'mousemove', fun:debounce(50,this.onTrMouseMove)},//函数节流后体验很差
// ];
// this.doEventList(,(tr)=>{
// this.eventListen(events,'',tr);//表示把事件添加到th元素上
// })
if (!this.props.dragborder) return;
var events = [{ key: 'mouseup', fun: this.onTrMouseUp }, { key: 'mousemove', fun: this.onTrMouseMove }];
this.doEventList(, function (tr) {
_this5.eventListen(events, '', tr); //表示把事件添加到th元素上
// this.eventListen(events,'',[0]);//表示把事件添加到th元素上
@ -252,12 +246,12 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
TableHeader.prototype.removeDragBorderEvent = function removeDragBorderEvent() {
var _this5 = this;
var _this6 = this;
var events = [{ key: 'mouseup', fun: this.onTrMouseUp }, { key: 'mousemove', fun: this.onTrMouseMove }];
// this.eventListen(events,'remove',[0]);
this.doEventList(, function (tr) {
_this5.eventListen(events, 'remove',;
_this6.eventListen(events, 'remove',;
@ -437,7 +431,7 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
TableHeader.prototype.render = function render() {
var _this6 = this;
var _this7 = this;
var _props2 = this.props,
clsPrefix = _props2.clsPrefix,
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
return _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({ className: clsPrefix + "-thead" }, attr, { "data-theader-fixed": "scroll", ref: function ref(_thead) {
return _this6._thead = _thead;
return _this7._thead = _thead;
} }), (row, index) {
var _rowLeng = row.length - 1;
@ -501,7 +495,7 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
// }
if (filterable && index == rows.length - 1) {
da.children = _this6.filterRenderType(da["filtertype"], da.dataindex, columIndex);
da.children = _this7.filterRenderType(da["filtertype"], da.dataindex, columIndex);
if (da.key === undefined) {
keyTemp.key = keyTemp.key + '-filterable';
@ -522,7 +516,7 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
_extends({}, da, keyTemp, { className: thClassName, "data-th-fixed": da.fixed, "data-line-key": da.key,
"data-line-index": columIndex, "data-th-width": da.width, "data-type": "draggable", onCopy: function onCopy(event) {
_this6.onCopy(da, columIndex, event);
_this7.onCopy(da, columIndex, event);
} }),
@ -530,10 +524,10 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
dragborder && lastObj && da.key != lastObj.key ? _react2["default"].createElement(
{ ref: function ref(el) {
return = el;
return = el;
}, "data-line-key": da.key,
"data-line-index": columIndex, "data-th-width": da.width,
"data-type": "online", "data-th-fixed": da.fixed, className: clsPrefix + "-thead-th-drag-gap" },
"data-type": "online", className: clsPrefix + "-thead-th-drag-gap" },
_react2["default"].createElement("div", { className: "online" })
) : ""
@ -544,22 +538,7 @@ var TableHeader = function (_Component) {
da.onClick ? thDefaultObj.onClick = function (e) {
da.onClick(da, e);
} : "";
return _react2["default"].createElement(
_extends({}, thDefaultObj, keyTemp, { "data-th-fixed": da.fixed, style: { maxWidth: da.width }, onCopy: _this6.onCopy }),
// && columIndex != _rowLeng
dragborder ? _react2["default"].createElement(
{ ref: function ref(el) {
return = el;
}, "data-line-key": da.key,
"data-line-index": columIndex, "data-th-width": da.width,
"data-type": "online", "data-th-fixed": da.fixed, className: clsPrefix + "-thead-th-drag-gap" },
_react2["default"].createElement("div", { className: "online" })
) : ""
return _react2["default"].createElement("th", _extends({}, thDefaultObj, keyTemp, { "data-th-fixed": da.fixed, style: { maxWidth: da.width }, onCopy: _this7.onCopy }));
@ -575,7 +554,7 @@ TableHeader.defaultProps = {
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this7 = this;
var _this8 = this;
this.getOnLineObject = function (_element) {
var type = _element.getAttribute('data-type'),
@ -592,29 +571,28 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.onTrMouseDown = function (e) {
var eventNoStop = _this7.props.eventNoStop;
var eventNoStop = _this8.props.eventNoStop;
!eventNoStop && _utils.Event.stopPropagation(e);
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
targetEvent = _utils.Event.getTarget(event);
var _props3 = _this7.props,
var _props3 = _this8.props,
