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$(function () {
var $dialog = $('#dialogNew');
var $pickIcon = $('#pickIcon');
var $dialogNew = $dialog;
var $dialogIcon = $('#dialogIcon');
var $dialogMenu = $('#dialogMenu');
var $dialogRole = $('#dialogRole');
var $dialogRoleHeader = $('#myRoleModalLabel');
var $dialogRoleForm = $('#roleForm');
var $btnSubmitMenu = $('#btnSubmitMenu');
var $btnPickIcon = $('#btnIcon');
var $inputIcon = $('#icon');
var $nestMenu = $('#nestable_menu');
var $nestMenuInput = $nestMenu.find('div.dd3-content');
var $parentMenuID = $('#parentId');
var $parentMenuName = $('#parentName');
var $category = $('#category');
var initNestMenu = function () {
$nestMenuInput = $nestMenu.find('div.dd3-content');
var state = [];
var $table = $('table');
url: Menu.url,
dataBinder: {
map: {
Id: "#menuID",
ParentId: "#parentId",
ParentName: "#parentName",
Name: "#name",
Order: "#order",
Icon: "#icon",
Url: "#url",
Category: "#category",
Target: "#target",
IsResource: "#isRes",
Application: "#app"
events: {
'#btn_assignRole': function (row) {
id: row.Id, url: Role.url, query: { type: "menu" }, method: "post", htmlTemplate: CheckboxHtmlTemplate,
callback: function (result) {
var htmlTemplate = this.htmlTemplate;
var html = $.map(result, function (element, index) {
return $.format(htmlTemplate, element.Id, element.RoleName, element.Checked, element.Description);
$dialogRoleHeader.text($.format('{0}-角色授权窗口', row.Name));
$dialogRoleForm.html(html).find('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').each(function (index, label) {
if (label.title === "") label.title = "未设置";
'#btnSubmitRole': function (row) {
var menuId = row.Id;
var roleIds = $dialogRole.find('input:checked').map(function (index, element) {
return $(element).val();
$.bc({ id: menuId, url: Menu.url, method: "put", data: roleIds, title: Role.title, modal: '#dialogRole' });
callback: function (result) {
if (!result.success) return;
if ((result.oper === "save") || result.oper === "del") {
smartTable: {
pageSize: 100,
pageList: [100, 200, 400],
sortName: 'Order',
queryParams: function (params) { return $.extend(params, { parentName: $('#txt_parent_menus_name').val().trim(), name: $("#txt_menus_name").val().trim(), category: $('#sel_menus_category').val(), isresource: $('#sel_menus_res').val(), appCode: $('#sel_app').val() }); }, //传递参数(*
exportOptions: {
fileName: "菜单数据",
ignoreColumn: [0, 9]
columns: [
title: "菜单名称", field: "Name", sortable: true, formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return $.format('<span class="menu">{0}</span>', value);
events: {
'click .menu': function (e, value, row, index) {
var $plus = $(;
if ($plus.hasClass('fa')) {
return false;
{ title: "菜单序号", field: "Order", sortable: true },
title: "菜单图标", field: "Icon", sortable: false, align: 'center', formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return value ? $.format('<i class="text-info {0}"></i>', value) : "";
{ title: "菜单路径", field: "Url", sortable: false },
{ title: "菜单类别", field: "CategoryName", sortable: true },
title: "目标", field: "Target", sortable: true, formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return $('#target').getTextByValue(value);
title: "菜单类型", field: "IsResource", sortable: true, formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return $('#isRes').getTextByValue(value);
title: "所属应用", field: "Application", sortable: true, formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return $('#app').getTextByValue(value);
idField: "Id",
rootParentId: "0",
treeShowField: 'Name',
parentIdField: 'ParentId',
onPostBody: function () {
if ($('#txt_menus_name').val() !== '' || $('#sel_menus_res').val() === '1' || $('#sel_menus_res').val() === '2') {
this.treeShowField = false;
else {
this.treeShowField = 'Name';
