3721 lines
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3721 lines
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/* jquery.nicescroll
-- version 3.7.6
-- copyright 2017-07-19 InuYaksa*2017
-- licensed under the MIT
-- https://nicescroll.areaaperta.com/
-- https://github.com/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll
/* jshint expr: true */
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS.
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals.
}(function (jQuery) {
"use strict";
// globals
var domfocus = false,
mousefocus = false,
tabindexcounter = 0,
ascrailcounter = 2000,
globalmaxzindex = 0;
var $ = jQuery, // sandbox
_doc = document,
_win = window,
$window = $(_win);
var delegatevents = [];
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161159/get-script-path
function getScriptPath() {
var scripts = _doc.currentScript || (function () { var s = _doc.getElementsByTagName('script'); return (s.length) ? s[s.length - 1] : false; })();
var path = scripts ? scripts.src.split('?')[0] : '';
return (path.split('/').length > 0) ? path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/' : '';
// based on code by Paul Irish https://www.paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
var setAnimationFrame = _win.requestAnimationFrame || _win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || _win.mozRequestAnimationFrame || false;
var clearAnimationFrame = _win.cancelAnimationFrame || _win.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || _win.mozCancelAnimationFrame || false;
if (!setAnimationFrame) {
var anilasttime = 0;
setAnimationFrame = function (callback, element) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - anilasttime));
var id = _win.setTimeout(function () { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
anilasttime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
clearAnimationFrame = function (id) {
} else {
if (!_win.cancelAnimationFrame) clearAnimationFrame = function (id) { };
var ClsMutationObserver = _win.MutationObserver || _win.WebKitMutationObserver || false;
var now = Date.now || function () { return new Date().getTime(); };
var _globaloptions = {
zindex: "auto",
cursoropacitymin: 0,
cursoropacitymax: 1,
cursorcolor: "#424242",
cursorwidth: "6px",
cursorborder: "1px solid #fff",
cursorborderradius: "5px",
scrollspeed: 40,
mousescrollstep: 9 * 3,
touchbehavior: false, // deprecated
emulatetouch: false, // replacing touchbehavior
hwacceleration: true,
usetransition: true,
boxzoom: false,
dblclickzoom: true,
gesturezoom: true,
grabcursorenabled: true,
autohidemode: true,
background: "",
iframeautoresize: true,
cursorminheight: 32,
preservenativescrolling: true,
railoffset: false,
railhoffset: false,
bouncescroll: true,
spacebarenabled: true,
railpadding: {
top: 0,
right: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 0
disableoutline: true,
horizrailenabled: true,
railalign: "right",
railvalign: "bottom",
enabletranslate3d: true,
enablemousewheel: true,
enablekeyboard: true,
smoothscroll: true,
sensitiverail: true,
enablemouselockapi: true,
// cursormaxheight:false,
cursorfixedheight: false,
directionlockdeadzone: 6,
hidecursordelay: 400,
nativeparentscrolling: true,
enablescrollonselection: true,
overflowx: true,
overflowy: true,
cursordragspeed: 0.3,
rtlmode: "auto",
cursordragontouch: false,
oneaxismousemode: "auto",
scriptpath: getScriptPath(),
preventmultitouchscrolling: true,
disablemutationobserver: false,
enableobserver: true,
scrollbarid: false
var browserdetected = false;
var getBrowserDetection = function () {
if (browserdetected) return browserdetected;
var _el = _doc.createElement('DIV'),
_style = _el.style,
_agent = navigator.userAgent,
_platform = navigator.platform,
d = {};
d.haspointerlock = "pointerLockElement" in _doc || "webkitPointerLockElement" in _doc || "mozPointerLockElement" in _doc;
d.isopera = ("opera" in _win); // 12-
d.isopera12 = (d.isopera && ("getUserMedia" in navigator));
d.isoperamini = (Object.prototype.toString.call(_win.operamini) === "[object OperaMini]");
d.isie = (("all" in _doc) && ("attachEvent" in _el) && !d.isopera); //IE10-
d.isieold = (d.isie && !("msInterpolationMode" in _style)); // IE6 and older
d.isie7 = d.isie && !d.isieold && (!("documentMode" in _doc) || (_doc.documentMode === 7));
d.isie8 = d.isie && ("documentMode" in _doc) && (_doc.documentMode === 8);
d.isie9 = d.isie && ("performance" in _win) && (_doc.documentMode === 9);
d.isie10 = d.isie && ("performance" in _win) && (_doc.documentMode === 10);
d.isie11 = ("msRequestFullscreen" in _el) && (_doc.documentMode >= 11); // IE11+
d.ismsedge = ("msCredentials" in _win); // MS Edge 14+
d.ismozilla = ("MozAppearance" in _style);
d.iswebkit = !d.ismsedge && ("WebkitAppearance" in _style);
d.ischrome = d.iswebkit && ("chrome" in _win);
d.ischrome38 = (d.ischrome && ("touchAction" in _style)); // behavior changed in touch emulation
d.ischrome22 = (!d.ischrome38) && (d.ischrome && d.haspointerlock);
d.ischrome26 = (!d.ischrome38) && (d.ischrome && ("transition" in _style)); // issue with transform detection (maintain prefix)
d.cantouch = ("ontouchstart" in _doc.documentElement) || ("ontouchstart" in _win); // with detection for Chrome Touch Emulation
d.hasw3ctouch = (_win.PointerEvent || false) && ((navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)); //IE11 pointer events, following W3C Pointer Events spec
d.hasmstouch = (!d.hasw3ctouch) && (_win.MSPointerEvent || false); // IE10 pointer events
d.ismac = /^mac$/i.test(_platform);
d.isios = d.cantouch && /iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(_platform);
d.isios4 = d.isios && !("seal" in Object);
d.isios7 = d.isios && ("webkitHidden" in _doc); //iOS 7+
d.isios8 = d.isios && ("hidden" in _doc); //iOS 8+
d.isios10 = d.isios && _win.Proxy; //iOS 10+
d.isandroid = (/android/i.test(_agent));
d.haseventlistener = ("addEventListener" in _el);
d.trstyle = false;
d.hastransform = false;
d.hastranslate3d = false;
d.transitionstyle = false;
d.hastransition = false;
d.transitionend = false;
d.trstyle = "transform";
d.hastransform = ("transform" in _style) || (function () {
var check = ['msTransform', 'webkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform'];
for (var a = 0, c = check.length; a < c; a++) {
if (_style[check[a]] !== undefined) {
d.trstyle = check[a];
d.hastransform = (!!d.trstyle);
if (d.hastransform) {
_style[d.trstyle] = "translate3d(1px,2px,3px)";
d.hastranslate3d = /translate3d/.test(_style[d.trstyle]);
d.transitionstyle = "transition";
d.prefixstyle = '';
d.transitionend = "transitionend";
d.hastransition = ("transition" in _style) || (function () {
d.transitionend = false;
var check = ['webkitTransition', 'msTransition', 'MozTransition', 'OTransition', 'OTransition', 'KhtmlTransition'];
var prefix = ['-webkit-', '-ms-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-o', '-khtml-'];
var evs = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd', 'transitionend', 'otransitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'KhtmlTransitionEnd'];
for (var a = 0, c = check.length; a < c; a++) {
if (check[a] in _style) {
d.transitionstyle = check[a];
d.prefixstyle = prefix[a];
d.transitionend = evs[a];
if (d.ischrome26) d.prefixstyle = prefix[1]; // always use prefix
d.hastransition = (d.transitionstyle);
function detectCursorGrab() {
var lst = ['grab', '-webkit-grab', '-moz-grab'];
if ((d.ischrome && !d.ischrome38) || d.isie) lst = []; // force setting for IE returns false positive and chrome cursor bug
for (var a = 0, l = lst.length; a < l; a++) {
var p = lst[a];
_style.cursor = p;
if (_style.cursor == p) return p;
return 'url(https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slider-pro/1.3.0/css/images/openhand.cur),n-resize'; // thanks to https://cdnjs.com/ for the openhand cursor!
d.cursorgrabvalue = detectCursorGrab();
d.hasmousecapture = ("setCapture" in _el);
d.hasMutationObserver = (ClsMutationObserver !== false);
_el = null; //memory released
browserdetected = d;
return d;
var NiceScrollClass = function (myopt, me) {
var self = this;
this.version = '3.7.6';
this.name = 'nicescroll';
this.me = me;
var $body = $("body");
var opt = this.opt = {
doc: $body,
win: false
$.extend(opt, _globaloptions); // clone opts
// Options for internal use
opt.snapbackspeed = 80;
if (myopt || false) {
for (var a in opt) {
if (myopt[a] !== undefined) opt[a] = myopt[a];
if (opt.disablemutationobserver) ClsMutationObserver = false;
this.doc = opt.doc;
this.iddoc = (this.doc && this.doc[0]) ? this.doc[0].id || '' : '';
this.ispage = /^BODY|HTML/.test((opt.win) ? opt.win[0].nodeName : this.doc[0].nodeName);
this.haswrapper = (opt.win !== false);
this.win = opt.win || (this.ispage ? $window : this.doc);
this.docscroll = (this.ispage && !this.haswrapper) ? $window : this.win;
this.body = $body;
this.viewport = false;
this.isfixed = false;
this.iframe = false;
this.isiframe = ((this.doc[0].nodeName == 'IFRAME') && (this.win[0].nodeName == 'IFRAME'));
this.istextarea = (this.win[0].nodeName == 'TEXTAREA');
this.forcescreen = false; //force to use screen position on events
this.canshowonmouseevent = (opt.autohidemode != "scroll");
// Events jump table
this.onmousedown = false;
this.onmouseup = false;
this.onmousemove = false;
this.onmousewheel = false;
this.onkeypress = false;
this.ongesturezoom = false;
this.onclick = false;
// Nicescroll custom events
this.onscrollstart = false;
this.onscrollend = false;
this.onscrollcancel = false;
this.onzoomin = false;
this.onzoomout = false;
// Let's start!
