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Toolbar configuration
Introduce the toolbar
//vue3 please use @aomao/toolbar-vue
//vue2 please use am-editor-toolbar-vue2
import Toolbar, { ToolbarPlugin, ToolbarComponent } from '@aomao/toolbar';
-Toolbar Toolbar component -ToolbarPlugin provides plugins to the engine -ToolbarComponent provides the card component to the engine
Except for the Toolbar
component, the latter two are shortcuts to realize the toolbar card plug-in option when you press /
in the editor
Types of
There are now four ways to display the toolbar
button -downdrop
drop-down box -color
color palette -collapse
drop-down panel, the drop-down box that appears on the first button of the toolbar, and card-form components are basically placed here
The attributes that the Toolbar component needs to pass in:
-An instance of the editor
editor, which can be used to automatically invoke the plug-in execution -items
plugin display configuration list
Configuration item
items is a two-dimensional array. We can put plugins of the same concept in a group for easy searching. After rendering, each group will be separated by a dividing line
items: [['collapse'], ['bold', 'italic']];
All the display forms of the existing plug-ins have been configured in the Toolbar component, and we can directly pass in the plug-in name to use these configurations. Of course, we can also pass in an object to cover part of the configuration
items: [
name: 'bold',
icon: 'icon',
title: 'Prompt text',
If the default configuration is found through the name
attribute, the type
attribute will not be overwritten. If the configured name
is not part of the default configuration, it will be processed according to the custom button
pop-up windows
Follow the mouse to drag the selected toolbar pop-up box
import {ToolbarPlugin} from'@aomao/toolbar';
import type {ToolbarOptions} from'@aomao/toolbar';
const toolbarOptions: ToolbarOptions = {
popup: {
items: [
items: [
new Engine(...,{ config: {
[ToolbarPlugin.pluginName]: toolbarOptions,
} })
Usually used to configure the card drop-down box
Need to specify type
as collapse
Custom style name
The button icon, which can be a React component, or a string of html in Vue
Button display content, will be displayed together with icon
It can be a React component, or it can be a string of html in Vue. Or a method, and return React component or html string
List item selected event, return false
, the default command of list item configuration will not be executed
onSelect?: (event: React.MouseEvent, name: string) => void | boolean;
Group display
The groups
property can be set to classify cards for different purposes as needed
If title
is not filled in, the grouping style will not appear
// Display group information
items: [
type: 'collapse',
groups: [
title: 'File',
items: ['image-uploader', 'file-uploader'],
// or do not display group information
items: [
type: 'collapse',
groups: [
items: ['bold', 'underline'],
Configure items
of collapse
The following cards have been configured by default
We can specify name
as the name of an existing card, and configure other options to override the default configuration.
Of course, we can also specify other names to complete custom item
items: [
type: 'collapse',
groups: [
items: [{ name: 'codeblock', content: 'I am CodeBlock' }],
The basic properties are the same as the button
properties, which can be viewed in the following part of the article, here are the special properties relative to the button
To query characters, in the toolbar plug-in, we can use /
to call up shortcut options in the editor, and search for related cards, so you can specify a combination of related keywords and characters here
List item description, can return a React
component, or Vue
can return html
The content that needs to be rendered when the mouse is moved into the list item can return a React
component, or Vue
can return a html
The effect is similar to the table
card item. After the input is moved in, a table with selected columns and rows will be displayed
List item click event, return false
will not execute the configured default command
onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent, name: string) => void | boolean;
button configuration properties
Configure in the toolbar items, you need to specify the type
as button
Button name
If the button name is the same as the toolbar default configuration item name, then the default configuration will be overwritten, otherwise it will be used as a custom button
The button icon, which can be a React component, or a string of html in Vue
Button display content, will be displayed together with icon
It can be a React component, or it can be a string of html in Vue. Or a method, and return React component or html string
The prompt message displayed when the mouse moves into the button
Set the location of the prompt message
Whether to display the hot key, or set the information of the hot key
The default is to display the hotkey to the prompt message (title
), and use the name
information to find the hotkey set by the plug-in
hotkey?: boolean | string;
When the button is clicked, whether to automatically execute the plug-in command, it is enabled by default
Plug-in command or parameter
If this parameter is configured and the autoExecute
property is enabled, when the button is clicked, this configuration is called to execute the plug-in command
If name
is configured, execute the plugin corresponding to name
, otherwise execute the plugin corresponding to name
specified by button
If there is a configuration of args
or command
as a pure array, it will be passed as a parameter to the command to execute the plugin
command?: {name: string; args: Array<any>} | Array<any>;
Configure the style name for the button
Mouse click event
If it returns false, the plugin command will not be executed automatically
onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void | boolean;
Mouse button press event
onMouseDown?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void;
Mouse in button event
onMouseEnter?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void;
Mouse off button event
onMouseLeave?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void;
The custom button is activated and selected, and the plug-in engine.command.queryState
method is called by default
onActive?: () => boolean;
The custom button is disabled, and the plugin engine.command.queryEnabled
is called by default
onDisabled?: () => boolean;
dropdown configuration properties
Configure in the toolbar items, you need to specify type
as dropdown
items: [
Drop-down list items, similar to buttons
key: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
content?: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode);
hotkey?: boolean | string;
isDefault?: boolean;
title?: string;
className?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
command?: {name: string; args: Array<any>} | Array<any>;
autoExecute?: boolean;
Drop-down list name
If the name is the same as the toolbar default configuration item name, then the default existing configuration will be overwritten, otherwise it will be used as a custom drop-down list
The button icon, which can be a React component, or a string of html in Vue
Button display content, will be displayed together with icon
It can be a React component, or it can be a string of html in Vue. Or a method, and return React component or html string
The prompt message displayed when the mouse moves into the button
The selected value in the drop-down list is obtained by engine.command.queryState
by default. If there is a configuration of onActive
, the value will be obtained from the custom onActive
values?: string | Array<string>;
Single selection or multiple selection
single?: boolean;
Drop-down list style
Arrangement direction vertical
| horizontal
direction?:'vertical' |'horizontal';
List item selection event, return false
will not automatically execute the command configured for the selected item
onSelect?: (event: React.MouseEvent, key: string) => void | boolean;
Whether to show the drop-down arrow
hasArrow?: boolean;
Whether to display the check effect after the selected value
hasDot?: boolean;
Custom render the content displayed after the drop-down list is selected, the default is the icon
or content
configured by the drop-down list
Can return React components or Vue can return html strings
renderContent?: (item: DropdownListItem) => React.ReactNode;
The custom button is activated and selected, and the plug-in engine.command.queryState
method is called by default
onActive?: () => boolean;
The custom button is disabled, and the plugin engine.command.queryEnabled
is called by default
onDisabled?: () => boolean;
Default configuration of all plugins
['undo', 'redo', 'paintformat', 'removeformat'],
['heading', 'fontfamily', 'fontsize'],
['bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', 'underline', 'moremark'],
['fontcolor', 'backcolor'],
['unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'tasklist', 'indent', 'line-height'],
['link', 'quote', 'hr'],
These default configuration details can be found here:
React: https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/blob/master/packages/toolbar/src/config/toolbar/index.tsx
Vue3: https://github.com/yanmao-cc/am-editor/blob/master/packages/toolbar-vue/src/config/index.ts
Vue2: https://github.com/zb201307/am-editor-vue2/blob/main/packages/toolbar/src/config/index.ts