using Bootstrap.Security.DataAccess;
using Longbow.Data;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Bootstrap.DataAccess
public class App
/// 获得/设置 应用程序主键ID
public string Id { get; set; }
/// 获得/设置 群组名称
public string AppName { get; set; }
/// 获取/设置 用户群组关联状态 checked 标示已经关联 '' 标示未关联
public string Checked { get; set; }
/// 根据角色ID指派部门
public virtual IEnumerable RetrievesByRoleId(string roleId)
var ret = DbManager.Create().Fetch($"select d.Code as Id, d.Name as AppName, case ra.AppId when d.Code then 'checked' else '' end Checked from Dicts d left join RoleApp ra on d.Code = ra.AppId and ra.RoleId = @1 where d.Code > '0' and d.Category = @0", "应用程序", roleId);
// 判断是否为Administrators
var role = RoleHelper.Retrieves().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == roleId);
if (role != null && role.RoleName.Equals("Administrators", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
ret.ForEach(r => r.Checked = "checked");
return ret;
/// 根据指定用户名获得授权应用程序集合
public virtual IEnumerable RetrievesByUserName(string userName) => DbHelper.RetrieveAppsByUserName(userName);
/// 根据角色ID以及选定的App ID,保到角色应用表
public virtual bool SaveByRoleId(string roleId, IEnumerable appIds)
bool ret = false;
var db = DbManager.Create();
db.Execute("delete from RoleApp where RoleID = @0", roleId);
db.InsertBatch("RoleApp", appIds.Select(g => new { RoleID = roleId, AppID = g }));
ret = true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return ret;