
This commit is contained in:
yangchch6 2019-08-31 11:32:29 +08:00
parent d3b4cb34de
commit cc2a624fe6
10 changed files with 1243 additions and 568 deletions

View File

@ -867,7 +867,8 @@ var Table = function (_Component) {
// }
var record = data[i];
var key = this.getRowKey(record, i);
var childrenColumn = record[childrenColumnName];
var isLeaf = typeof record['isLeaf'] === 'boolean' && record['isLeaf'] || false;
var childrenColumn = isLeaf ? false : record[childrenColumnName];
var isRowExpanded = this.isRowExpanded(record, i);
var expandedRowContent = void 0;
var expandedContentHeight = 0;

View File

@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ var _propTypes = require("prop-types");
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes);
var _utils = require("./utils");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _defaults(obj, defaults) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(defaults); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(defaults, key); if (value && value.configurable && obj[key] === undefined) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, value); } } return obj; }
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
@ -64,6 +68,9 @@ function bigData(Table) {
_this2.setRowHeight = _this2.setRowHeight.bind(_this2);
_this2.setRowParentIndex = _this2.setRowParentIndex.bind(_this2);
_this2.expandedRowKeys = [];
_this2.flatTreeKeysMap = {}; //树表,扁平结构数据的 Map 映射,方便获取各节点信息
_this2.flatTreeData = []; //深度遍历处理后的data数组
_this2.treeData = []; //树表的data数据
return _this2;
@ -98,12 +105,41 @@ function bigData(Table) {
BigData.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
var data = this.props.data;
BigData.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() {
var endIndex = this.endIndex,
startIndex = this.startIndex;
var sliceTreeList = [];
var _props = this.props,
data = _props.data,
isTree = _props.isTree;
var isTreeType = isTree ? true : this.checkIsTreeType();
if (isTreeType) {
this.treeType = isTreeType;
var flatTreeData = this.deepTraversal(data);
sliceTreeList = flatTreeData.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
this.flatTreeData = flatTreeData;
* 深度遍历树形 data把数据拍平变为一维数组
* @param {*} data
* @param {*} parentKey 标识父节点
* @param {*} isShown 该节点是否显示在页面中当节点的父节点是展开状态 该节点是根节点时该值为 true
* 将截取后的 List 数组转换为 Tree 结构并更新 state
@ -206,9 +242,10 @@ function bigData(Table) {
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (this.cachedRowHeight[i] == undefined) {
if (this.treeType) {
currentKey = this.keys[i];
// currentKey = this.keys[i];
currentKey = this.flatTreeData[i].key;
currentRowHeight = 0;
if (this.firstLevelKey.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0 || this.expandChildRowKeys.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0) {
if (this.flatTreeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(currentKey)) {
currentRowHeight = rowHeight;
@ -272,7 +309,10 @@ function bigData(Table) {
var data = this.props.data;
var scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
var endIndex = this.endIndex,
startIndex = this.startIndex;
startIndex = this.startIndex,
treeData = this.treeData,
treeType = this.treeType,
flatTreeData = this.flatTreeData;
var expandedRowKeys = this.props.expandedRowKeys ? this.props.expandedRowKeys : this.expandedRowKeys;
if (startIndex < 0) {
@ -281,34 +321,44 @@ function bigData(Table) {
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = 0;
if (endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = data.length;
if (treeType && endIndex > flatTreeData.length || !treeType && endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = treeType ? flatTreeData.length : data.length;
var lazyLoad = {
startIndex: startIndex,
endIndex: endIndex,
startParentIndex: startIndex //为树状节点做准备
if (this.treeType) {
var preSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(function (item) {