this.view = false;
this.page = false;
this.scroll = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this.scrollratio = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this.cursorheight = 20;
this.scrollvaluemax = 0;
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-writing-modes-3/#logical-to-physical
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-writing-modes-3/#svg-writing-mode
if (opt.rtlmode == "auto") {
var target = this.win[0] == _win ? this.body : this.win;
var writingMode = target.css("writing-mode") || target.css("-webkit-writing-mode") || target.css("-ms-writing-mode") || target.css("-moz-writing-mode");
if (writingMode == "horizontal-tb" || writingMode == "lr-tb" || writingMode === "") {
this.isrtlmode = (target.css("direction") == "rtl");
this.isvertical = false;
} else {
this.isrtlmode = (writingMode == "vertical-rl" || writingMode == "tb" || writingMode == "tb-rl" || writingMode == "rl-tb");
this.isvertical = (writingMode == "vertical-rl" || writingMode == "tb" || writingMode == "tb-rl");
} else {
this.isrtlmode = (opt.rtlmode === true);
this.isvertical = false;
// this.checkrtlmode = false;
this.scrollrunning = false;
this.scrollmom = false;
this.observer = false; // observer div changes
this.observerremover = false; // observer on parent for remove detection
this.observerbody = false; // observer on body for position change
if (opt.scrollbarid !== false) {
this.id = opt.scrollbarid;
} else {
do {
this.id = "ascrail" + (ascrailcounter++);
} while (_doc.getElementById(this.id));
this.rail = false;
this.cursor = false;
this.cursorfreezed = false;
this.selectiondrag = false;
this.zoom = false;
this.zoomactive = false;
this.hasfocus = false;
this.hasmousefocus = false;
//this.visibility = true;
this.railslocked = false; // locked by resize
this.locked = false; // prevent lost of locked status sets by user
this.hidden = false; // rails always hidden
this.cursoractive = true; // user can interact with cursors
this.wheelprevented = false; //prevent mousewheel event
this.overflowx = opt.overflowx;
this.overflowy = opt.overflowy;
this.nativescrollingarea = false;
this.checkarea = 0;
this.events = []; // event list for unbind
this.saved = {}; // style saved
this.delaylist = {};
this.synclist = {};
this.lastdeltax = 0;
this.lastdeltay = 0;
this.detected = getBrowserDetection();
var cap = $.extend({}, this.detected);
this.canhwscroll = (cap.hastransform && opt.hwacceleration);
this.ishwscroll = (this.canhwscroll && self.haswrapper);
if (!this.isrtlmode) {
this.hasreversehr = false;
} else if (this.isvertical) { // RTL mode with reverse horizontal axis
this.hasreversehr = !(cap.iswebkit || cap.isie || cap.isie11);
} else {
this.hasreversehr = !(cap.iswebkit || (cap.isie && !cap.isie10 && !cap.isie11));
this.istouchcapable = false; // desktop devices with touch screen support
//## Check WebKit-based desktop with touch support
//## + Firefox 18 nightly build (desktop) false positive (or desktop with touch support)
if (!cap.cantouch && (cap.hasw3ctouch || cap.hasmstouch)) { // desktop device with multiple input
this.istouchcapable = true;
} else if (cap.cantouch && !cap.isios && !cap.isandroid && (cap.iswebkit || cap.ismozilla)) {
this.istouchcapable = true;
//## disable MouseLock API on user request
if (!opt.enablemouselockapi) {
cap.hasmousecapture = false;
cap.haspointerlock = false;
this.debounced = function (name, fn, tm) {
if (!self) return;
var dd = self.delaylist[name] || false;
if (!dd) {
self.delaylist[name] = {
h: setAnimationFrame(function () {
self.delaylist[name] = false;
}, tm)
self.delaylist[name].fn = fn;
this.synched = function (name, fn) {
if (self.synclist[name]) self.synclist[name] = fn;
else {
self.synclist[name] = fn;
setAnimationFrame(function () {
if (!self) return;
self.synclist[name] && self.synclist[name].call(self);
self.synclist[name] = null;
this.unsynched = function (name) {
if (self.synclist[name]) self.synclist[name] = false;
this.css = function (el, pars) { // save & set
for (var n in pars) {
self.saved.css.push([el, n, el.css(n)]);
el.css(n, pars[n]);
this.scrollTop = function (val) {
return (val === undefined) ? self.getScrollTop() : self.setScrollTop(val);
this.scrollLeft = function (val) {
return (val === undefined) ? self.getScrollLeft() : self.setScrollLeft(val);
// derived by by Dan Pupius www.pupius.net
var BezierClass = function (st, ed, spd, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
this.st = st;
this.ed = ed;
this.spd = spd;
this.p1 = p1 || 0;
this.p2 = p2 || 1;
this.p3 = p3 || 0;
this.p4 = p4 || 1;
this.ts = now();
this.df = ed - st;
BezierClass.prototype = {
B2: function (t) {
return 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t;
B3: function (t) {
return 3 * (1 - t) * t * t;
B4: function (t) {
return t * t * t;
getPos: function () {
return (now() - this.ts) / this.spd;
getNow: function () {
var pc = (now() - this.ts) / this.spd;
var bz = this.B2(pc) + this.B3(pc) + this.B4(pc);
return (pc >= 1) ? this.ed : this.st + (this.df * bz) | 0;
update: function (ed, spd) {
this.st = this.getNow();
this.ed = ed;
this.spd = spd;
this.ts = now();
this.df = this.ed - this.st;
return this;
//derived from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11236090/
function getMatrixValues() {
var tr = self.doc.css(cap.trstyle);
if (tr && (tr.substr(0, 6) == "matrix")) {
return tr.replace(/^.*\((.*)\)$/g, "$1").replace(/px/g, '').split(/, +/);
return false;
if (this.ishwscroll) { // hw accelerated scroll
this.doc.translate = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
tx: "0px",
ty: "0px"
//this one can help to enable hw accel on ios6 http://indiegamr.com/ios6-html-hardware-acceleration-changes-and-how-to-fix-them/
if (cap.hastranslate3d && cap.isios) this.doc.css("-webkit-backface-visibility", "hidden"); // prevent flickering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3461441/
this.getScrollTop = function (last) {
if (!last) {
var mtx = getMatrixValues();
if (mtx) return (mtx.length == 16) ? -mtx[13] : -mtx[5]; //matrix3d 16 on IE10
if (self.timerscroll && self.timerscroll.bz) return self.timerscroll.bz.getNow();
return self.doc.translate.y;
this.getScrollLeft = function (last) {
if (!last) {
var mtx = getMatrixValues();
if (mtx) return (mtx.length == 16) ? -mtx[12] : -mtx[4]; //matrix3d 16 on IE10
if (self.timerscroll && self.timerscroll.bh) return self.timerscroll.bh.getNow();
return self.doc.translate.x;
this.notifyScrollEvent = function (el) {
var e = _doc.createEvent("UIEvents");
e.initUIEvent("scroll", false, false, _win, 1);
e.niceevent = true;
var cxscrollleft = (this.isrtlmode) ? 1 : -1;
if (cap.hastranslate3d && opt.enabletranslate3d) {
this.setScrollTop = function (val, silent) {
self.doc.translate.y = val;
self.doc.translate.ty = (val * -1) + "px";
self.doc.css(cap.trstyle, "translate3d(" + self.doc.translate.tx + "," + self.doc.translate.ty + ",0)");
if (!silent) self.notifyScrollEvent(self.win[0]);
this.setScrollLeft = function (val, silent) {
self.doc.translate.x = val;
self.doc.translate.tx = (val * cxscrollleft) + "px";
self.doc.css(cap.trstyle, "translate3d(" + self.doc.translate.tx + "," + self.doc.translate.ty + ",0)");
if (!silent) self.notifyScrollEvent(self.win[0]);
} else {
this.setScrollTop = function (val, silent) {
self.doc.translate.y = val;
self.doc.translate.ty = (val * -1) + "px";
self.doc.css(cap.trstyle, "translate(" + self.doc.translate.tx + "," + self.doc.translate.ty + ")");
if (!silent) self.notifyScrollEvent(self.win[0]);
this.setScrollLeft = function (val, silent) {
self.doc.translate.x = val;
self.doc.translate.tx = (val * cxscrollleft) + "px";
self.doc.css(cap.trstyle, "translate(" + self.doc.translate.tx + "," + self.doc.translate.ty + ")");
if (!silent) self.notifyScrollEvent(self.win[0]);
} else { // native scroll
this.getScrollTop = function () {
return self.docscroll.scrollTop();
this.setScrollTop = function (val) {
this.getScrollLeft = function () {
var val;
if (!self.hasreversehr) {
val = self.docscroll.scrollLeft();
} else if (self.detected.ismozilla) {
val = self.page.maxw - Math.abs(self.docscroll.scrollLeft());
} else {
val = self.page.maxw - self.docscroll.scrollLeft();
return val;
this.setScrollLeft = function (val) {
return setTimeout(function () {
if (!self) return;
if (self.hasreversehr) {
if (self.detected.ismozilla) {
val = -(self.page.maxw - val);
} else {
val = self.page.maxw - val;
return self.docscroll.scrollLeft(val);
}, 1);
this.getTarget = function (e) {
if (!e) return false;
if (e.target) return e.target;
if (e.srcElement) return e.srcElement;
return false;
this.hasParent = function (e, id) {
if (!e) return false;
var el = e.target || e.srcElement || e || false;
while (el && el.id != id) {
el = el.parentNode || false;
return (el !== false);
function getZIndex() {
var dom = self.win;
if ("zIndex" in dom) return dom.zIndex(); // use jQuery UI method when available
while (dom.length > 0) {
if (dom[0].nodeType == 9) return false;
var zi = dom.css('zIndex');
if (!isNaN(zi) && zi !== 0) return parseInt(zi);
dom = dom.parent();
return false;
//inspired by http://forum.jquery.com/topic/width-includes-border-width-when-set-to-thin-medium-thick-in-ie
var _convertBorderWidth = {
"thin": 1,
"medium": 3,
"thick": 5
function getWidthToPixel(dom, prop, chkheight) {
var wd = dom.css(prop);
var px = parseFloat(wd);
if (isNaN(px)) {
px = _convertBorderWidth[wd] || 0;
var brd = (px == 3) ? ((chkheight) ? (self.win.outerHeight() - self.win.innerHeight()) : (self.win.outerWidth() - self.win.innerWidth())) : 1; //DON'T TRUST CSS
if (self.isie8 && px) px += 1;
return (brd) ? px : 0;
return px;
this.getDocumentScrollOffset = function () {
return {
top: _win.pageYOffset || _doc.documentElement.scrollTop,
left: _win.pageXOffset || _doc.documentElement.scrollLeft
this.getOffset = function () {
if (self.isfixed) {
var ofs = self.win.offset(); // fix Chrome auto issue (when right/bottom props only)
var scrl = self.getDocumentScrollOffset();
ofs.top -= scrl.top;
ofs.left -= scrl.left;
return ofs;
var ww = self.win.offset();
if (!self.viewport) return ww;
var vp = self.viewport.offset();
return {
top: ww.top - vp.top,
left: ww.left - vp.left
this.updateScrollBar = function (len) {
var pos, off;
if (self.ishwscroll) {
height: self.win.innerHeight() - (opt.railpadding.top + opt.railpadding.bottom)
if (self.railh) self.railh.css({
width: self.win.innerWidth() - (opt.railpadding.left + opt.railpadding.right)
} else {
var wpos = self.getOffset();
pos = {
top: wpos.top,
left: wpos.left - (opt.railpadding.left + opt.railpadding.right)
pos.top += getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-top-width', true);
pos.left += (self.rail.align) ? self.win.outerWidth() - getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-right-width') - self.rail.width : getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-left-width');
off = opt.railoffset;
if (off) {
if (off.top) pos.top += off.top;
if (off.left) pos.left += off.left;
if (!self.railslocked) self.rail.css({
top: pos.top,
left: pos.left,
height: ((len) ? len.h : self.win.innerHeight()) - (opt.railpadding.top + opt.railpadding.bottom)
if (self.zoom) {
top: pos.top + 1,
left: (self.rail.align == 1) ? pos.left - 20 : pos.left + self.rail.width + 4
if (self.railh && !self.railslocked) {
pos = {
top: wpos.top,
left: wpos.left
off = opt.railhoffset;
if (off) {
if (off.top) pos.top += off.top;
if (off.left) pos.left += off.left;
var y = (self.railh.align) ? pos.top + getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-top-width', true) + self.win.innerHeight() - self.railh.height : pos.top + getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-top-width', true);
var x = pos.left + getWidthToPixel(self.win, 'border-left-width');
top: y - (opt.railpadding.top + opt.railpadding.bottom),
left: x,
width: self.railh.width
this.doRailClick = function (e, dbl, hr) {
var fn, pg, cur, pos;
if (self.railslocked) return;
if (!("pageY" in e)) {
e.pageX = e.clientX + _doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
e.pageY = e.clientY + _doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (dbl) {
fn = (hr) ? self.doScrollLeft : self.doScrollTop;
cur = (hr) ? ((e.pageX - self.railh.offset().left - (self.cursorwidth / 2)) * self.scrollratio.x) : ((e.pageY - self.rail.offset().top - (self.cursorheight / 2)) * self.scrollratio.y);
} else {
fn = (hr) ? self.doScrollLeftBy : self.doScrollBy;
cur = (hr) ? self.scroll.x : self.scroll.y;
pos = (hr) ? e.pageX - self.railh.offset().left : e.pageY - self.rail.offset().top;
pg = (hr) ? self.view.w : self.view.h;
fn((cur >= pos) ? pg : -pg);
self.newscrolly = self.newscrollx = 0;
self.hasanimationframe = ("requestAnimationFrame" in _win);
self.hascancelanimationframe = ("cancelAnimationFrame" in _win);
self.hasborderbox = false;
this.init = function () {
self.saved.css = [];
if (cap.isoperamini) return true; // SORRY, DO NOT WORK!
if (cap.isandroid && !("hidden" in _doc)) return true; // Android 3- SORRY, DO NOT WORK!
opt.emulatetouch = opt.emulatetouch || opt.touchbehavior; // mantain compatibility with "touchbehavior"
self.hasborderbox = _win.getComputedStyle && (_win.getComputedStyle(_doc.body)['box-sizing'] === "border-box");
var _scrollyhidden = { 'overflow-y': 'hidden' };
if (cap.isie11 || cap.isie10) _scrollyhidden['-ms-overflow-style'] = 'none'; // IE 10 & 11 is always a world apart!
if (self.ishwscroll) {
this.doc.css(cap.transitionstyle, cap.prefixstyle + 'transform 0ms ease-out');
if (cap.transitionend) self.bind(self.doc, cap.transitionend, self.onScrollTransitionEnd, false); //I have got to do something usefull!!