clsPrefix = _props3.clsPrefix,
contentTable = _props3.contentTable,
lastShowIndex = _props3.lastShowIndex,
columnsChildrenList = _props3.columnsChildrenList;
// let currentElement = this.getOnLineObject(targetEvent);
var currentElement = _this7.getTargetToType(targetEvent);
var currentElement = _this8.getTargetToType(targetEvent);
if (!currentElement) return;
var type = currentElement.getAttribute('data-type');
var fixedType = currentElement.getAttribute('data-th-fixed');
if (!_this7.props.dragborder && !_this7.props.draggable) return;
if (type == 'online' && _this7.props.dragborder) {
if (!_this8.props.dragborder && !_this8.props.draggable) return;
if (type == 'online' && _this8.props.dragborder) {
// if(!this.props.dragborder)return;
targetEvent.setAttribute('draggable', false); //添加交换列效果
var currentIndex = -1;
var defaultWidth = currentElement.getAttribute("data-th-width");
_this7.drag.option = "border"; //拖拽操作
_this8.drag.option = "border"; //拖拽操作
if (columnsChildrenList) {
var columnKey = currentElement.getAttribute("data-line-key");
if (columnKey) {
@ -627,44 +605,27 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
console.log('Key must be set for column!');
var currentObj = _this7.table.cols[currentIndex];
_this7.drag.currIndex = currentIndex;
_this7.drag.oldLeft = event.clientX;
_this7.drag.oldWidth = parseInt(;
_this7.drag.minWidth = != "" ? parseInt( : defaultWidth;
_this7.drag.tableWidth = parseInt( ? : _this7.table.table.scrollWidth);
if (!_this7.tableOldWidth) {
_this7.tableOldWidth = _this7.drag.tableWidth; //this.getTableWidth();
var currentObj = _this8.table.cols[currentIndex];
_this8.drag.currIndex = currentIndex;
_this8.drag.oldLeft = event.clientX;
_this8.drag.oldWidth = parseInt(;
_this8.drag.minWidth = != "" ? parseInt( : defaultWidth;
_this8.drag.tableWidth = parseInt( ? : _this8.table.table.scrollWidth);
if (!_this8.tableOldWidth) {
_this8.tableOldWidth = _this8.drag.tableWidth; //this.getTableWidth();
// if(!this.lastColumWidth){
var contentT = _this7.table.tableHeaderCols || _this7.table.cols;
_this7.lastColumWidth = parseInt(contentT[lastShowIndex].style.width);
// console.log('begin--lastColumnWidth',this.lastColumWidth);
// }
_this7.drag.contentTableCWidth = _this7.table.contentTableHeader.clientWidth;
_this7.drag.contentTableSWidth = _this7.table.contentTableHeader.scrollWidth;
if (fixedType) {
var contentTablePar = _this7.table.contentTableHeader.parentNode;
if (contentTablePar) {
var originL = parseInt(;
var originR = parseInt(;
// 内容区表格marginLef
_this7.drag.contentTableML = originL;
_this7.drag.contentTableMR = originR;
if (!_this8.lastColumWidth) {
_this8.lastColumWidth = parseInt(_this8.table.cols[lastShowIndex].style.width);
_this7.drag.fixedType = fixedType;
} else if (type != 'online' && _this7.props.draggable) {
} else if (type != 'online' && _this8.props.draggable) {
// if (!this.props.draggable || targetEvent.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "TH") return;
if (!_this7.props.draggable) return;
var th = _this7.getTargetToType(targetEvent);
if (!_this8.props.draggable) return;
var th = _this8.getTargetToType(targetEvent);
th.setAttribute('draggable', true); //添加交换列效果
_this7.drag.option = 'dragAble';
_this7.currentDome = th;
_this8.drag.option = 'dragAble';
_this8.currentDome = th;
var _currentIndex = parseInt(th.getAttribute("data-line-index"));
_this7.drag.currIndex = _currentIndex;
_this8.drag.currIndex = _currentIndex;
} else {
// console.log("onTrMouseDown dragborder or draggable is all false !");
@ -674,8 +635,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.getTableWidth = function () {
var tableWidth = 0,
offWidth = 0; //this.table.cols.length;
for (var index = 0; index < _this7.table.cols.length; index++) {
var da = _this7.table.cols[index];
for (var index = 0; index < _this8.table.cols.length; index++) {
var da = _this8.table.cols[index];
tableWidth += parseInt(;
return tableWidth - offWidth;
@ -684,7 +645,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.getTargetToType = function (targetEvent) {
var tag = targetEvent;
if (targetEvent && !targetEvent.getAttribute("data-type")) {