return item == startIndex;
var sufSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(function (item) {
return item == endIndex;
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(0, preSubCounts > -1 ? preSubCounts : 0);
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(sufSubCounts + 1 > 0 ? sufSubCounts + 1 : this.cachedRowParentIndex.length, this.cachedRowParentIndex.length);
if (treeType) {
// const preSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
// return item == startIndex;
// });
// const sufSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
// return item == endIndex;
// });
// lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(
// 0,
// preSubCounts > -1 ? preSubCounts : 0
// );
// lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(
// sufSubCounts + 1 > 0
// ? sufSubCounts + 1
// : this.cachedRowParentIndex.length,
// this.cachedRowParentIndex.length
// );
if (preSubCounts > 0) {
lazyLoad.startIndex = preSubCounts;
// if (preSubCounts > 0) {
// lazyLoad.startIndex = preSubCounts;
// }
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(0, startIndex);
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(endIndex, flatTreeData.length);
} else {
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(0, startIndex);
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(endIndex, data.length);
// console.log('*******expandedRowKeys*****'+expandedRowKeys);
return _react2["default"].createElement(Table, _extends({}, this.props, {
data: data.slice(startIndex, endIndex),
data: Array.isArray(treeData) && treeData.length > 0 ? treeData : data.slice(startIndex, endIndex),
lazyLoad: lazyLoad,
handleScrollY: this.handleScrollY,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
@ -336,6 +386,66 @@ function bigData(Table) {
}, _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this4 = this;
this.deepTraversal = function (treeData) {
var parentKey = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
var isShown = arguments[2];
var _this = _this4;
var cacheExpandedKeys = _this.cacheExpandedKeys,
_this$expandedRowKeys = _this.expandedRowKeys,
expandedRowKeys = _this$expandedRowKeys === undefined ? [] : _this$expandedRowKeys,
flatTreeKeysMap = _this.flatTreeKeysMap,
flatTreeData = [],
dataCopy = treeData;
if (Array.isArray(dataCopy)) {
for (var i = 0, l = dataCopy.length; i < l; i++) {
var _dataCopy$i = dataCopy[i],
key = _dataCopy$i.key,
children = _dataCopy$i.children,
props = _objectWithoutProperties(_dataCopy$i, ["key", "children"]);
var dataCopyI = new Object();
var isLeaf = children ? false : true,
isExpanded = cacheExpandedKeys ? cacheExpandedKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1 : expandedRowKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1;
dataCopyI = _extends(dataCopyI, {
key: key,
isExpanded: isExpanded,
parentKey: parentKey,
isShown: isShown,
isLeaf: isLeaf,
index: flatTreeData.length
}, _extends({}, props));
//该节点的父节点是展开状态 或 该节点是根节点
if (isShown || parentKey === null) {
flatTreeData.push(dataCopyI); // 取每项数据放入一个新数组
flatTreeKeysMap[key] = dataCopyI;
if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length > 0) {
// 若存在children则递归调用把数据拼接到新数组中并且删除该children
flatTreeData = flatTreeData.concat(_this4.deepTraversal(children, key, isExpanded));
return flatTreeData;
this.handleTreeListChange = function (treeList, startIndex, endIndex) {
// 属性配置设置
var attr = {
id: 'key',
parendId: 'parentKey',
rootId: null,
isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
var treeData = (0, _utils.convertListToTree)(treeList, attr, _this4.flatTreeKeysMap);
_this4.startIndex = typeof startIndex !== "undefined" ? startIndex : _this4.startIndex;
_this4.endIndex = typeof endIndex !== "undefined" ? endIndex : _this4.endIndex;
_this4.treeData = treeData;
this.computeCachedRowParentIndex = function (data) {
var isTree = _this4.props.isTree;
@ -373,7 +483,8 @@ function bigData(Table) {