self.zindex = "auto";
if (!self.ispage && opt.zindex == "auto") {
self.zindex = getZIndex() || "auto";
} else {
self.zindex = opt.zindex;
if (!self.ispage && self.zindex != "auto" && self.zindex > globalmaxzindex) {
globalmaxzindex = self.zindex;
if (self.isie && self.zindex === 0 && opt.zindex == "auto") { // fix IE auto == 0
self.zindex = "auto";
if (!self.ispage || !cap.isieold) {
var cont = self.docscroll;
if (self.ispage) cont = (self.haswrapper) ? self.win : self.doc;
self.css(cont, _scrollyhidden);
if (self.ispage && (cap.isie11 || cap.isie)) { // IE 7-11
self.css($("html"), _scrollyhidden);
if (cap.isios && !self.ispage && !self.haswrapper) self.css($body, {
"-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch"
}); //force hw acceleration
var cursor = $(_doc.createElement('div'));
position: "relative",
top: 0,
"float": "right",
width: opt.cursorwidth,
height: 0,
'background-color': opt.cursorcolor,
border: opt.cursorborder,
'background-clip': 'padding-box',
'-webkit-border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius,
'-moz-border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius,
'border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius
self.cursor = cursor;
var rail = $(_doc.createElement('div'));
rail.attr('id', self.id);
rail.addClass('nicescroll-rails nicescroll-rails-vr');
var v, a, kp = ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]; //**
for (var n in kp) {
a = kp[n];
v = opt.railpadding[a] || 0;
v && rail.css("padding-" + a, v + "px");
rail.width = Math.max(parseFloat(opt.cursorwidth), cursor.outerWidth());
width: rail.width + "px",
zIndex: self.zindex,
background: opt.background,
cursor: "default"
rail.visibility = true;
rail.scrollable = true;
rail.align = (opt.railalign == "left") ? 0 : 1;
self.rail = rail;
self.rail.drag = false;
var zoom = false;
if (opt.boxzoom && !self.ispage && !cap.isieold) {
zoom = _doc.createElement('div');
self.bind(zoom, "click", self.doZoom);
self.bind(zoom, "mouseenter", function () {
self.zoom.css('opacity', opt.cursoropacitymax);
self.bind(zoom, "mouseleave", function () {
self.zoom.css('opacity', opt.cursoropacitymin);
self.zoom = $(zoom);
cursor: "pointer",
zIndex: self.zindex,
backgroundImage: 'url(' + opt.scriptpath + 'zoomico.png)',
height: 18,
width: 18,
backgroundPosition: '0 0'
if (opt.dblclickzoom) self.bind(self.win, "dblclick", self.doZoom);
if (cap.cantouch && opt.gesturezoom) {
self.ongesturezoom = function (e) {
if (e.scale > 1.5) self.doZoomIn(e);
if (e.scale < 0.8) self.doZoomOut(e);
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.bind(self.win, "gestureend", self.ongesturezoom);
// init HORIZ
self.railh = false;
var railh;
if (opt.horizrailenabled) {
self.css(cont, {
overflowX: 'hidden'
cursor = $(_doc.createElement('div'));
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
height: opt.cursorwidth,
width: 0,
backgroundColor: opt.cursorcolor,
border: opt.cursorborder,
backgroundClip: 'padding-box',
'-webkit-border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius,
'-moz-border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius,
'border-radius': opt.cursorborderradius
if (cap.isieold) cursor.css('overflow', 'hidden'); //IE6 horiz scrollbar issue
self.cursorh = cursor;
railh = $(_doc.createElement('div'));
railh.attr('id', self.id + '-hr');
railh.addClass('nicescroll-rails nicescroll-rails-hr');
railh.height = Math.max(parseFloat(opt.cursorwidth), cursor.outerHeight());
height: railh.height + "px",
'zIndex': self.zindex,
"background": opt.background
railh.visibility = true;
railh.scrollable = true;
railh.align = (opt.railvalign == "top") ? 0 : 1;
self.railh = railh;
self.railh.drag = false;
if (self.ispage) {
position: "fixed",
top: 0,
height: "100%"
rail.css((rail.align) ? { right: 0 } : { left: 0 });
if (self.railh) {
position: "fixed",
left: 0,
width: "100%"
railh.css((railh.align) ? { bottom: 0 } : { top: 0 });
} else {
if (self.ishwscroll) {
if (self.win.css('position') == 'static') self.css(self.win, { 'position': 'relative' });
var bd = (self.win[0].nodeName == 'HTML') ? self.body : self.win;
$(bd).scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0); // fix rail position if content already scrolled
if (self.zoom) {
position: "absolute",
top: 1,
right: 0,
"margin-right": rail.width + 4
position: "absolute",
top: 0
rail.css((rail.align) ? { right: 0 } : { left: 0 });
if (railh) {
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
bottom: 0
railh.css((railh.align) ? { bottom: 0 } : { top: 0 });
} else {
self.isfixed = (self.win.css("position") == "fixed");
var rlpos = (self.isfixed) ? "fixed" : "absolute";
if (!self.isfixed) self.viewport = self.getViewport(self.win[0]);
if (self.viewport) {
self.body = self.viewport;
if (!(/fixed|absolute/.test(self.viewport.css("position")))) self.css(self.viewport, {
"position": "relative"
position: rlpos
if (self.zoom) self.zoom.css({
position: rlpos
if (self.zoom) self.body.append(self.zoom);
if (self.railh) {
position: rlpos
if (cap.isios) self.css(self.win, {
'-webkit-tap-highlight-color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'-webkit-touch-callout': 'none'
}); // prevent grey layer on click
if (opt.disableoutline) {
if (cap.isie) self.win.attr("hideFocus", "true"); // IE, prevent dotted rectangle on focused div
if (cap.iswebkit) self.win.css('outline', 'none'); // Webkit outline
if (opt.autohidemode === false) {
self.autohidedom = false;
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymax
if (self.railh) self.railh.css({
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymax
} else if ((opt.autohidemode === true) || (opt.autohidemode === "leave")) {
self.autohidedom = $().add(self.rail);
if (cap.isie8) self.autohidedom = self.autohidedom.add(self.cursor);
if (self.railh) self.autohidedom = self.autohidedom.add(self.railh);
if (self.railh && cap.isie8) self.autohidedom = self.autohidedom.add(self.cursorh);
} else if (opt.autohidemode == "scroll") {
self.autohidedom = $().add(self.rail);
if (self.railh) self.autohidedom = self.autohidedom.add(self.railh);
} else if (opt.autohidemode == "cursor") {
self.autohidedom = $().add(self.cursor);
if (self.railh) self.autohidedom = self.autohidedom.add(self.cursorh);
} else if (opt.autohidemode == "hidden") {
self.autohidedom = false;
self.railslocked = false;
if (cap.cantouch || self.istouchcapable || opt.emulatetouch || cap.hasmstouch) {
self.scrollmom = new ScrollMomentumClass2D(self);
var delayedclick = null;
self.ontouchstart = function (e) {
if (self.locked) return false;
//if (e.pointerType && e.pointerType != 2 && e.pointerType != "touch") return false;
if (e.pointerType && (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE)) return false; // need test on surface!!
self.hasmoving = false;
if (self.scrollmom.timer) {
if (!self.railslocked) {
var tg = self.getTarget(e);
if (tg) {
var skp = (/INPUT/i.test(tg.nodeName)) && (/range/i.test(tg.type));
if (skp) return self.stopPropagation(e);
var ismouse = (e.type === "mousedown");
if (!("clientX" in e) && ("changedTouches" in e)) {
e.clientX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
e.clientY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
if (self.forcescreen) {
var le = e;
e = {
"original": (e.original) ? e.original : e
e.clientX = le.screenX;
e.clientY = le.screenY;
self.rail.drag = {
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY,
sx: self.scroll.x,
sy: self.scroll.y,
st: self.getScrollTop(),
sl: self.getScrollLeft(),
pt: 2,
dl: false,
tg: tg
if (self.ispage || !opt.directionlockdeadzone) {
self.rail.drag.dl = "f";
} else {
var view = {
w: $window.width(),
h: $window.height()
var page = self.getContentSize();
var maxh = page.h - view.h;
var maxw = page.w - view.w;
if (self.rail.scrollable && !self.railh.scrollable) self.rail.drag.ck = (maxh > 0) ? "v" : false;
else if (!self.rail.scrollable && self.railh.scrollable) self.rail.drag.ck = (maxw > 0) ? "h" : false;
else self.rail.drag.ck = false;
if (opt.emulatetouch && self.isiframe && cap.isie) {
var wp = self.win.position();
self.rail.drag.x += wp.left;
self.rail.drag.y += wp.top;
self.hasmoving = false;
self.lastmouseup = false;
self.scrollmom.reset(e.clientX, e.clientY);
if (tg&&ismouse) {
var ip = /INPUT|SELECT|BUTTON|TEXTAREA/i.test(tg.nodeName);
if (!ip) {
if (cap.hasmousecapture) tg.setCapture();
if (opt.emulatetouch) {
if (tg.onclick && !(tg._onclick || false)) { // intercept DOM0 onclick event
tg._onclick = tg.onclick;
tg.onclick = function (e) {
if (self.hasmoving) return false;
tg._onclick.call(this, e);
return self.cancelEvent(e);
return self.stopPropagation(e);
if (/SUBMIT|CANCEL|BUTTON/i.test($(tg).attr('type'))) {
self.preventclick = {
"tg": tg,
"click": false
self.ontouchend = function (e) {
if (!self.rail.drag) return true;
if (self.rail.drag.pt == 2) {
//if (e.pointerType && e.pointerType != 2 && e.pointerType != "touch") return false;
if (e.pointerType && (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE)) return false;
self.rail.drag = false;
var ismouse = (e.type === "mouseup");
if (self.hasmoving) {
self.lastmouseup = true;
if (cap.hasmousecapture) _doc.releaseCapture();
if (ismouse) return self.cancelEvent(e);
else if (self.rail.drag.pt == 1) {
return self.onmouseup(e);
var moveneedoffset = (opt.emulatetouch && self.isiframe && !cap.hasmousecapture);
var locktollerance = opt.directionlockdeadzone * 0.3 | 0;
self.ontouchmove = function (e, byiframe) {
if (!self.rail.drag) return true;
if (e.targetTouches && opt.preventmultitouchscrolling) {
if (e.targetTouches.length > 1) return true; // multitouch
//if (e.pointerType && e.pointerType != 2 && e.pointerType != "touch") return false;
if (e.pointerType && (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE)) return true;
if (self.rail.drag.pt == 2) {
if (("changedTouches" in e)) {
e.clientX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
e.clientY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
var ofy, ofx;
ofx = ofy = 0;
if (moveneedoffset && !byiframe) {
var wp = self.win.position();
ofx = -wp.left;
ofy = -wp.top;
var fy = e.clientY + ofy;
var my = (fy - self.rail.drag.y);
var fx = e.clientX + ofx;
var mx = (fx - self.rail.drag.x);
var ny = self.rail.drag.st - my;
if (self.ishwscroll && opt.bouncescroll) {
if (ny < 0) {
ny = Math.round(ny / 2);
} else if (ny > self.page.maxh) {
ny = self.page.maxh + Math.round((ny - self.page.maxh) / 2);
} else {
if (ny < 0) {
ny = 0;
fy = 0;
else if (ny > self.page.maxh) {
ny = self.page.maxh;
fy = 0;
if (fy === 0 && !self.hasmoving) {
if (!self.ispage) self.rail.drag = false;
return true;
var nx = self.getScrollLeft();
if (self.railh && self.railh.scrollable) {
nx = (self.isrtlmode) ? mx - self.rail.drag.sl : self.rail.drag.sl - mx;
if (self.ishwscroll && opt.bouncescroll) {
if (nx < 0) {
nx = Math.round(nx / 2);
} else if (nx > self.page.maxw) {
nx = self.page.maxw + Math.round((nx - self.page.maxw) / 2);
} else {
if (nx < 0) {
nx = 0;
fx = 0;
if (nx > self.page.maxw) {
nx = self.page.maxw;
fx = 0;
if (!self.hasmoving) {
if (self.rail.drag.y === e.clientY && self.rail.drag.x === e.clientX) return self.cancelEvent(e); // prevent first useless move event
var ay = Math.abs(my);
var ax = Math.abs(mx);
var dz = opt.directionlockdeadzone;
if (!self.rail.drag.ck) {
if (ay > dz && ax > dz) self.rail.drag.dl = "f";
else if (ay > dz) self.rail.drag.dl = (ax > locktollerance) ? "f" : "v";
else if (ax > dz) self.rail.drag.dl = (ay > locktollerance) ? "f" : "h";
else if (self.rail.drag.ck == "v") {
if (ax > dz && ay <= locktollerance) {
self.rail.drag = false;
else if (ay > dz) self.rail.drag.dl = "v";
else if (self.rail.drag.ck == "h") {
if (ay > dz && ax <= locktollerance) {
self.rail.drag = false;
else if (ax > dz) self.rail.drag.dl = "h";
if (!self.rail.drag.dl) return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.triggerScrollStart(e.clientX, e.clientY, 0, 0, 0);
self.hasmoving = true;
if (self.preventclick && !self.preventclick.click) {
self.preventclick.click = self.preventclick.tg.onclick || false;
self.preventclick.tg.onclick = self.onpreventclick;
if (self.rail.drag.dl) {
if (self.rail.drag.dl == "v") nx = self.rail.drag.sl;