tag = _this7.getTargetToType(targetEvent.parentElement);
tag = _this8.getTargetToType(targetEvent.parentElement);
return tag;
@ -692,15 +653,15 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.getTargetToTh = function (targetEvent) {
var th = targetEvent;
if (targetEvent.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "TH") {
th = _this7.getThDome(targetEvent);
th = _this8.getThDome(targetEvent);
// console.log(" getTargetToTh: ", th);
return th;
this.onTrMouseMove = function (e) {
if (!_this7.props.dragborder && !_this7.props.draggable) return;
var _props4 = _this7.props,
if (!_this8.props.dragborder && !_this8.props.draggable) return;
var _props4 = _this8.props,
clsPrefix = _props4.clsPrefix,
dragborder = _props4.dragborder,
contentDomWidth = _props4.contentDomWidth,
@ -716,20 +677,20 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
!eventNoStop && _utils.Event.stopPropagation(e);
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e);
if (_this7.props.dragborder && _this7.drag.option == "border") {
if (_this8.props.dragborder && _this8.drag.option == "border") {
var currentCols = _this7.table.cols[_this7.drag.currIndex];
var diff = event.clientX - _this7.drag.oldLeft;
var newWidth = _this7.drag.oldWidth + diff;
_this7.drag.newWidth = newWidth > 0 ? newWidth : _this7.minWidth;
if (newWidth > _this7.minWidth) {
var currentCols = _this8.table.cols[_this8.drag.currIndex];
var diff = event.clientX - _this8.drag.oldLeft;
var newWidth = _this8.drag.oldWidth + diff;
_this8.drag.newWidth = newWidth > 0 ? newWidth : _this8.minWidth;
if (newWidth > _this8.minWidth) { = newWidth + 'px';
// displayinrow 判断、 固定行高判断
if (!bodyDisplayInRow) {
_this7.table.bodyRows.forEach(function (row, index) {
var leftRow = _this7.table.fixedLeftBodyRows[index];
var rightRow = _this7.table.fixedRightBodyRows[index];
_this8.table.bodyRows.forEach(function (row, index) {
var leftRow = _this8.table.fixedLeftBodyRows[index];
var rightRow = _this8.table.fixedRightBodyRows[index];
if (leftRow || rightRow) {
var height = row.getBoundingClientRect().height;
leftRow && ( = height + "px");
@ -739,113 +700,74 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
//hao 支持固定表头拖拽 修改表体的width
if (_this7.fixedTable.cols) {
_this7.fixedTable.cols[_this7.drag.currIndex].style.width = newWidth + "px";
if (_this8.fixedTable.cols) {
_this8.fixedTable.cols[_this8.drag.currIndex].style.width = newWidth + "px";
var contentTableSWidth = _this7.drag.contentTableSWidth - _this7.drag.contentTableCWidth;
// console.log('contentTableSWidth+diff',contentTableSWidth+diff,'diff',diff);
if (diff < 0 && contentTableSWidth + diff < 0) {
var headerCols = _this7.table.tableHeaderCols || _this7.table.cols;
var lastWidth = _this7.lastColumWidth - (contentTableSWidth + diff);
// console.log('lastWidth',lastWidth,'lastShowIndex',lastShowIndex);
headerCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px"; //同步表头
_this7.table.tableBodyCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px"; //同步表体
var newDiff = parseInt( - parseInt(;
if (newDiff > 0) {
var lastWidth = _this8.lastColumWidth + newDiff;
_this8.table.cols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px"; //同步表头
_this8.table.tableBodyCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px"; //同步表体
// 内容区非固定列场景拖拽
if (!_this7.drag.fixedType) {
// let newDiff = (parseInt( - parseInt(;
// if(newDiff > 0){//缩小
// let lastWidth = this.lastColumWidth + newDiff;
// this.table.cols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth +"px";//同步表头
// this.table.tableBodyCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px";//同步表体
// }
var showScroll = contentDomWidth - (leftFixedWidth + rightFixedWidth) - (_this7.drag.tableWidth + diff) - scrollbarWidth;
if (headerScroll) {
if (showScroll < 0) {
//小于 0 出现滚动条
//找到固定列表格设置表头的marginBottom值为scrollbarWidth; = 'scroll';
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedLeftHeaderTable, scrollbarWidth);
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedRighHeadertTable, scrollbarWidth);
} else {
//大于 0 不显示滚动条 = 'hidden';
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedLeftHeaderTable, 0);
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedRighHeadertTable, 0);