currentIndex = _this$currentIndex === undefined ? 0 : _this$currentIndex,
loadCount = _this.loadCount,
scrollTop = _this.scrollTop,
currentScrollTop = _this.currentScrollTop;
currentScrollTop = _this.currentScrollTop,
flatTreeData = _this.flatTreeData;
var endIndex = _this.endIndex,
startIndex = _this.startIndex;
var needRender = _this.state.needRender;
@ -388,9 +499,10 @@ function bigData(Table) {
var currentRowHeight = _this4.cachedRowHeight[index];
if (currentRowHeight === undefined) {
if (_this4.treeType) {
currentKey = _this4.keys[index];
// currentKey = this.keys[index];
currentKey = _this4.flatTreeData[index].key;
currentRowHeight = 0;
if (_this4.firstLevelKey.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0 || _this4.expandChildRowKeys.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0) {
if (_this4.flatTreeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(currentKey)) {
currentRowHeight = rowHeight;
} else {
@ -418,21 +530,25 @@ function bigData(Table) {
while (rowsHeight < viewHeight && tempIndex < _this4.cachedRowHeight.length) {
if (_this4.cachedRowHeight[tempIndex]) {
rowsHeight += _this4.cachedRowHeight[tempIndex];
if (treeType && _this.cachedRowParentIndex[tempIndex] !== tempIndex || !treeType) {
// if (
// (treeType &&
// _this.cachedRowParentIndex[tempIndex] !== tempIndex) ||
// !treeType
// ) {
// }
if (treeType) {
var treeIndex = index;
index = _this.cachedRowParentIndex[treeIndex];
if (index === undefined) {
// console.log('index is undefined********'+treeIndex);
index = _this4.getParentIndex(treeIndex);
// console.log("getParentIndex****"+index);
// if (treeType) {
// const treeIndex = index;
// index = _this.cachedRowParentIndex[treeIndex];
// if (index === undefined) {
// // console.log('index is undefined********'+treeIndex);
// index = this.getParentIndex(treeIndex);
// // console.log("getParentIndex****"+index);
// }
// }
// console.log('parentIndex*********',index);
// 如果rowsInView 小于 缓存的数据则重新render
// 向下滚动 下临界值超出缓存的endIndex则重新渲染
@ -440,12 +556,15 @@ function bigData(Table) {
startIndex = index - loadBuffer > 0 ? index - loadBuffer : 0;
// endIndex = startIndex + rowsInView + loadBuffer*2;
endIndex = startIndex + loadCount;
if (endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = data.length;
if (treeType && endIndex > flatTreeData.length || !treeType && endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = treeType ? flatTreeData.length : data.length;
if (endIndex > _this4.endIndex) {
_this4.startIndex = startIndex;
_this4.endIndex = endIndex;
if (treeType) {
_this4.handleTreeListChange(flatTreeData.slice(startIndex, endIndex), startIndex, endIndex);
_this4.setState({ needRender: !needRender });
callback(parseInt(currentIndex + rowsInView));
@ -459,6 +578,9 @@ function bigData(Table) {
if (startIndex < _this4.startIndex) {
_this4.startIndex = startIndex;
_this4.endIndex = _this4.startIndex + loadCount;
if (treeType) {
_this4.handleTreeListChange(flatTreeData.slice(startIndex, _this4.endIndex), startIndex, _this4.endIndex);
_this4.setState({ needRender: !needRender });
callback(parseInt(currentIndex + rowsInView));
@ -474,9 +596,10 @@ function bigData(Table) {
this.onExpand = function (expandState, record, index) {
var _this = _this4;
var _this$expandedRowKeys = _this.expandedRowKeys,
expandedRowKeys = _this$expandedRowKeys === undefined ? [] : _this$expandedRowKeys;
var _this$expandedRowKeys2 = _this.expandedRowKeys,
expandedRowKeys = _this$expandedRowKeys2 === undefined ? [] : _this$expandedRowKeys2;
var needRender = _this.state.needRender;
var data = _this.props.data;
var rowKey = _this.getRowKey(record, index);
// 记录展开子表行的key
@ -514,6 +637,17 @@ function bigData(Table) {
if (_this4.treeType) {
//收起和展开时,缓存 expandedKeys
_this.cacheExpandedKeys = expandedRowKeys;
var flatTreeData = _this.deepTraversal(data);
var sliceTreeList = flatTreeData.slice(_this.startIndex, _this.endIndex);
