# Welcome to GuiLite
The smallest header-only GUI library(5 KLOC) for all platforms
- [中文](README_zh.md) ## Lightweight - ✂️Small: 5,000- lines of C++ code & header-only: GuiLite.h - ⚡Fast: Render GUI within one invoking, independent of any OS & 3rd party library - 💉Embeddable: Run inside Qt/MFC/Winform/Cocoa/Web - Keep legacy Qt/MFC code reusable - ⚙️️Hardware Minimum Requirment: | Processor | Disk/ROM space | Memory | | --- | --- | --- | | 24 MHZ | 29 KB | 9 KB | ## Cross platforms - Support OS: iOS/macOS/WathOS, Android, Linux, Windows, RTOS... or **MCU without OS** - Support language: C/C++, Swift, Java, Javascript, C#, Golang... - Support 3rd party library: Qt, MFC, Winforms, CoCoa... ## Useful features - 🔣Multi-language, support UTF-8 - 🔨[Toolkit](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteToolkit) for building font/image resource - 📐[Layout GUI WYSIWYG](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLitePreviewer) - ☁️Cloud + IoT Solution - 📊Code Telemetry & Analysis in real time - 📦Support 3D & [Web](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteWeb) - 🐋Run docker with single command: `sudo docker run -it --privileged -v /dev:/dev-share idea4good/gui-lite:latest bash /run.sh` ## Easy to learn & Full support Even C beginner, could master GuiLite quickly. The source code only use basic C++ feature(e,g: class, virtual function). We choose C++ for it could make the code size small significantly, and easy to read. - 📚Documents - [How to use GuiLite?](documents/HowToUse.md) - [Design specification](documents/HowToWork.md) - [How to Layout widgets?](documents/HowLayoutWork.md) - [How to build unicode font/bitmap resource?](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteToolkit) - [How to switch theme?](https://gitee.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HostMonitor/UIcode/source/resource/resource.cpp) - [How to dispatch messages?](documents/HowMessageWork.md) - [UML chart of GuiLite core](documents/UML.md) - 📈Learning steps 1. Build GuiLite library 2. Build/Run HelloXXX demos 3. Read/Modify `HelloXXX/UIcode/UIcode.cpp` code 4. Read/Modify `gui` code 5. Read/Modify `core` code 6. Build your UI framework - 📞[Reach out us](#community-channel) if you have any question, and welcome to our devloper family. - 🌐[GitHub link](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLite) ## Demo wall Click the image you like, and run it on your hardware
Layout GUI | Run Windows on Linux |
Multi-language | Code Telemetry & Analysis in real time |
Scroll widget |