var bt = $'bootstrap.table');
if (bt) {
bt.treeEnable = !!this.treeShowField;
treeColumn: 1,
expanderExpandedClass: 'fa fa-chevron-circle-down',
expanderCollapsedClass: 'fa fa-chevron-circle-down',
onChange: function () {
// validate
$('#dataForm').on('click', '[data-method]', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $input = $this.parent().prev();
switch ($this.attr('data-method')) {
case 'clear':
case 'sel':
$btnPickIcon.on('click', function () {
$dialogNew.find('[data-toggle="LgbValidate"] [aria-describedby]').tooltip('hide');
var icon = $inputIcon.val();
if (icon) $pickIcon.attr('class', icon);
$dialogIcon.find('div.modal-header, div.modal-footer').on('click', 'button', function () {
$dialogIcon.find('div.modal-footer').on('click', 'button:last', function () {
var icon = $pickIcon.attr('class');
$btnPickIcon.find('i').attr('class', icon);
// 排序按钮
$('#btnMenuOrder').on('click', function () {
$'type', 'order');
$nestMenu.find('li[data-category="' + $category.val() + '"]').show();
// handler new menu
var did = $('#menuID').val();
if (did === "") did = 0;
if (did === 0) {
var menuName = $('#name').val();
var menuCate = $category.val();
if (menuName === "") menuName = "新建菜单-未命名";
$nestMenu.find('ol.dd-list:first').append($.format('<li class="dd-item dd3-item" data-id="0" data-order="10" data-category="{1}"><div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div><div class="dd3-content"><label><span>{0}</span></label></div></li>', menuName, menuCate));
$nestMenu.find('li[data-id="' + did + '"] > div.dd3-content span').addClass('active');
// 选择父节点按钮
$('#btnMenuParent').on('click', function () {
$'type', 'parent');
$nestMenu.find('li[data-category="' + $category.val() + '"]').show();
function showDialog() {
state.push({ css: $('body').attr("class"), style: $('body').attr("style") });
$dialogNew.find('[data-toggle="LgbValidate"] [aria-describedby]').tooltip('hide');
$dialogMenu.on('', function () {
var sta = state.pop();
$('body').attr('class', sta.css);
$btnSubmitMenu.on('click', function () {
$nestMenu.find('li span').removeClass('active');
var type = $(this).data('type');
switch (type) {
case "parent":
$parentMenuID.val($('.dd3-content :radio:checked').val());
$parentMenuName.val($('.dd3-content :radio:checked').next('span').text());
case "order":
var data = $nestMenu.find('li:visible');
var mid = $('#menuID').val();
for (var index in data) {
var $data = $(data[index]);
if ($data.attr('data-id') === mid || $data.attr('data-id') === 0) {
if (index > 0) index--;
// Dialog shown event
$dialog.on('', function () {
var icon = $inputIcon.val();
if (icon === "") icon = "fa fa-dashboard";
$btnPickIcon.find('i').attr('class', icon);
var $scroll = null;
url: Menu.iconView,
contentType: 'text/html',
dataType: 'html',
callback: function (result) {
if (result) {
var $html = $dialogIcon.find('.modal-body').html(result);
var $iconList = $('div.fontawesome-icon-list').on('click', 'div.fa-hover a, ul li', function () {
$pickIcon.attr('class', $(this).find('i, span:first').attr('class'));
return false;
$iconList.find('ul li').addClass('col-xl-2 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-6');
$iconList.find('div').addClass('col-xl-2 col-6');
$('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
$(this).scrollspy({ target: $(this).attr('data-target') });
if (!$.browser.versions.ios) $scroll = $html.find('.fa-nav .nav').overlayScrollbars({ className: 'os-theme-light', scrollbars: { autoHide: 'leave' } });
// autocomplete
url: "api/Category/RetrieveMenus",
callback: function (result) {
source: result,
showHintOnFocus: 'all',
fitToElement: true,
items: 'all'
url: "api/Category/RetrieveParentMenus",
callback: function (result) {
source: result,
showHintOnFocus: 'all',
fitToElement: true,
items: 'all'