
6.6 KiB


Inherited from Range, has all the methods and attributes of Range, if you need to know the detailed attributes and methods, please visit the browser API [Range]( API/Range/Range)

Type: RangeInterface


The following only lists the properties and methods extended from the Range object


Range object

Read only


The node where the range starts, read-only

Type: NodeInterface


Node at the end of the range, read-only

Type: NodeInterface


The nearest parent node shared by the start node and the end node

Type: NodeInterface

Static method


Create a RangeInterface object from a Point position

Point can be understood as the x,y coordinate point of the mouse pointer position

 * Create a RangeInterface object from a Point position
create: (
	editor: EditorInterface,
	doc?: Document,
	point?: { x: number; y: number },
) => RangeInterface;


Create RangeInterface objects from Window, Selection, Range

 * Create RangeInterface objects from Window, Selection, Range
from: (
	editor: EditorInterface,
	win?: Window | globalThis.Selection | globalThis.Range,
) => RangeInterface | null;


Restore the path to a RangeInterface object

 * Convert from path to range
 * @param path
 * @param context, the default editor node
fromPath(path: Path[], context?: NodeInterface): RangeInterface;



Let the range select a node

 * Select a node
 * @param node node
 * @param contents whether only selected contents
select(node: NodeInterface | Node, contents?: boolean): RangeInterface;


Get the text of all nodes selected by the range

 * Get the text selected by the range
getText(): string | null;


Get the area occupied by the range

 * Get the area occupied by the range
getClientRect(): DOMRect;


Extend the selection marker from the TextNode to the nearest non-TextNode node

 * Expand the selection mark from TextNode to the nearest non-TextNode node
 * The selected content of the range remains unchanged
enlargeFromTextNode(): RangeInterface;


Reduce the selection marker from a non-TextNode to a TextNode node, as opposed to enlargeFromTextNode

 * Reduce the selection marker from a non-TextNode to a TextNode node, as opposed to enlargeFromTextNode
 * The selected content of the range remains unchanged
shrinkToTextNode(): RangeInterface;


Extend the range selection boundary

 * Expand the border
 * <p><strong><span>[123</span>abc]</strong>def</p>
 * to
 * <p>[<strong><span>123</span>abc</strong>]def</p>
 * @param range selection
 * @param toBlock whether to expand to block-level nodes
enlargeToElementNode(toBlock?: boolean): RangeInterface;


Shrink the range selection boundary

 * Reduce the border
 * <body>[<p><strong>123</strong></p>]</body>
 * to
 * <body><p><strong>[123]</strong></p></body>
shrinkToElementNode(): RangeInterface;


Create selectionElement and mark the position of the range, focus or range by inserting a custom span node. Through these marks, we can easily get the nodes in the selection area

For more properties and methods, please see the SelectionInterface API

 * Create selectionElement, mark the position by inserting a span node
createSelection(): SelectionInterface;


Split the range selection into multiple sub-selections according to text nodes and card nodes

 * Get a collection of sub-selections
 * @param includeCard whether to include the card
getSubRanges(includeCard?: boolean): Array<RangeInterface>;


Let the range select a node and set its start position offset and end position offset

 * @param node The node to be set
 * @param start the offset of the starting position
 * @param end The offset of the end position
 * */
    node: Node | NodeInterface,
    start: number,
    end: number,
): RangeInterface;


Find a collection of element nodes in the range area, excluding Text text nodes

findElements(): Array<Node>;


Query whether the range is in the card

inCard(): boolean;


Get the node at the offset relative to the node at the beginning of the range

getStartOffsetNode(): Node;


Get the node at the offset relative to the node at the end of the range

getEndOffsetNode(): Node;


Whether the range area contains a card

 * Whether to include a card
containsCard(): boolean;


Repair the Br node at the range position

 * When entering content, delete the BR tag generated by the browser, and add BR to the empty block
 * Delete scene
 * <p><br />foo</p>
 * <p>foo<br /></p>
 * Keep the scene
 * <p><br /><br />foo</p>
 * <p>foo<br /><br /></p>
 * <p>foo<br />bar</p>
 * Add scene
 * <p></p>
 * @param isLeft
handleBr(isLeft?: boolean): RangeInterface;


Get the node before the range start position

 * Get the node before the start position
 * <strong>foo</strong>|bar
getPrevNode(): NodeInterface | undefined;


Get the node after the end position

 * Get the node after the end position
 * foo|<strong>bar</strong>
getNextNode(): NodeInterface | undefined;


Cut the contents of the area selected by the range. Data will be on the clipboard

 * Deep cut
deepCut(): void;


Compare whether the range of two range objects are equal

 * Compare whether the two ranges are equal
equal(range: RangeInterface | globalThis.Range): boolean;


Get the nearest root node of the current selection

 * Get the nearest root node of the current selection
getRootBlock(): NodeInterface | undefined;


Filter path

  * Filter path
  * @param includeCardCursor
filterPath(includeCardCursor?: boolean): (node: Node) => boolean;


Convert cursor selection to path

  * Get the cursor path
  * @param includeCardCursor whether to include the cursor on both sides of the card
includeCardCursor?: boolean,
): {start: RangePath; end: RangePath} | undefined;