_this.flatTreeData = flatTreeData;
_this.cacheExpandedKeys = null;
// expandState为true时记录下
_this.props.onExpand(expandState, record);

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ exports.getColChildrenLength = getColChildrenLength;
exports.DicimalFormater = DicimalFormater;
exports.checkDicimalInvalid = checkDicimalInvalid;
exports.formatMoney = formatMoney;
exports.convertListToTree = convertListToTree;
var _warning = require('warning');
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ var _parseInt2 = _interopRequireDefault(_parseInt);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
var scrollbarSize = void 0;
// Measure scrollbar width for padding body during modal show/hide
@ -333,4 +336,105 @@ var Event = exports.Event = {
getTarget: getTarget,
preventDefault: preventDefault,
stopPropagation: stopPropagation
* 将一维数组转换为树结构
* @param {*} treeData 扁平结构的 List 数组
* @param {*} attr 属性配置设置
* @param {*} flatTreeKeysMap 存储所有 key-value 的映射方便获取各节点信息
};function convertListToTree(treeData, attr, flatTreeKeysMap) {
var tree = []; //存储所有一级节点
var resData = treeData,
//resData 存储截取的节点 + 父节点(除一级节点外)
resKeysMap = {},
//resData 的Map映射
treeKeysMap = {}; //tree 的Map映射
resData.map(function (element) {
var key = attr.id;
resKeysMap[element[key]] = element;
// 查找父节点,为了补充不完整的数据结构
var findParentNode = function findParentNode(node) {
var parentKey = node[attr.parendId];
if (parentKey !== attr.rootId) {
var item = flatTreeKeysMap[parentKey];
// 用 resKeysMap 判断,避免重复计算某节点的父节点
if (resKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(item[attr.id])) return;
resKeysMap[item[attr.id]] = item;
} else {
// 用 treeKeysMap 判断,避免重复累加
if (!treeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(node[attr.id])) {
var key = node.key,
title = node.title,
children = node.children,
isLeaf = node.isLeaf,
otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(node, ['key', 'title', 'children', 'isLeaf']);
var obj = {
key: key,
title: title,
isLeaf: isLeaf,
children: []
tree.push(_extends(obj, _extends({}, otherProps)));
treeKeysMap[key] = node;
// 遍历 resData ,找到所有的一级节点
for (var i = 0; i < resData.length; i++) {
var item = resData[i];
if (item[attr.parendId] === attr.rootId && !treeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(item[attr.id])) {
//如果是根节点,就存放进 tree 对象中
var key = item.key,
title = item.title,
children = item.children,
otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(item, ['key', 'title', 'children']);
var obj = {
key: item[attr.id],
isLeaf: item[attr.isLeaf],
children: []
tree.push(_extends(obj, _extends({}, otherProps)));
treeKeysMap[key] = item;
resData.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// console.log('resData',resKeysMap);
var run = function run(treeArrs) {
if (resData.length > 0) {
for (var _i = 0; _i < treeArrs.length; _i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < resData.length; j++) {
var _item = resData[j];
if (treeArrs[_i].key === _item[attr.parendId]) {
var _key = _item.key,
_title = _item.title,
_children = _item.children,
_otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_item, ['key', 'title', 'children']);
var _obj = {
key: _item[attr.id],
isLeaf: _item[attr.isLeaf],
children: []
treeArrs[_i].children.push(_extends(_obj, _extends({}, _otherProps)));
resData.splice(j, 1);
return tree;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ const columns = [
return index
//树形表格,可取 record.index 作为序号索引值
return record.index
@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ const data = [ ...new Array(1000) ].map((e, i) => {
rs.children = [];
for(let subi=0;subi<3;subi++){
rs.children.push({a: i +subi + 'asub', b: i +subi + 'bsub', c: i + subi +'csub', d: i + subi +'dsub', key: i+ `${subi} sub`});
rs.children[subi].children = []
for(let subj=0;subj<100;subj++){
