# @aomao/plugin-redo Redo history plugin ## Installation ```bash $ yarn add @aomao/plugin-redo ``` Add to engine ```ts import Engine, {EngineInterface} from'@aomao/engine'; import Redo from'@aomao/plugin-redo'; new Engine(...,{ plugins:[Redo] }) ``` ## Optional ### hot key The default shortcut key is `mod+y` `shift+mod+y` ```ts //hot key hotkey?: string | Array; //Use configuration new Engine(...,{ config:{ "redo":{ //Modify shortcut keys hotkey: "shortcut key" } } }) ``` ## Command ```ts //Use command to execute the plug-in and pass in the required parameters engine.command.execute('redo'); //Use command to execute query current status, return boolean | undefined engine.command.queryState('redo'); ```