var showScroll = contentDomWidth - (leftFixedWidth + rightFixedWidth) - (_this8.drag.tableWidth + diff) - scrollbarWidth;
if (headerScroll) {
if (showScroll < 0) {
//小于 0 出现滚动条
//找到固定列表格设置表头的marginBottom值为scrollbarWidth; = 'scroll';
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedLeftHeaderTable, scrollbarWidth);
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedRighHeadertTable, scrollbarWidth);
} else {
if (showScroll < 0) { = 'auto';
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, '-' + scrollbarWidth);
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedRightBodyTable, '-' + scrollbarWidth);
_this7.optTableScroll(_this7.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, { x: 'scroll' });
_this7.optTableScroll(_this7.table.fixedRightBodyTable, { x: 'scroll' });
} else { = 'hidden';
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, 0);
_this7.optTableMargin(_this7.table.fixedRightBodyTable, 0);
_this7.optTableScroll(_this7.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, { x: 'auto' });
_this7.optTableScroll(_this7.table.fixedRightBodyTable, { x: 'auto' });
//大于 0 不显示滚动条 = 'hidden';
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedLeftHeaderTable, 0);
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedRighHeadertTable, 0);
} else if (_this7.drag.fixedType) {
if (_this7.table.ths[_this7.drag.currIndex]) {
_this7.table.ths[_this7.drag.currIndex].width = newWidth;
// console.log('this.drag.contentTableML',this.drag.contentTableML,'diff',diff);
// debugger
var contentTablePar = _this7.table.contentTableHeader.parentNode;
// left、right缩小的内容在没有滚动条时需要将宽度同步到到最后一列
// diff<0 往里拖,
// const contentTableSWidth = this.drag.contentTableSWidth - this.drag.contentTableCWidth;
// console.log('contentTableSWidth+diff',contentTableSWidth+diff,'diff',diff);
// if(diff<0 && contentTableSWidth+diff < 0) {
// const headerCols = this.table.tableHeaderCols || this.table.cols;
// const lastWidth =this.lastColumWidth - (contentTableSWidth+diff);
// console.log('lastWidth',lastWidth,'lastShowIndex',lastShowIndex);
// headerCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth +"px";//同步表头
// this.table.tableBodyCols[lastShowIndex].style.width = lastWidth + "px";//同步表体
// }
if (_this7.drag.fixedType == 'left') { = _this7.drag.contentTableML + diff + 'px';
} else {
if (showScroll < 0) { = 'auto';
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, '-' + scrollbarWidth);
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedRightBodyTable, '-' + scrollbarWidth);
_this8.optTableScroll(_this8.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, { x: 'scroll' });
_this8.optTableScroll(_this8.table.fixedRightBodyTable, { x: 'scroll' });
} else { = _this7.drag.contentTableMR + diff + 'px'; = 'hidden';
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, 0);
_this8.optTableMargin(_this8.table.fixedRightBodyTable, 0);
_this8.optTableScroll(_this8.table.fixedLeftBodyTable, { x: 'auto' });
_this8.optTableScroll(_this8.table.fixedRightBodyTable, { x: 'auto' });
} else {
_this7.drag.newWidth = _this7.minWidth;
_this8.drag.newWidth = _this8.minWidth;
// 增加拖拽列宽动作的回调函数
_this7.drag.newWidth && onDraggingBorder && onDraggingBorder(event, _this7.drag.newWidth);
_this8.drag.newWidth && onDraggingBorder && onDraggingBorder(event, _this8.drag.newWidth);
this.onTrMouseUp = function (e) {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e);
var width = _this7.drag.newWidth;
var opt = _this7.drag.option;
var width = _this8.drag.newWidth;
var opt = _this8.drag.option;
if (opt !== "border") return; // fix:点击表头会触发onDropBorder事件的问题
_this7.props.onDropBorder && _this7.props.onDropBorder(event, width);
_this8.props.onDropBorder && _this8.props.onDropBorder(event, width);
this.clearThsDr = function () {
var ths = _this7.table.ths;
var ths = _this8.table.ths;
for (var index = 0; index < ths.length; index++) {
ths[index].setAttribute('draggable', false); //去掉交换列效果
this.bodyonLineMouseUp = function (events, type) {
if (!_this7.drag || !_this7.drag.option) return;
if (!_this8.drag || !_this8.drag.option) return;
this.optTableMargin = function (table, scrollbarWidth) {