else if (self.rail.drag.dl == "h") ny = self.rail.drag.st;
self.synched("touchmove", function () {
if (self.rail.drag && (self.rail.drag.pt == 2)) {
if (self.prepareTransition) self.resetTransition();
if (self.rail.scrollable) self.setScrollTop(ny);
self.scrollmom.update(fx, fy);
if (self.railh && self.railh.scrollable) {
self.showCursor(ny, nx);
} else {
if (cap.isie10) _doc.selection.clear();
return self.cancelEvent(e);
else if (self.rail.drag.pt == 1) { // drag on cursor
return self.onmousemove(e);
self.ontouchstartCursor = function (e, hronly) {
if (self.rail.drag && self.rail.drag.pt != 3) return;
if (self.locked) return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.rail.drag = {
x: e.touches[0].clientX,
y: e.touches[0].clientY,
sx: self.scroll.x,
sy: self.scroll.y,
pt: 3,
hr: (!!hronly)
var tg = self.getTarget(e);
if (!self.ispage && cap.hasmousecapture) tg.setCapture();
if (self.isiframe && !cap.hasmousecapture) {
self.saved.csspointerevents = self.doc.css("pointer-events");
self.css(self.doc, { "pointer-events": "none" });
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.ontouchendCursor = function (e) {
if (self.rail.drag) {
if (cap.hasmousecapture) _doc.releaseCapture();
if (self.isiframe && !cap.hasmousecapture) self.doc.css("pointer-events", self.saved.csspointerevents);
if (self.rail.drag.pt != 3) return;
self.rail.drag = false;
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.ontouchmoveCursor = function (e) {
if (self.rail.drag) {
if (self.rail.drag.pt != 3) return;
self.cursorfreezed = true;
if (self.rail.drag.hr) {
self.scroll.x = self.rail.drag.sx + (e.touches[0].clientX - self.rail.drag.x);
if (self.scroll.x < 0) self.scroll.x = 0;
var mw = self.scrollvaluemaxw;
if (self.scroll.x > mw) self.scroll.x = mw;
} else {
self.scroll.y = self.rail.drag.sy + (e.touches[0].clientY - self.rail.drag.y);
if (self.scroll.y < 0) self.scroll.y = 0;
var my = self.scrollvaluemax;
if (self.scroll.y > my) self.scroll.y = my;
self.synched('touchmove', function () {
if (self.rail.drag && (self.rail.drag.pt == 3)) {
if (self.rail.drag.hr) self.doScrollLeft(Math.round(self.scroll.x * self.scrollratio.x), opt.cursordragspeed);
else self.doScrollTop(Math.round(self.scroll.y * self.scrollratio.y), opt.cursordragspeed);
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.onmousedown = function (e, hronly) {
if (self.rail.drag && self.rail.drag.pt != 1) return;
if (self.railslocked) return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.rail.drag = {
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY,
sx: self.scroll.x,
sy: self.scroll.y,
pt: 1,
hr: hronly || false
var tg = self.getTarget(e);
if (cap.hasmousecapture) tg.setCapture();
if (self.isiframe && !cap.hasmousecapture) {
self.saved.csspointerevents = self.doc.css("pointer-events");
self.css(self.doc, {
"pointer-events": "none"
self.hasmoving = false;
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.onmouseup = function (e) {
if (self.rail.drag) {
if (self.rail.drag.pt != 1) return true;
if (cap.hasmousecapture) _doc.releaseCapture();
if (self.isiframe && !cap.hasmousecapture) self.doc.css("pointer-events", self.saved.csspointerevents);
self.rail.drag = false;
self.cursorfreezed = false;
if (self.hasmoving) self.triggerScrollEnd();
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (self.rail.drag) {
if (self.rail.drag.pt !== 1) return;
if (cap.ischrome && e.which === 0) return self.onmouseup(e);
self.cursorfreezed = true;
if (!self.hasmoving) self.triggerScrollStart(e.clientX, e.clientY, 0, 0, 0);
self.hasmoving = true;
if (self.rail.drag.hr) {
self.scroll.x = self.rail.drag.sx + (e.clientX - self.rail.drag.x);
if (self.scroll.x < 0) self.scroll.x = 0;
var mw = self.scrollvaluemaxw;
if (self.scroll.x > mw) self.scroll.x = mw;
} else {
self.scroll.y = self.rail.drag.sy + (e.clientY - self.rail.drag.y);
if (self.scroll.y < 0) self.scroll.y = 0;
var my = self.scrollvaluemax;
if (self.scroll.y > my) self.scroll.y = my;
self.synched('mousemove', function () {
if (self.cursorfreezed) {
if (self.rail.drag.hr) {
self.scrollLeft(Math.round(self.scroll.x * self.scrollratio.x));
} else {
self.scrollTop(Math.round(self.scroll.y * self.scrollratio.y));
return self.cancelEvent(e);
else {
self.checkarea = 0;
if (cap.cantouch || opt.emulatetouch) {
self.onpreventclick = function (e) {
if (self.preventclick) {
self.preventclick.tg.onclick = self.preventclick.click;
self.preventclick = false;
return self.cancelEvent(e);
self.onclick = (cap.isios) ? false : function (e) { // it needs to check IE11 ???
if (self.lastmouseup) {
self.lastmouseup = false;
return self.cancelEvent(e);
} else {
return true;
if (opt.grabcursorenabled && cap.cursorgrabvalue) {
self.css((self.ispage) ? self.doc : self.win, {
'cursor': cap.cursorgrabvalue
self.css(self.rail, {
'cursor': cap.cursorgrabvalue
} else {
var checkSelectionScroll = function (e) {
if (!self.selectiondrag) return;
if (e) {
var ww = self.win.outerHeight();
var df = (e.pageY - self.selectiondrag.top);
if (df > 0 && df < ww) df = 0;
if (df >= ww) df -= ww;
self.selectiondrag.df = df;
if (self.selectiondrag.df === 0) return;
var rt = -(self.selectiondrag.df*2/6)|0;
self.debounced("doselectionscroll", function () {
}, 50);
if ("getSelection" in _doc) { // A grade - Major browsers
self.hasTextSelected = function () {
return (_doc.getSelection().rangeCount > 0);
} else if ("selection" in _doc) { //IE9-
self.hasTextSelected = function () {
return (_doc.selection.type != "None");
} else {
self.hasTextSelected = function () { // no support
return false;
self.onselectionstart = function (e) {
// More testing - severe chrome issues
if (!self.haswrapper&&(e.which&&e.which==2)) { // fool browser to manage middle button scrolling
return true;
if (self.ispage) return;
self.selectiondrag = self.win.offset();
self.onselectionend = function (e) {
self.selectiondrag = false;
self.onselectiondrag = function (e) {
if (!self.selectiondrag) return;
if (self.hasTextSelected()) self.debounced("selectionscroll", function () {
}, 250);
if (cap.hasw3ctouch) { //IE11+
self.css((self.ispage) ? $("html") : self.win, { 'touch-action': 'none' });
self.css(self.rail, {
'touch-action': 'none'
self.css(self.cursor, {
'touch-action': 'none'
self.bind(self.win, "pointerdown", self.ontouchstart);
self.bind(_doc, "pointerup", self.ontouchend);
self.delegate(_doc, "pointermove", self.ontouchmove);
} else if (cap.hasmstouch) { //IE10
self.css((self.ispage) ? $("html") : self.win, { '-ms-touch-action': 'none' });
self.css(self.rail, {
'-ms-touch-action': 'none'
self.css(self.cursor, {
'-ms-touch-action': 'none'
self.bind(self.win, "MSPointerDown", self.ontouchstart);
self.bind(_doc, "MSPointerUp", self.ontouchend);
self.delegate(_doc, "MSPointerMove", self.ontouchmove);
self.bind(self.cursor, "MSGestureHold", function (e) {
self.bind(self.cursor, "contextmenu", function (e) {
} else if (cap.cantouch) { // smartphones/touch devices
self.bind(self.win, "touchstart", self.ontouchstart, false, true);
self.bind(_doc, "touchend", self.ontouchend, false, true);
self.bind(_doc, "touchcancel", self.ontouchend, false, true);
self.delegate(_doc, "touchmove", self.ontouchmove, false, true);
if (opt.emulatetouch) {
self.bind(self.win, "mousedown", self.ontouchstart, false, true);
self.bind(_doc, "mouseup", self.ontouchend, false, true);
self.bind(_doc, "mousemove", self.ontouchmove, false, true);
if (opt.cursordragontouch || (!cap.cantouch && !opt.emulatetouch)) {
cursor: "default"
self.railh && self.railh.css({
cursor: "default"
self.jqbind(self.rail, "mouseenter", function () {
if (!self.ispage && !self.win.is(":visible")) return false;
if (self.canshowonmouseevent) self.showCursor();
self.rail.active = true;
self.jqbind(self.rail, "mouseleave", function () {
self.rail.active = false;
if (!self.rail.drag) self.hideCursor();
if (opt.sensitiverail) {
self.bind(self.rail, "click", function (e) {
self.doRailClick(e, false, false);
self.bind(self.rail, "dblclick", function (e) {
self.doRailClick(e, true, false);
self.bind(self.cursor, "click", function (e) {
self.bind(self.cursor, "dblclick", function (e) {
if (self.railh) {
self.jqbind(self.railh, "mouseenter", function () {
if (!self.ispage && !self.win.is(":visible")) return false;
if (self.canshowonmouseevent) self.showCursor();
self.rail.active = true;
self.jqbind(self.railh, "mouseleave", function () {
self.rail.active = false;
if (!self.rail.drag) self.hideCursor();
if (opt.sensitiverail) {
self.bind(self.railh, "click", function (e) {
self.doRailClick(e, false, true);
self.bind(self.railh, "dblclick", function (e) {
self.doRailClick(e, true, true);
self.bind(self.cursorh, "click", function (e) {
self.bind(self.cursorh, "dblclick", function (e) {
if (opt.cursordragontouch && (this.istouchcapable || cap.cantouch)) {
self.bind(self.cursor, "touchstart", self.ontouchstartCursor);
self.bind(self.cursor, "touchmove", self.ontouchmoveCursor);
self.bind(self.cursor, "touchend", self.ontouchendCursor);
self.cursorh && self.bind(self.cursorh, "touchstart", function (e) {
self.ontouchstartCursor(e, true);
self.cursorh && self.bind(self.cursorh, "touchmove", self.ontouchmoveCursor);
self.cursorh && self.bind(self.cursorh, "touchend", self.ontouchendCursor);
// if (!cap.cantouch && !opt.emulatetouch) {
if (!opt.emulatetouch && !cap.isandroid && !cap.isios) {
self.bind((cap.hasmousecapture) ? self.win : _doc, "mouseup", self.onmouseup);
self.bind(_doc, "mousemove", self.onmousemove);
if (self.onclick) self.bind(_doc, "click", self.onclick);
self.bind(self.cursor, "mousedown", self.onmousedown);
self.bind(self.cursor, "mouseup", self.onmouseup);
if (self.railh) {
self.bind(self.cursorh, "mousedown", function (e) {
self.onmousedown(e, true);
self.bind(self.cursorh, "mouseup", self.onmouseup);
if (!self.ispage && opt.enablescrollonselection) {
self.bind(self.win[0], "mousedown", self.onselectionstart);
self.bind(_doc, "mouseup", self.onselectionend);
self.bind(self.cursor, "mouseup", self.onselectionend);
if (self.cursorh) self.bind(self.cursorh, "mouseup", self.onselectionend);
self.bind(_doc, "mousemove", self.onselectiondrag);
if (self.zoom) {
self.jqbind(self.zoom, "mouseenter", function () {
if (self.canshowonmouseevent) self.showCursor();
self.rail.active = true;
self.jqbind(self.zoom, "mouseleave", function () {
self.rail.active = false;
if (!self.rail.drag) self.hideCursor();
} else {
self.bind((cap.hasmousecapture) ? self.win : _doc, "mouseup", self.ontouchend);
if (self.onclick) self.bind(_doc, "click", self.onclick);
if (opt.cursordragontouch) {
self.bind(self.cursor, "mousedown", self.onmousedown);
self.bind(self.cursor, "mouseup", self.onmouseup);
self.cursorh && self.bind(self.cursorh, "mousedown", function (e) {
self.onmousedown(e, true);
self.cursorh && self.bind(self.cursorh, "mouseup", self.onmouseup);
} else {
self.bind(self.rail, "mousedown", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // prevent text selection
self.railh && self.bind(self.railh, "mousedown", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); });
if (opt.enablemousewheel) {
if (!self.isiframe) self.mousewheel((cap.isie && self.ispage) ? _doc : self.win, self.onmousewheel);
self.mousewheel(self.rail, self.onmousewheel);
if (self.railh) self.mousewheel(self.railh, self.onmousewheelhr);
if (!self.ispage && !cap.cantouch && !(/HTML|^BODY/.test(self.win[0].nodeName))) {
if (!self.win.attr("tabindex")) self.win.attr({
"tabindex": ++tabindexcounter
self.bind(self.win, "focus", function (e) { // better using native events
domfocus = (self.getTarget(e)).id || self.getTarget(e) || false;
self.hasfocus = true;
if (self.canshowonmouseevent) self.noticeCursor();
self.bind(self.win, "blur", function (e) { // *
domfocus = false;
self.hasfocus = false;
self.bind(self.win, "mouseenter", function (e) { // *
mousefocus = (self.getTarget(e)).id || self.getTarget(e) || false;
self.hasmousefocus = true;
if (self.canshowonmouseevent) self.noticeCursor();
self.bind(self.win, "mouseleave", function (e) { // *
mousefocus = false;
self.hasmousefocus = false;
if (!self.rail.drag) self.hideCursor();
//Thanks to http://www.quirksmode.org !!