rs.children[subi].children.push({a: 333+' '+subj, b: 333+' '+subj, c: 333+' '+subj, d: 333+' '+subj, key: i+ `${subj} sub1`});
rs.children = [];

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/demo.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/demo.js.map vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -710,7 +710,8 @@ class Table extends Component {
// }
const record = data[i];
const key = this.getRowKey(record, i);
const childrenColumn = record[childrenColumnName];
const isLeaf = typeof record['isLeaf'] === 'boolean' && record['isLeaf'] || false;
const childrenColumn = isLeaf ? false : record[childrenColumnName];
const isRowExpanded = this.isRowExpanded(record, i);
let expandedRowContent;
let expandedContentHeight = 0;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { convertListToTree } from "./utils";
const defaultHeight = 30;
const rowDiff = 2; //行差值
let treeTypeIndex = 0;
@ -43,6 +44,9 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
this.setRowHeight = this.setRowHeight.bind(this);
this.setRowParentIndex = this.setRowParentIndex.bind(this);
this.expandedRowKeys = [];
this.flatTreeKeysMap = {}; //树表,扁平结构数据的 Map 映射,方便获取各节点信息
this.flatTreeData = []; //深度遍历处理后的data数组
this.treeData = []; //树表的data数据
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const props = this.props;
@ -76,9 +80,79 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
componentDidMount() {
const { data } = this.props;
componentWillMount() {
let { endIndex, startIndex } = this;
let sliceTreeList = [];
const { data,isTree } = this.props;
const isTreeType = isTree?true:this.checkIsTreeType();
this.treeType = isTreeType;
let flatTreeData = this.deepTraversal(data);
sliceTreeList = flatTreeData.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
this.flatTreeData = flatTreeData;
* 深度遍历树形 data把数据拍平变为一维数组
* @param {*} data
* @param {*} parentKey 标识父节点
* @param {*} isShown 该节点是否显示在页面中当节点的父节点是展开状态 该节点是根节点时该值为 true
deepTraversal = (treeData, parentKey=null, isShown) => {
const _this = this;
let {cacheExpandedKeys, expandedRowKeys = [], flatTreeKeysMap} = _this,
flatTreeData = [],
dataCopy = treeData;
for (let i=0, l=dataCopy.length; i<l; i++) {
let { key, children, ...props } = dataCopy[i];
let dataCopyI = new Object();
let isLeaf = children ? false : true,
isExpanded = cacheExpandedKeys ? cacheExpandedKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1 : expandedRowKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1;
dataCopyI = Object.assign(dataCopyI,{
parentKey : parentKey,
index: flatTreeData.length
//该节点的父节点是展开状态 或 该节点是根节点
if(isShown || parentKey === null){
flatTreeData.push(dataCopyI); // 取每项数据放入一个新数组
flatTreeKeysMap[key] = dataCopyI;
if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length > 0){
// 若存在children则递归调用把数据拼接到新数组中并且删除该children
flatTreeData = flatTreeData.concat(this.deepTraversal(children, key, isExpanded));
return flatTreeData;
* 将截取后的 List 数组转换为 Tree 结构并更新 state
handleTreeListChange = (treeList, startIndex, endIndex) => {
// 属性配置设置
let attr = {
id: 'key',
parendId: 'parentKey',
rootId: null,
isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
let treeData = convertListToTree(treeList, attr, this.flatTreeKeysMap);
this.startIndex = typeof(startIndex) !== "undefined" ? startIndex : this.startIndex;
this.endIndex = typeof(endIndex) !== "undefined" ? endIndex : this.endIndex;
this.treeData = treeData;
@ -191,11 +265,11 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (this.cachedRowHeight[i] == undefined) {
if (this.treeType) {
currentKey = this.keys[i];
// currentKey = this.keys[i];
currentKey = this.flatTreeData[i].key;
currentRowHeight = 0;
if (
this.firstLevelKey.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0 ||
this.expandChildRowKeys.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0
) {
currentRowHeight = rowHeight;
@ -226,7 +300,8 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
currentIndex = 0,
} = _this;