@ -868,31 +790,31 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.onDragStart = function (e) {
if (!_this7.props.draggable) return;
if (_this7.drag && _this7.drag.option != 'dragAble') {
if (!_this8.props.draggable) return;
if (_this8.drag && _this8.drag.option != 'dragAble') {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
// target = Event.getTarget(event);
target = _this7.getTargetToTh(_utils.Event.getTarget(event));
target = _this8.getTargetToTh(_utils.Event.getTarget(event));
var currentIndex = parseInt(target.getAttribute("data-line-index"));
var currentKey = target.getAttribute('data-line-key');
if (event.dataTransfer.setDragImage) {
var crt = target.cloneNode(true); = "#ebecf0"; = _this7.table.cols[currentIndex].style.width; //拖动后再交换列的时候,阴影效果可同步 = _this8.table.cols[currentIndex].style.width; //拖动后再交换列的时候,阴影效果可同步 = "40px";
//['line-height'] = "40px";
// document.body.appendChild(crt);
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(crt, 0, 0);
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move";
event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", currentKey);
_this7.currentObj = _this7.props.rows[0][currentIndex];
_this8.currentObj = _this8.props.rows[0][currentIndex];
this.onDragOver = function (e) {
@ -901,34 +823,34 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.onDrop = function (e) {
if (!_this7.props.draggable) return;
var props = _this7.getCurrentEventData(_this7._dragCurrent);
if (!_this8.props.draggable) return;
var props = _this8.getCurrentEventData(_this8._dragCurrent);
e.column = { props: props };
if (_this7.drag && _this7.drag.option != 'dragAble') {
if (_this8.drag && _this8.drag.option != 'dragAble') {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event);
_this7.currentDome.setAttribute('draggable', false); //添加交换列效果
_this8.currentDome.setAttribute('draggable', false); //添加交换列效果
// let data = this.getCurrentEventData(this._dragCurrent);
// if(!data){
// this.props.onDrop(e);
// return;
// }
if (!_this7.props.onDrop) return;
if (!_this8.props.onDrop) return;
// this.props.onDrop(event,target);
_this7.props.onDrop(event, { dragSource: _this7.currentObj, dragTarg: e.column });
_this8.props.onDrop(event, { dragSource: _this8.currentObj, dragTarg: e.column });
this.onDragEnter = function (e) {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event);
_this7._dragCurrent = target;
_this8._dragCurrent = target;
var currentIndex = target.getAttribute("data-line-index");
if (!currentIndex || parseInt(currentIndex) === _this7.drag.currIndex) return;
if (!currentIndex || parseInt(currentIndex) === _this8.drag.currIndex) return;
if (target.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "TH") {
// = "2px dashed rgba(5,0,0,0.25)";
target.setAttribute("style", "border-right:2px dashed rgb(30, 136, 229)");
@ -939,24 +861,24 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.onDragEnd = function (e) {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event);
_this7._dragCurrent.setAttribute("style", "");
_this8._dragCurrent.setAttribute("style", "");
// = "";
document.getElementById(_this7._table_none_cont_id).innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById(_this8._table_none_cont_id).innerHTML = "";
var data = _this7.getCurrentEventData(_this7._dragCurrent);
var data = _this8.getCurrentEventData(_this8._dragCurrent);
if (!data) return;
if (!_this7.currentObj || _this7.currentObj.key == data.key) return;
if (!_this7.props.onDragEnd) return;
_this7.props.onDragEnd(event, { dragSource: _this7.currentObj, dragTarg: data });
if (!_this8.currentObj || _this8.currentObj.key == data.key) return;
if (!_this8.props.onDragEnd) return;
_this8.props.onDragEnd(event, { dragSource: _this8.currentObj, dragTarg: data });
this.onDragLeave = function (e) {
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event);
var currentIndex = target.getAttribute("data-line-index");
if (!currentIndex || parseInt(currentIndex) === _this7.drag.currIndex) return;
if (!currentIndex || parseInt(currentIndex) === _this8.drag.currIndex) return;
if (target.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "TH") {
