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Edit node related operations

Type: NodeModelInterface


new Engine(...).node


new (editor: EditorInterface)



Whether it is an empty node

 * Is it an empty node
 * @param node node or node name
 * @param schema takes the schema from this.editor by default
    node: NodeInterface | Node | string,
    schema?: SchemaInterface,
): boolean;


Whether it is a mark style label

 * Is it a mark tag
 * @param node node
isMark(node: NodeInterface | Node, schema?: SchemaInterface): boolean;


Is it an inline tag

 * Is it an inline tag
 * @param node node
isInline(node: NodeInterface | Node, schema?: SchemaInterface): boolean;


Is it a block node

 * Is it a block node
 * @param node node
isBlock(node: NodeInterface | Node, schema?: SchemaInterface): boolean;


Determine whether the node is a simple node of block type (child nodes do not contain blcok tags)

 * Determine whether the node is a simple node of block type (child nodes do not contain blcok tags)
isSimpleBlock(node: NodeInterface): boolean;


Determine whether the node is the top-level root node, the parent is the editor root node, and the child node does not have a block node

 * Determine whether the node is the top-level root node, the parent is the editor root node, and the child node has no block node
 * @param node node
 * @returns
isRootBlock(node: NodeInterface, schema?: SchemaInterface): boolean;


Determine whether the text under the node is empty

 * Determine whether the text under the node is empty
 * @param node node
 * @param withTrim is trim
isEmpty(node: NodeInterface, withTrim?: boolean): boolean;


Determine whether the text under a node is empty or only white space characters

 * Determine whether the text under a node is empty, or there are only blank characters
 * @param node node
isEmptyWithTrim(node: NodeInterface): boolean;


Judge whether a node is empty, a card is not counted as an empty node

 * Determine whether a node is empty
 * @param node node
isLikeEmpty(node: NodeInterface): boolean;


Determine whether the node is a list node

 * Determine whether the node is a list node
 * @param node node or node name
isList(node: NodeInterface | string | Node): boolean;


Determine whether the node is a custom list

 * Determine whether the node is a custom list
 * @param node node
isCustomize(node: NodeInterface): boolean;


Remove the outer wrapper of the node

 * Remove package
 * @param node The node that needs to remove the package
unwrap(node: NodeInterface): void;


Wrap a layer of nodes outside the node

 * Package node
 * @param source The node that needs to be wrapped
 * @param outer packaged external node
 * @param mergeSame merges the node styles and attributes of the same name on the same node
    source: NodeInterface | Node,
    outer: NodeInterface,
    mergeSame?: boolean,
): NodeInterface;


Merge node

 * Merge nodes
 * @param source merged node
 * @param target The node that needs to be merged
 * @param remove Whether to remove after merging
merge(source: NodeInterface, target: NodeInterface, remove?: boolean): void;


Append the child nodes of the source node to the target node and replace the source node

 * Append the child nodes of the source node to the target node and replace the source node
 * @param source old node
 * @param target new node
replace(source: NodeInterface, target: NodeInterface): NodeInterface;


Insert a node at the cursor position

 * Insert a node at the cursor position
 * @param node node
 * @param range cursor
    node: Node | NodeInterface,
    range?: RangeInterface,
): RangeInterface | undefined;


Insert text at cursor position

 * Insert text at the cursor position
 * @param text text
 * @param range cursor
    text: string,
    range?: RangeInterface,
): RangeInterface | undefined;


Set node properties

 * Set node attributes
 * @param node node
 * @param props property
setAttributes(node: NodeInterface, attributes: any): NodeInterface;


Remove styles with negative values

 * Remove styles with negative values
 * @param node node
 * @param style style name
removeMinusStyle(node: NodeInterface, style: string): void;


The child nodes under the merged node, the child nodes of two identical adjacent nodes, usually blockquote, ul, ol tags

 * The child nodes under the merged node, the child nodes of two identical adjacent nodes, usually blockquote, ul, ol tags
 * @param node current node
mergeAdjacent(node: NodeInterface): void;


Remove the labels on both sides of the node

 * Delete the labels on both sides of the node
 * @param node node
 * @param tagName tag name, the default is br tag
removeSide(node: NodeInterface, tagName?: string): void;


Organize the nodes and restore the nodes to the state that meets the editor value

 * Organize nodes
 * @param node node
 * @param root root node, the default is node node
flat(node: NodeInterface, root?: NodeInterface): void;


Standardized node

 * Standardized node
 * @param node node
normalize(node: NodeInterface): void;


Get or set the html text of the element node

 * Get or set the html text of the element node
 * @param {string|undefined} val html text
 * @return {NodeEntry|string} current instance or html text
html(node: NodeInterface): string;
html(node: NodeInterface, val: string): NodeInterface;
html(node: NodeInterface, val?: string): NodeInterface | string;


Copy element node

* Copy element node
* @param node node
* @param deep Whether to deep copy
* @param copyId whether to copy data-id, copy by default
* @return copied element node
clone(node: NodeInterface, deep?: boolean, copyId?: boolean): NodeInterface;


Get outerHTML after batch appending child nodes

 * Get outerHTML after batch appending child nodes
 * @param nodes node collection
 * @param appendExp appended node
getBatchAppendHTML(nodes: Array<NodeInterface>, appendExp: string): string;