let { endIndex, startIndex } = _this;
const { needRender } = _this.state;
@ -240,11 +315,11 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
let currentRowHeight = this.cachedRowHeight[index];
if (currentRowHeight === undefined) {
if (this.treeType) {
currentKey = this.keys[index];
// currentKey = this.keys[index];
currentKey = this.flatTreeData[index].key;
currentRowHeight = 0;
if (
this.firstLevelKey.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0 ||
this.expandChildRowKeys.indexOf(currentKey) >= 0
) {
currentRowHeight = rowHeight;
@ -276,25 +351,25 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
) {
if (this.cachedRowHeight[tempIndex]) {
rowsHeight += this.cachedRowHeight[tempIndex];
if (
(treeType &&
_this.cachedRowParentIndex[tempIndex] !== tempIndex) ||
) {
// if (
// (treeType &&
// _this.cachedRowParentIndex[tempIndex] !== tempIndex) ||
// !treeType
// ) {
// }
if (treeType) {
const treeIndex = index;
index = _this.cachedRowParentIndex[treeIndex];
if (index === undefined) {
// console.log('index is undefined********'+treeIndex);
index = this.getParentIndex(treeIndex);
// console.log("getParentIndex****"+index);
// if (treeType) {
// const treeIndex = index;
// index = _this.cachedRowParentIndex[treeIndex];
// if (index === undefined) {
// // console.log('index is undefined********'+treeIndex);
// index = this.getParentIndex(treeIndex);
// // console.log("getParentIndex****"+index);
// }
// }
// console.log('parentIndex*********',index);
// 如果rowsInView 小于 缓存的数据则重新render
// 向下滚动 下临界值超出缓存的endIndex则重新渲染
@ -302,12 +377,15 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
startIndex = index - loadBuffer > 0 ? index - loadBuffer : 0;
// endIndex = startIndex + rowsInView + loadBuffer*2;
endIndex = startIndex + loadCount;
if (endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = data.length;
if (treeType && endIndex > flatTreeData.length || !treeType && endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = treeType ? flatTreeData.length : data.length;
if (endIndex > this.endIndex ) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endIndex = endIndex;
if(treeType) {
this.handleTreeListChange(flatTreeData.slice(startIndex,endIndex), startIndex, endIndex)
this.setState({ needRender: !needRender });
callback(parseInt(currentIndex + rowsInView));
@ -321,6 +399,9 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
if (startIndex < this.startIndex) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endIndex = this.startIndex + loadCount;
if(treeType) {
this.handleTreeListChange(flatTreeData.slice(startIndex,this.endIndex), startIndex, this.endIndex)
this.setState({ needRender: !needRender });
callback(parseInt(currentIndex + rowsInView));
@ -373,6 +454,7 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
const _this = this;
let {expandedRowKeys = []} = _this;
const {needRender} = _this.state;
const { data } = _this.props;
const rowKey = _this.getRowKey(record, index);
// 记录展开子表行的key
// 展开
@ -413,6 +495,16 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
if(this.treeType) {
//收起和展开时,缓存 expandedKeys
_this.cacheExpandedKeys = expandedRowKeys;
let flatTreeData = _this.deepTraversal(data);
let sliceTreeList = flatTreeData.slice(_this.startIndex, _this.endIndex);
_this.flatTreeData = flatTreeData;
_this.cacheExpandedKeys = null;
// expandState为true时记录下
_this.props.onExpand(expandState, record);
@ -422,7 +514,7 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
render() {
const { data } = this.props;
const { scrollTop } = this;
let { endIndex, startIndex } = this;
let { endIndex, startIndex, treeData, treeType, flatTreeData } = this;
let expandedRowKeys = this.props.expandedRowKeys?this.props.expandedRowKeys: this.expandedRowKeys;
if(startIndex < 0){
startIndex = 0;
@ -430,35 +522,37 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
if(endIndex < 0 ){
endIndex = 0;