target.setAttribute("style", "");
// = "";
@ -964,7 +886,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.handlerFilterChange = function (key, value, condition) {
var onFilterChange = _this7.props.onFilterChange;
var onFilterChange = _this8.props.onFilterChange;
if (onFilterChange) {
onFilterChange(key, value, condition);
@ -972,7 +894,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.handlerFilterClear = function (field) {
var onFilterClear = _this7.props.onFilterClear;
var onFilterClear = _this8.props.onFilterClear;
if (onFilterClear) {
@ -980,7 +902,7 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.filterRenderType = function (type, dataIndex, index) {
var _props5 = _this7.props,
var _props5 = _this8.props,
clsPrefix = _props5.clsPrefix,
rows = _props5.rows,
filterDelay = _props5.filterDelay,
@ -995,8 +917,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
, clsPrefix: clsPrefix //css前缀
, className: clsPrefix + " filter-text",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: (0, _throttleDebounce.debounce)(filterDelay || 300, _this7.handlerFilterChange) //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: (0, _throttleDebounce.debounce)(filterDelay || 300, _this8.handlerFilterChange) //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"] //是否显示下拉条件
, filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1009,8 +931,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
clsPrefix: clsPrefix,
className: clsPrefix + " filter-text",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: (0, _throttleDebounce.debounce)(filterDelay || 300, _this7.handlerFilterChange) //输入框回调并且函数防抖动
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: (0, _throttleDebounce.debounce)(filterDelay || 300, _this8.handlerFilterChange) //输入框回调并且函数防抖动
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1044,8 +966,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
data: selectDataSource,
notFoundContent: "Loading" //没有数据显示的默认字
, dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
onFocus: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownfocus"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
@ -1060,8 +982,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
onClick: function onClick() {},
format: rows[1][index]["format"] || "YYYY-MM-DD",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1075,8 +997,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
onClick: function onClick() {},
format: rows[1][index]["format"] || "YYYY",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1090,8 +1012,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
onClick: function onClick() {},
format: rows[1][index]["format"] || "YYYY-MM",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1105,8 +1027,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
onClick: function onClick() {},
format: rows[1][index]["format"] || "YYYY-Wo",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1120,8 +1042,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
onClick: function onClick() {},
format: rows[1][index]["format"] || "YYYY-MM-DD",
dataIndex: dataIndex //字段
, onFilterChange: _this7.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this7.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, onFilterChange: _this8.handlerFilterChange //输入框回调
, onFilterClear: _this8.handlerFilterClear //清除回调
, filterDropdown: rows[1][index]["filterdropdown"],
filterDropdownType: rows[1][index]["filterdropdowntype"] //下拉的条件类型为string,number
, filterDropdownIncludeKeys: rows[1][index]["filterdropdownincludekeys"] //下拉条件按照指定的keys去显示
@ -1133,8 +1055,8 @@ var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
this.onCopy = function (data, index, event) {
if (_this7.props.onCopy) {
_this7.props.onCopy(_extends(data, { col: index }), event);
if (_this8.props.onCopy) {
_this8.props.onCopy(_extends(data, { col: index }), event);

View File

@ -122,9 +122,6 @@ var TableRow = function (_Component) {
target = target.parentNode;
_this.currentIndex = target.getAttribute("data-row-key");
// 拖拽其实index
_this.props.contentTable.startI = target.getAttribute("data-row-index");
_this._dragCurrent = target;