self.onkeypress = function (e) {
if (self.railslocked && self.page.maxh === 0) return true;
e = e || _win.event;
var tg = self.getTarget(e);
if (tg && /INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT|OPTION/.test(tg.nodeName)) {
var tp = tg.getAttribute('type') || tg.type || false;
if ((!tp) || !(/submit|button|cancel/i.tp)) return true;
if ($(tg).attr('contenteditable')) return true;
if (self.hasfocus || (self.hasmousefocus && !domfocus) || (self.ispage && !domfocus && !mousefocus)) {
var key = e.keyCode;
if (self.railslocked && key != 27) return self.cancelEvent(e);
var ctrl = e.ctrlKey || false;
var shift = e.shiftKey || false;
var ret = false;
switch (key) {
case 38:
case 63233: //safari
self.doScrollBy(24 * 3);
ret = true;
case 40:
case 63235: //safari
self.doScrollBy(-24 * 3);
ret = true;
case 37:
case 63232: //safari
if (self.railh) {
(ctrl) ? self.doScrollLeft(0) : self.doScrollLeftBy(24 * 3);
ret = true;
case 39:
case 63234: //safari
if (self.railh) {
(ctrl) ? self.doScrollLeft(self.page.maxw) : self.doScrollLeftBy(-24 * 3);
ret = true;
case 33:
case 63276: // safari
ret = true;
case 34:
case 63277: // safari
ret = true;
case 36:
case 63273: // safari
(self.railh && ctrl) ? self.doScrollPos(0, 0) : self.doScrollTo(0);
ret = true;
case 35:
case 63275: // safari
(self.railh && ctrl) ? self.doScrollPos(self.page.maxw, self.page.maxh) : self.doScrollTo(self.page.maxh);
ret = true;
case 32:
if (opt.spacebarenabled) {
(shift) ? self.doScrollBy(self.view.h) : self.doScrollBy(-self.view.h);
ret = true;
case 27: // ESC
if (self.zoomactive) {
ret = true;
if (ret) return self.cancelEvent(e);
if (opt.enablekeyboard) self.bind(_doc, (cap.isopera && !cap.isopera12) ? "keypress" : "keydown", self.onkeypress);
self.bind(_doc, "keydown", function (e) {
var ctrl = e.ctrlKey || false;
if (ctrl) self.wheelprevented = true;
self.bind(_doc, "keyup", function (e) {
var ctrl = e.ctrlKey || false;
if (!ctrl) self.wheelprevented = false;
self.bind(_win, "blur", function (e) {
self.wheelprevented = false;
self.bind(_win, 'resize', self.onscreenresize);
self.bind(_win, 'orientationchange', self.onscreenresize);
self.bind(_win, "load", self.lazyResize);
if (cap.ischrome && !self.ispage && !self.haswrapper) { //chrome void scrollbar bug - it persists in version 26
var tmp = self.win.attr("style");
var ww = parseFloat(self.win.css("width")) + 1;
self.win.css('width', ww);
self.synched("chromefix", function () {
self.win.attr("style", tmp);
// Trying a cross-browser implementation - good luck!
self.onAttributeChange = function (e) {
self.lazyResize(self.isieold ? 250 : 30);
if (opt.enableobserver) {
if ((!self.isie11) && (ClsMutationObserver !== false)) { // IE11 crashes #568
self.observerbody = new ClsMutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mut) {
if (mut.type == "attributes") {
return ($body.hasClass("modal-open") && $body.hasClass("modal-dialog") && !$.contains($('.modal-dialog')[0], self.doc[0])) ? self.hide() : self.show(); // Support for Bootstrap modal; Added check if the nice scroll element is inside a modal
if (self.me.clientWidth != self.page.width || self.me.clientHeight != self.page.height) return self.lazyResize(30);
self.observerbody.observe(_doc.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
characterData: false,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class']
if (!self.ispage && !self.haswrapper) {
var _dom = self.win[0];
// redesigned MutationObserver for Chrome18+/Firefox14+/iOS6+ with support for: remove div, add/remove content
if (ClsMutationObserver !== false) {
self.observer = new ClsMutationObserver(function (mutations) {
self.observer.observe(_dom, {
childList: true,
characterData: false,
attributes: true,
subtree: false
self.observerremover = new ClsMutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mo) {
if (mo.removedNodes.length > 0) {
for (var dd in mo.removedNodes) {
if (!!self && (mo.removedNodes[dd] === _dom)) return self.remove();
self.observerremover.observe(_dom.parentNode, {
childList: true,
characterData: false,
attributes: false,
subtree: false
} else {
self.bind(_dom, (cap.isie && !cap.isie9) ? "propertychange" : "DOMAttrModified", self.onAttributeChange);
if (cap.isie9) _dom.attachEvent("onpropertychange", self.onAttributeChange); //IE9 DOMAttrModified bug
self.bind(_dom, "DOMNodeRemoved", function (e) {
if (e.target === _dom) self.remove();
if (!self.ispage && opt.boxzoom) self.bind(_win, "resize", self.resizeZoom);
if (self.istextarea) {
self.bind(self.win, "keydown", self.lazyResize);
self.bind(self.win, "mouseup", self.lazyResize);
if (this.doc[0].nodeName == 'IFRAME') {
var oniframeload = function () {
self.iframexd = false;
var doc;
try {
doc = 'contentDocument' in this ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow._doc;
var a = doc.domain;
} catch (e) {
self.iframexd = true;
doc = false;
if (self.iframexd) {
if ("console" in _win) console.log('NiceScroll error: policy restriced iframe');
return true; //cross-domain - I can't manage this
self.forcescreen = true;
if (self.isiframe) {
self.iframe = {
"doc": $(doc),
"html": self.doc.contents().find('html')[0],
"body": self.doc.contents().find('body')[0]
self.getContentSize = function () {
return {
w: Math.max(self.iframe.html.scrollWidth, self.iframe.body.scrollWidth),
h: Math.max(self.iframe.html.scrollHeight, self.iframe.body.scrollHeight)
self.docscroll = $(self.iframe.body);
if (!cap.isios && opt.iframeautoresize && !self.isiframe) {
self.win.scrollTop(0); // reset position
self.doc.height(""); //reset height to fix browser bug
var hh = Math.max(doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].scrollHeight, doc.body.scrollHeight);
self.css($(self.iframe.body), _scrollyhidden);
if (cap.isios && self.haswrapper) {
self.css($(doc.body), {
'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)'
}); // avoid iFrame content clipping - thanks to http://blog.derraab.com/2012/04/02/avoid-iframe-content-clipping-with-css-transform-on-ios/
if ('contentWindow' in this) {
self.bind(this.contentWindow, "scroll", self.onscroll); //IE8 & minor
} else {
self.bind(doc, "scroll", self.onscroll);
if (opt.enablemousewheel) {
self.mousewheel(doc, self.onmousewheel);
if (opt.enablekeyboard) self.bind(doc, (cap.isopera) ? "keypress" : "keydown", self.onkeypress);
if (cap.cantouch) {
self.bind(doc, "touchstart", self.ontouchstart);
self.bind(doc, "touchmove", self.ontouchmove);
else if (opt.emulatetouch) {
self.bind(doc, "mousedown", self.ontouchstart);
self.bind(doc, "mousemove", function (e) {
return self.ontouchmove(e, true);
if (opt.grabcursorenabled && cap.cursorgrabvalue) self.css($(doc.body), {
'cursor': cap.cursorgrabvalue
self.bind(doc, "mouseup", self.ontouchend);
if (self.zoom) {
if (opt.dblclickzoom) self.bind(doc, 'dblclick', self.doZoom);
if (self.ongesturezoom) self.bind(doc, "gestureend", self.ongesturezoom);
if (this.doc[0].readyState && this.doc[0].readyState === "complete") {
setTimeout(function () {
oniframeload.call(self.doc[0], false);
}, 500);
self.bind(this.doc, "load", oniframeload);
this.showCursor = function (py, px) {
if (self.cursortimeout) {
self.cursortimeout = 0;
if (!self.rail) return;
if (self.autohidedom) {
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymax
self.cursoractive = true;
if (!self.rail.drag || self.rail.drag.pt != 1) {
if (py !== undefined && py !== false) {
self.scroll.y = (py / self.scrollratio.y) | 0;
if (px !== undefined) {
self.scroll.x = (px / self.scrollratio.x) | 0;
height: self.cursorheight,
top: self.scroll.y
if (self.cursorh) {
var lx = (self.hasreversehr) ? self.scrollvaluemaxw - self.scroll.x : self.scroll.x;
width: self.cursorwidth,
left: (!self.rail.align && self.rail.visibility) ? lx + self.rail.width : lx
self.cursoractive = true;
if (self.zoom) self.zoom.stop().css({
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymax
this.hideCursor = function (tm) {
if (self.cursortimeout) return;
if (!self.rail) return;
if (!self.autohidedom) return;
if (self.hasmousefocus && opt.autohidemode === "leave") return;
self.cursortimeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (!self.rail.active || !self.showonmouseevent) {
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymin
if (self.zoom) self.zoom.stop().animate({
opacity: opt.cursoropacitymin
self.cursoractive = false;
self.cursortimeout = 0;
}, tm || opt.hidecursordelay);
this.noticeCursor = function (tm, py, px) {
self.showCursor(py, px);
if (!self.rail.active) self.hideCursor(tm);
this.getContentSize =
(self.ispage) ?
function () {
return {
w: Math.max(_doc.body.scrollWidth, _doc.documentElement.scrollWidth),
h: Math.max(_doc.body.scrollHeight, _doc.documentElement.scrollHeight)
} : (self.haswrapper) ?