if(endIndex > data.length){
endIndex = data.length;
if (treeType && endIndex > flatTreeData.length || !treeType && endIndex > data.length) {
endIndex = treeType ? flatTreeData.length : data.length;
const lazyLoad = {
startIndex: startIndex,
startParentIndex: startIndex //为树状节点做准备
if (this.treeType) {
const preSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
return item == startIndex;
const sufSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
return item == endIndex;
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(
preSubCounts > -1 ? preSubCounts : 0
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(
sufSubCounts + 1 > 0
? sufSubCounts + 1
: this.cachedRowParentIndex.length,
if (treeType) {
// const preSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
// return item == startIndex;
// });
// const sufSubCounts = this.cachedRowParentIndex.findIndex(item => {
// return item == endIndex;
// });
// lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(
// 0,
// preSubCounts > -1 ? preSubCounts : 0
// );
// lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(
// sufSubCounts + 1 > 0
// ? sufSubCounts + 1
// : this.cachedRowParentIndex.length,
// this.cachedRowParentIndex.length
// );
if (preSubCounts > 0) {
lazyLoad.startIndex = preSubCounts;
// if (preSubCounts > 0) {
// lazyLoad.startIndex = preSubCounts;
// }
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(0, startIndex);
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(endIndex, flatTreeData.length);
} else {
lazyLoad.preHeight = this.getSumHeight(0, startIndex);
lazyLoad.sufHeight = this.getSumHeight(endIndex, data.length);
@ -467,7 +561,7 @@ export default function bigData(Table) {
return (
data={data.slice(startIndex, endIndex)}
data={Array.isArray(treeData) && treeData.length > 0 ? treeData : data.slice(startIndex, endIndex)}

View File

@ -317,4 +317,88 @@ export const Event = {
* 将一维数组转换为树结构
* @param {*} treeData 扁平结构的 List 数组
* @param {*} attr 属性配置设置
* @param {*} flatTreeKeysMap 存储所有 key-value 的映射方便获取各节点信息
export function convertListToTree(treeData, attr, flatTreeKeysMap) {
let tree = []; //存储所有一级节点
let resData = treeData, //resData 存储截取的节点 + 父节点(除一级节点外)
resKeysMap = {}, //resData 的Map映射
treeKeysMap = {}; //tree 的Map映射
resData.map((element) => {
let key = attr.id;
resKeysMap[element[key]] = element;
// 查找父节点,为了补充不完整的数据结构
let findParentNode = (node) => {
let parentKey = node[attr.parendId];
if(parentKey !== attr.rootId) { //如果不是根节点,则继续递归
let item = flatTreeKeysMap[parentKey];
// 用 resKeysMap 判断,避免重复计算某节点的父节点
if(resKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(item[attr.id])) return;
resKeysMap[item[attr.id]] = item;
// 用 treeKeysMap 判断,避免重复累加
if (!treeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(node[attr.id]) ) {
let { key, title, children, isLeaf, ...otherProps } = node;
let obj = {
children: []
tree.push(Object.assign(obj, {...otherProps}));
treeKeysMap[key] = node;
// 遍历 resData ,找到所有的一级节点
for (let i = 0; i < resData.length; i++) {
let item = resData[i];
if (item[attr.parendId] === attr.rootId && !treeKeysMap.hasOwnProperty(item[attr.id])) { //如果是根节点,就存放进 tree 对象中
let { key, title, children, ...otherProps } = item;
let obj = {
key: item[attr.id],
isLeaf: item[attr.isLeaf],
children: []
tree.push(Object.assign(obj, {...otherProps}));
treeKeysMap[key] = item;
resData.splice(i, 1);
}else { //递归查找根节点信息
// console.log('resData',resKeysMap);
var run = function(treeArrs) {
if (resData.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < treeArrs.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < resData.length; j++) {
let item = resData[j];
if (treeArrs[i].key === item[attr.parendId]) {
let { key, title, children, ...otherProps } = item;
let obj = {
key: item[attr.id],
isLeaf: item[attr.isLeaf],
children: []
treeArrs[i].children.push(Object.assign(obj, {...otherProps}));
resData.splice(j, 1);
return tree;