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move";
event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", _this.currentIndex);
@ -137,9 +134,7 @@ var TableRow = function (_Component) {
_this.onDrop = function (e) {
var _this$props = _this.props,
onDragRow = _this$props.onDragRow,
contentTable = _this$props.contentTable;
var onDragRow = _this.props.onDragRow;
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
_target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event),
@ -229,9 +224,9 @@ var TableRow = function (_Component) {
_this.synchronizeTableTrShadow = function () {
var _this$props2 = _this.props,
contentTable = _this$props2.contentTable,
index = _this$props2.index;
var _this$props = _this.props,
contentTable = _this$props.contentTable,
index = _this$props.index;
var cont = contentTable.querySelector('.u-table-scroll table tbody').getElementsByTagName("tr")[index],
@ -282,29 +277,21 @@ var TableRow = function (_Component) {
currentObj = element;
if (type == 'down') {
if (type) {
currentObj && currentObj.setAttribute("style", "border-bottom:2px solid #02B1FD");
} else if (type) {
currentObj && currentObj.setAttribute("style", "border-top:2px solid #02B1FD");
} else {
currentObj && currentObj.setAttribute("style", "");
_this.onDragEnter = function (e) {
var contentTable = _this.props.contentTable;
var event = _utils.Event.getEvent(e),
_target = _utils.Event.getTarget(event),
target = _target.parentNode;
var currentIndex = target.getAttribute("data-row-key");
var dragEnterIndex = target.getAttribute("data-row-index");
if (!currentIndex || currentIndex === _this.currentIndex) return;
var dragType = parseInt(dragEnterIndex) > parseInt(contentTable.startI) ? 'down' : 'top';
contentTable.dragType = dragType;
if (target.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "TR") {
_this.synchronizeTableTr(currentIndex, dragType);
_this.synchronizeTableTr(currentIndex, true);
@ -691,8 +678,7 @@ var TableRow = function (_Component) {
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave,
className: clsPrefix + ' ' + className + ' ' + clsPrefix + '-level-' + indent,
style: style,
'data-row-key': record && record.key ? record.key : hoverKey,
'data-row-index': this.props.index
'data-row-key': record && record.key ? record.key : hoverKey
// key={hoverKey}
, ref: this.bindElement

View File

@ -228,13 +228,8 @@ function sort(Table, Icon) {
this._sortBy = function (pre, after, orderCols, orderColslen, currentIndex) {
var currentCol = orderCols[currentIndex];
var getMultiSorterValueFunc = currentCol.getMultiSorterValue;
var preKey = pre[currentCol.key];
var afterKey = after[currentCol.key];
if (getMultiSorterValueFunc) {
preKey = getMultiSorterValueFunc(pre, currentCol);
afterKey = getMultiSorterValueFunc(after, currentCol);
var colSortFun = currentCol.sorter;
if (typeof colSortFun !== 'function') {
colSortFun = function colSortFun() {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "bee-table",
"version": "2.3.15-beta.1",
"version": "2.3.14",
"description": "Table ui component for react",
"keywords": [

View File

@ -285,20 +285,6 @@ class Table extends Component {
// 是否传入 scroll中的y属性如果传入判断是否是整数如果是则进行比较 。bodyTable 的clientHeight进行判断
if (this.bodyTable) {
if (!this.props.scroll.x && window.getComputedStyle(this.bodyTable).overflowX !== 'hidden') { = 'hidden'
if (this.bodyTableOuter) { // 隐藏几个不需要真正滚动的父元素的滚动条 = 'hidden'
if (this.fixedColumnsBodyLeftOuter) { = 'hidden'
if (this.fixedColumnsBodyRightOuter) { = 'hidden'
componentWillUnmount() {
@ -1107,6 +1093,7 @@ class Table extends Component {
let headTable;
if (useFixedHeader) {
headTable = (
@ -1125,15 +1112,14 @@ class Table extends Component {
ref={(el)=>{this.bodyTable = el}}
ref={(el)=>{this.bodyTableOuter = el}}
<div className="scroll-container" onScroll={this.handleBodyScroll} ref={(el)=>{this.bodyTable = el}} style={{...bodyStyle}}>
@ -1154,13 +1140,13 @@ class Table extends Component {
ref={el => this[`${refName}Outer`] = el}
<div className="fixed-scroll-container" ref={refName} style={{...innerBodyStyle}} onScroll={this.handleBodyScroll}>
{/* <div className="scroll-dom" style={{height:`${this.scrollbarWidth}px`}}></div> */}