function () {
return {
w: self.doc[0].offsetWidth,
h: self.doc[0].offsetHeight
} : function () {
return {
w: self.docscroll[0].scrollWidth,
h: self.docscroll[0].scrollHeight
this.onResize = function (e, page) {
if (!self || !self.win) return false;
var premaxh = self.page.maxh,
premaxw = self.page.maxw,
previewh = self.view.h,
previeww = self.view.w;
self.view = {
w: (self.ispage) ? self.win.width() : self.win[0].clientWidth,
h: (self.ispage) ? self.win.height() : self.win[0].clientHeight
self.page = (page) ? page : self.getContentSize();
self.page.maxh = Math.max(0, self.page.h - self.view.h);
self.page.maxw = Math.max(0, self.page.w - self.view.w);
if ((self.page.maxh == premaxh) && (self.page.maxw == premaxw) && (self.view.w == previeww) && (self.view.h == previewh)) {
// test position
if (!self.ispage) {
var pos = self.win.offset();
if (self.lastposition) {
var lst = self.lastposition;
if ((lst.top == pos.top) && (lst.left == pos.left)) return self; //nothing to do
self.lastposition = pos;
} else {
return self; //nothing to do
if (self.page.maxh === 0) {
self.scrollvaluemax = 0;
self.scroll.y = 0;
self.scrollratio.y = 0;
self.cursorheight = 0;
if (self.rail) self.rail.scrollable = false;
} else {
self.page.maxh -= (opt.railpadding.top + opt.railpadding.bottom);
self.rail.scrollable = true;
if (self.page.maxw === 0) {
self.scrollvaluemaxw = 0;
self.scroll.x = 0;
self.scrollratio.x = 0;
self.cursorwidth = 0;
if (self.railh) {
self.railh.scrollable = false;
} else {
self.page.maxw -= (opt.railpadding.left + opt.railpadding.right);
if (self.railh) self.railh.scrollable = (opt.horizrailenabled);
self.railslocked = (self.locked) || ((self.page.maxh === 0) && (self.page.maxw === 0));
if (self.railslocked) {
if (!self.ispage) self.updateScrollBar(self.view);
return false;
if (!self.hidden) {
if (!self.rail.visibility) self.showRail();
if (self.railh && !self.railh.visibility) self.showRailHr();
if (self.istextarea && self.win.css('resize') && self.win.css('resize') != 'none') self.view.h -= 20;
self.cursorheight = Math.min(self.view.h, Math.round(self.view.h * (self.view.h / self.page.h)));
self.cursorheight = (opt.cursorfixedheight) ? opt.cursorfixedheight : Math.max(opt.cursorminheight, self.cursorheight);
self.cursorwidth = Math.min(self.view.w, Math.round(self.view.w * (self.view.w / self.page.w)));
self.cursorwidth = (opt.cursorfixedheight) ? opt.cursorfixedheight : Math.max(opt.cursorminheight, self.cursorwidth);
self.scrollvaluemax = self.view.h - self.cursorheight - (opt.railpadding.top + opt.railpadding.bottom);
if (!self.hasborderbox) self.scrollvaluemax -= self.cursor[0].offsetHeight - self.cursor[0].clientHeight;
if (self.railh) {
self.railh.width = (self.page.maxh > 0) ? (self.rail.width) : self.view.w;
self.scrollvaluemaxw = self.railh.width - self.cursorwidth - (opt.railpadding.left + opt.railpadding.right);
if (!self.ispage) self.updateScrollBar(self.view);
self.scrollratio = {
x: (self.page.maxw / self.scrollvaluemaxw),
y: (self.page.maxh / self.scrollvaluemax)
var sy = self.getScrollTop();
if (sy > self.page.maxh) {
} else {
self.scroll.y = (self.getScrollTop() / self.scrollratio.y) | 0;
self.scroll.x = (self.getScrollLeft() / self.scrollratio.x) | 0;
if (self.cursoractive) self.noticeCursor();
if (self.scroll.y && (self.getScrollTop() === 0)) self.doScrollTo((self.scroll.y * self.scrollratio.y)|0);
return self;
this.resize = self.onResize;
var hlazyresize = 0;
this.onscreenresize = function(e) {
var hiderails = (!self.ispage && !self.haswrapper);
if (hiderails) self.hideRails();
hlazyresize = setTimeout(function () {
if (self) {
if (hiderails) self.showRails();
}, 120);
this.lazyResize = function (tm) { // event debounce
tm = isNaN(tm) ? 240 : tm;
hlazyresize = setTimeout(function () {
self && self.resize();
}, tm);
return self;
// derived by MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/Mozilla_event_reference/wheel
function _modernWheelEvent(dom, name, fn, bubble) {
self._bind(dom, name, function (e) {
e = e || _win.event;
var event = {
original: e,
target: e.target || e.srcElement,
type: "wheel",
deltaMode: e.type == "MozMousePixelScroll" ? 0 : 1,
deltaX: 0,
deltaZ: 0,
preventDefault: function () {
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false;
return false;
stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
(e.stopImmediatePropagation) ? e.stopImmediatePropagation() : e.cancelBubble = true;
if (name == "mousewheel") {
e.wheelDeltaX && (event.deltaX = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaX);
e.wheelDeltaY && (event.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDeltaY);
!event.deltaY && !event.deltaX && (event.deltaY = -1 / 40 * e.wheelDelta);
} else {
event.deltaY = e.detail;
return fn.call(dom, event);
}, bubble);
this.jqbind = function (dom, name, fn) { // use jquery bind for non-native events (mouseenter/mouseleave)
e: dom,
n: name,
f: fn,
q: true
$(dom).on(name, fn);
this.mousewheel = function (dom, fn, bubble) { // bind mousewheel
var el = ("jquery" in dom) ? dom[0] : dom;
if ("onwheel" in _doc.createElement("div")) { // Modern browsers support "wheel"
self._bind(el, "wheel", fn, bubble || false);
} else {
var wname = (_doc.onmousewheel !== undefined) ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll"; // older Webkit+IE support or older Firefox
_modernWheelEvent(el, wname, fn, bubble || false);
if (wname == "DOMMouseScroll") _modernWheelEvent(el, "MozMousePixelScroll", fn, bubble || false); // Firefox legacy
var passiveSupported = false;
if (cap.haseventlistener) { // W3C standard event model
// thanks to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener
try { var options = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function () { passiveSupported = !0; } }); _win.addEventListener("test", null, options); } catch (err) { }
this.stopPropagation = function (e) {
if (!e) return false;
e = (e.original) ? e.original : e;
return false;
this.cancelEvent = function(e) {
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
if (e.preventManipulation) e.preventManipulation(); // IE10+
return false;
} else {
// inspired from https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/2415137
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function () {
this.returnValue = false;
Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {
this.cancelBubble = true;
_win.constructor.prototype.addEventListener = _doc.constructor.prototype.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
this.attachEvent("on" + type, listener);
_win.constructor.prototype.removeEventListener = _doc.constructor.prototype.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
this.detachEvent("on" + type, listener);
// Thanks to http://www.switchonthecode.com !!
this.cancelEvent = function (e) {
e = e || _win.event;
if (e) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.cancel = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
this.stopPropagation = function (e) {
e = e || _win.event;
if (e) e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
this.delegate = function (dom, name, fn, bubble, active) {
var de = delegatevents[name] || false;
if (!de) {
de = {
a: [],
l: [],
f: function (e) {
var lst = de.l, l = lst.length - 1;
var r = false;
for (var a = l; a >= 0; a--) {
r = lst[a].call(e.target, e);
if (r === false) return false;
return r;
self.bind(dom, name, de.f, bubble, active);
delegatevents[name] = de;
if (self.ispage) {
de.a = [self.id].concat(de.a);
de.l = [fn].concat(de.l);
} else {
this.undelegate = function (dom, name, fn, bubble, active) {
var de = delegatevents[name]||false;
if (de&&de.l) { // quick fix #683
for (var a=0,l=de.l.length;a<l;a++) {
if (de.a[a] === self.id) {
if (de.a.length===0) {
delegatevents[name] = null;
this.bind = function (dom, name, fn, bubble, active) {
var el = ("jquery" in dom) ? dom[0] : dom;
self._bind(el, name, fn, bubble || false, active || false);
this._bind = function (el, name, fn, bubble, active) { // primitive bind
e: el,
n: name,
f: fn,
b: bubble,
q: false
(passiveSupported && active) ? el.addEventListener(name, fn, { passive: false, capture: bubble }) : el.addEventListener(name, fn, bubble || false);
this._unbind = function (el, name, fn, bub) { // primitive unbind
if (delegatevents[name]) self.undelegate(el, name, fn, bub);
else el.removeEventListener(name, fn, bub);
this.unbindAll = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < self.events.length; a++) {
var r = self.events[a];
(r.q) ? r.e.unbind(r.n, r.f) : self._unbind(r.e, r.n, r.f, r.b);
this.showRails = function () {
return self.showRail().showRailHr();
this.showRail = function () {
if ((self.page.maxh !== 0) && (self.ispage || self.win.css('display') != 'none')) {
//self.visibility = true;
self.rail.visibility = true;
self.rail.css('display', 'block');
return self;
this.showRailHr = function () {
if (self.railh) {
if ((self.page.maxw !== 0) && (self.ispage || self.win.css('display') != 'none')) {
self.railh.visibility = true;
self.railh.css('display', 'block');
return self;
this.hideRails = function () {
return self.hideRail().hideRailHr();
this.hideRail = function () {
//self.visibility = false;
self.rail.visibility = false;
self.rail.css('display', 'none');
return self;
this.hideRailHr = function () {
if (self.railh) {
self.railh.visibility = false;
self.railh.css('display', 'none');
return self;
this.show = function () {
self.hidden = false;
self.railslocked = false;
return self.showRails();
this.hide = function () {
self.hidden = true;
self.railslocked = true;
return self.hideRails();
this.toggle = function () {
return (self.hidden) ? self.show() : self.hide();
this.remove = function () {
if (self.cursortimeout) clearTimeout(self.cursortimeout);
for (var n in self.delaylist) if (self.delaylist[n]) clearAnimationFrame(self.delaylist[n].h);
if (cap.isie9) self.win[0].detachEvent("onpropertychange", self.onAttributeChange); //IE9 DOMAttrModified bug
if (self.observer !== false) self.observer.disconnect();
if (self.observerremover !== false) self.observerremover.disconnect();
if (self.observerbody !== false) self.observerbody.disconnect();
self.events = null;
if (self.cursor) {
if (self.cursorh) {
if (self.rail) {
if (self.railh) {
if (self.zoom) {
for (var a = 0; a < self.saved.css.length; a++) {
var d = self.saved.css[a];
d[0].css(d[1], (d[2] === undefined) ? '' : d[2]);
self.saved = false;
self.me.data('__nicescroll', ''); //erase all traces
// memory leak fixed by GianlucaGuarini - thanks a lot!
