2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
# am-editor
< p align = "center" >
A rich text < em > collaborative< / em > editor framework that can use < em > React< / em > and < em > Vue< / em > custom plug-ins
< / p >
< p align = "center" >
< a href = "https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/blob/master/README.zh-CN.md" > < strong > 中文< / strong > < / a > ·
2021-12-05 00:37:05 +08:00
< a href = "https://editor.aomao.com" > < strong > Demo< / strong > < / a > ·
< a href = "https://editor.aomao.com/docs" > < strong > Documentation< / strong > < / a > ·
2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
< a href = "#plugins" > < strong > Plugins< / strong > < / a > ·
< a href = "https://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr?k=Gva5NtZ2USlHSLbFOeMroysk8Uwo7fCS&jump_from=webapi" > < strong > QQ-Group 907664876< / strong > < / a > ·
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> Thanks to Google Translate
Use the `contenteditable` attribute provided by the browser to make a DOM node editable.
The engine takes over most of the browser's default behaviors such as cursors and events.
Monitor the changes of the `DOM` tree in the editing area through `MutationObserver` , and generate a data format of `json0` type to interact with the [ShareDB ](https://github.com/share/sharedb ) library to achieve collaborative editing Needs.
**`Vue2`** example [https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2 ](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2 )
**`Vue3`** example [https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/vue ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/vue )
**`React`** example [https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/react ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/react )
2021-11-29 03:20:48 +08:00
**`Vue2 DEMO`** [https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor-demo-vue2 ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor-demo-vue2 )
**`Vue2 Nuxt DEMO`** [https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor-nuxt ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor-nuxt )
2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
## Features
- Out of the box, it provides dozens of rich plug-ins to meet most needs
- High extensibility, in addition to the basic plug-in of `mark` , inline`and`block`type`, we also provide`card`component combined with`React`, `Vue` and other front-end libraries to render the plug-in UI
- Rich multimedia support, not only supports pictures, audio and video, but also supports insertion of embedded multimedia content
- Support Markdown syntax
- Support internationalization
- The engine is written in pure JavaScript and does not rely on any front-end libraries. Plug-ins can be rendered using front-end libraries such as `React` and `Vue` . Easily cope with complex architecture
- Built-in collaborative editing program, ready to use with lightweight configuration
- Compatible with most of the latest mobile browsers
## Plugins
| **Package** | **Version** | **Size** | **Description** |
| :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------- |
| [`@aomao/toolbar` ](./packages/toolbar ) | [](./packages/toolbar/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/toolbar/dist/index.js) | Toolbar, for React. |
| [`@aomao/toolbar-vue` ](./packages/toolbar-vue ) | [](./packages/toolbar-vue/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/toolbar-vue/dist/index.js) | Toolbar, for `Vue3` . |
| [`am-editor-toolbar-vue2` ](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/tree/main/packages/toolbar ) | [](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/blob/main/packages/toolbar/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/am-editor-toolbar-vue2/dist/index.js) | Toolbar, for `Vue2` |
| [`@aomao/plugin-alignment` ](./plugins/alignment ) | [](./plugins/alignment/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-alignment/dist/index.js) | Alignment. |
2021-11-29 10:28:14 +08:00
| [`@aomao/plugin-embed` ](./plugins/embed ) | [](./plugins/embed/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-embed/dist/index.js) | Embed URL |
2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
| [`@aomao/plugin-backcolor` ](./plugins/backcolor ) | [](./plugins/backcolor/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-backcolor/dist/index.js) | Background color. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-bold` ](./plugins/bold ) | [](./plugins/bold/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-bold/dist/index.js) | Bold. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-code` ](./plugins/code ) | [](./plugins/code/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-code/dist/index.js) | Inline code. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-codeblock` ](./plugins/codeblock ) | [](./plugins/codeblock/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-codeblock/dist/index.js) | Code block, for React. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-codeblock-vue` ](./plugins/codeblock-vue ) | [](./plugins/codeblock-vue/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-codeblock-vue/dist/index.js) | Code block, for `Vue3` . |
| [`am-editor-codeblock-vue2` ](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/tree/main/packages/codeblock ) | [](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/tree/main/packages/codeblock/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/am-editor-codeblock-vue2/dist/index.js) | Code Block, for `Vue2` |
| [`@aomao/plugin-fontcolor` ](./plugins/fontcolor ) | [](./plugins/fontcolor/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-fontcolor/dist/index.js) | Font color. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-fontfamily` ](./plugins/fontfamily ) | [](./plugins/fontfamily/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-fontfamily/dist/index.js) | Font. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-fontsize` ](./plugins/fontsize ) | [](./plugins/fontsize/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-fontsize/dist/index.js) | Font size. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-heading` ](./plugins/heading ) | [](./plugins/heading/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-heading/dist/index.js) | Heading. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-hr` ](./plugins/hr ) | [](./plugins/hr/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-hr/dist/index.js) | Dividing line. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-indent` ](./plugins/indent ) | [](./plugins/indent/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-indent/dist/index.js) | Indent. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-italic` ](./plugins/italic ) | [](./plugins/italic/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-italic/dist/index.js) | Italic. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-link` ](./plugins/link ) | [](./plugins/link/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-link/dist/index.js) | Link, for React. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-link-vue` ](./plugins/link-vue ) | [](./plugins/link-vue/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-link-vue/dist/index.js) | Link, for `Vue3` . |
