
16 KiB


Expand on the Node node of the DOM

Type: NodeInterface

Create NodeInterface object

Use the $ node selector provided in the engine to instantiate the NodeInterface object

import { $ } from '@aomao/engine';
//Use CSS selector to find nodes
const content = $('.content');
//Create node
const div = $('<div></div>');
const p = $(document.querySelector('p'));
const target = $(;



Node node collection length

Type: number


The collection of event objects of all Node nodes in the current object

Type: EventInterface[]


The Document object where the current Node node is located. In the use of iframe, the document in different frames is not consistent, and there are some other environments as well, so we need to follow this object.

Type: Document | null


The Window object where the current Node node is located. In the use of iframe, the window in different frames is not consistent, and there are some other environments as well, so we need to follow this object.

Type: Window | null


Context node

Type: Context | undefined


Node name

Type: string


Node type, consistent with Node.nodeType API

Type: number | undefined


Node display status

Type: string | undefined


Whether the Node node collection in the current object is a frame fragment

Type: boolean

[n: number]

Node node collection, can be accessed by subscript index

Return type: Node



Traverse all Node nodes in the current object

* Traverse
* @param {Function} callback callback function
* @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
    callback: (node: Node, index: number) => boolean | void,
): NodeInterface;


Convert all Node nodes in the current object to an array

toArray(): Array<NodeInterface>;


Whether the current node is Node.ELEMENT_NODE node type

isElement(): boolean;


Whether the current node is Node.TEXT_NODE node type

isText(): boolean;


Whether the current node is a Card component

isCard(): boolean;


Whether the current node is a Card component of block type

isBlockCard(): boolean;


Whether the current node is a Card component of inline type

isInlineCard(): boolean;


Is it an editable card

isEditableCard(): boolean;


Whether it is the root node

isRoot(): boolean;


Whether it is an editable node

isEditable(): boolean;


Is it in the root node

inEditor(): boolean;


Whether it is a cursor marked node

isCursor(): boolean


Get the current Node node

get<E extends Node>(): E | null;


Get the current index node

 * Get the current index node
 * @param {number} index
 * @return {NodeInterface|undefined} NodeInterface class, or undefined
eq(index: number): NodeInterface | undefined;


Get the index of the parent node where the current node is located, and only count the nodes whose node type is ELEMENT_NODE

 * Get the index of the parent node where the current node is located, and only calculate the node whose node type is ELEMENT_NODE
 * @return {number} return index
index(): number;


Get the parent node of the current node

 * Get the parent node of the current node
 * @return {NodeInterface} parent node
parent(): NodeInterface | undefined;


Query all child nodes of the current node

 * @param {Node | string} selector querier
 * @return {NodeInterface} Eligible child nodes
children(selector?: string): NodeInterface;


Get the first child node of the current node

 * Get the first child node of the current node
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface child node
first(): NodeInterface | null;


Get the last child node of the current node

 * Get the last child node of the current node
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface child node
last(): NodeInterface | null;


Return the sibling node before the node (including text node, comment node)

 * Return the sibling nodes before the node (including text nodes and comment nodes)
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface node
prev(): NodeInterface | null;


Return the sibling nodes after the node (including text nodes and comment nodes)

 * Return the sibling nodes after the node (including text nodes and comment nodes)
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface node
next(): NodeInterface | null;


Return the sibling nodes before the node (not including text nodes and comment nodes)

 * Return the sibling nodes before the node (not including text nodes and comment nodes)
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface node
prevElement(): NodeInterface | null;


Return the sibling nodes after the node (not including text nodes and comment nodes)

 * Return the sibling nodes after the node (not including text nodes and comment nodes)
 * @return {NodeInterface} NodeInterface node
nextElement(): NodeInterface | null;


Returns the path of the root node where the node is located, the default root node is document.body

 * Return the path of the root node where the node is located, the default root node is document.body
 * @param {Node} context root node, the default is document.body
 * @return {number} path
getPath(context?: Node | NodeInterface): Array<number>;


Determine whether the node contains the node to be queried

 * Determine whether the node contains the node to be queried
 * @param {NodeInterface | Node} node The node to be queried
 * @return {Boolean} Does it contain
contains(node: NodeInterface | Node): boolean;


Query the current node according to the querier

 * Query the current node according to the querier
 * @param {String} selector finder
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns a NodeInterface instance
find(selector: string): NodeInterface;


Query the parent node closest to the current node that meets the criteria according to the querier

 * Query the parent node closest to the current node that meets the criteria according to the querier
 * @param {string} selector querier
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns a NodeInterface instance
    selector: string,
    callback?: (node: Node) => Node | undefined,
): NodeInterface;


Bind events to the current node

 * Bind events to the current node
 * @param {String} eventType event type
 * @param {Function} listener event function
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
on(eventType: string, listener: EventListener): NodeInterface;


Remove current node event

 * Remove the current node event
 * @param {String} eventType event type
 * @param {Function} listener event function
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
off(eventType: string, listener: EventListener): NodeInterface;


Get the position of the current node relative to the viewport

 * Get the position of the current node relative to the viewport
 * @param {Object} defaultValue default value
 * @return {Object}
 * {
 * top,
 * bottom,
 * left,
 * right
getBoundingClientRect(defaultValue?: {
    top: number;
    bottom: number;
    left: number;
    right: number;
    | {top: number; bottom: number; left: number; right: number}
    | undefined;


Remove all bound events of the current node

 * Remove all bound events of the current node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current NodeInterface instance
removeAllEvents(): NodeInterface;


