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KubeEye's RoadMap

KubeEye Roadmap demonstrates a list of open source product development plans, as well as KubeSphere community's anticipation. Obviously, it details the future's direction of KubeEye, but may change over time. We hope that can help you to get familiar with the project plans and vision through the Roadmap. Of course, if you have any better ideas, welcome to filing Issues.



  • Core component detection in the cluster, including controller-manager, scheduler, and ETCD exception detection.
  • Node detection in the cluster, including Kubelet abnormalities, insufficient machine MEMORY/CPU/IO resources, docker service exceptions.
  • Pod detection int the cluster, including pod best practices, pod exceptions information.
  • Support for more fine-grained patrolling, such as slow response
  • Support inspection report export CSV format or HTML file.