| [`am-editor-link-vue2` ](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/tree/main/packages/link ) | [](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/tree/main/packages/link/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/am-editor-link-vue2/dist/index.js) | Link, for `Vue2` |
| [`@aomao/plugin-line-height` ](./plugins/line-height ) | [](./plugins/line-height/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-line-height/dist/index.js) | Line height. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-mark` ](./plugins/mark ) | [](./plugins/mark/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-mark/dist/index.js) | Mark. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-mention` ](./plugins/mention ) | [](./plugins/mention/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-mention/dist/index.js) | Mention |
| [`@aomao/plugin-orderedlist` ](./plugins/orderedlist ) | [](./plugins/orderedlist/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-orderedlist/dist/index.js) | Ordered list. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-paintformat` ](./plugins/paintformat ) | [](./plugins/paintformat/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-paintformat/dist/index.js) | Format Painter. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-quote` ](./plugins/quote ) | [](./plugins/quote/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-quote/dist/index.js) | Quote block. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-redo` ](./plugins/redo ) | [](./plugins/redo/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-redo/dist/index.js) | Redo history. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-removeformat` ](./plugins/removeformat ) | [](./plugins/removeformat/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-removeformat/dist/index.js) | Remove style. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-selectall` ](./plugins/selectall ) | [](./plugins/selectall/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-selectall/dist/index.js) | Select all. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-status` ](./plugins/status ) | [](./plugins/status/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-status/dist/index.js) | Status. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-strikethrough` ](./plugins/strikethrough ) | [](./plugins/strikethrough/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-strikethrough/dist/index.js) | Strikethrough. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-sub` ](./plugins/sub ) | [](./plugins/sub/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-sub/dist/index.js) | Sub. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-sup` ](./plugins/sup ) | [](./plugins/sup/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-sup/dist/index.js) | Sup. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-tasklist` ](./plugins/tasklist ) | [](./plugins/tasklist/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-tasklist/dist/index.js) | task list. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-underline` ](./plugins/underline ) | [](./plugins/underline/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-underline/dist/index.js) | Underline. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-undo` ](./plugins/undo ) | [](./plugins/undo/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-undo/dist/index.js) | Undo history. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-unorderedlist` ](./plugins/unorderedlist ) | [](./plugins/unorderedlist/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-unorderedlist/dist/index.js) | Unordered list. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-image` ](./plugins/image ) | [](./plugins/image/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-image/dist/index.js) | Image. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-table` ](./plugins/table ) | [](./plugins/table/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-table/dist/index.js) | Table. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-file` ](./plugins/file ) | [](./plugins/file/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-file/dist/index.js) | File. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-mark-range` ](./plugins/mark-range ) | [](./plugins/mark-range/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-mark-range/dist/index.js) | Mark the cursor, for example: comment. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-math` ](./plugins/math ) | [](./plugins/math/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-math/dist/index.js) | Mathematical formula. |
| [`@aomao/plugin-video` ](./plugins/video ) | [](./plugins/video/package.json) | [](https://unpkg.com/@aomao/plugin-video/dist/index.js) | Video. |
## Getting Started
### Installation
The editor consists of `engine` , `toolbar` , and `plugin` . `Engine` provides us with core editing capabilities.
Install engine package using npm or yarn
$ npm install @aomao/engine
# or
$ yarn add @aomao/engine
### Usage
We follow the convention to output a `Hello word!`
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import Engine, { EngineInterface } from '@aomao/engine';
const EngineDemo = () => {
//Editor container
const ref = useRef< HTMLDivElement | null > (null);
//Engine instance
const [engine, setEngine] = useState< EngineInterface > ();
//Editor content
const [content, setContent] = useState< string > ('< p > Hello word!< / p > ');
useEffect(() => {
if (!ref.current) return;
//Instantiate the engine
const engine = new Engine(ref.current);
//Set the editor value
//Listen to the editor value change event
engine.on('change', (value) => {
//Set the engine instance
}, []);
return < div ref = {ref} / > ;
export default EngineDemo;
### Plugins
Import `@aomao/plugin-bold` bold plug-in
import Bold from '@aomao/plugin-bold';
Add the `Bold` plugin to the engine
//Instantiate the engine
const engine = new Engine(ref.current, {
plugins: [Bold],
### Card
A card is a separate area in the editor. The UI and logic inside the card can be customized using React, Vue or other front-end libraries to customize the rendering content, and finally mount it to the editor.