// remove the current nicescroll from the $.nicescroll array & normalize array
var lst = $.nicescroll;
lst.each(function (i) {
if (!this) return;
if (this.id === self.id) {
delete lst[i];
for (var b = ++i; b < lst.length; b++ , i++) lst[i] = lst[b];
if (lst.length) delete lst[lst.length];
for (var i in self) {
self[i] = null;
delete self[i];
self = null;
this.scrollstart = function (fn) {
this.onscrollstart = fn;
return self;
this.scrollend = function (fn) {
this.onscrollend = fn;
return self;
this.scrollcancel = function (fn) {
this.onscrollcancel = fn;
return self;
this.zoomin = function (fn) {
this.onzoomin = fn;
return self;
this.zoomout = function (fn) {
this.onzoomout = fn;
return self;
this.isScrollable = function (e) {
var dom = (e.target) ? e.target : e;
if (dom.nodeName == 'OPTION') return true;
while (dom && (dom.nodeType == 1) && (dom !== this.me[0]) && !(/^BODY|HTML/.test(dom.nodeName))) {
var dd = $(dom);
var ov = dd.css('overflowY') || dd.css('overflowX') || dd.css('overflow') || '';
if (/scroll|auto/.test(ov)) return (dom.clientHeight != dom.scrollHeight);
dom = (dom.parentNode) ? dom.parentNode : false;
return false;
this.getViewport = function (me) {
var dom = (me && me.parentNode) ? me.parentNode : false;
while (dom && (dom.nodeType == 1) && !(/^BODY|HTML/.test(dom.nodeName))) {
var dd = $(dom);
if (/fixed|absolute/.test(dd.css("position"))) return dd;
var ov = dd.css('overflowY') || dd.css('overflowX') || dd.css('overflow') || '';
if ((/scroll|auto/.test(ov)) && (dom.clientHeight != dom.scrollHeight)) return dd;
if (dd.getNiceScroll().length > 0) return dd;
dom = (dom.parentNode) ? dom.parentNode : false;
return false;
this.triggerScrollStart = function (cx, cy, rx, ry, ms) {
if (self.onscrollstart) {
var info = {
type: "scrollstart",
current: {
x: cx,
y: cy
request: {
x: rx,
y: ry
end: {
x: self.newscrollx,
y: self.newscrolly
speed: ms
self.onscrollstart.call(self, info);
this.triggerScrollEnd = function () {
if (self.onscrollend) {
var px = self.getScrollLeft();
var py = self.getScrollTop();
var info = {
type: "scrollend",
current: {
x: px,
y: py
end: {
x: px,
y: py
self.onscrollend.call(self, info);
var scrolldiry = 0, scrolldirx = 0, scrolltmr = 0, scrollspd = 1;
function doScrollRelative(px, py, chkscroll, iswheel) {
if (!self.scrollrunning) {
self.newscrolly = self.getScrollTop();
self.newscrollx = self.getScrollLeft();
scrolltmr = now();
var gap = (now() - scrolltmr);
scrolltmr = now();
if (gap > 350) {
scrollspd = 1;
} else {
scrollspd += (2 - scrollspd) / 10;
px = px * scrollspd | 0;
py = py * scrollspd | 0;
if (px) {
if (iswheel) { // mouse-only
if (px < 0) { // fix apple magic mouse swipe back/forward
if (self.getScrollLeft() >= self.page.maxw) return true;
} else {
if (self.getScrollLeft() <= 0) return true;
var dx = px > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (scrolldirx !== dx) {
if (self.scrollmom) self.scrollmom.stop();
self.newscrollx = self.getScrollLeft();
scrolldirx = dx;
self.lastdeltax -= px;
if (py) {
var chk = (function () {
var top = self.getScrollTop();
if (py < 0) {
if (top >= self.page.maxh) return true;
} else {
if (top <= 0) return true;
if (chk) {
if (opt.nativeparentscrolling && chkscroll && !self.ispage && !self.zoomactive) return true;
var ny = self.view.h >> 1;
if (self.newscrolly < -ny) { self.newscrolly = -ny; py = -1; }
else if (self.newscrolly > self.page.maxh + ny) { self.newscrolly = self.page.maxh + ny; py = 1; }
else py = 0;
var dy = py > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (scrolldiry !== dy) {
if (self.scrollmom) self.scrollmom.stop();
self.newscrolly = self.getScrollTop();
scrolldiry = dy;
self.lastdeltay -= py;
if (py || px) {
self.synched("relativexy", function () {
var dty = self.lastdeltay + self.newscrolly;
self.lastdeltay = 0;
var dtx = self.lastdeltax + self.newscrollx;
self.lastdeltax = 0;
if (!self.rail.drag) self.doScrollPos(dtx, dty);
var hasparentscrollingphase = false;
function execScrollWheel(e, hr, chkscroll) {
var px, py;
if (!chkscroll && hasparentscrollingphase) return true;
if (e.deltaMode === 0) { // PIXEL
px = -(e.deltaX * (opt.mousescrollstep / (18 * 3))) | 0;
py = -(e.deltaY * (opt.mousescrollstep / (18 * 3))) | 0;
} else if (e.deltaMode === 1) { // LINE
px = -(e.deltaX * opt.mousescrollstep * 50 / 80) | 0;
py = -(e.deltaY * opt.mousescrollstep * 50 / 80) | 0;
if (hr && opt.oneaxismousemode && (px === 0) && py) { // classic vertical-only mousewheel + browser with x/y support
px = py;
py = 0;
if (chkscroll) {
var hrend = (px < 0) ? (self.getScrollLeft() >= self.page.maxw) : (self.getScrollLeft() <= 0);
if (hrend) { // preserve vertical scrolling
py = px;
px = 0;
// invert horizontal direction for rtl mode
if (self.isrtlmode) px = -px;
var chk = doScrollRelative(px, py, chkscroll, true);
if (chk) {
if (chkscroll) hasparentscrollingphase = true;
} else {
hasparentscrollingphase = false;
return e.preventDefault();
this.onmousewheel = function (e) {
if (self.wheelprevented||self.locked) return false;
if (self.railslocked) {
self.debounced("checkunlock", self.resize, 250);
return false;
if (self.rail.drag) return self.cancelEvent(e);
if (opt.oneaxismousemode === "auto" && e.deltaX !== 0) opt.oneaxismousemode = false; // check two-axis mouse support (not very elegant)
if (opt.oneaxismousemode && e.deltaX === 0) {
if (!self.rail.scrollable) {
if (self.railh && self.railh.scrollable) {
return self.onmousewheelhr(e);
} else {
return true;
var nw = now();
var chk = false;
if (opt.preservenativescrolling && ((self.checkarea + 600) < nw)) {
self.nativescrollingarea = self.isScrollable(e);
chk = true;
self.checkarea = nw;
if (self.nativescrollingarea) return true; // this isn't my business
var ret = execScrollWheel(e, false, chk);
if (ret) self.checkarea = 0;
return ret;
this.onmousewheelhr = function (e) {
if (self.wheelprevented) return;
if (self.railslocked || !self.railh.scrollable) return true;
if (self.rail.drag) return self.cancelEvent(e);
var nw = now();
var chk = false;
if (opt.preservenativescrolling && ((self.checkarea + 600) < nw)) {
self.nativescrollingarea = self.isScrollable(e);
chk = true;
self.checkarea = nw;
if (self.nativescrollingarea) return true; // this is not my business
if (self.railslocked) return self.cancelEvent(e);
return execScrollWheel(e, true, chk);
this.stop = function () {
if (self.scrollmon) self.scrollmon.stop();
self.cursorfreezed = false;
self.scroll.y = Math.round(self.getScrollTop() * (1 / self.scrollratio.y));
return self;
this.getTransitionSpeed = function (dif) {
return 80 + (dif / 72) * opt.scrollspeed |0;
if (!opt.smoothscroll) {
this.doScrollLeft = function (x, spd) { //direct
var y = self.getScrollTop();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.doScrollTop = function (y, spd) { //direct
var x = self.getScrollLeft();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.doScrollPos = function (x, y, spd) { //direct
var nx = (x > self.page.maxw) ? self.page.maxw : x;
if (nx < 0) nx = 0;
var ny = (y > self.page.maxh) ? self.page.maxh : y;
if (ny < 0) ny = 0;
self.synched('scroll', function () {
this.cancelScroll = function () { }; // direct
} else if (self.ishwscroll && cap.hastransition && opt.usetransition && !!opt.smoothscroll) {
var lasttransitionstyle = '';
this.resetTransition = function () {
lasttransitionstyle = '';
self.doc.css(cap.prefixstyle + 'transition-duration', '0ms');
this.prepareTransition = function (dif, istime) {
var ex = (istime) ? dif : self.getTransitionSpeed(dif);
var trans = ex + 'ms';
if (lasttransitionstyle !== trans) {
lasttransitionstyle = trans;
self.doc.css(cap.prefixstyle + 'transition-duration', trans);
return ex;
this.doScrollLeft = function (x, spd) { //trans
var y = (self.scrollrunning) ? self.newscrolly : self.getScrollTop();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.doScrollTop = function (y, spd) { //trans
var x = (self.scrollrunning) ? self.newscrollx : self.getScrollLeft();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.cursorupdate = {
running: false,
start: function () {
var m = this;
if (m.running) return;
m.running = true;
var loop = function () {
if (m.running) setAnimationFrame(loop);
self.showCursor(self.getScrollTop(), self.getScrollLeft());
stop: function () {
this.running = false;
this.doScrollPos = function (x, y, spd) { //trans
var py = self.getScrollTop();
var px = self.getScrollLeft();
if (((self.newscrolly - py) * (y - py) < 0) || ((self.newscrollx - px) * (x - px) < 0)) self.cancelScroll(); //inverted movement detection
if (!opt.bouncescroll) {
if (y < 0) y = 0;
else if (y > self.page.maxh) y = self.page.maxh;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
else if (x > self.page.maxw) x = self.page.maxw;
} else {
if (y < 0) y = y / 2 | 0;
else if (y > self.page.maxh) y = self.page.maxh + (y - self.page.maxh) / 2 | 0;
if (x < 0) x = x / 2 | 0;
else if (x > self.page.maxw) x = self.page.maxw + (x - self.page.maxw) / 2 | 0;
if (self.scrollrunning && x == self.newscrollx && y == self.newscrolly) return false;
self.newscrolly = y;
self.newscrollx = x;
var top = self.getScrollTop();
var lft = self.getScrollLeft();
var dst = {};
dst.x = x - lft;
dst.y = y - top;
var dd = Math.sqrt((dst.x * dst.x) + (dst.y * dst.y)) | 0;
var ms = self.prepareTransition(dd);
if (!self.scrollrunning) {
self.scrollrunning = true;
self.triggerScrollStart(lft, top, x, y, ms);
self.scrollendtrapped = true;
if (!cap.transitionend) {
if (self.scrollendtrapped) clearTimeout(self.scrollendtrapped);
self.scrollendtrapped = setTimeout(self.onScrollTransitionEnd, ms); // simulate transitionend event
this.cancelScroll = function () {
if (!self.scrollendtrapped) return true;
var py = self.getScrollTop();
var px = self.getScrollLeft();
self.scrollrunning = false;
if (!cap.transitionend) clearTimeout(cap.transitionend);
self.scrollendtrapped = false;
self.setScrollTop(py); // fire event onscroll
if (self.railh) self.setScrollLeft(px);
if (self.timerscroll && self.timerscroll.tm) clearInterval(self.timerscroll.tm);
self.timerscroll = false;
self.cursorfreezed = false;
self.showCursor(py, px);
return self;
this.onScrollTransitionEnd = function () {
if (!self.scrollendtrapped) return;
var py = self.getScrollTop();
var px = self.getScrollLeft();
if (py < 0) py = 0;
else if (py > self.page.maxh) py = self.page.maxh;
if (px < 0) px = 0;
else if (px > self.page.maxw) px = self.page.maxw;
if ((py != self.newscrolly) || (px != self.newscrollx)) return self.doScrollPos(px, py, opt.snapbackspeed);
if (self.scrollrunning) self.triggerScrollEnd();
self.scrollrunning = false;
self.scrollendtrapped = false;
self.timerscroll = false;
self.setScrollTop(py); // fire event onscroll
if (self.railh) self.setScrollLeft(px); // fire event onscroll left
self.noticeCursor(false, py, px);
self.cursorfreezed = false;
} else {
this.doScrollLeft = function (x, spd) { //no-trans
var y = (self.scrollrunning) ? self.newscrolly : self.getScrollTop();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.doScrollTop = function (y, spd) { //no-trans
var x = (self.scrollrunning) ? self.newscrollx : self.getScrollLeft();
self.doScrollPos(x, y, spd);
this.doScrollPos = function (x, y, spd) { //no-trans
var py = self.getScrollTop();
var px = self.getScrollLeft();
if (((self.newscrolly - py) * (y - py) < 0) || ((self.newscrollx - px) * (x - px) < 0)) self.cancelScroll(); //inverted movement detection
var clipped = false;
if (!self.bouncescroll || !self.rail.visibility) {
