
6.8 KiB


Engine configuration

Passed in when instantiating the engine

//Instantiate the engine
const engine = new Engine(render node, {
... configuration items,


  • Type: string
  • Default value: zh-CN
  • Detailed: Language configuration, temporarily supports zh-CN, en-US. Can use locale configuration
const view = new View(render node, {


  • Type: object
  • Default value: zh-CN
  • Detailed: Configure additional language packs

Language pack, default language pack

const view = new View(render node, {
     locale: {
         'zh-CN': {
             a: {
                 b: "B"


  • Type: string
  • Default value: null
  • Detailed: Add additional styles of editor render nodes


  • Type: number
  • Default value: null
  • Detailed: Which tab item is the current editor located in


  • Type: Node
  • Default value: the parent node of the render node of the current editor
  • Detailed: Editor root node


  • Type: Array<Plugin>
  • Default value: []
  • Detailed: A collection of plugins that implement the abstract class of Plugin


  • Type: Array<Card>
  • Default value: []
  • Detailed: Implement the card collection of the Card abstract class


  • Type: { [key: string]: PluginOptions }
  • Default value: {}
  • Detailed: the configuration item of each plug-in, the key is the name of the plug-in, please refer to the description of each plug-in for detailed configuration. Configuration example

Some plugins require the configuration of additional properties:

// Configure italic markdown syntax
[Italic.pluginName]: {
    // The default is _ underscore, here is modified to a single * sign
// upload picture
[ImageUploader.pluginName]: {
    file: {
        action: `${DOMAIN}/upload/image`,
        headers: {Authorization: 213434 },
    remote: {
        action: `${DOMAIN}/upload/image`,
    isRemote: (src: string) => src.indexOf(DOMAIN) <0,
// File Upload
[FileUploader.pluginName]: {
    action: `${DOMAIN}/upload/file`,
// video upload
[VideoUploader.pluginName]: {
    action: `${DOMAIN}/upload/video`,
// Mathematical formula generation address, the project is at:
[Math.pluginName]: {
    action: ``,
    parse: (res: any) => {
        if (res.success) return {result: true, data: res.svg };
        return {result: false };
// Submit plugin configuration
[Mention.pluginName]: {
    action: `${DOMAIN}/user/search`,
    onLoading: (root: NodeInterface) => {
        // Vue can be rendered using createApp
        return ReactDOM.render(<Loading />, root.get<HTMLElement>()!);
    onEmpty: (root: NodeInterface) => {
        // Vue can be rendered using createApp
        return ReactDOM.render(<Empty />, root.get<HTMLElement>()!);
    onClick: (
        root: NodeInterface,
        {key, name }: {key: string; name: string },
    ) => {
        console.log('mention click:', key,'-', name);
    onMouseEnter: (
        layout: NodeInterface,
        {name }: {key: string; name: string },
    ) => {
        // Vue can be rendered using createApp
            <div style={{ padding: 5 }}>
                <p>This is name: {name}</p>
                <p>Configure the onMouseEnter method of the mention plugin</p>
                <p>Use ReactDOM.render to customize rendering here</p>
                <p>Use ReactDOM.render to customize rendering here</p>
// Font size configuration
[Fontsize.pluginName]: {
    //Configure the font size to be filtered after pasting
    filter: (fontSize: string) => {
        return (
            ].indexOf(fontSize)> -1
// Font configuration
[Fontfamily.pluginName]: {
    //Configure the font to be filtered after pasting
    filter: (fontfamily: string) => {
        const item = fontFamilyDefaultData.find((item) =>
                    (name) =>
        return item? item.value: false;
// Row height configuration
[LineHeight.pluginName]: {
    //Configure the row height to be filtered after pasting
    filter: (lineHeight: string) => {
        if (lineHeight === '14px') return '1';
        if (lineHeight === '16px') return '1.15';
        if (lineHeight === '21px') return '1.5';
        if (lineHeight === '28px') return '2';
        if (lineHeight === '35px') return '2.5';
        if (lineHeight === '42px') return '3';
        // Remove if the conditions are not met
        return (
            ['1', '1.15', '1.5', '2', '2.5', '3'].indexOf(lineHeight)> -1


  • Type: string
  • Default value: None
  • Detailed: placeholder


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Detailed: Whether it is read-only or not, and cannot be edited after setting to read-only

The difference with View rendering is that you can still see the editor's edits after readonly is set to read-only status.

After rendering, View loses all editing capabilities and collaboration capabilities, View can render a card plug-in with interactive effects

engine.getHtml() can only get static html and cannot restore the interaction effect of card component, but it is very friendly to search engines


  • Type: Node | (() => Node | null)
  • Default value: Find the node whose parent style overflow or overflow-y is auto or scroll, if not, take document.documentElement
  • Detailed: The editor scroll bar node is mainly used to monitor the scroll event to set the floating position of the bomb layer and actively set the scroll to the editor target position


  • Type: boolena
  • Default value: true
  • Detailed: Lazy rendering of cards (only cards with lazyRender enabled), the default is true