Get the offset of the current node relative to the parent node

 * Get the offset of the current node relative to the parent node
offset(): number;


Get or set node attributes

 * Get or set node attributes
 * @param {string|undefined} key attribute name, key is empty to get all attributes, return Map
 * @param {string|undefined} val attribute value, val is empty to get the attribute of the current key, return string|null
 * @return {NodeInterface|{[k:string]:string}} return value or current instance
attributes(): {[k: string]: string };
attributes(key: {[k: string]: string }): string;
attributes(key: string, val: string | number): NodeInterface;
attributes(key: string): string;
    key?: string | {[k: string]: string },
    val?: string | number,
): NodeInterface | {[k: string]: string} | string;


Remove node attributes

 * Remove node attributes
 * @param {String} key attribute name
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
removeAttributes(key: string): NodeInterface;


Determine whether the node contains a certain class

 * Determine whether the node contains a certain class
 * @param {String} className style name
 * @return {Boolean} Does it contain
hasClass(className: string): boolean;


Add a class to the node

 * @param {string} className
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
addClass(className: string): NodeInterface;


Remove node class

 * Remove node class
 * @param {String} className
 * @return {NodeInterface} returns the current instance
removeClass(className: string): NodeInterface;


Get or set the node style

 * Get or set the node style
 * @param {String|undefined} key style name
 * @param {String|undefined} val style value
 * @return {NodeInterface|{[k:string]:string}} return value or current instance
css(): {[k: string]: string };
css(key: {[k: string]: string | number }): NodeInterface;
css(key: string): string;
css(key: string, val: string | number): NodeInterface;
    key?: string | {[k: string]: string | number },
    val?: string | number,
): NodeInterface | {[k: string]: string} | string;


Get node width

 * Get node width
 * @return {number} width
width(): number;


Get node height

 * Get node height
 * @return {Number} height
height(): number;


Get or set node html text

 * Get or set node html text
html(): string;
html(html: string): NodeInterface;
html(html?: string): NodeInterface | string;


 * Get or set the node text
text(): string;
text(text: string): NodeInterface;
text(text?: string): string | NodeInterface;


Set node to display state

 * Set the node to display state
 * @param {String} display display value
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
show(display?: string): NodeInterface;


Set node to hidden state

 * Set the node to be hidden
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
hide(): NodeInterface;


Remove all nodes of the current instance

 * Remove all nodes of the current instance
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
remove(): NodeInterface;


Clear all child nodes under the node, including text

 * Clear all child nodes under the node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
empty(): NodeInterface;


Compare whether two nodes are the same, including the reference address

* Compare whether two nodes are the same
* @param {NodeInterface|Node} node The node to compare
* @return {Boolean} are they the same
equal(node: NodeInterface | Node): boolean;


Copy node

 * Copy node
 * @param deep Whether to deep copy
clone(deep?: boolean): NodeInterface;


Insert the specified content at the beginning of the node

 * Insert the specified content at the beginning of the node
 * @param {Selector} selector selector or node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
prepend(selector: Selector): NodeInterface;


Insert the specified content at the end of the node

 * Insert the specified content at the end of the node
 * @param {Selector} selector selector or node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
append(selector: Selector): NodeInterface;


Insert a new node before the node

 * Insert a new node before the node
 * @param {Selector} selector selector or node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
before(selector: Selector): NodeInterface;


Insert content after the node

 * Insert content after the node
 * @param {Selector} selector selector or node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
after(selector: Selector): NodeInterface;


Replace node with new content

 * Replace the node with new content
 * @param {Selector} selector selector or node
 * @return {NodeInterface} current instance
replaceWith(selector: Selector): NodeInterface;


Get the root node of the editing area where the node is located

 * Get the root node of the editing area where the node is located
getRoot(): NodeInterface;


Traverse all child nodes

 * Traverse all child nodes
 * @param callback callback function, false: stop traversal, true: stop traversing the current node and child nodes, and continue to traverse the next sibling node
 * @param order true: order, false: reverse order, default true
    callback: (node: NodeInterface) => boolean | void,
    order?: boolean,
): void;


Get child nodes according to path

 * Get child nodes according to the path
 * @param path path
getChildByPath(path: Path, filter?: (node: Node) => boolean): Node;


Get the index of the parent node where the current node is located

 * Get the index in the parent node of the current node
getIndex(filter?: (node: Node) => boolean): number;


Get the parent node in the specified container

 * Get the parent node in the specified container
 * @param container container node, the default is the editor root node
findParent(container?: Node | NodeInterface): NodeInterface | null;


Get all child nodes under the node

 * Get all child nodes under the node
allChildren(): Array<Node>;


Returns the view boundary of the top-level window object of the current node or the current node where the passed node is located

 * Returns the view boundary of the top-level window object of the current node where the current node or the passed-in node is located
 * @param node node
    node?: NodeInterface,
): {top: number; left: number; bottom: number; right: number };


Determine whether the view is within the view boundary calculated by the node node based on the top-level window object of the current node

 * Determine whether the view is within the view boundary calculated by the node node according to the top-level window object of the current node
 * @param node node
 * @param view is at the node of the view
inViewport(node: NodeInterface, view: NodeInterface): boolean;


If the view node is not visible, it will scroll to the align position, the default is nearest

 * If the view node is not visible, it will scroll to the align position, the default is nearest
 * @param node node
 * @param view view node
 * @param align position
    node: NodeInterface,
    view: NodeInterface,
    align?:'start' |'center' |'end' |'nearest',
): void;