geo-info for WIN

This commit is contained in:
idea4good 2020-12-25 16:37:47 +08:00
parent ca849654b2
commit 40d6c78764
1 changed files with 33 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -25,4 +25,36 @@ set raw_data=[{^
curl.exe --include --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary^
"%raw_data%" "%url%"
exit /B 0
rem ----------------- for GEO info -----------------
curl.exe > ip_info.txt
findstr.exe country ip_info.txt > ip_country.txt
findstr.exe city ip_info.txt > ip_city.txt
findstr.exe org ip_info.txt > ip_org.txt
powershell -Command "(gc ip_country.txt) -replace '\"country\":', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_country.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_country.txt) -replace '""' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_country.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_country.txt) -replace ',' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_country.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_city.txt) -replace '\"city\":', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_city.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_city.txt) -replace '""' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_city.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_city.txt) -replace ',' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_city.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_org.txt) -replace '\"org\":', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_org.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_org.txt) -replace '""' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_org.txt"
powershell -Command "(gc ip_org.txt) -replace ',' , '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII ip_org.txt"
set url=""
set /p country=<ip_country.txt
set /p city=<ip_city.txt
set /p org=<ip_org.txt
set raw_data=[{^
\"county\" :\"%country%\",^
\"city\" :\"%city%\",^
\"organization\" :\"%org%\",^
\"weight\" : 1^
curl.exe --include --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "%raw_data%" "%url%"
del ip_*
exit /B 0