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
clipped = true;
} else if (y > self.page.maxh) {
y = self.page.maxh;
clipped = true;
if (!self.bouncescroll || !self.railh.visibility) {
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
clipped = true;
} else if (x > self.page.maxw) {
x = self.page.maxw;
clipped = true;
if (self.scrollrunning && (self.newscrolly === y) && (self.newscrollx === x)) return true;
self.newscrolly = y;
self.newscrollx = x;
self.dst = {};
self.dst.x = x - px;
self.dst.y = y - py;
self.dst.px = px;
self.dst.py = py;
var dd = Math.sqrt((self.dst.x * self.dst.x) + (self.dst.y * self.dst.y)) | 0;
var ms = self.getTransitionSpeed(dd);
self.bzscroll = {};
var p3 = (clipped) ? 1 : 0.58;
self.bzscroll.x = new BezierClass(px, self.newscrollx, ms, 0, 0, p3, 1);
self.bzscroll.y = new BezierClass(py, self.newscrolly, ms, 0, 0, p3, 1);
var loopid = now();
var loop = function () {
if (!self.scrollrunning) return;
var x = self.bzscroll.y.getPos();
if (x <= 1) {
self.timer = setAnimationFrame(loop);
} else {
self.scrollrunning = false;
self.timer = 0;
if (!self.scrollrunning) {
self.triggerScrollStart(px, py, x, y, ms);
self.scrollrunning = true;
self.timer = setAnimationFrame(loop);
this.cancelScroll = function () {
if (self.timer) clearAnimationFrame(self.timer);
self.timer = 0;
self.bzscroll = false;
self.scrollrunning = false;
return self;
this.doScrollBy = function (stp, relative) {
doScrollRelative(0, stp);
this.doScrollLeftBy = function (stp, relative) {
doScrollRelative(stp, 0);
this.doScrollTo = function (pos, relative) {
var ny = (relative) ? Math.round(pos * self.scrollratio.y) : pos;
if (ny < 0) ny = 0;
else if (ny > self.page.maxh) ny = self.page.maxh;
self.cursorfreezed = false;
this.checkContentSize = function () {
var pg = self.getContentSize();
if ((pg.h != self.page.h) || (pg.w != self.page.w)) self.resize(false, pg);
self.onscroll = function (e) {
if (self.rail.drag) return;
if (!self.cursorfreezed) {
self.synched('scroll', function () {
self.scroll.y = Math.round(self.getScrollTop() / self.scrollratio.y);
if (self.railh) self.scroll.x = Math.round(self.getScrollLeft() / self.scrollratio.x);
self.bind(self.docscroll, "scroll", self.onscroll);
this.doZoomIn = function (e) {
if (self.zoomactive) return;
self.zoomactive = true;
self.zoomrestore = {
style: {}
var lst = ['position', 'top', 'left', 'zIndex', 'backgroundColor', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight'];
var win = self.win[0].style;
for (var a in lst) {
var pp = lst[a];
self.zoomrestore.style[pp] = (win[pp] !== undefined) ? win[pp] : '';
self.zoomrestore.style.width = self.win.css('width');
self.zoomrestore.style.height = self.win.css('height');
self.zoomrestore.padding = {
w: self.win.outerWidth() - self.win.width(),
h: self.win.outerHeight() - self.win.height()
if (cap.isios4) {
self.zoomrestore.scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
position: (cap.isios4) ? "absolute" : "fixed",
top: 0,
left: 0,
zIndex: globalmaxzindex + 100,
margin: 0
var bkg = self.win.css("backgroundColor");
if ("" === bkg || /transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)|rgba\(0,0,0,0\)/.test(bkg)) self.win.css("backgroundColor", "#fff");
zIndex: globalmaxzindex + 101
zIndex: globalmaxzindex + 102
self.zoom.css('backgroundPosition', '0 -18px');
if (self.onzoomin) self.onzoomin.call(self);
return self.cancelEvent(e);
this.doZoomOut = function (e) {
if (!self.zoomactive) return;
self.zoomactive = false;
self.win.css("margin", "");
if (cap.isios4) {
"z-index": self.zindex
"z-index": self.zindex
self.zoomrestore = false;
self.zoom.css('backgroundPosition', '0 0');
if (self.onzoomout) self.onzoomout.call(self);
return self.cancelEvent(e);
this.doZoom = function (e) {
return (self.zoomactive) ? self.doZoomOut(e) : self.doZoomIn(e);
this.resizeZoom = function () {
if (!self.zoomactive) return;
var py = self.getScrollTop(); //preserve scrolling position
width: $window.width() - self.zoomrestore.padding.w + "px",
height: $window.height() - self.zoomrestore.padding.h + "px"
self.setScrollTop(Math.min(self.page.maxh, py));
// Inspired by the work of Kin Blas
// http://webpro.host.adobe.com/people/jblas/momentum/includes/jquery.momentum.0.7.js
var ScrollMomentumClass2D = function (nc) {
var self = this;
this.nc = nc;
this.lastx = 0;
this.lasty = 0;
this.speedx = 0;
this.speedy = 0;
this.lasttime = 0;
this.steptime = 0;
this.snapx = false;
this.snapy = false;
this.demulx = 0;
this.demuly = 0;
this.lastscrollx = -1;
this.lastscrolly = -1;
this.chkx = 0;
this.chky = 0;
this.timer = 0;
this.reset = function (px, py) {
self.steptime = 0;
self.lasttime = now();
self.speedx = 0;
self.speedy = 0;
self.lastx = px;
self.lasty = py;
self.lastscrollx = -1;
self.lastscrolly = -1;
this.update = function (px, py) {
var tm = now();
self.steptime = tm - self.lasttime;
self.lasttime = tm;
var dy = py - self.lasty;
var dx = px - self.lastx;
var sy = self.nc.getScrollTop();
var sx = self.nc.getScrollLeft();
var newy = sy + dy;
var newx = sx + dx;
self.snapx = (newx < 0) || (newx > self.nc.page.maxw);
self.snapy = (newy < 0) || (newy > self.nc.page.maxh);
self.speedx = dx;
self.speedy = dy;
self.lastx = px;
self.lasty = py;
this.stop = function () {
if (self.timer) clearTimeout(self.timer);
self.timer = 0;
self.lastscrollx = -1;
self.lastscrolly = -1;
this.doSnapy = function (nx, ny) {
var snap = false;
if (ny < 0) {
ny = 0;
snap = true;
} else if (ny > self.nc.page.maxh) {
ny = self.nc.page.maxh;
snap = true;
if (nx < 0) {
nx = 0;
snap = true;
} else if (nx > self.nc.page.maxw) {
nx = self.nc.page.maxw;
snap = true;
(snap) ? self.nc.doScrollPos(nx, ny, self.nc.opt.snapbackspeed) : self.nc.triggerScrollEnd();
this.doMomentum = function (gp) {
var t = now();
var l = (gp) ? t + gp : self.lasttime;
var sl = self.nc.getScrollLeft();
var st = self.nc.getScrollTop();
var pageh = self.nc.page.maxh;
var pagew = self.nc.page.maxw;
self.speedx = (pagew > 0) ? Math.min(60, self.speedx) : 0;
self.speedy = (pageh > 0) ? Math.min(60, self.speedy) : 0;
var chk = l && (t - l) <= 60;
if ((st < 0) || (st > pageh) || (sl < 0) || (sl > pagew)) chk = false;
var sy = (self.speedy && chk) ? self.speedy : false;
var sx = (self.speedx && chk) ? self.speedx : false;
if (sy || sx) {
var tm = Math.max(16, self.steptime); //timeout granularity
if (tm > 50) { // do smooth
var xm = tm / 50;
self.speedx *= xm;
self.speedy *= xm;
tm = 50;
self.demulxy = 0;
self.lastscrollx = self.nc.getScrollLeft();
self.chkx = self.lastscrollx;
self.lastscrolly = self.nc.getScrollTop();
self.chky = self.lastscrolly;
var nx = self.lastscrollx;
var ny = self.lastscrolly;
var onscroll = function () {
var df = ((now() - t) > 600) ? 0.04 : 0.02;
if (self.speedx) {
nx = Math.floor(self.lastscrollx - (self.speedx * (1 - self.demulxy)));
self.lastscrollx = nx;
if ((nx < 0) || (nx > pagew)) df = 0.10;
if (self.speedy) {
ny = Math.floor(self.lastscrolly - (self.speedy * (1 - self.demulxy)));
self.lastscrolly = ny;
if ((ny < 0) || (ny > pageh)) df = 0.10;
self.demulxy = Math.min(1, self.demulxy + df);
self.nc.synched("domomentum2d", function () {
if (self.speedx) {
var scx = self.nc.getScrollLeft();
// if (scx != self.chkx) self.stop();
self.chkx = nx;
if (self.speedy) {
var scy = self.nc.getScrollTop();
// if (scy != self.chky) self.stop();
self.chky = ny;
if (!self.timer) {
self.doSnapy(nx, ny);
if (self.demulxy < 1) {
self.timer = setTimeout(onscroll, tm);
} else {
self.doSnapy(nx, ny);
} else {
self.doSnapy(self.nc.getScrollLeft(), self.nc.getScrollTop());
// override jQuery scrollTop
var _scrollTop = jQuery.fn.scrollTop; // preserve original function
jQuery.cssHooks.pageYOffset = {
get: function (elem, computed, extra) {
var nice = $.data(elem, '__nicescroll') || false;
return (nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.getScrollTop() : _scrollTop.call(elem);
set: function (elem, value) {
var nice = $.data(elem, '__nicescroll') || false;
(nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.setScrollTop(parseInt(value)) : _scrollTop.call(elem, value);
return this;
jQuery.fn.scrollTop = function (value) {
if (value === undefined) {
var nice = (this[0]) ? $.data(this[0], '__nicescroll') || false : false;
return (nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.getScrollTop() : _scrollTop.call(this);
} else {
return this.each(function () {
var nice = $.data(this, '__nicescroll') || false;
(nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.setScrollTop(parseInt(value)) : _scrollTop.call($(this), value);
// override jQuery scrollLeft
var _scrollLeft = jQuery.fn.scrollLeft; // preserve original function
$.cssHooks.pageXOffset = {
get: function (elem, computed, extra) {
var nice = $.data(elem, '__nicescroll') || false;
return (nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.getScrollLeft() : _scrollLeft.call(elem);
set: function (elem, value) {
var nice = $.data(elem, '__nicescroll') || false;
(nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.setScrollLeft(parseInt(value)) : _scrollLeft.call(elem, value);
return this;
jQuery.fn.scrollLeft = function (value) {
if (value === undefined) {
var nice = (this[0]) ? $.data(this[0], '__nicescroll') || false : false;
return (nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.getScrollLeft() : _scrollLeft.call(this);
} else {
return this.each(function () {
var nice = $.data(this, '__nicescroll') || false;
(nice && nice.ishwscroll) ? nice.setScrollLeft(parseInt(value)) : _scrollLeft.call($(this), value);
var NiceScrollArray = function (doms) {
var self = this;
this.length = 0;
this.name = "nicescrollarray";
this.each = function (fn) {
$.each(self, fn);
return self;
this.push = function (nice) {
self[self.length] = nice;
this.eq = function (idx) {
return self[idx];
if (doms) {
for (var a = 0; a < doms.length; a++) {
var nice = $.data(doms[a], '__nicescroll') || false;
if (nice) {
this[this.length] = nice;
return this;
function mplex(el, lst, fn) {
for (var a = 0, l = lst.length; a < l; a++) fn(el, lst[a]);
NiceScrollArray.prototype, ['show', 'hide', 'toggle', 'onResize', 'resize', 'remove', 'stop', 'doScrollPos'],
function (e, n) {
e[n] = function () {
var args = arguments;
return this.each(function () {
this[n].apply(this, args);
jQuery.fn.getNiceScroll = function (index) {
if (index === undefined) {
return new NiceScrollArray(this);
} else {
return this[index] && $.data(this[index], '__nicescroll') || false;
var pseudos = jQuery.expr.pseudos || jQuery.expr[':']; // jQuery 3 migration
pseudos.nicescroll = function (a) {
return $.data(a, '__nicescroll') !== undefined;
$.fn.niceScroll = function (wrapper, _opt) {
if (_opt === undefined && typeof wrapper == "object" && !("jquery" in wrapper)) {
_opt = wrapper;
wrapper = false;
var ret = new NiceScrollArray();
this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var opt = $.extend({}, _opt); // cloning
if (wrapper || false) {
var wrp = $(wrapper);
opt.doc = (wrp.length > 1) ? $(wrapper, $this) : wrp;
opt.win = $this;
var docundef = !("doc" in opt);
if (!docundef && !("win" in opt)) opt.win = $this;
var nice = $this.data('__nicescroll') || false;
if (!nice) {
opt.doc = opt.doc || $this;
nice = new NiceScrollClass(opt, $this);
$this.data('__nicescroll', nice);
return (ret.length === 1) ? ret[0] : ret;
_win.NiceScroll = {
getjQuery: function () {
return jQuery;
if (!$.nicescroll) {
$.nicescroll = new NiceScrollArray();
$.nicescroll.options = _globaloptions;