Import the `@aomao/plugin-codeblock` code block plugin. The `Language drop-down box` of this plugin is rendered using `React` , so there is a distinction. `Vue3` uses `@aomao/plugin-codeblock-vue`
import CodeBlock, { CodeBlockComponent } from '@aomao/plugin-codeblock';
Add the `CodeBlock` plugin and `CodeBlockComponent` card component to the engine
//Instantiate the engine
const engine = new Engine(ref.current, {
plugins: [CodeBlock],
cards: [CodeBlockComponent],
The `CodeBlock` plugin supports `markdown` by default. Enter the code block syntax ````javascript` at the beginning of a line in the editor to trigger it after pressing Enter.
### Toolbar
Import the `@aomao/toolbar` toolbar. Due to the complex interaction, the toolbar is basically rendered using `React` + `Antd` UI components, while `Vue3` uses `@aomao/toolbar-vue`
Except for UI interaction, most of the work of the toolbar is just to call the engine to execute the corresponding plug-in commands after different button events are triggered. In the case of complicated requirements or the need to re-customize the UI, it is easier to modify after the fork.
import Toolbar, { ToolbarPlugin, ToolbarComponent } from '@aomao/toolbar';
Add the `ToolbarPlugin` plugin and `ToolbarComponent` card component to the engine, which allows us to use the shortcut key `/` in the editor to wake up the card toolbar
//Instantiate the engine
const engine = new Engine(ref.current, {
plugins: [ToolbarPlugin],
cards: [ToolbarComponent],
Rendering toolbar, the toolbar has been configured with all plug-ins, here we only need to pass in the plug-in name
return (
engine & & (
< Toolbar
2021-12-05 00:37:05 +08:00
For more complex toolbar configuration, please check the document [https://editor.aomao.com/config/toolbar ](https://editor.aomao.com/config/toolbar )
2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
### Collaborative editing
Collaborative editing is implemented based on the [ShareDB ](https://github.com/share/sharedb ) open source library. Those who are unfamiliar can learn about it first.
#### Interactive mode
Each editor acts as a [Client ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/react/components/editor/ot/client.ts ) through `WebSocket` and [ Server ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/ot-server ) Communication and exchange of data in `json0` format generated by the editor.
The server will keep a copy of the `html` structure data in the `json` format. After receiving the instructions from the client, it will modify the data, and finally forward it to each client.
Before enabling collaborative editing, we need to configure [Client ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/react/components/editor/ot/client.ts ) and [Server ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/ot-server )
The server is a `NodeJs` environment, and a network service built using `express` + `WebSocket` .
#### Example
In the example, we have a relatively basic client code
[View the complete React example ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/react )
[View the complete example of Vue3 ](https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/tree/master/examples/vue )
[View the complete example of Vue2 ](https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2 )
//Instantiate the collaborative editing client and pass in the current editor engine instance
const otClient = new OTClient(engine);
//Connect to the collaboration server, `demo` is the same as the server document ID
`ws://${currentMember ? '?uid=' + currentMember.id : ''}` ,
### Project icon
[Iconfont ](https://at.alicdn.com/t/project/1456030/0cbd04d3-3ca1-4898-b345-e0a9150fcc80.html?spm=a313x.7781069.1998910419.35 )
## Development
### React
Need to install dependencies separately in `am-editor root directory` `site-ssr` `ot-server`
//After the dependencies are installed, you only need to execute the following commands in the root directory
yarn ssr
- `packages` engine and toolbar
- `plugins` all plugins
- `site-ssr` All backend API and SSR configuration. The egg used. Use yarn ssr in the am-editor root directory to automatically start `site-ssr`
- `ot-server` collaborative server. Start: yarn start
Visit localhost:7001 after startup
### Vue
Just enter the examples/vue directory to install the dependencies
//After the dependencies are installed, execute the following commands in the examples/vue directory
yarn serve
In the Vue runtime environment, the default is the installed code that has been published to npm. If you need to modify the code of the engine or plug-in and see the effect immediately, we need to do the following steps:
- Delete the examples/vue/node_modules/@aomao folder
- Delete the examples/vue/node_modules/vue folder. Because there are plugins that depend on Vue, the Vue package will be installed in the project root directory. If you do not delete the Vue package in examples/vue, and the Vue package of the plugin is not in the same environment, the plugin cannot be loaded
- Execute and install all dependent commands in the root directory of am-editor, for example: `yarn`
- Finally restart in examples/vue
There is no backend API configured in the `Vue` case. For details, please refer to `React` and `site-ssr`
## Contribution
Thanks [pleasedmi ](https://github.com/pleasedmi )、[Elena211314](https://github.com/Elena211314)、[zb201307](https://github.com/zb201307) for donation
### Alipay
2021-12-05 00:37:05 +08:00

2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
### WeChat Pay
2021-12-05 00:37:05 +08:00

2021-11-03 19:58:08 +08:00
### PayPal
[https://paypal.me/aomaocom ](https://paypal.me/aomaocom )